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BoD Daily Update Posts Clips of Every WWE Heavyweight Title Change

Several WWE Stars Lost Luggage During Yesterday's Flight to Toronto

One of them was Jerry Lawler, who wore the WWE polo shirt as a result.

How to Get Free Tickets to This Thursday's TNA "No Surrender" TV Tapings in St. Louis

TNA is holding a food drive with the St. Louis Food bank and you can receive a free ticket by donating five non-perishable food items.



  1. Reason, intelligence and logic. Which here in the U.S. thanks to the efforts of a certain political faction have become pejoratives.

  2. "How to Get Free Tickets to This Thursday's TNA "No Surrender" TV Tapings in St. Louis"

    By showing up at the Show 15 minutes before it starts?

  3. I'm SO IN for Poker, I'm good anytime after 3:00 PM Mon to Fri and any time on weekends, so I can book around what anybody else likes

  4. I've decided this morning to dedicate a good amount of time to taking down the New York City Board of Elections. Every time there's an election, they manage to screw things up, and today (Primary Day in the City) is absolutely no different.

    Damn the Man!

  5. Cool, everyone who's in comment on this thread then e-mail me

  6. the wwe clip is misleading (on their end)... they don't show bruno beating rogers or koloff beating bruno. it also doesn't look like they have any clips for koloff --> pedro --> staskiak -->bruno

  7. um... my username says it all. some things are just impossible


  8. OK, when did this become an idea though? I must have missed the previous discussion

  9. yep. the libs have ruined everything

    ...aaaaaand go!

  10. YankeesHoganTripleHFanSeptember 10, 2013 at 11:07 AM

    A second squat rack at the gym.

    That the Jets get out of our stadium....and cease to exist in general.

    That our stadium is called Giant Stadium and not that other know the one they called it at Wrestlemania.

    While we are on the subject of name that the Wrestling promotions that shows Monday Night Raw still be called the WWF and not that other name.

    This came up in the pet peeve QOTD but an end to people who post nothing but pictures of their newborns online.....This is mostly meant to include my sister.

    That if a certain number of morbidly fat people are using motorized carts at Walmart the rest of us get a discount for having to look at them.

    Along those lines that I don't have to wait behind fat people in the line for deli meats. I want nice healthy turkey. You want 12 lbs of pork products. You should be made to wait.

    That A-Rod get's thrown out of baseball.

    But Ryan Dempster takes a line drive to the one hurts A-Rod but us.

    If you get into a car accident thats your fault and it puts me in traffic you should have to pay me. You made me late. That seems fair.

    That the Randy Savage chants we hear on Raw lead to The Macho Man being put in the Hall of Fame

    But Booker T gets taken out after losing a "loser is not a hall of famer match to Triple H" Naturally Hunter will do a few water spits and point at Lemmy, (who will have played The Game down to the and) before covering for the pin.

    But mostly I am just fighting for a second squat rack at the gym.

  11. I'm in for a BoD poker tourney. The one stipulation should be that you have at least 100 posts in the BoD to participate. No, as Fuj would put it, Johnny come latelys.

  12. Canadian here

    Both American parties are insultingly bad. The only thing that makes Canadian politicians look good is contrast with American Politicians

    ...aaaaaand GO!

  13. Yesterday's QOTD Meekin and I were kicking it around. I'm guessing he spoke to Scott.

  14. No, not impossible man. Nothing (within reason) is impossible, you just have to put the effort in. And I know it's just a username, but you should change it and your mindset. You're not a loser, no matter how much you think you are.

  15. quiet buddy

  16. Cool.

    I assume this would use some kind of online poker service?

  17. HO!!!

    LETS GO!!!

  18. Mmmmmmm...twelve pounds of pork products....

  19. I would be down for some poker for sure. What program are you thinking of using? BTW Paul, I know you have an Xbox, have you tried WSOP: Full House Pro? It's still in beta so it's a bit buggy but it's a solid game.

  20. Not sure, Meekin's working out the details.

  21. Au contraire, he's a giant loser. Every blog needs one.


  22. Generalizing people into groups for a thousand, Alex?

  23. YankeesHoganTripleHFanSeptember 10, 2013 at 11:16 AM

    Your post got me thinking. What do you suppose would be the bigger miscarriage of justice; someone typing a single letter or word and posting it 10,002 times in a thread to overtake Cultstatus or the Fingerpoke of Doom?

  24. lol @ the letter per post idea.

  25. Huh, I was wondering why Jerry Lawler was wearing an age-appropriate shirt, not one that looked like a knock-off affliction shirt that someone one-third his age should be embarrassed to wear.

  26. Well, selfishly, I fight for myself. My own health and happiness. But also I have a passion for animals (not like that, perv). I work with animals and they're have been multiple times I've saved a pet from an abusive owner. I just can't stand by and see an animal abused, just not in my nature.

