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BoD Saturday Night Thread

This is just a thread for those to post about whatever they want. I created it at the suggestion of some of the other posters.


  1. I wonder what Kaitlyn sounds like on the toilet.

  2. So I got the fake RCMP virus from viewing a non-porn site for the 3rd consecutive time. Hows everyone else doing?

  3. Court Bauer has a great podcast up talking about the retarded decision. To "retire" Jim Ross.

  4. Danny Garcia about to defend that middleweight title, can't believe this is on the undercard

  5. Which one is that? I got the flash virus a few months ago and it was a pain in the ass.

  6. ANYONE else watching this fight tonight?

  7. I forget the boxer, but did you hear that press conference where the dead said if his son loses, he will cut his own head off? Lol, I want that guy to lose to see if his dad will follow through with his promise.

  8. Anyone see Alabama vs. Texas A&M? There were way too many unnecessary penalties. That is how they prolong a game when they know people are watching.

  9. Man I remember when people used to get pumped about boxing, but when I called around tonight no one gave a fuck. I got maybe one friend and my gf here to watch this shit. Ufc has fucking killed boxing dead I guess

  10. I was busy watching a GIF of a Gracie take a Flair-Flop from earlier toniht

  11. Canelo by early KO.

  12. Boxing did a good job fucking itself well before UFC put a few nails in the coffin.

  13. Danny Garcia is so good, I can't believe he's curtain jerking for mayweather, he's going to murder this palooka

  14. Its one where a law enforcement agency claims to lockdown your computer and encrypt every single file because you are doing illegal things, so in order to get off the hook you pay $150 via UKash or something to "unlock" your computer.

  15. There is 0.0% mayweather gets knocked out

  16. Not just UFC, boxing is still run by the most crooked people this side of Vince. Plus, there's not a unified major league (like UFC) where the best fighters reside and actually, you know, fight each other on a regular basis. On top of that, when's the last time we've had a super dominant popular HW?

  17. Oh, my friend got his netbook hit with it... he laughed his ass off once he read the "notice".

  18. I would love to see Mayweather lose. Cant see it happening though

  19. Can we get another pet peeves thread?
    Does anyone else have Facebook friends that overshare? I don't need to know that much about your diet, meals, work schedule, bedtime. All day long. I think they are using it like a diary and forget it goes out to everyone.

  20. Boxing was big pre-tyson in the 80's off middleweight fighters. The judging is disgraceful though. That Bradley decison over manny p was fucking embarassing but thats not anything new, pernell whiticker got it worse than any one I think

  21. Jim Lampley should be allowed to call fights for showtime and HBO these fuckers suck

  22. For anyone that subscribes to F4Wonline, Meltzer has his "Sin Limite" show posted where he answers mailbags questions for about an hour. Its good stuff.

  23. question for the BoD, do you prefer to smoke hash by itself or on top of weed. And if you smoke it by itself do you go knife hit style or toss it in the bowl? Me, I do all three, but whats the preference around here. Also any single malt guys here, and whats your choice.

  24. I have the over sharing problem specifically with my sister-in-law. She posts EVERY negative aspect of her life which ends up making her look like a whiner and a bad mother. People have told her about it, but she clearly likes the attention, good or bad.

  25. wow low blow by the jobber

  26. I haven't smoked in several years. In high school, I smoked so much that if I took a piss test, you would probably see a few buds floating around the specimen cup.
    Not much of a scotch guy. I am a beer man.

  27. On top of weed, or if in a pinch, on top of tobacco (just a little bit of Black and Mild tobacco works great), it just burns better that way.

    I don't drink whiskey, so I'll leave the second question to everyone else.

