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BoD Daily Update

John Cena Possibly Returning to TV in October?

Cena would not be appearing to wrestle but to promote Breast Cancer Awareness Month. There is nothing that is set in stone at this time and the talks are just preliminary.

Credit Dave Meltzer, Wrestling Observer Newsletter

Another Cost-Cutting Move by TNA

In order to cut costs, TNA has only scheduled two house shows for the month of October.

Credit Dave Meltzer, Wrestling Observer Newsletter

Eddie Guerrero's Daughter Returning to Developmental

His daughter Shaul, who wrestled as Raquel Diaz last year before leaving to attend college, will be returning shortly.

Credit Dave Meltzer, Wrestling Observer Newsletter


  1. Good for Shaul. She has potential.

    Well, provided she was playing a character. If that personality type is coming naturally, she may NOT have potential.

  2. Why the hell do they force all these male sports like football and wrestling to wear pink and do all this breast cancer shit?? You don't see the O Network promoting testicular cancer awareness.

  3. I can't wait til she debuts as Ruby Ray O'Dell

  4. Becaus everything Dave Meltzer says, it MUST be true. SMH

  5. In order to completely cut costs TNA will cease being a business.

  6. Dudes get breast cancer, too.

  7. Quite an enlightened statement.

  8. Meltzer. Meltzer everywhere.

  9. pretty sure breast cancer awareness month will do just find without cena. he can stay the fuck off of my tv

    commence the downvotes from peeps who for some reason think that no one is allowed to be sick of cena and welcome a break from him completely

  10. Totally No Assets

  11. no but is it symptomatic of the disparity b/w mens and (primarily) womens issues in the public eye. we live in a very pro-women (and sometimes anti-male) society

    a better example would be prostate cancer.

  12. TNA has done this before with the house shows, though, haven't they? If they're experiencing low ticket sales, it makes perfect sense to not spend the money on something that isn't going to bring anything in.

    Conversely, DOOM!

  13. im not gonna go back and forth.

    let women have their month for black gross boob death.
    i dont mind.

  14. Best thing would be to have Cena record a bunch of video segments on the promotion of Breast Cancer Awareness Month; that way he can be on the show but basically divorced from the Bryan vs HHH/Orton storyline.

  15. So pro-women that they get paid 20% less for doing the same work that men do.

  16. I was thinking Gertrude Santos.

  17. Well, it HAS been 17 minutes since Cena was on TV.

    At least it's for a good cause. That's all I got.

  18. Kissing their ass won't get you anymore dates.

  19. And it has to be said once again, "We can't miss you if you never leave."

  20. Why are you mad at women?

  21. Dougie I know you don't care and are just trolling but you should update your material. Not even 3rd wave feminists believe in the wage gap as a matter of hard fact anymore. The wage gap isn't 30% anymore, it's more like 7-10% depending on source material and much of that is due to bias/error in grouping of work. All social sciences grouped equally, lawyers and paralegals grouped together as "the same job", etc.

    In real world discussions on feminism or "real" feminism vs. radfem, whatever side pulls out the wage gap is basically conceding defeat. It's the social justice equivalent of Godwin's Law.

  22. miguel 'dirty' sanchez

  23. making money off of mens health issues =/= caring about said issues

  24. its not downvotes, its upvotes from my fans in australia

  25. Speaking negative about TNA will do that.

    On a related note: Hi Elvy, and also hello to your multiple accounts/clones.

  26. Better Call Shaul!

  27. Dr. Nguyen Van Thoc

  28. Michelle McGuillicutty

  29. Men get breast cancer too. And women watch football.

  30. We live in a very, very different society then.

  31. Every time I see a "save the ta-tas" sticker or magnet I get douche chills.

  32. I look forward to your next post, "why is it not okay for me to say the 'n' word?!"

  33. I've lost several people in my family to breast cancer, and one of my best friends was recently diagnosed
    I know it's cool to make offensive jokes on the internet but that crossed the line

  34. Ah yes, the old "not being a close-minded jackass" trolling. Brilliant.

  35. Because they don't want to date nice guys him.

  36. seriously? look around in the media: males are always made fools of, are recipients of comical violence, made to feel less than and portrayed as trouble-makers. and dont forget the endless programs and initiatives for girls and women to feel better about themselves no matter the way they look, while males can be portrayed as fat and/or lazy and/or short and.or stupid for comedic effect without anyone batting an eye

  37. So he'd be doing the EXACT same thing as last October, only without being involved in the main event storyline?

    I can dig it.