  27. Money and pussy. Idealism is best suited for college campuses

  28. Make it easier to adopt children domestically. My wife and I adopted two US-born babies, and were were ripped off, misinformed, straight-up lied to, and/or treated like crap by almost every adoption professional we encountered. Every state (and sometimes different counties within a state) has its own laws, judges have a tremendous amount of leeway to make birth parents' and adoptive parents' lives hard, and don't even get me started on the wide variance in the rights granted to and/or taken away from birth fathers. Adoption is hard enough because of social issues that nobody can do anything about; there's no reason for so many people to go out of their way to make it even harder.
    I also want my son's soccer team to learn that they need to keep running after they pass the ball, instead of standing around and watching the best player on the team try to score by himself, but frankly, adoption overhaul sounds more realistic.

  29. like a real waste of time.

  30. Oh, I have lots. Most of them are dumb and sports-related.
    -For fellow University of Illinois fans to stop pining for the never-gonna-happen return of Chief Illiniwek. Before I start, no, it's not racist. It was a revered symbol that honored the history of the people in this area. But if it's seen as insensitive and behind-the-times, even if's not worth the fucking controversy. We had to get rid of it to host the 2013 tennis national championships this past spring. While I wish the NCAA wouldn't meddle in these types of affairs (like so many others) is having a dancing white kid in dress-up worth not being able to host a national championship?
    -For Mike Trout to win the MVP award. Like he should've last year. Because he's even better this year and is going to end up with a WAR over 10. Again. He's almost Miguel Cabrera's equal as a hitter (by some measures, he was better last year and is close this year) and is an elite fielder and baserunner while Cabrera provides slightly negative value in both of those regards. I don't want to hear about his team's record. Voters didn't give a shit that the Angels (for the record, I'm a White Sox fan, I have no personal bias in play, not even anti-Cabrera; his at-bats are must-see TV) had the best record in baseball over the last 140 games after Trout's call-up last year, or that they had a better record for the season than the Tigers.
    -For people to stop expressing dumb NBA-related opinions to me and expect me to not tell them why they're wrong. It's fixed! They don't play any defense! LeBron's the worst thing that ever happened to the league! They're a bunch of thugs and spoiled babies! Close. In're fucking retarded.

  31. YankeesHoganTripleHFanSeptember 10, 2013 at 11:28 AM

    He should form a tag team with Jobber123

  32. Focus on the positive part of his name. He's not just a loser; he's our *favourite* loser.

  33. I work for a private health care practice doing billing. I fight every day to make insurance companies pay their fair share of what they owe. It's obscene, we need private insurance but it can't be for-profit.

  34. And the year round return of the McRib and shamrock shake

  35. No johnny come latelys!

  36. lol if you post 10K, you still won't have enough to overtake Cult.

    One live thread = 100-200 posts.

  37. Pretty much the only place I've seen the TNA show being advertised is on the TVs hung up around the Six Flags theme park here. And even then, the only time I've heard the commercials being acknowledged in any way besides a friend of mine being surprised that Hulk Hogan is still in wrestling is when I overheard a couple of kids saying "Oh! WWE is coming!" after it was over.

  38. I didn't know Caliber came in "sports" form.


  39. Chief Illiniwek could not possibly be more racist than the Cleveland Indians mascot.

  40. "... thanks to the efforts of ALL political factions..."


  41. Actually, Slider is out mascot.

    He is a... thing.

    The logo is racist.


  43. It wasn't racist at all. Nor is the logo. It wasn't portrayed as a caricature. But like I said, it's not something that's important enough to keep if it was otherwise harming the university. It's just a fucking mascot.

    Now...I have some old plastic cups from a campus bar called Kam's- "Home of the Drinking Illini"- from when my dad's frat ran it when he was a football player at Illinois in the 70's that feature some VERY racist cartoons of a drunken, dancing Indian.

  44. "For people to stop expressing dumb NBA-related opinions to me and expect me to not tell them why they're wrong. It's fixed! They don't play any defense! LeBron's the worst thing that ever happened to the league! They're a bunch of thugs and spoiled babies! Close. In're fucking retarded."

    Are you somebody with authority in the NBA?

    Serious question.

    Because this statement here, sounds like you are.

  45. I'm a Michigan fan but if memory serves the Illini mascot was a lot like the Redskins one.

  46. Score another one to HHH's Reign of Terror.

  47. Yeah, if the Redskins had your logo they'd be the most racist team in pro sports. I honestly don't get the opposition to changing your name from a racial slur. Especially when it was named by an unrepentant racist.

  48. Offer to pay by check? They'll either lose them or fire the guy that handles them for you

  49. If its not important enough, then why are you fighting it?

  50. How does it sound like I'm anything but an NBA fan who hates when people express baseless opinions about something they usually admit they don't even watch?

