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BoD Daily Update

RAW Rating is 2.9

Backstage Reaction to Goldust's Return to RAW

After his match agaisnt Randy Orton, Goldust received a standing ovation backstage from the locker room.

Credit Bryan Alvarez, Figure Four Weekly Newsletter

"Total Diva's" Suffers Lowest Rating of the Season

The show did 1.09 million viewers, down 29% from the previous week.


  1. Football season, nothing more, nothing less.

    (There was a game Sunday right?)

  2. Yes, although those in the New York City area will deny it...

  3. That Goldust match was pretty good. His return was the entire reason that I watched (part of) Raw on Monday for literally the first time since WM.

    I'd love to see one more run out of him, if he can hack it week to week.



    "WWE Hall of Famer Jim Ross announced that he is retiring from
    WWE today, after 20 years of service, to focus on his personal business

  5. Something must have happened. JR has always said he'd never leave WWE.

  6. Huh, usually those in New York City will act like something happened ONLY if it's happening within city limits.

  7. Did he have any actual duties any longer?

    It's quite something to retire from a job where you already sit at home without responsibility 350 days a year..

  8. Question:

    Is 2.9 low? I dont know what the numbers have been skewing before, Im taking it as this is a low number.

    Football season is the reason obviously... but this is a sign to come. It' only going to get worse as the season progresses.

    This is the big angle for the fall and less and less viewers watching, it just doesnt bode well for Bryan.

  9. I had read he was an adviser and scout for the talent relations department and was in Full Sail as a coach and to produce new announcers at the WWE Performance Center.

  10. JR is gonna book TNA!

  11. Huh, ok then.

    That's odd in itself since they have very clearly, and intentionally moved away from JR style commentary.

  12. From the Observer:

    The WWE's web site announced Jim Ross is retiring from the company to pursue other personal business endeavors.

    Ross met with Vince McMahon today where the decision was made to end his run with the company, which had had a few stops and starts, dating back to the 1993 WrestleMania show.

    The decision, which was made by McMahon, was first told to us by a
    source in the company that it was possible, if not likely on the day of
    SummerSlam, stemming from the now-infamous 2K Sports symposium where Ric Flair spoke at length about a variety of subjects.

    Ross took heat from management for not cutting Flair off and keeping the symposium to what it was scripted to be. Even though it was a 2K Sports symposium, and 2K Sports people had no problem with Flair's behavior, those in WWE were not happy with certain subjects and how theywere brought up.

    Since nothing had happened for three weeks, many expected that the heat and blown over.

  13. Goldust has been having good matches for the E every time he comes back since having that weird run in TNA. The problem is that he seems to get hurt an awful lot.

  14. It could be as simple as taking people who weren't wrestling fans and teaching them about move names and how to sell things.

  15. I call bullshit. They're gonna fire JR and Flair (who was the problem) would face no repercussions?

  16. Thanks for the Observer report. Vince has had a vendetta with Ross for years and it's really unfair. I'm sure the "retirement" aspect is so Jim can collect the remainder of any guarantee he has in his contact, and Vince can prevent him from announcing elsewhere. Jim deserves MUCH MORE credit than he's ever been given for his recruitment of talent since 95. He was the first to tell Vince that they needed more "athletes" that could work rather than the blobs and muscle freaks Vince adored. As soon as JJ Dillion officially left (and Patterson's responsibilities dwindled), Ross really had control of the locker room and it led to a unity in that company never seen before (or since). On top of all that, he was the best play-by-play man we will ever hear in our lifetimes. He took really bad matches (bowling shoe) into the average territory and took good to great matches and pushed them way over to amazing. Jim Ross will be missed--he deserved a better sendoff.

  17. Maybe..
    I can see it though. If I have 2 guys working for me and appearing together, one of whom I fully expect to be a bit of an idiot, and the other I expect to be responsible, and the responsible guy does nothing to reign in the idiot, then it's the responsible guy that I'm going to be upset with. The idiot is just living up to expectation.