  28. So I went from being a full on beer snob in my mid 20's to the point where now I can only drink PBR and bud light if I'm having more than one or two

  29. I just have a few now. If I drank Bud Light, I could pound 15 in a day and not feel anything.
    I did go on a kick of vodka and club soda but I just have a few beers now and then

  30. I'm drinking PBR right now. $5.20 for a 6 pack of 16oz. cans? Yeah, I'm there.

  31. Yeah I like to eat cake with icing so I also like to smoke weed with hash. I ask because just to make my saturday a little more fun my buddy and I just started heating up a butter knife and my gf said she had never heard of a knife hitting (doesn't have to be knife though) and claimed we were just making it up

  32. Anyone here in the BoD Fantasy Baseball League?

  33. Dude we are like ying and yang, i'm glen livet all day. 18 year is the best dollar for dollar, but I have no problem with the 12

  34. Picked up a 30 pack for less than 20 bucks, and it goes down like water. I don't mind bud light either because it basically tastes like PBR light but theres a little more alcohol in the PBR

  35. “I’ll have a scotch on the rocks. Any scotch will do as long as it’s not a blend of course. Single malt Glenlivet, Glenfiddich perhaps maybe a Glen… any Glen.”

  36. Yeah, here we call it "hot knives".

    Fuck me, I wish I could get some good hash. The THMQ in Buffalo is quite poor at the moment, and has been for about a month now.

  37. See and thats why I like it. You can just crush em at the beach and make it through the day. If I was to drink sam adams or even east coast shit like long trail I'd be dying

  38. College Football: where a 31-24 road win is disappointing.

  39. I watched that game, mainly because I live in A&M country....but boooooy, do I hate Manziel. Cocky, arrogant spoiled rich kid who is really good at football. What's not to hate?

  40. Brutal, Point Loma Patients Association had a 4 gram of bubble hash for 60 bucks sale today, i'm fucking blazed

  41. Yeah, he is way too arrogant, especially for a college guy.

  42. I think it's going to take a guy like Manziel (rich, lots of lawyers) to maybe break some of these dumb NCAA rules that will end up benefitting the poor black kids who get kicked off the team for taking a few Taco's from Taco Bell.

  43. Swingers is kind of a forgotten classic for 90's films. 4.75 star movie

  44. My Syracuse Orange blew out Wagner 54-0. Crazy.

  45. Is there a limit on how arrogant you can be when you're great? You would've hated the old UM teams from the 80s-early 90s....

  46. One of my favorite, have a few drinks while getting ready to go out movie. So many quotable lines.

  47. Manziel has most people beat when it comes to arrogance though. You just want to punch him in the face while watching him

  48. Half the country did, and the other half loved them. I can't get enough of that guy, sucks he lost today but he showed something by fighting till the end

  49. What head is he talking about?

  50. Funny thing is, I'm 31 and I never once tasted PBR until about 2 months ago. But it's so cheap and tasty that now I'm hooked. Molson Canadian is still my beer of choice, though. Flying Bison Rusty Chain is damn good too.

  51. Yeah I just started drinking it about a year ago, honestly I've become a pretty loyal customer

  52. You'd love him if he played for your team...

    I love the hot-dogs in sports. Who cares? They're playing a fucking game. Tear down the Cathedral! Too many people take sports way too seriously. Now, you better be able to back it up and he can. If A&M had a half way decent defense, they could've won today.

  53. Good, the NCAA is evil.

  54. Danny Garcia is whipping this fools ass, I really like this guy.

  55. I wish I could just go the Dr. Greenthumb route, but unfortunately I live directly across the street from 2 cops.

  56. "Don't even ask me about how bad my day was."

  57. I guess.
    I don't mind people in sports showboating but Manziel, for me, is just one of those people who I cannot stand at all. I have the feeling when watching Pau Gasol too for some reason. I groan watching seven-footers flop when they pivot.

  58. I'm a huge of fans of all types of show boating. I never get the people who say "just hand the ref the ball and act like you've been there before"

  59. Add another notch to the "more than 500 yards of offense for the losing team" tally.

  60. Still not as bad as Michigan's near-fuckup at the Big House. I would have loved to see App State II today.

  61. Johnny Football has brought a lot of enthusiasm to this town, I'll give him that. But he's had things like traffic violations....underage drinking....his Twitter was, at one point, full of complaints about how he can't wait to get out of here. His attitude is one that a kid of 20 would have...but the guy needs to have a better head on his shoulders when the spotlight is on him 24/7. That's why he is so polarizing, to borrow from Michael Cole.