    I sound like I'm someone with authority in the NBA because I hate when people say totally wrong things about a league that I love as a fan? Those are all opinions I've had expressed to me often by people that say they "love basketball but hate the NBA" (I live in a city with a major college basketball program, so that happens often). They're all fucking annoying and often borderline racist.

  51. You really are what I imagine Giants and Yankees fans to be like, bravo.

  52. Understandable why they don't have Undertaker beating Austin for the title. I'm wondering why the Vince VS HHH clip cuts off after like a minute without even showing the match ending.

  53. Actually, by not saying WHICH political faction there's a wonderful moment of liberals AND conservatives with no sense of self-awareness sadly shaking their heads.

  54. Its legacy.

    People don't see it as racist or being insensitive. They are just keeping the integrity of the name intact, instead of changing the team name to the Cleveland Ocean Waves

  55. They're forming in a straight line?


  57. Oh, I don't care if a team is called the Indians. If they just wore the C caps and had Slider as the mascot it wouldn't be a biggy.

  58. I'm fighting the idiot fans who constantly clamor for the Chief to come back, for people to let it the fuck go. That's the point: it wasn't important enough to keep around if it was hurting the university, yet we deal with idiots all the time who still scream "CHIEF!" during football and basketball games. People who say they've stopped donating to the university because he was retired. Friends who still post Chief stuff on Facebook. I want it to stop. That's my "fight."

    Look, I think you're responding under the impression that these are real battles I'm actively fighting. Unless I misunderstood I was under the assumption that the theme of this thread was things that are "useless, dumb, and a waste of your time."

  59. So you are not an authority on the NBA, just an uber-fan?

    That's fine and dandy, but when people come to you saying these totally wrong things that makes them retarded. Are they opinions trying to pass them on as fact, or just opinions and you are taking a superior attitude?

    Be honest.


  61. 1) Radio is NOT dead.
    2) "Hey Stranger, how do you feel about (political topic du jour)?" "Well, gee, I dunno. Please allow me time to analyze all the FACTS on the matter and make my decision at that time." "Dude, just PICK A SIDE!". Is it possible for a man to be impartial in this day and age? I believe so, and I will argue that to my grave. I soooo wanted to be a mediator coming out of college.
    3) Being a Canadian, transplanted here in the US (specifically, the admittedly controversial state of Texas), I hear a lot of anti-US sentiment from my Canadian friends and family. Especially, when there's been a crazy person shooting people up. When that happens, "ALL AMERICANS ARE CRAZY!", along with "AMERICANS CARRY GUNS ON THEM EVERYWHERE THEY GO!". I am the man who steps up and dispels those myths. I live here, and I defend my American neighbors to no end. It's a great place to live. There are just some really messed up laws/policies that need to be repaired.

  62. You're right.

    I didn't read the whole QOTD.

    I read "what are you fighting for?"

    and instictively said AMERICA!

    Goddamn, I love my job.

  63. YankeesHoganTripleHFanSeptember 10, 2013 at 11:59 AM

    Hey, might as well own it.

  64. The NBA minimum age rule is absolute horseshit. And this is from a huge college basketball fan.

    Especially since college basketball players aren't paid.

  65. High five!

  66. same here... to an extent.

    i wouldnt want my team name to be changed to the cleveland period pads, you know?

  67. I don't entirely agree. The NBA is a private entity and is allowed to set a minimum age limit as long as it is collectively bargained with the players union. The players have more important causes than whether an 18 year old can come and play in the league right away.

  68. Oh, stop being sour that Lebron left Cleveland. That's like, so 2010.

  69. The NBA can do what they want, but that doesn't make the minimum age rule any less horseshit.

  70. They should lose their luggage more often, I'd rather Lawler be wearing his full on King gear again than wearing Ed Hardy shirts like some Jersey Guido.

  71. I like the cut of your jib sir.

  72. I look at both groups and point. Shaking my head. You are ALL wrong!

  73. I was talking about the Redskins in terms of racism and original racist owner.

  74. The overwhelming percentage of the time, the people who say these things are racist white people who- whether they admit it or not, and of course they don't- hate the NBA because it empowers young black men more than any other sport.
    They present these opinions like they're inassailable fact. They'll look at me like I'M the asshole for liking the NBA. These days, I usually ignore it, or say something like "Hmm. I love the NBA because I'm a basketball fan. Can't imagine claiming to love basketball but hate the best version of it." (I love college basketball, too, don't get me wrong.)
    This isn't everyone, of course. Some people are perfectly nice and just happen to have really stupid opinions. I'm nice enough back to them but just avoid talking hoops with them.

  75. Thank you. I will have you know that my jib is cut into equilateral triangles.

  76. It's collectively bargained with the players union, did you miss that part? They can't do what they want. You may not agree, just like some people don't agree that the drinking age should be 21, but that's the way it is and it is 100% legal.

