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BoD Daily Update

Hulk Hogan's TNA Contract Expires on October 1st

There has not been any word on whether or not a new contract has been offered

Credit Dave Meltzer, Wrestling Observer Newsletter

HHH Addresses the Wrestlers Who Saved Daniel Bryan on RAW

He does this is an interview with Michael Cole

Original Plans for the Curtis Axel vs. Kofi Kingston match at "Night of Champions"

The match was not originally part of the PPV, but rather the plan was for them to wrestle on RAW the following night.

Credit Bryan Alvarez, Figure Four Weekly Newsletter

Plans for NXT to Tour Outside of Florida?

As of right now, the plan for this to happen will be at some point after WrestleMania

Credit Bryan Alvarez, Figure Four Weekly Newsletter


  1. Does Bischoff's deal expire around the same time? It seems silly to keep one but not the other.

  2. TNA: Signing Their Biggest Stars To Contracts That Expire Just Before Their Biggest Show of the Year

  3. I hope TNA splices footage of Hogan being laid out so Bully can say he put Hogan out of TNA permanently. The real advantage here is Hogan would be gone.

  4. I saw another news item last night saying that a number of people called their local cable company, Cox Communications, after Monday's Raw demanding a refund for Night of Champions because the ending was invalidated on Raw.

    According to the report, the cable company actually gave the refunds. I need to try that some time...

  5. LOL - that Triple H interview is priceless. He even worked in a Mayweather reference. No idea how he kept from laughing during part of that. Awesome.

  6. this should be a BoD news item:

  7. So the original plan was for Axel/Kofi to be on Raw... what the fuck happened to the plan?

  8. Oh no. How long before Hogan appears on Raw in some capacity in this Corporation feud. ugh...

  9. I'm coining this the 'Dusty Refund'.

  10. They was just tryin' ta get to tha pay winda, if you weeeeel.

  11. Hogan: Stay, go, do whatever you want, BROTHER.
    HHH: (haven't watched, so no comment)
    Axel/Kofi: The best laid plans... (which these weren't)
    NXT: Can they be more profitable than the Impact World Tour? Survey says... maybe? :(

  12. More Bruce Pritchard incompetence?

  13. The latest news is that HHH and the WWE is keeping the WWE title in "abeyance" until John Cena returns and continues to be the face of the company for 10 more years

  14. Maybe they really wanted to have Axel go over so they had to bump Axel/Kofi up to the PPV because of the new mandate that champions aren't allowed to win on TV.

  15. I don't really see Bischoff passing up a paycheck actually.

  16. Someone actually remembered the WHOLE POINT of NoC is to have every championship defended?

  17. But what will TNA do without Hulk Hogan?!?!?

  18. "Hey Vince, it's Terry. You're probably busy right now so you couldn't answer my call. Anyways, I'm back, brother! And that Bryan Daniel isn't working out. You need someone who can take down that viper Randy Orton and that corporate sell-out Triple H, DUDE! So Vince, whatcha gonna do when the Hulkster picks up the phone and begs you!? WHATCHA GONNA DO??? HARGGGGHHHHHHH! OWwwwwwww, my back, brother. The Hulkster was trying to pose.... Vince, if you hear this, call 911, I blew my back out, dude!"

  19. Is Nick out of prison yet? Maybe Hogan can beg for a job for his son.

  20. Isn't "passing up a paycheck" the same as staying in TNA?

  21. Does this mean I can get my money back for 'Over The Edge' because they never had that Blue Blazer match I was promised??

  22. Yeah, "incompetence".

  23. Incredible interview with Trips. I for one don't give two fucks HOW this angle is ending, all I see is a bunch of powerful dominant personalities with legitimate grievances against each other duking it out in the ring. And I fucking love it.

    "A lotta people are going to hell. But Virgil Runnels is going there first."




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