  38. Yeah, when will men finally get a break in society? I can't roll my eyes far enough.

  39. yes, b/c to hell with actual equality, it's all about making sure the former majority get theirs!

  40. If you think women have the advantage in society, I'd wager you don't know any.

  41. in what i'm sure you'll construe as backtracking, the crux of my argument really is around how men vs women are portrayed in the media. anyone who even remotely pays attention to US media would have to admit that men are shit on

  42. I was just as sick of Cena then anyone but if does a 10 minute spot for breast cancer, i think we can tolerate it.

  43. Yeah, and what's with this black history month bullshit? When's WHITE history month, AMIRITE???

  44. It's a line from Family Guy. And everyone has someone in their life with cancer.

    My mom's going through her second (fortunately highly treatable) battle with it right now.

    It's a funny line. It's OK to laugh.

  45. 1) I'm glad this was posted today:
    2) The idea is that we shouldn't force women into eating disorders to lose weight.

  46. Dougie, this was also an appropriate response:

  47. That's because women aren't really portrayed in the media. If they are they're accessories, prizes, bitches, gold diggers, sluts, or manic pixies.


  49. He shouldn't just feel bad for the joke, he should feel bad for using an unfunny source.

  50. Either everything is able to be made fun of, or nothing is.

    PIck your poison.

    And I am not singling you out, that goes for the BoD. This is the internet, nothing is sacred. Grow a set, roll with the punches or insulate yourself from society.


  51. You are just Anti-Fuj today.

    Or are you just Anti-Fuj in general? No worries either way.

    Let me know so I know where I stand.

  52. Wwe needs the good publicity way more than Oprah.

  53. You should post this on npp that was a good burn

  54. Threadjack: Colt's podcast with Tammy....depressing as shit, BARELY talked about the crazy/sleazy/creepy stuff, but what a waste. Passing on med school really a poor choice.

    But jeeze, can see why she and Bret got along. Tammy was best med student, cheerleader, ring announcer, manager, gym manager, tanning salon manager, prisoner, and author ever. Don't believe it? Just ask her

  55. She sounds exactly like a typical drug addict. It makes me sad to see...I'd still for sure though

  56. You should. I don't quote myself.

  57. That's too bad bro, that was a gem. They would love it.

  58. I'm not saying I agree or disagree but you got trolled

  59. I have several daily. I like to spread them around. Like you and bowel movements.

  60. I am really dreading October, I HATE the pink NFL uniforms and ring ropes. I would love to see financials for Susan G Komen. FYI I just lost someone very close to me to breast cancer within the year. The whole thing seems like marketing to female fans.

  61. It is. Its a PR stunt but if it helps raise money for bray cancer is a win-win for the WWE and cancer research fundraising.


  63. Fair enough, I'm kind of a uniform nerd when it comes to NFL so I get a slightly annoyed.

  64. Fuck, poor dude has that sweet entrance too, is the lantern radioactive?

  65. Thanks, I legit found that interesting. The issue is curing cancer would destroy several pharmaceutical companies.

  66. Understand that idea and how the greater greed would outweigh the greater good but the greatest greed would be whatever company finds the cure, and I can't see a company passing on that

  67. Part of the problem is all the shit people eat. Too many processed foods. They've done studies of villages, in the middle of nowhere, of the people there that eat all natural foods and cancer barely exists there. I'm no doc, but i'm guessing Farva is more informed on this than any of us even though he's not an oncologist.

  68. The shit that they are doing to our food is negating numerous medical advances that have been made in the last 20-30 years.

  69. Totally. You can eat fresh, non-GMO foods, you just have to do some research and have the money to spend more on veggies, fruits and meats than simply going to the local supermarket.

  70. If it leads to Cena getting stomped out by the Corporation to send a message, then cool. If not, he can pretape the shit and never set foot in the arena and have the same impact.

  71. Yea, ive read some of those studies you mention and it really is interesting. The flip side is that most of those studies are done in less affluent places so you dont really know if the absence of other toxins, pollutants, etc. contributes to that low cancer rate.