  77. You wouldn't feel so positive about America if you lived in Oklahoma or Mississippi.

  78. I don't care. They could agree to make baskets worth 10 points.

    That doesn't make the minimum age rule a good rule. It's a stupid rule.

  79. Oh is so dead.

    I live in Boca Raton (about 30 minutes from Miami) and there's not 1 rock station, not one alternative station, not one classical station...just top 40 and urban (which really plays the same shit as top 40)...pitiful.

    I've read this is the case in many other cities.

    The Telecommunications act of 1996 (signed by a democrat mind you) gave all the power to the corporations and removed owning limits, which means they can run as many stations as they want, even within the same market. Killed radio dead.


  81. Well as long as you don't have a manifesto or anything, good luck!

  82. I hear bad things about Jackson, MS. Just keep driving, they say.

  83. Yeah we're working out the details now, just need more than...4 interested parties to make it a reality.

  84. on sour as a fan. he would have gotten us a ring.

    as a businessman, he had to go. i never knock the hustle.

    i was only butt hurt for like 6 months

  85. Music radio is dead, Talk Radio is great!

  86. i fight for:

    rock (

    *the* rock (
    your love (your love (

    your rights (

    the users ( AND (

    my way back (

    and when im feeling saucy, i fight against some things. like the power (

  87. Oh, like upstate Pennsylvania or NY or parts of California are so peachy.

    In fact, you will find ignorance in any country.

    Sorry, stuff like your post drives me nuts. I work with a dude from OK who's super cool. Doesn't even like Country music. See what I mean?

  88. i wish i knew the words, i'd join in.

    but you all get an upvote from me.

  89. I do enjoy sports talk radio, but with a twist...not too uber serious. Sports is entertainment and not some cathedral. I suggest anyone who likes the lighter viewpoint of sports to search out Dan Lebatard's podcast transmission of his radio show.

  90. I dunno it's a thing people say when the like the way someone conducts themselves but don't wanna be all schmaltzy about it.

    It's also the thing you put a camera on when you want to do cool tracking shots.

  91. a zillion likes

  92. For sure. I'm in Boston so we're all die hard about it in a "lets pretend this matters" sort of way. I've tried the BS report, but with all due respect to Mr. Simmons he isn't the most charismatic guy, initially at least.

  93. I grew up in Virginia. Don't take that as "grr, the South sucks!" I actually really like Texas. There are crappy parts of a lot of states, but very few crappy STATES. I've been to Mississippi and Oklahoma. Oklahoma is Texas without the charm, history, or redeeming qualities. In Mississippi I ran into racist, ignorant, scared people everywhere. And don't get me started on the white people I ran into.

  94. His writing is much more entertaining than his podcast.

    He got made fun of a lot in Miami this past year. The way he would rush out to do a podcast when Miami would lose and when they won the title, it took him nearly a month to acknowledge it. Too funny.

  95. It's a sail. For your boat. Liking the cut of someone's jib is being really impressed with the way they cut their sail from the initial cloth. Ask me anything, man. I'm getting grey in my goatee, and I take Viagra. I know some shit.

  96. I'll go point by point:

    1: DIE NCAA DIE! Other than that, I really don't give a flying fuck about so-called "racist" mascots. Get rid of them, keep them, who cares outside of that school and the various idiots who NEED to get involved to justify their existence ripping off others for their own gain, in the name of "doing the right thing."

    2: Trout's good. So is Cabrera. Neither winning the MVP would be a travesty at the moment.

    3: Some of those ARE dumb. Some aren't...
    -Is it fixed: If not, most NBA referees make Earl Hebner in 1988, Inhuman Three Count Teddy Long, NWO Nick Patrick, and the occassional wrestler/referee look absolutely outstanding and impartial. And let's not ignore Herr Stern. I despise the Lakers, and think they got screwed in the CP3 Saga.
    -No defense: Other than the All-Star Trick Exhibition, who says that?
    -LeBron's the worst: I dislike him, but the worst thing? Not even close.
    -Thugs and Babies: No more than any other major sport today.
    -WNBA Sucks. Say no more.
    -Age Limit: There's so much wrong with professional sports today, and this is part of it. If a team's stupid enough to sign a "project", and the kid fails due to the usual "Money takes away responsibility for improvement" that's been seen so many times... then let that team suffer.

  97. This is why Mice and Men creeped me out to no end. The poor bunnies.

  98. Yeah, but what if you dropped a white (non-racist) tourist in the middle of Philly or Overtown (miami) or any other do you think that would work out?

    I know you're not ignorant, but you're sounding like it.

  99. I have a friend at the local Active Rock radio station who lives the dream of one day becoming nationally syndicated. The ratings here are owned by the local country music station, and the market here is strictly cow town. So, there are still some places where music radio thrives. The right personality can still make a living out of it.



  101. I know it sounds harsh, but my opinion isn't really based on the well-being of the player. I hate to sound like a crotchety old man, but I think dudes were doing just fine when they were going to college for 2, 3 and 4 years. The only people it hurts is the frauds, the kids who look like phenoms out of high school that end up doing nothing.