  62. Yes! So similar to what I was talking about. "I just want to be left alone." Then get your ass off Facebook!

  63. Gasol is European, he can't help it. Probably grew up playing futbol, so it comes with the territory. And yes, it's incredibly annoying. I don't have a problem if you don't like him, but I love guys like him even when my teams play against them.

  64. This is from yesterday, but it's still pretty funny...

  65. I agree with that but the people who go ballistic after making a routine play is a little much

  66. This is SO true... upvote this, people. (Not me, him.)

  67. Someday they'll open dispensaries there and then you can just buy clones ready to blow up

  68. I love seeing guys do the first down point when they are down 20, I dunno why.

  69. Former UM, Cardinals and Dolphins WR; Randal "thrill" Hill was the best (or the worst from your POV). In college, after every single catch, he would put his arms in the air. Not pointing at God or whatever, but like a pro wrestler after they win a match. Both arms, #1's in both hands, every catch. It didn't matter if it was a 2-yard catch on 3rd and 10. They've taken out ALL the fun from football - college and pros.

  70. Yeah, we're getting there. The problem right now isn't the cops or anything (they don't fuckin care), it's that the really unpredictable weather has caused problems for the people growing.

  71. I remember when the Celtics went to the finals after beating the Magic in the ECF in 2010 and while down by 20 in the 4th with the game out of reach, Dwight Howard, who did nothing at all, started egging on the crowd after a dunk and I just thought this guy is a total clown who will never win anything at all.

  72. Keep em seperate.

    And i smoke my...err, MY FRIEND smokes his hash by stabbing it on a nail on a small piece of wood. Light it, then place a glass over to catch smoke. Inhale. Presto.

  73. Fully agree. "Oh, but the defense might get angry, and start a fight..." Fuck that bullshit. If the defense can't make the stop, they have NO grounds for complaint.

    It's shit like that that creates dumb rules in youth sports.

  74. I remember all of the high-stepping from the 90's. That just abot went away.

  75. No kidding, they're like a fucking cartel.

  76. A lot of the NBA flopping is overrated. If your big you really have to overexxagerate to get the call. My coach in high school used to get pissed when we played this one team with a legit 6'9" kid at center if we didn't cheap shot the fuck out of the guy. I used to pinch his ribs when he was boxing out our 4 and he would just stoically no sell everything and never get a call. He usually kicked our ass though.

  77. lol, kinda reminds me of Garnett at times...

  78. Fuck the NCAA, if Johnny takes them down he becomes a folk hero

  79. The NCAA is as crooked as it gets

  80. I feel like we grow so much weed out here tons of that shit must be making it to the east coast. We could probably supply most of the country

  81. Garnett would just intimidate a backup point guard or a rookie from Europe

  82. Yup thats basically the knife hit more or less.

  83. If the federal government had half a brain (they don't), they would legalize pot at the federal level and allow states that can grow it to sell to other states at a hefty tax rate. Then those states can mark up the price and sell it.


  84. How about when he ran out into the tunnel and did the double guns thing, that guy is fucking the greatest

  85. Oh, totally.

    I mean, I wouldn't know. I don't Crime, you see.

  86. When he got down on all fours and barked at jared bayless that was the best

  87. Wait, what's this "knife hit style"? Never heard of it. Kids today and their crazy weed smoking ways! When I was a teenager I was happy with a coke can! Haven't had hash in a while, wouldn't mind it again. Had some nice hydro on Thursday, really mellow high. Someone else said it but I like to mix my weed with tobacco as well. This thread has me thinking about partaking but my current stuff isn't that great and it's getting kinda old. We'll see.