    Im not an oncologist but the only consistent ive learned about it from working with oncologists and what they teach you in med school is they still have no idea what causes it and probably wont have a great handle in it until next generation.

  72. Having the money being the issue.

  73. My apologies Mike...didn't realize it was s quote

  74. So just because it's the Internet means anything goes, no matter if it might hurt someone? I don't know...I was raised to at least be somewhat respectful to people. To me there are some things you just don't joke about. But, I do realize I am in the minority.

  75. I don't think that's relegated to the internet. There are all types of comedians, presently and through out history, and pushing boundaries and having no limits is part of the craft. Some do it, some don't. It doesn't make it right, every one has a choice whether to go to one of those type of comedian shows or not.

  76. You know male history month is every single fucking day, right?

  77. You can't be serious.

    Look, I believe that there are some thing (SOME) that women are favored over for men. Rape cases favor women, as does divorce law. But to think that women have it easier than men is fucking ridiculous.

    Sorry, but I'm siding with Douglas here.

  78. Okay, you want to got to media?

    What are fictional male characters valued for?

    What are fictional female characters valued for?

  79. Okay, the next time (or the first time) you make fun of anything think about who or what it might affect or offend.

    My bigger concern is that you are on a wrestling site that makes fun of wrestlers (among other things)

    I think your moral compass is kinda off if you came here to find any kind of decency.

    When did the BoD turn into some tree-hugging site? Did I not get the memo?

  80. I actually have a relevant anecdote.

    In class, the topic of little people came up. And on incredibly stupid lady was going on about how much she wants to hug them and how it's a shame we can't call them midgets anymore, because it's a way better name.

    I...I just...don't understand how people can think like that.

  81. That... wasn't a good one Douglas.

  82. I've slowly been spreading my pinko ideas.

    But yeah, it's a joke. Family Guy isn't funny, but it's just a joke.

  83. GMO's aren't all bad.

    Golden Rice is a GMO, and I would say that is one of the most universally good inventions of the 20th century (that and internet porn).

  84. Who the hell cares? Society has become all about false outrage. When the hell did "Midget" turn into the equivalent of the n-bomb? What the hell should you call them? Dwarves? That could be considered offensive too.

    Political Correctness is a cancer with good intentions. Nobody wants to hurt anyone's feelings, but it has become a crutch for every interest group to become offended at everything.

  85. Sheesh. I can't believe one comment has spawned so much discussion. My point was more about how silly it is to promote breast cancer awareness in sports that don't have women and have overwhelmingly male viewership. I'd rather see them tackle an issue that is relevant to the fanbase and workers.

  86. Because people are really, really, really stupid.

  87. If it's not natural, it's not good for you. Maybe not today, but talk to me in 20 years. Read up on GMO's.


  89. Treating people with respect has nothing to do with tree-hugging. Not the same thing at all. And, shit, my initial reaction was based on a joke from Family Guy that I thought was your actual feeling. Put yourself in my position...if you had very recently lost someone close to you from something and saw someone seemingly making a joke about it, how would you react?

    Let me be clear...I'm not some dude with no sense of humor who gets pissy over the smallest things. Hell, I'm known elsewhere on the web and IRL for having a somewhat extreme sense of humor. But, to me there are some things you just don't joke about, and that happened to be one of them. Again, though, this is how I was feeling before I found out it was a line from Family Guy as opposed to something you just pulled out of your ass.

  90. I'm sure HHH will take the opportunity to make some type of potshot at Cena to set up Cena's return later when vacuums up Bryan's heat and become the face and focus of the "Best for Business" angle.

  91. Dwarf is a medical condition.

    It's like calling somebody with Down's Syndrome autistic.

  92. It's like Home Improvement. What's the formula for every episode? Tim does something stupid because he's a man. Jill is understandably upset over this stupid, insensitive male behavior. Tim has a discussion with Wilson and realizes he's a stupid man and should apologize to Jill. Tim apologizes, all's well.

    Do they ever focus on the fact that Tim's supporting the household while, I assume, helping put Jill through school? Noooooooooooooooooo. And when the guy wants to buy Pistons tickets with his own money she won't let him!

