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Eddie Gilbert Being a Delightful Scumbucket

I admit to being an Eddie Gilbert mark if for no other reason than he would pull the same shit over and over and over and over again and people would always fall for it and it was always money.

So I just wanted to share some Eddie Gilbert goodness this evening.

Here he is making Bill Watts look like an idiot.

And one of my favorite bloodbath promos as he suckers in the ultimate sucker, Tommy Rich


  1. I wouldn't be surprised if he set a boobtrap in Jerry Lawler's house in 1990 that will go off in 2015.

  2. Yes they did and the game is amazing

  3. Holy fuck this game is awesome

  4. 25 year old boobs in Jerry's house? Nah

  5. That tommy rich stuff is so fucking awesome

  6. You know that feeling in Red Dead where you'd be hanging around, hear the sound of a cougar and know you were fucked?

    That's back.

  7. Watching these videos, especially the Rich one highlights in a nutshell what's wrong with the modern product: everything is too antiseptic, too 'dry' so to speak. Are the production values crap from that era compared to the sparkling HD era now? Sure they are, but there's a sense of urgency and visceral oomph to the old school product. We don't always need to see wrestlers maimed to be entertained, but sometimes you need to have FLOORS COVERED IN BLOOD to make the fans think this is life and death, not some faux-comedy troupe. Hear those screams in the studio? That's the sound of $$$ preparing to leave pockets and hit the ticket window.

  8. The Love-Matic Grampa!September 17, 2013 at 7:06 PM

    You know what's great? I've got the Bill Watts beatdown on DVD, have seen it at least a dozen times, and yet even watching now Gilbert suckered me in a little bit. That was a great, sincere babyface promo, and you can see why the Cowboy fell for the ploy hook, line and sinker.

  9. Driving is a LOT smoother. Instantly noticed a huge difference.


    EVIL Eddie Gilbert.


    Handicap Gauntlet Match on Smackdown. That's kinda unique...

  12. That was literally the first Mid South footage that I've ever seen.
    Pretty cool.


    Make this the second.

  14. It's a lost art in professional wrestling, that's for sure. Poor Jim Ross sounds like he's about to have a coronary on commentary. "They better put him away right here! They better bury him! If he's breathing, they better go ahead and finish him off!" is just epic, and makes me miss him that much more at commentary.

  15. Yikes, read spoilers, HHH-riffic. His ego's too big to straddle a face/heel fence

  16. Ted DiBiase vs. Ric Flair? I'M HOME!

  17. God how can someone not love that Gilbert/Rich promo. Great stuff. Fucking double gory bladejobs in front of 5 year old kids, Lance Russell being the man, and Tommy Rich being more gulible than Sting in the 90's

  18. Charismatic e-Negro Jef VinsonSeptember 17, 2013 at 8:14 PM

    He was a personal favorite. I remember the match where the fans got to check him for illegal weapons and they found a damned Home Depot in his wrestling gear...and he STILL had a chain hidden in his tights.

    RIP to a real asshole.

  19. Look up Duggan. He was seriously great in Mid-South.

  20. Memphis was SO good at this. Lance is pure gold here:

  21. It's a shame though this is about the last "major" thing he was involved in with wrestling...

  22. I laugh every time I see Lance Russell's face in that Rich segment when the two walk away. Lance is mid-sentence when you see him give that "Are you fucking serious?" look, and the image cuts to Gilbert attacking Rich. That's what makes the whole segment.

  23. Mid-South had two guys named "Hacksaw", one guy named "Mad Dog", a tag named the "Bruise Brothers", and a guy named "Dr. Death"

    What they didn't have? A ballroom dancer.

  24. By the way, proof Russo never had an original idea in his head:

  25. It kills me to know that Gilbert was born way ahead of his time in a way because his small size was a hinderance to him in his era (as far as making it in mainstream wrestling) and today, he'd probably be a mega-star because size isn't the detriment it once was. He's been on a lot of the old GWF shows that are being shown on ESPN Classic now and even his stuff there was fucking tremendous. Also, I was pretty bummed that he was all but erased from the recent Mid South set WWE put out.

  26. In his defense (words I will RARELY say)... he probably knew nothing about that version. And the only guy who would say anything (Lawler) was too far up McMahon's ass to think about it.

    Not much of a defense, but probably better than what he deserves.

  27. Or a reality show contestant.

  28. Seeing clips like this (of Flair in Mid-South, Memphis, WCCW, etc.) shows why having a heel champion worked so well for the old NWA territories.

  29. Yup! And one has killed me already in GTA V

  30. I remember that, THAT was some terrific evil comedy

  31. God damn, this install disc takes FOREVER.

  32. If he were still here I would hope Gilbert would repaired his burned bridges with Lawler and be one of the main trainers in NXT. He was so smart to the business and could teach guys how to work the crowd. One of those guys who I don't think we ever saw the absolute best he could do because he was always jumping around from place to place.

  33. Yes, as much as I would like to think he would be a star today, he may very well not be because he would have fell under that Jim Cornette "doing things the way I want them done and if you don't like it, fuck off!" umbrella.

  34. I was only hunting wild animals!

    Stupid poetic justice...

  35. And yet he kick started the awesome NWA period in 1989 with his program with Flair and Windham that led to him bringing in Ricky Steamboat as a surprise partner.

  36. OK, quick thoughts after 3 hours or so:

    -It's good to see they (Rockstar) finally got their sense of humor back. GTA4 was just too serious for my liking.
    -Driving controls (especially on motorcycles) are VASTLY improved. It's not as realistic as GTA4, but fuck it, if I wanted realism I'd play Forza 4.
    -Graphics aren't exactly better, but the Los Santos' lit up look is a lot easier on the eyes than Liberty City's dark and dingy atmosphere. It does look a bit cleaner, which isn't surprising when the last game was released at the beginning of the console's life and this one is right at the end of it.
    -The entire play-field is accessible right when you start the game. All GTA games should have been like that.
    -The shooting while driving controls are still fucking atrocious, basically requiring 3 hands. This caused me much frustration in 4, and I'm sure it will be the same here.
    -The fact that there's 3 different characters (I haven't even unlocked the redneck guy yet) is pretty awesome.

    Have to give it a little more play, but as of now I'm calling it *****. THIS is what GTA4 should have been.

  37. BTW, here's a site that shows most (if not all) of the cars in the game: . Note that it only shows cars and motorcycles, not planes, boats, etc..., but it does show what cars IRL the cars in the game are based on, in fact it's listed in alphabetical order by the real cars they're based on.

  38. YankeesHoganTripleHFanSeptember 18, 2013 at 7:57 AM

    When I was a kid I used to create my own angles for the USWA because I never saw the promotion on TV, only read about it in the Apter Mags. When Eddie Gilbert died I booked it that he lost a retirement match to Jerry Lawler, (in my head they had been having bloody barbed wire cage matches for years) and was so devastated that he took out a gun and killed himself in the middle of the ring....I...I may have been a bit disturbed...I don't know.

  39. I don't think it's a question of may, it's a question of how many times you were dropped on your head as a baby.


  41. I had the pleasure of being an acquaintance of Eddie's many years ago. He was about as nice as a guy as they come.


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