    As for drinking, I'm a fan of Heineken, Rum and Coke and Screwdrivers.

  88. That Hurricane team was INSANE. They beat Texas in the Cotton bowl like 51-3. They had more yards in penalties than Texas had in total offense.

  89. I thought that Ochocinco was funny. I loved when he used the pilon to putt the football.

  90. Succumbing to peer pressure Brian?!?! Not setting a good example for the rest of the blog!

  91. Two words: River Dance~!

  92. I am a diehard Boston sports fan but thought it was telling when Zaza Pachulia put Garnett in his place in the 07-08 playoffs

  93. Knife hit is basically sandwiching a bit of hash between something and a hot knife and then you just inhale the smoke. I usually just dump it on top of weed,

  94. Ha!
    I was actually thinking of this for a few weeks then when someone else suggested it, I decided to post it tonight

  95. Speaking of Boston, Red Sox that is, how nice is it to whip up on the Yanks in September and essentially putting them out of play off contention? Fuck those guys.

  96. How's the magic mushroom industry doing around your parts?

  97. I was too young to watch it live as a kid but after that Billy Corbin documentary I found the whole game online...greatest beat down of all time, imagine if that happened today???

  98. Ah OK, yeah I usually just put it on top of some weed in my pipe. I like my pipe although in college I had a big bong that I miss.

  99. I decided to watch every WWE ppv and SNME from 1990 to the end of 92. I may not make past Rumble 90. Fucking Christ, Garvin/Valentine is the most boring match of all time. Its a submission match and they keep going for pinfalls.

  100. I doubt it's making it here. People assume that we get all our weed from Canada, which is not true. Canadian weed, or at least the "weed" that's left over that they sell us, is fucking garbage. So now we ("we" as in people in Buffalo, not "we" as in me and friends of mine) just grow it ourselves. If you're smoking some dank shit here, there's a 95% chance it was grown within 10 miles. We're done importing shit here, be it from another country or another state.

  101. His middle fingers to the face of jose calderon up and down the court was pretty epic. I love kg

  102. All of these rules that exist today (no celebrating, no dancing, etc) were set because of those Hurricane teams. They told you they were going to beat you before the game, during the game and then kicked your ass. I lived that shit through High School and it was awesome. I went to a bunch of games at the Orange Bowl at the time with my dad, great stuff.

  103. This year's team has surprised everyone and oddly enough, they still are not selling out. Lester is getting back to his old self and with Buchholz back from injury, add that to Peavy and Lackey and you have a nice rotation for the playoffs

  104. Still scared of Detroit...

  105. Haha, I remember that.

  106. Are you doing this marathon style?

  107. It was something to see Valentine, who was great until about 1987, turn to one of the worst in the company by 1990

  108. I actually love that little "flaw" in the match... Garvin's more a KO/pin guy in the first place, and even though Valentine should know better, instinct sometimes wins out.

    Same as Macho in the 94 Rumble. Hit elbow from top, pin... Oops.

  109. Yeah, their lineup is stacked.

  110. Or doggy style? Or love, American style? Or AJ Style?

  111. I'm still disappointed it wasn't him in the original Horsemen instead of Ole. That would've been epic.

  112. Hard to say, because its very underground here, and as prevalent as weed (which is like water here) but I have friend who practices holistic medicine and he grows a crop of the psylocibin ones every few months

  113. Question: does anyone here have a peanut allergy? If so, does the sight of someone enjoying a good peanut make you want to

  114. Yeah, he would have fit right in with those guys.

  115. I haven't done it in a while (bad last experience, but funny afterwards), but man I used to love that shit. I've never smoked weed, although I have had some brownies before. Still prefer the mental ride from mushrooms.

  116. I still cannot believe they inducted the horsemen into the HOF without Ole, thats cracks me up on so many levels

  117. I would love to find all of WCW saturday night from 85-87, I've been searching and collecting here and there, but it's damn near impossible.

