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Catching up on ROH part 2: September 14th-15th Edition

I'm back again already to finish playing catch up with ROH.  In this edition, it's Taven vs Strong, Kendrick vs Steen, and Cole vs Lethal.

Those easily offended by blasphemy are hereby warned about clicking read more...

Open with a recap of Bennett crippling Whitmer 

1st Round Match: Roderick Strong vs Matt Taven w/Truth Martini and the Hoopla Hotties
These poor bastards got the death spot following BJ's...well, death spot.  The crowd isn't feeling it early on as a result.  Nigel forces Scarlet to sit next to him since she is not licensed (unlike Truth, Silesia, and Casey Rae--who have a manager's, bodyguard's, and wrestler's license respectively).    Match opens with chain wrestling. The crowd thinks Taven swallows. Roddy gets the better of Taven and beats him in the corner.  Truth grabs Strong's ankle to stop the assault, but he just shrugs it off and cradles Taven for 2.  Strong's domination continues with a vertical suplex, so Truth gets involved again!  This time Taven capitalizes on the distraction with a Disaster kick.  Roddy rolls to the floor out to the floor


Back with an enzugiri into a sit out suplex from Taven.  A moonsault gets nothing but knees; Strong comes back with that same fucking facebuster that stumped me the last two times he used it.  I tried finding a name, I couldn't--I have no idea what the fuck this thing is called, and even if I did, it has a highly contrived setup with little visual payoff.  You're the Goddamn Messiah of the Backbreaker, stick to what you know and break some dome backs--I know what all your variations of that are called!  The whateverthefuckit'scalled gets 2.  Strong fights with knees and elbows; Taven tries to fight back, but it's a back body drop and a clothesline to the outside for him.  Roddy follows him out; Silesia distracts the ref, and Truth smashes the book of truth over Strong's back.  Nigel has seen enough and his ready to give Truth a stern talking to damn it!  Strong gets tied up in the argument which allows Taven to recover.  Roddy dodges a boot and Truth gets wiped out by his client.  0.2 Jannettys to Truth for his awkward roll after the bump!  Taven is distraught, Thankfully Strong was there to offer him the consoling embrace of a BACK BREAKER ON THE FUCKING APRON!  It gets a 2 count.  Strong tries for the Strongbow, but Taven escapes and hits the Angel's wings for 2.  The champ goes up, but Roddy brings him back down with a superplex.  Taven kicks out INTO the Stronghold!  Taven says no to tapping that for the first time in his life and forces the rope break.  Matt uses the tights to hang Roderick on the second rope.  Hangman's neck breaker sets up a beautiful frog splash that almost gets 3.  Taven wants his Climax--but Roddy isn't ready for him to finish yet!  He turns it into a back breaker, and then another!  Sick kick puts Taven down--So Strong picks him up and strings him on the Strongbow for the pinfall. *** Great work here.  The TV champion does another non-title job, but he's honky-tonking the title and not meant to be seen as a deserving champion so, in this case, it works.  This was a simple match, with a "Strong" babyface and cowardly heel, but some easy to enjoy simplicity is what we needed to get back into the show post-Whitmer, so good job guys.

1st Round Match: "Stoned Jesus" Brian Kendrick vs "Mr.Wrestling" Kevin Steen 
Kendrick's nickname comes from my father, who turned and asked me how much it would have cost them to book Jesus for the show--with him working so many dates in heaven and all.  Casual fans ladies and gentlemen!

The Messiah formerly known as Spanky is out first to a modest reaction.  Steen's music hits and the crowd goes wild.  Forget Elgin's hometown pop, Steen obliterates it here.  Jesus starts with a shoulder tackle that finds as much success as a creationist arguing for co-existence on r/Atheism (not much for those of you who don't speak Internet).  Steen has some advice: "I don't know about that.  Maybe if you get more momentum.  Gotta really use your hips".  The stoned savior heeds the advice of the anti-Christ, and tries once more.  The fat devil remains vertical--but concedes "that was better".  On the third attempt, his holiness dodged a clothesline and took control with a myriad of strikes.  A shoulder tackle takes Kendrick down, Steen celebrates, bathing in the sin of pride.  The prophet of Ghanja takes a powder.  He milks the count for all it's worth, entering at the ring at the last second; just to turn the other cheek and exit once more.  The crowd boos, because Fuck pacifism.  Steen cannot contain his wrath any longer, and he gives chase.  The Lord (of hash) is caught in Steen's grasp--but he escapes and hits sliced bread #2 ON THE FUCKING APRON!  I'm noticing a pattern here.


