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Total Divas vs Summerslam

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So which rating / buys is going to be more affected by Total Divas being on during the PPV? Or is the audience so different neither will be affected?


I don't really see either one taking a hit.  The people watching the trainwreck reality show probably aren't the ones ordering PPV anyway.


  1. Your_Favourite_AssholeAugust 17, 2013 at 4:30 PM

    they have these new fangled things where you can watch one show while recording another

    i hear the betamax format is the future of the two being offered

  2. In a nation of 330 million people I think there is room for one show watched by 500k and the other watched1.6 million

  3. My ex wife told me she's been watching Total Divas. It makes sense, because its one of the trashy crap reality shows she likes but with characters she recognizes from me watching wrestling. Needless to say, she wouldn't have been ordering Summerslam.

  4. Speaking as a cable-free person. What's this ratings thing you speak of?

  5. I don't know how anyone other than wrestling fans would watch this show or even know about it outside of TLC's normal advertising on its network. Its not like anyone involved in the show outside of John Cena is anything close to a mainstream "name". Although many will claim otherwise I would imagine this would be nearly the same demographic that watches pro wrestling since its a show centered around characters involved in pro wrestling only promoted during pro wrestling outside of the other shows TLC has.

    In a perfect world this would be the show that the girlfriends could watch while the fella's watch pro wrestling but honestly 90 percent of wives/girlfriends don't care about pro wrestling to any large degree and certainly wouldn't watch a show predicated on pro wrestling characters even if it was promoted in a style they would be more open to. If anything the Diva's show may get a bigger audience just for people hyped about Summerslam but for some reason or another not willing to pay the money to watch the show. They still get their Cena/Daneilson fix in a strange, alternate way that may quiet the stomach rumbling for a night or so.

  6. My wife watches a LOT of E and the Diva show has received a ton of advertising. She hates wrestling and the ads sucked her in for an episode or two. I

  7. I definitely think the initial showing of Total Divas takes a bit of a hit. There are absolutely people who watch every single WWE show who will watch Summerslam over this (and catch a replay or DVR it).

  8. Amsterdam_Adam_CurryAugust 17, 2013 at 9:13 PM

    And it's 2013, doesn't anyone with the ability to watch PPV have one of those devices?

  9. davidbonzaisaldanamontgomeryAugust 17, 2013 at 9:35 PM

    Definitely neglible; I would bet large that most of Total Divas' audience are regular E! watchers and not regular 'E watchers.

  10. It's a show about catty women (that happen to be sports entertainers). Women love that stuff.

  11. You still talk about television with your ex-wife?

  12. Being cable free is going to be one of those elitist dick head things people like to do now... for the record I am also cable free.

  13. Shit. Women love that shit.

  14. They could DVR it, which is what I'm doing with breaking bad. And that show could take a bite out of the ss audience. Either way I'm getting ready to drive up to LA to go see this shit!

  15. I couldn't hear you over the sound of not paying a hundred dollar a month bill.

  16. Sorry, I'm too busy watching TV using a myriad of options that are superior to cable to respond to this.

    PS: Go read a book.

  17. Its all good I was busy getting the same content as without paying anything.

  18. Our daughter just got diagnosed with autism and we've been spending time together going to appointments and such. We try to be as civil as we can, although things habe gotten ugly at times. In the end she's a very damaged person and even though I still wish things could've worked out for our daughter's sake, we split for a reason and holding onto that negativity is just unhealthy. Like former WCW champion David Arquette once said: "anger is like poisoning yourself and expecting someone else to die."


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