  18. Was the 2K thing really that bad? Hell, even Austin and Flair were joking on Austin's podcast about how WWE needed to get the sand out of their collective vaginas.

  19. Is Flair under a WWE contract (a legends deal, maybe)? Isn't he getting a per-appearance fee?

  20. Houston epic coneback v SD, I am also sure the phi v was game also took viewers and 2.9 are still very good for a niche of population but still higher than I would have predicted... And I did turn on to watch Bryan finally get upper hand with a very solid finisher that can be hit on anyone...

  21. I think it would hurt Flair more to know that he got JR fired than to punish Flair directly.

    Looking forward to hearing JR vent his spleen on Austin's podcast.

  22. JR didn't go out of his way to stop Flair and was making some inside jokes about one or both of them being drunk...but why does Flair always get away with things like this? Flair's the one who got drunk and started ranting on and on about the same old shit about who wronged him and how.

  23. Ric Flair is known for giving a shit about other people.


    i mean, jr...

  25. low ratings for wwe-related shows, poor public representation that led to a firing...


  26. In all honesty, a 2.9 against MNF with what's been on since SummerSlam isn't bad at all. The Divas get at least another week to see what they'll do against SNF, and Flair is Flair.

    Could they be doing better? Yeah, if you want to erase 12+ years of various mistakes and stuff. But under the circumstances, I'd call those ratings acceptable.

  27. threadjack about vince bein' an assjack

  28. I believe anything below 3 is considered shitty, but with 2 games on last Monday and it being the first week of MNF I'm sure they were expecting to come in a bit lower than normal. Plus they were both competitive games (and the PHI/WAS was such a clusterfuck that it had to have been more entertaining than Raw), if next weeks game has one team up by 24 halfway through the 2nd quarter I'm sure a lot of wrestling fans will just say "screw this" and turn on Raw.

  29. um, have you SEEN great american bash 92 (sting/vader aside)?


  30. Is that the show where the whole rest of the card is the NWA tag title tourney? I've seen Sting/Vader (assuming you're talking about the match where Vader wins his first world title), but I've never seen the rest of the show.

  31. thats the one

    the title match aside, its boooooooring. i fell asleep twice trying to watch it... something like 10 years apart, to boot

  32. Divas rating could be easily explained by having no strong lead in this week as opposed to a very strong lead in previously.

    WWE has to be pretty excited about even keeping this kind of rating up against football. Also the rating increasing into the 3rd hour is a good sign. One we take as a given that the rating for the end/main event should be higher but in the 3 hour era of Raw this is not always so. It means the main event storyline is delivering.

    Call me the Iraqi news minister guy but if I'm WWE I'm not too worried about anything here.

  33. So they haven't acknowledged a football game in 30 some years?

  34. Yeah, after reading Scott's review I never had any desire to watch it. I only saw Sting/Vader a few months ago back when Sforcina was doing Ask411 and put it in his article. That match is bad ass.

  35. Another to consider with this rating, which is pretty good all things considered since it did INCREASE in the third hour, is that Cena hasn't been on the show AT ALL.

  36. This is kind of f'd up if true. Poor JR. At least he is finally free.

    "WWE Hall of Fame announcer Jim Ross's retirement was in-part decided by WWE head Vince McMahon, according to the Wrestling Observer.

    Ross and McMahon reportedly met on Wednesday to discuss Ross's future
    with the company, which led to the decision for Ross to "retire from

    According to the report, Ross's future was up in the air following
    Summerslam Weekend in August, where Ross was partially blamed for Ric
    Flair's behavior during a 2K Sports gathering to promote the "WWE 2K14"
    video game.

    WWE management reportedly felt that Ross, who was the host of the
    gathering, should have cut off Flair when he went off-script and made
    "controversial" remarks about WWE.

    "They told me to entertain and I did," Flair said on "Stone Cold" Steve Austin's podcast
    in August following the event. "But, apparently it wasn't received the
    way it was supposed to be. I guess we just drifted and told stories.
    They wanted the focus of the evening to be about the game. Everybody
    with the game (2K Sports) was happy with it except for WWE Corporate."