Many a sermon put people to sleep, but we are back with Steen escaping a sleeper.  Both guys are down.  They get up at the same time and trade shots in the centre of the ring.  Steen ends up on the apron.  He sunset flips into the ring, rolling it into a sharpshooter!  The crowd approves this tribute to their false idol of Pink and Black!  Kendrick blocks the move from being cinched in however.  He flies high from being catapulted into the corner, lands on the second rope, and springs back with a Tornado DDT for 2.  Steen responds with an F-5 that gets 2. The Package Piledriver is blocked.  Steen channels the holy spirit of Maple Leaf Gardens and reverses sliced bread #2 into a Canuck Commando Unconscious suplex!  Steen wants a cannonball, but Kendrick hides behind the ref.  Steen shoves him out of the way and Jesus kicks him in the nuts.  Christ, what an asshole!  Steen no sells it and delivers a vicious chokeslam.  Cannonball hits and Steen cranks back on the sharpshooter for the submission. **3/4 Joking aside Kendrick (by which I mean stoned).  There were three David vs Goliath matches in the first round--and defying all wrestling logic Goliath won all three.  They also descended in quality, with each less spectacular then the last.  Steen is still the most over man in ROH.

Recap of Cole vs Briscoe and Lethal vs Dutt

Quarterfinals: Jay Lethal vs Adam Cole
Code of honor is adhered to.  Long feeling out process to start.  Things speed up into some really good chain wrestling.  Lethal gets the advantage and a pair of 2 counts with a back breaker.  Belly to back suplex gets another 2 count.  Cole fights out of a headlock with a neck breaker for 2.


Back with Cole getting dumped.  A Lethal suicide (dive) is stopped when Cole lands a jumping enzugiri from the outside in.  Lethal hits a dropkick and NOW he gets his suicide dive.  both guys make it back into the ring at 17.  Forearms are traded in the middle of the ring.  Cole hits his "Standing Fireman's Carey Neck Breaker" (number 1 with a bullet on the list of "moves that need gimmick names) for 2.  Lethal cuts Cole off upstairs.  A Sunset bomb and quick shining wizard get Cole another 2 count.  Cole is just not over in Canada, few fucks are given about this match by the audience, and the ones that are belong to Lethal fans.  Lethal combination out of nowhere gets 2.  Lethal hails the King but gets cut off up top by Cole.  Adam is pushed down, but he dodges a missile dropkick.  There is a sloppy reversal sequence that ends in a 2 count for Lethal.  Jay goes for the Lethal injection, but he gets superkicked out of midair!  Kneeling brain buster gets Cole 2.  The younger wrestler spends way to much time arguing and Lethal is able to recover with a jawbreaker.  This time the lethal injection is countered with an O'Connor roll that gets 2.  Lethal superkick sets up the Hail to the King Elbow drop.  Lethal finally connects with the Lethal injection and the crowd finally wakes up.  It still only gets 2.  Lethal places Cole on the top rope, but he slips out and hits a super German suplex. (less insane then it sounds, Lethal took the bump on his stomach)  The Florida Key gets the 3 count. ** did that recap sound like an unenthused listing of moves.  That's probably because that is what the match was.  Dull contest with a decent finish.  I seem to cool on Cole more every month, and even though I think he'll win the tournament--he's my least favorite choice of the 4 semi-finalists.  He's missing something.  He still has the potential to be great (he's only 24) but I think it's too early; the consistency just isn't there, one week he'll steal the show, then the next he'll have an uninspired performance like this one.

The Opener was great, the Steen match was entertaining, but the main event underwhelms. A show worth watching if you are a fan of ROH, but nothing that will turn non-fans into fanatics.  See you all next week for your regularly scheduled review  




  1. I'm a huge Cole fan, but I agree that he needs something.

    He's good in the ring, but he's not good enough to get over on ringwork alone.

    He's good on the mic, but not good enough to just rely on that.