    But in all seriousness I don't spend a lot of time thinking about whether men and women are equal or not - I just assume we are. I don't see men as better off than women, but maybe society does? I don't know. But I'm beyond sick of hearing about this "rape culture" horseshit and this insulting campaign to remind men that just because we like to rape woman doesn't mean it's okay to do it.

  93. Where do you draw the line at genetic modification? Because agriculture by definition is genetic manipulation. We are diverging from natural selection when we select tomato A over tomato B.

    I'm going to assume that's not that sort of genetic manipulation you have a problem with.

    And if it's the manipulation of genetic material at the level of DNA and RNA and all that shit. While I believe there are problems, the trend in history has been that technology gets better. Problems will be solved. In the 19th century, the Minister of Transportation in the United States didn't believe that we'd ever have mechanized travel faster than 10 MPH.

    As these articles say, there has been no real good research on it. Right? Even the cancer thing isn't provable because there's too many uncontrolled variables (and a lot of that shit sounds pretty believable to me). Here's something...that is a little bit more believable. We can't sustain the population of the earth with "organic" farming.

    I agree that diet is incredibly important for our health. I just think the problem lies more in over-consumption and under-nutrition than poisonous turnips.

    I agree that the companies that create GMO's are pretty evil. The litigious actions and debt-farming they participate in makes them the most stereotypical of the wide variety of cartoonishly evil corporations that exist in this epoch of time. (If you're interested in more, read up about the wave of suicides that's effected Indian farmers, scary shit)

    I just don't think the problem is inherently in genetic manipulation. It's a tool, and like any other tool, it can be used for good or ill. Nuclear power was responsible for one of the most disturbing things the US of A has ever done, and it's also my personal choice for our salvation when it comes to our energy crisis.

  94. I was in a class...and somebody said that everything the Bible predicted has come true.

    And where did you meet Dr. Mullet? Alabama State?

  95. There's no need to genetically alter food. The only reason it is done is to over produce, period. Hence, the food being modified is changed with steroids, chemicals, etc. Feeding poor contries with foods that we don't know the harm they'll do down the road is evil. You're basically using these countries as guinea pigs. It's corporations being greedy to sure up foods that won't be approved by the FDA and testing them on unknowing subjects. There's enough natural foods to feed the world and we need to be better at sharing them. If you care about your health, you'll stay away from GMO foods. I disagree that everything technology touches is for the better and I think you'll agree with me on that point. Don't believe me, do the research. You'll be shocked at the harm inflicted by GMO food vs. natural food.

  96. Oh goody, another month of pink washing so WWE can pat themselves on the back before donating a pittance to charity to say, "LOOK HOW AWESOME WE ARE!"

    Not that I'm against the cause, but a lot of the practices really set off my cynicism alert.

  97. I shouldn't have laughed at this, but I did anyway. I'm going to hell.


    Might want to update your sources there chief!
    Please don't lecture me on feminist thought.

  99. The problem with Komen isn't transparency, it's that they strongarm other like-minded charities.

  100. And this gets 16 upvotes. I don't even understand this site anymore, man.

    Thank "god" football season's started.

  101. I really don't think there's enough food being produced naturally to feed 7 billion people. And there's still the problem of transportation and distribution.

    And yes, the world is getting better because of technology. I will say that technology has made everything it touches better. Without hyperbole. Not all technology is good, but everything overall is being bettered by technology.

    And if there was a source I trusted and didn't think was being bribed by one side or another, I would love to see some research. I honestly don't think HuffPo is bastion of journalistic integrity however, and the "organic" thing is kind of a scam (as in it's something you pay for that doesn't mean anything), not a scam as big as what Monsanto is doing, but it's still a scam.

    And while using 3rd world countries to test unfounded science is fucked up, that does not mean GMO's are evil. The Tuskegee experiment was an awful, awful thing, but that doesn't mean medical research is inherently evil.

    Luddite's have been proven wrong every single time they oppose new technology, I feel confident that they'll fail this time as well.

  102. Pro-Fuj, if you're not pro-Fuj you're anti-America. Just anti-Family Guy.

  103. I wanna be anti-Seth McFarlene so bad, but American Dad is very funny to me.

  104. Oh it is, it so, so is. The optimist in me likes to think that he sees the easy crap that gets him a LOT of money for Family Guy and does it and American Dad is what he's really capable of. But I've read that Mike Barker and Matt Weitzman are in charge. Love AD.