  37. Poor, JR. At least he is finally free.

  38. To be fair it seemed like he was half in the bag during that roundtable. Flair was so deep in the bag I'm surprised he got out.

  39. Totally f'd up if that's true about his contract status. I'd love to see JR give it a whirl even if it's on short term basis with TNA or wherever.

  40. Also, the return of Sunday Night Football probably lowered Total Divas rating.

  41. So when does Michael Cole report to the Performance Center for training?

  42. Very true.

    I wonder what the viewer breakdown of the show is. Is it a normal subset of the wrestling fanbase? Is it a primarily female portion of the wrestling fanbase? Is it less of the wrestling fanbase and more of the E! reality fanbase? I don't know and don't know how to look it up.

    It "feels like" it's not the normal wrestling audience of young males but I have nothing to base that on other than just a hunch after sitting through the show once.

  43. I bet Triple H calls him out next Raw. And then Orton takes him out with a RKO. Bryan for the save.

  44. I feel that wrestling "reporting" is the most fraudulent gig ever. Seriously alvarez, was that "breaking news"? Were you out maneuvering other reporters to "break" that Goldust standing ovation "story. "

    Its like the "reports" surrounding Taker ever year. "Taker feels good and plans to wrestle at WM unless he cant."

  45. True. I'd be just as content having never read that in my life though

  46. him getting injured at this point is really good luck. it forces their hand on making bryan the focus without anyone there to make him be in the shadow and it lets Cena be back for mania.

  47. Just as a point of comparison, here are the ratings for the second Monday of September over the past decade (from

    2013 - 2.90
    2012 - 2.89
    2011 - 2.72
    2010 - 3.02
    2009 - 3.04
    2008 - 3.05
    2007 - 3.90
    2006 - 3.60
    2005 - 3.30
    2004 - 3.57
    2003 - 3.70

    So, a teensy bit higher than last year, but pretty close to what they've averaged since 2008.

  48. Is it possible that you could you keep doing this throughout football season?

    Just for shits and giggles. I just wanna see where the ratings go from here on out.

  49. orton takes a giant shit on him you mean.

  50. It depends. Ric Flair is a manchild with no concept of what responsibility is. The WWE is a corporation.

  51. Well, assuming that that's why this happened. Flair gets away with it because he's never had to face responsibility for his actions (he's like a more talented Randy Orton). He's a selfish prick.

  52. It wasn't a big deal to the wrestlers but they were there to talk about a video game, not show up drunk and shoot off with Flair's usual bitter bullshit.

  53. Or run into some out of the ring issue and gets fired. I don't know how much is left in Goldust because he's firmly established as the guy who's going to lose now, but I could see Dustin in the veteran who works with younger guys role like Finley was on Smackdown.

  54. They should have known exactly what they were in for when they drafted Flair for that gig. Having said that, it's for the best. They won't have Good Ol' JR to kick around anymore.

  55. But with that said, I'll bet JR sees a lot of Steve Williams/Terry Gordy in Samoa Joe. There are worse ideas than JR booking a Samoa Joe buzzsaw.

  56. Goldust was the most entertaining part of WWE TV during the days when the product was REALLLLLY bad and he brought it during every single match. Give him one more contract and give him a good farewell tour.

  57. Flair isn't a full time employee. So there aren't many ways to punish him.

  58. We're on the same page here. People are excusing it because it's Flair. But Flair showed up drunk to a corporate event and then hijacked it and talked about how he wanted to wrestle Cena at Wrestlemania XXX (which makes me think he was high if he thinks that would draw) and when Daniel Bryan was modest, self-deprecating and said he didn't feel like he belonged on a panel Flair said: "Hey Daniel, 41 years of wrestling Brody and Blackjack you can imagine how I feel about you being up here, good Lord, Jesus Christ, what would Harley say about him?"

    I think it's rich that Flair has so much animosity towards Bret (I'm biased and a Bret mark but Bret's a mark for himself so it's okay) but no one is a bigger mark for themselves than Ric Flair.


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