    My opinion is based on the well-being of both the NBA and college hoops. I think keeping players in college longer makes both levels better: the NBA spends less time training players who were drafted to be franchise-changers, getting a more ready-made product. College hoops can again have elite, memorable teams for the ages. Imagine that '12 Kentucky team if they stuck around to be sophomores and juniors. They'd have averaged 90 points a game and been the best thing since '91 UNLV (right up to when they threw the Final Four game against Duke).

    As far as players getting paid...I really don't wanna get into that argument, so I'll say this quickly. For as much as everyone complains about the billions of dollars in TV deals, players don't play for the NCAA or the TV networks. They play for their schools. And most of their schools actually don't make money on sports. Most schools have to partially subsidize college athletics through student fees.

    And the bottom line is, well, the bottom line. Bob Stoops took a lot of heat for what he said earlier this summer: paraphrasing, he basically said, "They aren't paying to see you. They're paying to see Oklahoma." Now, it's terrible insensitive and wrong for HIM to say that, since he's making $5M a year at one of the low percentage of schools that turn an athletic profit and don't require student fee subsidizing.

    But he's not wrong. As harsh as it sounds, the athletes are the most replacable part of the college athletics experience. There's more coming in every year. They get continually replaced by a new crop of blue-chip high school prospects and the machine keeps rolling.

    Now, I wouldn't be opposed to some sort of cash stipend for athletes, but if I was in charge I'd avoid the logistical nightmare also, since I don't have to (again, because of the replacability of the players).

    (OK, so that wasn't quick.)

  102. Sure, they can, but it doesn't mean radio ain't dead.

  103. I like Bill Simmons when he writes about basketball, I want to punch him in the balls when he writes about football.

  104. 1: Absolutely correct.

    2: Why I'm Independent. (not I-Party, NO FUCKING PARTY WHATSOEVER.) (Also keeps the phones much more quiet come election time.)

    3: Thank you, and fully agree as an American. We have our flaws... but so does everyone else. It's hearing shit from people/countries who have much deeper problems than us that irritates me.

    "You're standing ankle-deep in feces..."
    "Yeah, and you're up to your neck in shit. Fuck off, you smug self-righteous prick."

  105. peeps should check out branson missouri

    my dad says it's like vegas, if it were run by ned flanders

  106. Ohhhhh, I do that all the time. Very rarely do I buy a candle but I do enjoy sniffing some candles in the store.

  107. I've been there a couple times... he's pretty damn close. Nice place though.

  108. Not sure how much footage exists of those. There were a few that were excluded from that History of the WWE Championship DVD set that came out years ago.

  109. I live in California and the nature of my job causes me to travel around the U.S. quite a bit -- I can't tell you how tired I am of people talking shit on California and Californians -- The company I work for is based in WI and whenever I go back I hear shit about California -- My family, most them living in Idaho and Oregon, are no exception -- In my younger days I just shrugged it off when I got negative, ignorant reactions about living in the state but I'm becoming more intolerant of it as I get older -- You don't like CA? Fine, but be ready to back up your prejudice(s) with some sort of informed logic if you say something negative about it to me...

  110. He did this great article that I can't find where he starts talking about Manning Face, losing your virginity, and he placed a picture of Eli's face when he completed the helmet catch like just a page break down, so when he typed something like "when you see a naked girl, whatever you do, do not look like this"

    then you'd scroll down and laugh. it was great. I butchered it here tho.

  111. I wasn't dropped in the middle of the ghetto, I drove around the states (Oklahoma was part of a cross-country trip). I'm not saying EVERYONE in those states are racist buttholes. Just that there's no amount of money that could get me to live there.

  112. I do agree that Companies like Clear Channel have seriously contributed to the decline, however. They have taken at least two stations down in this market (a rock station, and an alternative station, incidentally), and changed their format to Top 40, and urban, which is pretty much the same thing. And there was already 2 stations playing that format. So now there are four urban/top 40 stations, three country, two Spanish, and one rock. It's still not dead...but I do weep.

  113. California is over taxed and way too expensive. ;-)

  114. I work for the VA Medical Center. I fight daily for my sanity.

  115. Maybe it's just living in a relatively small (Champaign-Urbana has about 100k people without the students) college town full of older college hoops fans, but I hear people say all of those things about the NBA frequently.
    I guess my girlfriend just likes the dive bar down the street from me too much, but every fucking time I put the TV on an NBA game there, one of the old, drunk townies that frequents that place says one or more of those things.

  116. That's great you went the adoption route. It sucks you have to jump through so many hoops. I can understand being thorough and making sure the kid doesn't end up in a meth lab house but from what I've read and heard, it can get crazy. Can I ask how they lied to you, treated you like crap, etc.? I've been seriously think that when I'm ready to have kids, of going the adoption route. My girlfriend seems to be thinking the same way so it's becoming more and more a possibility.