    He's got a good gimmick, but it's not universally appealing or appalling.

    His moveset is fine, but he isn't brutal enough to get heat that away, or memorable enough to grab your eye.

    He's above average to good at most everything, while only really lacking in look. He's small, and he doesn't have the overwhelming intensity of a Daniel Bryan to make up for it. I think he just needs to tweak his gimmick/moveset enough to really get something that people can sink their teeth into. He's just a little too generic and not outstanding enough in his generic-ness to compensate for it.

    But he is totally the future of RoH, i.e. he'll be on NXT pretty damn soon.

  2. yeah, I'm not much of an ROH guy, but I googled an image of Cole and I was like "oh yeah, that dude has pretty boy WWE babyface written all over him," Like Jeff Hardy (presumably) minus a love of rave culture.

  3. Does that include minusing a love of the A to Z? If so, he can go far.

  4. Let's hope so!

    We need a new Lesnar to come in and randomly destroy the new Hardy we've anointed. "Lesnar Mauls the Hardys" was such a fun debut.

  5. Tommaso Ciampa?
    I have no idea how they let that guy slip out of developmental.
    He doesn't have Lesnar's size, but he has the intencity in spades.

  6. Does anyone else think the Florida Key is a boring finisher? It's a decent move, but it's really just a decorated german suplex, which doesn't really fit Cole. Maybe this ties in to the gimmick feeling incomplete. He's just a collection of random (albeit well executed) moves and spots but they don't cohere into an identity. This heel turn should be a big step for him when it's complete as it could help him define himself with a concrete persona, much like Chris Jericho first heel turn in WCW made him infinitely more interesting and identifiable.

  7. I haven't seen him, but based on look, nah. he's just a really ripped dude. you need someone with Rusev's look for this sorta thing.

  8. I don't actually. I kind of remember not caring for his writing and don't have much memory of it.

  9. Anyone going to the show tonight? Looking forward to Elgin/Steen.

  10. I wish, but Philly is more then a little to far away.

    if Steen and Elgin is half as good as last time it's **1/2 so that is something to look foreward to. Only concern is if it's cut short ro legnthen the finals.

  11. Beyond a few of the main guys my knowledge of most of the card comes from here and Colt's podcast. So not 100% sure what else should stand out on the card but looking forward to it.

  12. Hopefully it's a great show then!

  13. Npp mid 180's...we've all all-seen it

  14. Cole hasn't got "it", and I'm not sure if he can ever get "it". He's not ready. It's Elgin's tourney to lose, and he's not losing it.

    Lot of apron spots, especially odd considering what happened on the apron earlier on this show. Sucks jobbing one of their champs(especially jobbing him to the Messiah of the Generic White Guys), but Taven didn't need to go any farther in the tourney than he did. And I'll buy Kendrick being high. SOMETHING was off in that match.

  15. It was 25.



    ...OK, I'll stop now.

  16. Cole has "it" as a full blown heel as he's shown in PWG. I still think Elgin should win the tourney and face Jay at Final Battle though.

  17. Jay is why I think Cole turns heel and wins. The build to Briscoe vs Cole would have started with Cole re concusing Mark

  18. Cole shows signs of "it" but he has not been able to keep "it". He looked like a masive rising star when he wrestled O'Reilly at BitW 2012.

    Ironically I'm way more into reDRagon then Cole now (which does not mean push Kyle as a singles star--it's Fish and O'Reilly's chemistry that brings them to the next level. That actually works against Cole too, 'cause Future Shock was a bundle of "meh"

  19. That's a pretty good spin on it. Cole feels incomplete. He's a lot like early CM Punk. A collection of cool moves and interesting gimmick ideas...but necessarily a real character.

    I think a lot of times wrestlers (especially younger ones) have a neat idea and they use, even if it doesn't actually work with anything else they bring to the table.

    And Cole should stop using the Florida Key. He's a guy that needs a Cutter/DDT variant, a really slick finish of some sorts that can actually be believably done on bigger guys.

  20. Was Jay shoot injured or did they strip him because of his tweets and contract situation?

  21. They stripped Jay because they thought a title tourney would be best to drum up renewed interest in the product.

  22. Do share your thoughts on the show in some thread or another. You can see the negative experience we all had in the DBD thread


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