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BoD Daily Update

Goldust Returns to RAW Tonight

He will face Randy Orton in an attempt to get his brother Cody's job back with the company

WWE Cancels House Shows in Spain

According to the WWE Spain website, the 11/7 and 11/8 shows were cancelled. The main reason was John Cena's injury causing him to miss the shows.


Jeff Jarrett Returning to Action

Jarrett will be at the October 6th for Great Muta's Wrestle-One promotion in Tokyo, Japan.



  1. Okay, these have me feeling snarky:


    Golddust Returns: If this was TNA, he'd be going over. It's WWE, so we'll call it a 50/50 chance.

    WWE Spain: What have people said about canceled shows and healthy companies? Would someone mind repeating it here, or is the fanboy just too strong?

    Jarrett in Action: Well, he doesn't own the company, so maybe he'll put others over. Maybe.

  2. Without Cena, I'm guessing they werent selling enoguh tickets. Shows you how valuble he is to the company.

  3. Hopefully Cena's back in time for Wrestlemania so it's not postponed.

  4. Goldust returning to defend his brother? That is AWESOME, AWESOME, AWESOME booking.

  5. LOL @ the Cena excuse. That's just WWE's way to cover low sales. WWE has no TV in Spain since the end of July, since the station that aired their shows closed. And even then, the number of people watching that station was VERY low. Only the most hardcore fans have cared about the WWE here for the last 2-3 years after our lattest "wrestling boom" died. Unless a another station brings their TV back, WWE is dead here for a long time.

  6. I agree, as long as it doesn't lead to a match between Orton and Dusty.

  7. I think Double J tops the list of wrestlers who have given me that change-the-channel urge. Just consistently has bored the hell out of me with his promos, matches, everything. Hated every single WWF/WCW run he ever had, and him being the centerpiece was the main reason I never could get into TNA. Just the most pushed-over-his-abilities guy I could think of.

    Anyone here actually enjoy watching Jarrett?

  8. Or Dusty and Bob Orton

  9. HHH, for as much hate as he gets, had a period where he was the best wrestler in the world. Jeff Jarrett was just a midcard heel who got pushed beyond his level. He's a guy who always should have been an IC or US champion with a cup-of-coffee title run.

    I never had a visceral reaction to him, he was the human embodiment of Stringer Bell's forty degree day. Jeff Jarrett just bored me.

  10. Totally. Equivocating Triple H and Jarrett is just a serious case of having TripleHHHate blinders on. They're not even close. Trips, even after the 2002 return, has consistently had much better matches and been a more interesting character than Jarret ever was.

    Even Jarrett as IC champ always seemed to be overshooting it for me. I distinctly remember his IC runs (the Roadie era) and feuds with razor being the absolutely most boring aspect of pro wrestling I had ever seen up to that point.

    I wonder if TNA could have become a lot bigger had someone other than the Jarretts founded it, so that it could have been built around someone other than such a complete non-star. Wrestling was still coming off its hottest period ever, and there were lots of name guys floating around. Had it not been a promotion booked around watching "the most boring, bland wrestler ever will gloat and win ever match via a guitar shot" for those first 6-7 years, one would think a second promotion in the 2000s could have gotten over.

  11. Anyone else think the better outcome for Orton vs Goldust is that Dustin wins, but Cody does not apologize. The whole stipulation dynamic is if Goldust can win AND Cody apologizes makes me think that is the better outcome.

    Because that way you can turn Golddust heel because he is mad that he won for Cody and all Cody did was ruin the chance.

  12. Jarrett wrestled this mind-numbingly boring style. It fit his character when he was a country singer and a Memphis throwback, but once he cut his hair and then returned to WCW? He should have done the brawling style that Austin was doing.

    TNA (and I loathe that name) suffered from WCW's fault of having a heel champion. I remember Raven being super-duper over, more over than he'd ever been outside of ECW, and his run getting cut short by Jarrett.

  13. YankeesHoganTripleHFanSeptember 9, 2013 at 1:04 PM

    Yeah he totally oversold Owen's death in that interview.

  14. nah, I don't think you burn a win off the champ to get Goldust over. Give the win over the champ to the 28 year old who could be something not the 44 year old on the downswing.

