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CM Punk Update

According to Mike Johnson of, part of the reason that Punk missed this past RAW as he has been nagged by injuries. One worker described Punk as a "wounded animal" backstage at the PPV. There are also those in the company who are worried that Punk might not re-sign when his contract is up next Summer as he has been getting more upset than usual lately.

Credit Mike Johnson,

RAW Rating Rises

This past show drew a 3.0 rating.

Jeff Jarrett Back with TNA?

Jarrett was backstage at Thursday's television taping. He was involved in the production backstage and was acting in a role that is similar to a road agent. There is a lot of talk within the company that he is going to be a lot more involved with Impact going forward.

Credit Mike Johnson, PW

Jim Ross Interview with MMA Hour

Story on Brodus Clay and Hornswoggle Reading to Kids at an Elementary School

This happened before RAW on Monday. A clip of the event was shown on television.

So-Cal Val Arrested on Charges of a DUI


  1. RAW: Nice job. And I'd say they've earned at least another 3.0+ week.
    Jarrett: NO!
    JR: I'll need to read that sometime soon.
    Reading: Okay, who confused Horny for a student?
    Val: Sigh.


    Hot bitch. Hot fuckin' drinkin' bitch.

  3. Punk is constantly on Twitter talking about being an insomniac & not getting any sleep that certainly can't help matters.

  4. Punk could take time off then come back after that.

  5. I agree. The mugshot is way better than anytime I watched her on Impact or those TNA photos.

  6. doesn't really have to go anywhere else. he doesn't seem to spend a ton of his cash, outside of his bus, and he's been a toppish guy for two years. considering all the merch he has out I'd doubt he's hurting. Maybe he'll just podcast with Colt and appear on random ROH shows or something.
    Or, like Brian said, take a year off and come back healthy.

  7. Whilst for selfish reasons I'd love Punk to continue for many years the reality is he is constantly beat up and he his body clearly doesn't recover as quick as it use too. I think he should think about retiring in the next year or two as things are not going to get better, at the very least a reduced schedule with retirement in the next few years. He has to think of his life post wrestling seriously and he isn't getting any younger... get out whilst you still can!

  8. So no punk = higher rating


  9. Meh she is still beer goggles material for me.

  10. Charismatic e-Negro Jef VinsonSeptember 18, 2013 at 7:29 AM

    Because as much as straight edge is healthy it must SUCK from a physical standpoint when your job involves getting dropped on your head and an insane travel schedule with no time off.

  11. Charismatic e-Negro Jef VinsonSeptember 18, 2013 at 7:31 AM

    I would LOVE to see TNA dump Hogan's contract and pick up Punk...but the chances of it happening are slim to none.

  12. 3.0 isn't a B+, but it is a solid B. Steph wasn't far off...

  13. i wouldn't even put Slim in the discussion.

  14. Maybe Punk will try to work through the injuries for the rest of the year until Cena returns and then take time off to heal.

  15. I'm thinking that Punk is going to be a part-timer very shortly. His body is wearing down and he doesnt seem like the type who is going to wrestle full-time until he completely breaks down.

  16. Jeff Jarrett seems like a nice guy, he's not terrible in the ring, he should be pretty inoffensive but I just can't stand the guy.

  17. I mildly dislike being this guy, but since this word has popped up a couple of times in these posts recently, "re-sign" is probably a better way of writing that word, since "resign" is basically the opposite meaning.

  18. Smart move for all parties might be to put Punk over huge in the next year (tap out Brock in a rematch, win the Rumble, and have an epic WWE title match vs Bryan at Mania) and then move him into more of a part-time schedule where he becomes one of the 3-4 time a year special attraction guys.

    As much as WWE needs to consistently replenish their ranks of everyday stars (and I'd say Bryan has officially become a franchise guy who the company can build around day-to-day for the next few years), they also need to replenish the "special attraction" ranks. Rock might be completely done, Taker has maybe 1 or 2 Mania matches left in him, HHH is what he is (which is not that good in the ring anymore and not a terribly over special attraction), and Brock is awesome but who knows how many matches he wants to do.

    So yeah, perhaps the best thing to do is cement Punk at that super-duper level, and then this time next year segue him into a much lighter schedule. Would keep him healthy/sane, and give them a new way of pumping up the buyrates for Summerslam/Mania/whatever-yearly-Chicago-PPV.

  19. Great point.. Never thought about that. As much as I love wrestling, sometimes I feel sorry for the guys that they have to put their bodies through Hell to get our approval. Most of us would be popping vicodins 8 times a day if we had to deal with the pains they have.

  20. I think that's a strong possibility. He's not a genetic freak and since he lives a drug free lifestyle (which I completely support and understand), it's going to be difficult for him to work a full-time schedule as he continues to age.

  21. Pretty sure he said he'd never work for them again...not to mention given their financial issues I assume they couldn't afford him even if he was willing.

  22. I'd say maybe an 80s Hogan schedule without as many house shows. Keep him on TV a lot but make his actual physical involvement always mean something. He hasn't had enough time as a legit top guy to be moved into the Rock/HHH category, and he isn't enough of a different spectacle to be in the Brock category. He is, however, great enough and popular enough to be someone whose matches are special treats that are not doled out lightly.