  117. Well, that's totally different. I find living in too rural an area completely boring.

  118. Charismatic e-Negro Jef VinsonSeptember 10, 2013 at 12:30 PM

    Respect, either from other people or myself. I had low self-esteem for the longest time and I realized that I hung around crab-ass people that tried to pull me down to pull themselves up. I got rid of those people and I'm working on myself.

  119. "Mooooooon riverrrrrrr...."

  120. California contains Los Angeles and the Central Valley, which is a scary ass place. Other than that it's pretty cool. LA has all the ingredients, but my GOD the transplants act like they dug the beaches and brought the sun.

  121. This has been my thing for awhile too - I had friends that just sort of wanted to lay around, get high, and do NOTHING but watch TV and order crappy food, and I'm like, listen bro, if we're gonna be doing this, can we at least include some sort of active activity?

    I'd much rather has 2-3 friends that like doing things, then a bunch of friends who might as well be talking pet rocks.

  122. :-) Nice work -- Yeah, those are pretty common ones that I hear...

  123. I guess a better way to say it is I hate hearing from people who move to California and act like it's a great feat to have done so.

  124. He's just the worst kind of Patriots fan. And he writes about the NBA with a lot of knowledge and facts and then he gets into the stupid hokey crap when he writes about the NFL.

  125. Holding out hope that by purchasing my ticket I get a lappy from Tessmacher. Or I can hit the local gentlemen's clubs this afternoon and see Val.

  126. I spent a good amount of time in California (about three months) and I really enjoyed it. I had some good times and could see myself living there sometime in the future. There are people in Florida a bit ignorant about California though thinking its entirely inhabited by gay liberal pot smoking hippies.

  127. Talking shit on LA is taking the easy road (I happen to have a more positive opinion of it than negative but I can understand why it's so disliked) I live in the Central Valley and we have our fair share of issues but I'm curious as to why you include it -- What makes it so scary?

  128. I don't know what makes it such a great feat, almost 40 million other people have managed to live here...

  129. we need to talk. i have to file a disability claim... or is that not you?

  130. See I disagree there because I'm that sort of Pats fan. I recently went back and read his Red Sox and Pats columns and holy cow are they great, you can see years of long suffering fandom on the page, and it really endears you to the plight of being a Boston sports fan, etc.

    The thing I like most about Simmons is that he's a fan FIRST, and he owns it, I can understand why that'd get irksome to some, but I dig his columns and e-mail columns and stuff, but I'm not a diehard or anything.

    The Masked Man on Grantland is something I seek out regularly, though. The PG report reminds me a lot of his style.

  131. My uncle married a woman from near Fresno and I've been out to visit several times. It seems like the area has fallen on really hard times with unemployment, with the attendant issues that come with it.

  132. C&P? That's through Regional Office. The closest we'd get on the hospital side is doing the exam or having a contractor do it.

  133. I don't think he's a fan first though, he's a guy who is a multi millionaire who has access that NO fan has. The Celtics are my NBA team and the Red Sox are my AL team but the reason I root for the Phillies (before I was born my family lived in Boston and Philadelphia) harder is that after '04 Red Sox fans made it stop being fun to be a Red Sox fan (plus I was living in Philadelphia and going to school) and it's stayed fun being a Phillies fan. I don't have to talk about the Hendu game to weed out bandwagon Phillies fans.

    And honestly? Boston fans and their whole "tortured fan" thing is bullshit. The Patriots have won 3 Super Bowls and the fans will bitch that they should have won 6. Nevermind that 80% of them didn't care about the Patriots before the first Super Bowl and 99% of them didn't care before Bledsoe.

  134. "TNA is holding a food drive with the St. Louis Food bank and you can receive a free ticket by donating five non-perishable food items."

    This would explain why their concession stands only offer Chef Boyardee and refried beans.



  136. I think people from Cleveland are allowed to still be sour, it's only been 3 years. Fans hold grudges against players for WAY longer than that.

    Now, if you're not from Cleveland and just like hating on Lebron, then yes you should move on.

  137. But he's a FAN that has that kind of access, and he relishes it and thinks it's cool as shit. But I can see where that would get irksome.

    And Re: Fair Weather Fans: I dunno man, that's kind of like getting hot at people for becoming fans of something when it's good. "I bet 99 percent of you didn't give a SHIT about wrestling until Stone Cold Steve Austin showed up." "I liked The Rolling Stones before they were Popular!"

    Well, yeah, thats cool, but I care about it now, and enjoy it now, and am learning about it now, so what did I do wrong?

  138. Well, you are not wrong -- If you've been there you know that agriculture is the primary economic engine of the region -- The farmers down there are dealing with major water issues that have caused hundreds of thousands of acres to be left to fallow (I'm a little farther north toward the San Joaquin Delta so we don't have it as bad) and that hurts the employment rate -- Poor planning has led to urban sprawl, yada yada yada -- What specific are do they live in?