  15. Thank you for clarifying this. Cancelling the show b/c one dude was injured, even if it is Cena, seemed over the top even for Vince.

  16. Dustin is only 44? jeez...feels like he's been around for eternity.

  17. Dustin's a road agent now, right?

  18. Well, he was only 21 when he showed up at the 91 Rumble, I think. so he's been around 22 and some change years.

  19. To me that's always been TNA's biggest problem: they never ever EVER build around a face.

    I mean, look at just the last few years: Roode had like a 10 month run, then he loses it to Aries who almost immediately turns heel. Then Hardy wins, but the main story isn't "Hardy as champ" it's Aces & Eights. Bully Ray wins the title, and except for a few weeks with Sabin as champ (who was NEVER the focus of anything) it's been what, 8 months of Bully Ray as teh center of the promotion?

    And it's not like they've spent all year building a bigtime new babyface to pay off Bully's heel run— nope, it'll probably be AJ Styles winning the title and probably turning heel a few weeks later.

    TNA has never built a true lead babyface, which is fucking insane. I still contend that right now we should be heading to BFG with James Storm defending an epic year long reign, and the product would have been way better for it.

  20. No, a Rhodes agent.

  21. Charismatic e-Negro Jef VinsonSeptember 9, 2013 at 3:00 PM

    I've been reading where people think Cody will pose as Goldust. I saw a youtube clip where Dustin had a mask instead of painting his face so it looked like the Goldust character, so I could see this happening.

  22. I only liked Jarrett during the tag title run with Owen. I liked that team, even if they didn't yet have the awesome teams (E&C, Hardys, Dudleys) to work with

  23. This is a great time to build Orton some independent heel heat. No HHH. Just kicking the living shit out of Goldust in dominant fashion, punting him until a ref stoppage. Total dickhead heel fashion, picks up the mic and tells Cody to figure something else out. Goldust leaves on a stretcher, Orton looks like a heel champion ought to look en route to a big PPV match. There is no reason for Orton to show ass against Dustin Rhodes.

  24. Still wish we could have gotten a Cody/Dustin program at some point. It wont be anything ground breaking, but hell id rather see that compared to the standard Tier 3 fued

  25. That'd be fun, but would be pretty obvious, no? I mean, that's the point of that type of angle, the fans are in on it, not the heels, but you gotta figure HHH would paint himself smarter than that when Dustin probably has a good 40 pounds on Cody

  26. I definitely see Orton winning. And cleanly. And decidedly, for that matter. But I don't see it being a squash, nor should it be. Goldust can still go, and frankly since he was never portrayed as a sympathetic character, he can garner a far greater fan response (for Orton) by competing in a full match than simply getting his ass kicked.

    Personally, I see the best way to get him some independent heel heat would be through a in ring promo segment with Edge. These two have enough history together that it would make sense for Edge to call out Orton and ask why he's done what he's done. Edge may not be able to take any bumps, but they can tease him being in a very dangerous situation (perhaps by having Orton call in the Shield) before somebody like Bryan runs in to make the save.

  27. Goldust is a plot device in this angle. He doesn't need to get much more than some of his token spots. I agree it shouldn't be a 2 min squash, but the champ needs to look dominant. The end goal is Bryan beating a hot heel champ, not a Goldust push. As an aside, maybe they could have the Rhodes Bros challenge the Shield for the tag belts at some point.

  28. HHH dressed as Goldust once too, so the fix would be in. /sarcasm

  29. hell no. This angle calls for a dominant heel champ, to make the eventual Bryan win all the more satisfying. Goldust should get some token offense then lose emphatically

  30. Oh shit...HHH is dressing as Goldust, winning the title and then crushing DBry at Survivor Series.

  31. Well, the only time I've seen Jarrett in current time (not trolling youtube) is in his later TNA run. And I actually enjoyed his character and matches because he was willing to go balls out into silly heel mode.

  32. Edge can probably get on his knees and get ready to take the punt.

  33. I'm going to lose what little, little cred I have here, but I liked Jeff Jarrett in WCW.

  34. Bob wouldn't get cleared. Broken arm.


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