  118. Funny you say that, I'm eating peanuts right now.

  119. I love mushrooms but they are hard to find at times out here

  120. Why can't vkm open up the entire library and sell that shit individually.

  121. Swingers was great but I thought Made was so much better. That movie never gets enough praise.

  122. It's always been like that here in Florida as well. When I used to get them, I would stock up because when it goes dry, it goes dry for months and months.

  123. 85-87? I have some NWA tapes from that era

  124. I fucking love Made. That is Vince Vaughn's best ever performance. His character in that movie may be the most obnoxious human being ever.

  125. Great Danny Garcia fight. Main event is about to start if anyone was waiting before they looked for a stream. I actually dropped the 75 on it but i was hoping to have a fight party. That turned into my buddy and my gf. Not much of a party

  126. Hell yeah! If I had a kid, and they had a peanut allergy, and I couldn't have peanuts in the house, I don't know what I would do. On the one hand, kids! On the other, peanuts! Which way do I go??

  127. Two questions:

    1. How's the quality?

    2. Do you have all the shows?

  128. Is that the best thing puffy ever did?

  129. There's really nothing better in food life than a PB&J sandwich.

  130. Especially the "you're not getting a gun" scene. Incoherent rambling was never as funny as it was in that scene.

  131. Get Him to the Greek. Puffy was great in that.

  132. By a country mile.

  133. I got some tapes, I would have to find them, but they were from when the Horsemen first started. I actually got them from John McAdam (Anyone remember that guy) over ten years ago.

  134. It's non-stop. I may have to put that in right now and have it in the background.

    "You must be the Red Dragon."

  135. Sensational Sherri is a 10 on the white trash hot scale.

  136. Yeah, the Horsemen started in 86 I think but they had a loose alliance during 85.

  137. Like most foods in life, the sloppier the better.

  138. I've always been curious what a banana pepper tastes like. I'm allergic to them, so obviously I've never had one.

  139. I wish they would've allowed AJ to be more like her when she was with Ziggler.

  140. It's briny like a pickle, but more bitter. You're not missing anything.

  141. We make a PB&J burger where I work, though I've never tried one.

  142. I know she gave me a boner or two. Especially if you could see the top of her stockings.

  143. Showtime needs Steve Albert back in the worst fucking way.

  144. Yeah, they never smelled particularly appetizing.

  145. I've had peanut butter in a burger, it's a tasty burger. The Jam? That might work, kind of like a montecristo has that sweet sauce in it.

  146. "traffic violations....underage drinking...."

    So he's like every other 20 year-old college kid.

  147. Man, I just recently tried an Avocado Bacon Burger from Whataburger. It was pretty good. Avocado is everywhere now. Why are "they" just discovering this delicious fruit?

  148. We make one topped with pulled pork too, which is pretty fucking amazing.

  149. I stand corrected.
    I found the tapes. It is from April 1985-May1986

  150. Sam Peter came pretty damn close to being that guy and then the Klitschko brothers just had to kill his momentum dead.

  151. That's pretty good, actually. If you ever convert it to DVD (or avi/mpeg/etc), let me know, i'd be willing to send you a few paypal bucks in exchange.

  152. No-one has peanut allergies. It's all bullshit.

  153. I know, right? I put avocados in everything I can. I make these green vegetable juices and use apples to sweeten them and avocados to give it a creamy texture. They are the bomb.

  154. It's just a trend.

  155. No problem
    Speaking of older shows, I just watched the first WWF live WTBS Studio show and holy shit was that long. Ricky Steamboat did make his WWF debut here. I will have the review up tomorrow.

  156. I remember my first Heisman when I was 20. Yeah, I got it for being such a fuck up.

  157. Larry Holmes was pretty popular as well. The 80s was crazy with talented, charismatic guys. You had Duran and Sugar Ray and Boom Boom and Hearns and the ultimate heel, Hagler. Those type of guys are now in UFC.