  105. Say what? Its way easy. Just only shop at whole foods and farmers markets and great butcher shops.

  106. I'm in partial agreement. Robert Schimmel joked about his cancer, a lot. My bone to pick has always been with "comedians" like Jim Norton and Nick DiPaolo who aren't funny and instead act like children who just learned curse words and say intentionally offensive things to get attention because of their lack of talent.

  107. That's not what rape culture is.

  108. Like how white dudes become offended at not being able to be entitled and bigoted so they describe themselves as politically incorrect?

  109. Well, wrestling does have women. Your point was poorly phrased though. As for a more relevant issue... the NFL and WWE aren't going to talk about concussions (which IS relevant) or donate the same sum of money to the BIAA.

  110. We've cured a lot of cancer, it's about when they find it and what kind you have.

    I'm not as quick to demonize pharmaceutical companies for a few reasons. One, they're pretty much our only source of medical R&D. When Reagan slashed spending in the 80's one of the first things to go was public funding for medical research. Two, pharmaceutical companies do good that doesn't get acknowledged (like during Haiti and the Tsunami where they sent massive amounts of needed medication FOC).

  111. Especially because last year it was, "LOL LOOK AT GAY SANDOW, PINK TIGHTS AND SMART SANDOW IS TEH GAY!" and then the next month Cena's coming out wearing pink.

  112. Well "rape culture" doesn't actually exist so it's tough to define. I don't know anywhere/anyone who encourages and accepts rape and sexual violence towards woman.

  113. Look at the reaction when Kobe Bryant was accused of rape.

  114. You'd be surprised how many places don't have whole foods or places related. Of course in big cities (Miami, NY, SD, LA, etc), it's easier, but then, there's the money issue for some people.

  115. I challenge you to eat an all GMO diet. Talk to me when you turn 30.

  116. Rural areas may not have Whole Foods but they usually have great local markets.

  117. What was the reaction towards Kobe? I don't remember much about it. But are we supposed to assume Kobe did it because he was accused, or else we're blaming the victim? Because we're kinda supposed to assume innocence until guilt is proven to. But it's not a fair example because Kobe's a popular sports figure with millions of fans so people are going to support him and vilify her just because they're fans of his - same as Michael Jackson fans who decided to support him because they liked him.

    Rape exists and it's a disgusting crime - "rape culture" doesn't exist anymore than "murder culture" does. I absolutely feel that women should feel safe and never have to go through the physical and emotional trauma of being raped but it gets irritating to see certain groups of women (and I don't mean the feminists who simply want men and women to be treated equally) acting as if they have to live in fear of being raped daily because we live in a culture where it's encouraged and accepted for us men to follow our natural inclination to rape woman.

  118. Whatever happens, that's where we are heading, Cena/Orton WM main event. The match no one wants to see again.

  119. No, it was that people called Kobe's accuser a slut, a golddigger, a liar, etc.

    You rarely hear that someone deserved to get murdered for what they were wearing. You're talking about two different ideas in regards to rape culture. And you touch on the sexual gatekeeper theory: that mean are just lustful psychos guided by our cocks and it's up to women to control sexuality.

    Rape culture is blaming the victim and creating an attitude where it's her fault.

  120. But again, we're talking about a celebrity with millions of fans who are going to blindly support him - and the same was said about Michael Jackson's victims.

    Nobody deserves to be raped because of what they were wearing and that's such a stupid argument I can't imagine enough people believe it for it to warrant it's own "culture".

    But now we're going in the complete opposite direction where a woman who has consensual sex is allowed to call it rape because she regretted it the next day, or because she's pissed off at the man, or because she received some backlash for it and needs to save face - and, as a man, if you even acknowledge that this type of thing occurs, you're slut-shaming and just part of the "rape culture" epidemic.

  121. Fine? Don't want to look at Kobe, look at the Steubenville rape case.

    But now we're going in the complete opposite direction where a woman who
    has consensual sex is allowed to call it rape because she regretted it
    the next day, or because she's pissed off at the man, or because she
    received some backlash for it and needs to save face - and, as a man, if
    you even acknowledge that this type of thing occurs, you're
    slut-shaming and just part of the "rape culture" epidemic.