  23. His self-pushing as TNA booker is enough to make him a bit of a douche.

  24. Booknig himself like he was Stone Cold Steve Austin really stunted the company's growth in the beginning.

  25. Jarrett is very good in the ring. He just doesn't need to be booking himself.

  26. punk is such a lil' bitch

  27. I was going to say a "queen" myself, but 6 of one...

  28. I wonder what, exactly, Punk is getting upset over. Not trying to be an ass here, but he's legit one of the top 2 faces in the company right now, is in a high-profile feud with Heyman that will lead to yet another high-profile match with Brock down the line, not mention that he'll most likely get the WWE title again sometime soon. He has tons of merchandise out.

    It's possible that his heart just isn't into it anymore. He used to have something to rail against, the powers that be not recognizing his talent, feeling like he was being held down when he felt he was "Best in the World." I don't think any of those things apply anymore.

    I recommend switching to caffeine-free Pepsi and trying to sleep for a couple of days. Usually does wonders for me when I start getting crabby.

  29. He's Dusty with 1/3 (or less) the charisma. Booker OR talent, NOT BOTH.

  30. Punk strikes me as the kind of guy that if you gave him a brand new car, no strings attached, he would complain about the colour before you'd ever hear a thank you.

  31. Find a way to write Lawler off air for an age or so. Turn him into another Arn or Malenko, let him help out in the back whether booking, putting together matches, helping with promos, etc.

    Then give Punk a long term "injury" or something, and have him become the new color man on the desk, eventually transitioning over to it full time and occasionally getting in the ring for the odd match here or there.

  32. was he a decent landlord? I don't mind the guy being prickly and all that, but I'd really hate for a dude who put Punk in his name to be a slumlord.

  33. Maybe. The manpower is mostly right to pull it off, but this IS TNA we're talking about. As much as I like them, screwing up does seem to be part of the company's charter.

  34. Punk should try that DDPYoga he always makes fun of.

  35. She never met him. If I remember right he uses a management company. She only found out after moving. She said it was a nice building in Northside Chicago.

  36. makes sense, and the management company is what I figured, with being on the road so much.

  37. Agree totally. But "a lil bitch" or unprofessional? I'd never heard that.

  38. As great as Punk is, its a shame that he gets this way when he is not in the main event

  39. Well, technically he was barely in the main event last year when he should have been in it. He always seemed to work with a Napoleon complex. If anything I think he's having trouble psyching himself up now that he's been on top of the mountain. I wouldn't be surprised if he's done next year regardless and go into a Brock type spot appearance contract.

    Outside of comics, his diva of the month, baseball, and Colt, I don't think there are many things Punk's not upset about. Just part of his quirk.

  40. CM Punk "more upset than usual" - Can't be roid rage.

  41. It was fine last summer.

  42. (as I picture him finding a penny face down on the ground)

  43. He's probably just method acting. He's cranky and irritated because his character is cranky and irritated.

  44. I'm not sure if Punk really gives a shit to do it, but I liked his Cannonball Run with wrestlers idea he mentioned on Cabana's podcast. Give him six months or whatever off out of the ring and Reynolds' role in the flick. Maybe make it a little edgier, somewhere between the Fast and Horrendous movies and the original Cannonballs.

  45. Would be fitting in a weird Cena/Punk, Hogan/Savage vibe. Sorta can make Brock his Warrior. Lita his Liz, and if she ever got back with Hardy, Matt her Lex...............(yeah, took that a few steps too far and too dark)

  46. Whether or not its real yoga takes a back seat to whether or not it works. I started it recently and felt great afterward.

  47. I know a case of this really happening (it was a truck). People can be so ungrateful.

  48. It really shows much people love Punk when he loses practically every big match he's in this year and gets cheered just as loudly. Losses don't seem to hurt him.

  49. He was champion for over 400 days. I can't imagine losses would hurt him at this point.

  50. Mugshots can be flattering... the mugshot is the only time I have found Kaitlyn attractive... where the hell has she been anyway?

  51. Not surprised that he is na insomniac... look at the fucking bags under his eyes... furthermore I see a lot of myself in him (no homo) and I can relate to always having my brain take me a million different places to keep me awake... couple that with not having any real vices leading to more caffeine intake (most likely) and the fact that he has access to Lita sex and it all kind of adds up.

  52. Agreed. He also seems to have a love hate relationship with the business... he loves wrestling but hates the wrestling lifestyle.

  53. Its sad that it is necessary to defend supporting living correctly.

  54. He just seems like a deeply angry person with a lot of issues he has never really dealt with in a way that satisfies him.

  55. I don't think it was excessive... I didn't even really think it was criticism... I think it is just an observation of Punk's nature... he truly doesn't give a fuck and would be fine being let go for not falling in 100% lock step.

  56. He had some really non-southern matches in his last feud with Kurt Angle. Double J was busting out missile dropkicks and still heeling it the fuck up.

  57. I think Punk is just a guy that's incredibly hard to satisfy. On one hand that's lead to him fantastic artistic success. But on the other hand it probably hasn't done much for him on the "personal happiness" level.

    Add to that a host of unresolved issues from his childhood that are still ongoing (dude got a restraining order against his mom) and an inability to keep a relationship for longer than a year...I don't get the picture of a happy, well-adjusted person.

    And he's just an asshole.

  58. And that's why method acting is fucking stupid.

  59. Was that when he was doing the MMA deal with Angle? I didn't see that but I remember hearing it was the best run of his career.

  60. Yep. I only got into TNA around 2010, so I can't really relate to the Jarrett hate. All I saw was an incredible heel run with a bunch of awesome matches.

    He was one of the best parts of Immortal. "I didn't sell out, I bought in!"


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