  158. One of my pet peeves I forgot about in that other thread: seeing commercials for places like Whataburger and Sonic and Golden Corral and other restaurants we don't have around here.

  159. Sonic is gross. Not missing much there.

  160. He should be able to live his life like any other kid. So he's a Heisman winner and "the spotlight" is on him, so what? What harm is he really doing? Is he robbing liquor stores and beating people up at bars? It's all fluff and in today's 24/7 news cycle of ESPN, Fox sports, Twitter, all gets blown out of proportion.

  161. We don't have a Carl's Jr....or a Red Robin. The Applebee's we have here is the fucking worst

  162. Sweet, i'll check it out. You do a good job with those and I always check them out, though I rarely comment in them.

  163. And now thanks to the crooked NCAA, all of the fun the Miami Hurricanes brought us is gone and Alabama gets to bore everyone to death every year. The Georgia Bulldogs are the closest thing we have to a fun college football team now and they keep shooting themselves in the foot, go figure.

  164. I'll disagree on that one. Not great, but they're perfectly acceptable. Down here, at least.

  165. Applebee's is the fucking worst. FIFY.

  166. I must agree on the stockings comment although at 12 a plastic bag could give me a boner or two.

  167. Georgia has fun and they have a UM connection through Mark Richt. He knows what that's all about.

  168. We don't have a Carl's Jr either, not sure about Red Robin but I don't think so. And fuck Applebee's.

  169. Some trends become permanent.

  170. One finally opened in Massachusetts and I checked it out a few months after and thought it was disgusting. The tater tots were good though.

  171. Why on earth would you want Beiber to come to the ring with you?

  172. Lol Floyd coming out with Little Wayne, thats great

  173. His own. Like, he would take a sword or a chef's knife and cut his own head. You have to look this video up, it's fucking hilarious.

  174. I'm still confused why these rappers take this kid seriously. I'm guessing he buys them all the weed they want and that's his "in".

  175. Thanks. Should be up tomorrow at some point mid-afternoon
    I will also post the NFL thread tomorrow, shortly before noon.

  176. That's his thing.

  177. Dude all three of those places are horrible you are better off without them


  179. I'm not a ghost I'm a, huge rap fan but wow wayne sucks

  180. Yeah, they're fun but they're not really dominant like Miami was. Everytime they come close to winning it all, they end up blowing it. I hope it's not the case this year because I want Alabama's run of horrible BCS title games to end in the worst way but I have a feeling they will blow it as usual and Alabama will yet again be 25 million viewers' cure for insomnia.

  181. Good way to meet high quality white chicks?

  182. Red Robin is okay.
    Applebee's is the worst.
    Carl's Jr. is not in Massachusetts

  183. The PPV "I ordered" has these funny British guys doing commentary.

  184. As much as I hate the Beib, all he has to do is show his bank account and he'll get laid. Once you reach his level, it's not so hard.

  185. Brad Maddox as ref or GTFO

  186. Looks like the Shane Douglas YouShoot will win the poll. Its up by a large margin

  187. No but the rappers aren't getting access to the level of hot pussy Bieber has, thats a good reason to hang out with him

  188. By the way jobber, not to be a dick and I hate to say he was "right" but Dougie actually never said anything about the autistic child stuff. It was two other assholes making the comments/jokes.

  189. WHERE IS TRIPLE H?!?!?

  190. I would love just one time for Big Show to be sitting at ringside for a Mayweather fight.

  191. Some people are wise to hitch their wagon to someone else's star. Meal tickets come in all forms. Some of them more androgynous than others.

  192. Midnight gym session with Steph?

  193. I was just about to make a Big Show run in joke.

  194. It did make for a great joke on "Are You Serious?" though. And why did they ever stop doing that show anyway?

  195. I don't see how anybody takes that kid seriously except for pre teen girls. The kid just isn't that good even on a teen idol level. I wonder how long before he flames out or self destructs and starts dry humping a guy on stage.

  196. This white mexican looks sooo much bigger than Mayweather.


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