  139. When an overwhelming majority of people in a certain demographic behave a certain way a generalization or stereotype is called for, and is the very reason said generalization or stereotype exists in the first place.

  140. Maybe put it out there as it's own thread tomorrow, so it's not buried in comments (bonus points if Scott posts it)

  141. Go read Scotsman site, we are apparently overflowing with them.

  142. If you're an adult and are still sour 3 years later...well, there are psychiatrists for things like that.

  143. Charismatic e-Negro Jef VinsonSeptember 10, 2013 at 12:55 PM

    ..being from Jersey I resent that. Those are the cats from Staten Island.

  144. "That the Jets get out of our stadium....and cease to exist in general."

    You own a stadium?

  145. Doesn't make it right or accurate.

  146. It is -- And that is my entire basis for loving it :-) -- But you forgot to mention that it's just one big coastline with nothing of note in between...

  147. I disagree.

  148. Charismatic e-Negro Jef VinsonSeptember 10, 2013 at 12:56 PM

    I'll make the assumption they cut the celebration Eddie Guererro had after beating Brock Lesnar in order not to show "He who shall not be named."

  149. It does actually. I just explained this.

  150. I assume he's referencing how the NY Giants play at Giant's stadium...and so do the Jets.

  151. >I know it sounds harsh, but my opinion isn't really based on the well-being of the player. I hate to sound like a crotchety old man, but I think dudes were doing just fine when they were going to college for 2, 3 and 4 years. The only people it hurts is the frauds, the kids who look like phenoms out of high school that end up doing nothing.

    And kids have shown they are just doing fine when they played college for 0 years. LeBron, Kobe, KG, T-Mac. Yes, there are washouts and disappointments, but that happens at all levels.

    If someone is ready to play in the NBA, or more importantly, a GM believes they are ready to play, they should be able to play.

    A year of college is basically just to put money in the NCAA's pocket and a wasted year of earning potential for someone.

    >My opinion is based on the well-being of both the NBA and college hoops. I think keeping players in college longer makes both levels better: the NBA spends less time training players who were drafted to be franchise-changers, getting a more ready-made product. College hoops can again have elite, memorable teams for the ages. Imagine that '12 Kentucky team if they stuck around to be sophomores and juniors. They'd have averaged 90 points a game and been the best thing since '91 UNLV (right up to when they threw the Final Four game against Duke).

    This is a very selfish paragraph. You're for the free exploitation of young people so the sports you watch are better.

    My team was coached by John Calipari. I know all about one and done and how it has helped my team. And it's bullshit. If you're good enough to play, you should be allowed to play. We shouldn't be trying to make life better for idiotic organisations like the NCAA.

    >"They aren't paying to see you. They're paying to see Oklahoma." Now, it's terrible insensitive and wrong for HIM to say that, since he's making $5M a year at one of the low percentage of schools that turn an athletic profit and don't require student fee subsidizing.

    Football and basketball are different sports. You think I'm going to watch Kansas to see Kansas? No, I want to see Wiggins. Those UNLV teams were bc of LJ, Anthony, etc. Kentucky is a draw based on the name, but again, Davis, MKG. Basketball is a star driven league.

    Players have proven that playing in college is not necessary if they have the skills to compete in the NBA today. You've basically turned college basketball into one big sham. A corrupt sport is even worse.

    An extra year for D-Rose at Memphis wouldn't have accomplished anything but made more money for NCAA and Memphis as they used his name to make money, while D-Rose would risk serious injury and make $0.00 off of the endeavor.

    Abolish the minimum age.

  152. I got that. I just find it idiotic when people refer to a team as "Us" or "We" or whatever.

  153. They could always just go to Europe and play a year if they need to earn cash right away.

  154. He was a fan, but he's gotten too entrenched. Attending every big event, having super secret sources, being (awful) on NBA Countdown. The shtick is over.

    I like Simmons to a point, but he tries way too hard to keep the sham going.

  155. Are we really going to this again?

  156. I find his views fascinating and wish to subscribe to his newsletter...

  157. What's your point? Are you in favour of the minimum age rule? If so, why? This isn't really conducive to discussion.

    Me: Minimum age rule is BS.
    You: Well everyone agreed to it.
    Me: Still wrong.
    You: Your opinion.
    Me: ...

  158. Yea, and I applaud Brandon Jennings for doing that. It still doesn't make what the NBA did to be an okay rule.

  159. hmmph indeed.

  160. I would be furious, especially seeing him win two NBA Titles.

    I'm still not over what Coach Cal did to Memphis, and I don't think I will be, until we win a championship. Then I'll be okay.

  161. Nah. You clearly haven't invested in a reading comprehension course yet so there is little point in me wasting my time.