    Your first point is dependent on intoxication; if a woman was drunk and a man took advantage of her, yeah, that's rape. As for your second or third points, those are the exceptions but are treated like the rule. You notice that those ideas are floated nearly every time a high-profile rape case comes about?

  122.'s pretty much impossible to know what's GMO and what isn't. So I very well might be.

    And if you want a source that seems pretty fact based, I found a blog by an agricultural scientist that might interest you.

  123. But why is it an intoxicated man is responsible for his actions and the intoxicated woman isn't? The more you read about "rape culture" the more ridiculously gender bias it is. I don't want to group all feminists together because there are feminists who simply want equality for men and women. But there are others who are anti-man, and those feminists seem to have moved away from the domestic violence issue (which we now know goes both ways) and onto something that they can, by their own definition, blame entirely on men.

    Why is rape a crime where we're supposed to assume guilty until proven innocent though? There's no easy answer for it because I realize that there are woman who are afraid to come forward and report a rape - and I can't imagine this "rape culture" non-sense is going to make it easier in the long run because it's encouraging woman to call things that aren't rape rape and the women who are legitimately victims of rape won't want to get grouped in with them - but in any other crime we're allowed to speculate as to what happened is accurate. Again, I don't know what the solution is because you don't want women to be afraid to come forward, but you don't want an innocent man to be assumed guilty because to ask questions would be "slut-shaming".

    What got me interested in this topic was the "Don't Be That Guy" campaign where men were portrayed as potential rapists, lingering around innocent women waiting for their opportunity to strike. A couple of months later a men's group put up posters saying "Don't Be That Girl", the gist of which was "Okay, we won't be that guy who sits around waiting to rape you if you won't be that girl who cries rape to cover herself" - and the feminists groups were outraged and disgusted. Were they outraged and disgusted when the initial campaign painted all men as potential rapists? Of course they weren't - and this, naturally, was chalked up to another example of "rape culture" where men aren't trying to bring attention to an issue that affects men they were just trying to continue encouraging rape and assault on women.

  124. Because if a woman is intoxicated and says "stop" and the guy keeps going, that's rape.

    there are feminists who simply want equality for men and women :points to self: how ya doin'.

    Rape is the only crime where we impugn the victim. And the problem is the questions that are asked. A woman's sexual history and her wardrobe are not questions that are germane to if she was raped.

    You also assume that all rape is male on female, which isn't the case.

    Did you look at the posters for those campaigns? First of all, that's a gross distortion of the "Don't Be That Guy" campaign; it was addressing the issue of taking advantage of intoxicated women. The "Don't Be That Girl" was from a Men's Rights Group (which, seriously, if you don't understand why that's so ridiculous a concept then we probably shouldn't continue this). The incidents of men taking advantage of intoxicated women is WAY higher than the amount of women who lie about sexual assault.

  125. What about manslaughter or other assault cases? The accused defense is typically to blame the victim - the victim was the aggressor, the victim deserved it, the victim has a history of this type of behavior. But when it comes to rape we're supposed assume the accusations are 100% accurate and the victim's past/character shouldn't be questioned? And I'm not talking about her sexual history or what she was wearing that evening, I'm talking about whether she has a history of being a vindictive liar or anything else from her past to suggest he'd be capable of lying about it. The problem I have with most of this is that the "rape culture" activists have no grey area - if you question the validity of a rape claim it's victim-blaming, slut-shaming and you're feeding rape culture.

    I did the bar scene for years. I've seen how it works, I've taken part in it. Some woman can hit the bottle and party as hard as men, some woman go out looking for the same thing men go looking for. Some woman will even take advantage of a drunk man. I don't disagree that there are far more cases of men doing it to woman but "rape culture" by definition is only concerned about men sexually assaulting woman - very similar to how woman on man domestic violence was ignored and passed off as a rare occurrence until it couldn't be any longer. If a woman says no, at any point, it's rape. I don't care if she goes home with you, strips off and lays in your bed - if she says no to sex, she said no to sex and you're not entitled to it because you spent all night talking to her or because she walked her home. But at the same time, if a woman has sex with someone because she was drunk, and at no point said no and may have even been the aggressor, is it rape because she regretted it the next day? I think it's related to another problem with society that applies to both genders - we're not a society that likes to take responsibility for our actions.


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