  162. Only time in California I've ever spent is in the Bay Area, but I fucking love it there. I was just out there a couple weeks ago for my cousin's wedding; most of the time was in Marin County; our hotel and the wedding were both in Larkspur, had a picnic the day after at Lake Lagunitas. Did take the ferry into SF for most of the day before the wedding.

    If it wasn't so insanely expensive and was an average of 10-15 degrees warmer, I could absolutely see myself living there.

  163. They're in Madera now, and had lived in Merced for years. My aunt works for the Cal State Ag Extension, so she's seen this coming for a while.

  164. One of three people got the Simpsons reference.

  165. What? You've never held a long term grudge against an athlete/coach/team? One that lasts years and years?

  166. You're such a dipshit. Just because you typed it doesn't make it accurate. Would you like me to list all of the racist stereotypes that by your logic is right and accurate?


  168. Nope. Seriously. I have better things to spend my energy on. I believe 100% in free agency.

  169. i'm the opposite. i do have peeps in my life who try to build me up (and probably not unreasonably, either), but i'm just not buyin' it

    theyre my friends but theres a lot missing from my life and the kind of peeps who i think would fill it arent the kind of peeps you can meet by getting involved in stuff.

    so like i said, pretty hopeless on my end. you guys are lucky i interact here cause i damn sure do my best to avoid the outside world cause its just a reminder of what i'm missing

  170. I missed it, I must admit. But I haven't watched The Simpsons on a regular basis in over 10 years. Quotes loooong forgotten. *sniff*

  171. fuj... we all have cracks in our butts

  172. I don't think it's horseshit, I don't know what more you want me to add. I think the professional game would be better off if they didn't allow college players to play until they had spent 3 years honing their skills.

    If you want to talk legalities, then that's up to the players union to negotiate. They don't care enough to do so.

    You disagree. I'm ok with that too.

  173. You keep harping on "what the NBA did"...the players agreed. Collective bargaining is a two-way street.

  174. Red Sox fans were holding a grudge over that Babe Ruth trade for, like, 80-something years.


  176. I am lived a lot of my life in South Carolina and despised most of it due to the parts of SC that you probably think SC is entirely like. I have worked on several campaigns in Pennsylvania and was initially shocked how outside of Pittsburgh and Philadelphia how much PA was like a mountainous SC... the people, the culture, everything seemed very "southern"... so I have come to expect that every state has areas that are the exact opposite of what people commonly think they are like.

  177. the coneheads do not....

    pshhh.. idiot...

  178. But what about for non-free agency incidents? Like Bruins fans always hating Ulf Samuelsson for essentially ending Cam Neely's career? Or Celtics fans and Bill Laimbeer? Or Oilers fans and Chris Pronger?

    I could go on...

  179. someone purposefully, or unintentionally deleting my comments? Not mad....just confused. My memory is hazy.

  180. There's a difference between fair weather fan and someone who gets attached to a team. There's a difference of developing a fierce loyalty to a team during a good period that lasts. But a LOT of Pats fans are going to abandon them when they come crashing back to earth. And in the Patriots case they adopt that "ow-ah fans are bettah than yoah fans! NO ONE DENIES THIS! WE HAVE SUFFAHED MOAH THAN ANYONE ELSE!" bullshit and act like they're entitled to championships and like they've suffered all these heartaches.

  181. I steer clear of sweeping generalizations about Americans as people. I'd say 90% of the negative stereotypes I hear about Americans are birthed from your politicians (which to be fair were elected by the public which isn't a glowing recommendation).

    Ironically the thing I hear my friends bitch about America the most is how in America you meet tons of people who say shit like
    ""Hey Stranger, how do you feel about (political topic du jour)?" "Well,
    gee, I dunno. Please allow me time to analyze all the FACTS on the
    matter and make my decision at that time." "Dude, just PICK A SIDE!".

  182. instead of 'my uncle married a woman near fresno' this came across to me as 'my uncle shot someone in reno'

  183. YankeesHoganTripleHFanSeptember 10, 2013 at 1:11 PM

    I do. I do own a stadium. Gets a bit cold in the wintertime but otherwise a fine sturdy building.

  184. This, we can agree on. If you drive around south Florida and then head to central's like a different world (and some may say country based on the amount of foreigners in Miami).

  185. I have no problem with LeBron leaving Cleveland, and he had every right to do it. But the way he did it was a total cunt move.


  187. Of course the players agreed. Why do they care about people who aren't in the league yet?

  188. Oh, I didn't know you meant due to in game actions...well, I wasn't too fond of Bill Buckner around the mid to late 80s and I still hate that one referee who called a phantom pass interference against The U vs. Ohio St. in the NC game.

    Stuff like that?

  189. Upstate NY, outside of the few and far between cities, is exactly the same way. Same with Illinois outside of the Chicagoland area. It can be very jarring.


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