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Flashback: MSG December 1990

(This show was getting pimped in the Greats thread for the Perfect-Piper main event, so I figured that I since I actually reviewed this one on 24/7 it was worth a repost.) 

The SmarK 24/7 Rant for MSG Show - December 28 1990

- I haven't been doing these lately, but it leaves in three days and I've got a couple of hours to kill, so we'll give it a go.

- Taped from Madison Cube Garden.

- Your hosts are Gorilla & Lord Alfred.

Koko B Ware v. Black Bart. I seriously do not remember Bart being in the WWF, and in fact this would have been really close to the time where he was part of the Desperadoes in WCW, so it can't have been a long stint. Koko works the arm to start, choosing to leave the headband on for some reason, but Bart quickly makes the ropes. Koko gets a pair of hiptosses into a dropkick, and Bart hits the floor. Back in, we get some stalling and they do the test of strength, which results in Bart bailing out again. Back in, Bart chokes him out in the corner and drops him on the top rope, for two. And we hit the chinlock to slow down the torrid pace. Whew, I was having trouble recapping it with all the near-falls. Someone should have told Bart that coming into a tryout looking lumpy and with bad hair is not the best way to earn a job. Bart gets a slam, but misses an elbow. Koko loses his grip on a slam attempt, but Bart misses a blind charge and Koko rolls him up for two and gets a suplex for two. Small package gets two, and finally the headband gets knocked off. Koko comes back with headbutts and a missile dropkick, and that sets up the brainbuster to finish at 10:08. Slow and dull. 1/2*

The Warlord v. Jimmy Snuka. Speaking of slow and dull, that would be a very fitting tag team name for these two. This was the rather sad end of Snuka's WWF run, when he was wearing boots and looking ridiculously roided to compensate for his shot body. Warlord attacks and chokes away to start, then unleashes the clubbing forearms on the back. Snuka comes back with chops, but gets caught and slammed. Snuka keeps coming with a headbutt and pounds away in the corner with the fakest looking shit I've ever seen, and thankfully Warlord escapes with an atomic drop. Warlord stomps him down and chokes away on the ropes, then boots Snuka out to the floor. Suplex back in burns up about two minutes as Warlord stalls before the move and then poses after it. That gets two. And now, the bearhug. You may go get nachos if you wish, I'll wait. Snuka headbutts out of it and makes the comeback with chops, but Warlord hotshots him and chokes away...and draws the DQ at 8:32. Oh sweet merciful fuck. Who booked this crap? DUD Warlord can take solace knowing that Snuka looks like a pedophile with his greasy hair and moustache at that point.

- And now, the Gobbledy Gooker. Yes, it actually lasted for more than a MONTH after Survivor Series. He dances with Howard Finkel and then thankfully leaves.

The Rockers v. Power & Glory. The Rockers smartly jump the heels to start, but Marty gets double-teamed on the floor as a result. In the ring, Roma starts pounding him in the corner, but Marty gets a sunset flip and brings Shawn in for some double-teaming. Shawn slugs away in the corner and the Rockers clean house with a pair of double superkicks. Shawn stops to jaw with the ref and Herc clobbers him as a result, then slugs away to take over. Shawn tries a comeback but gets tripped up by Roma, then tries a backdrop suplex on Hercules and gets hit from behind by Roma. Herc gives him an elbow and it's more shenanigans by Roma, but Marty gets the tag and they start working on Herc's arm. They do a little cheating of their own behind the ref's back and Marty gets a cross-armbreaker, then armdrags Roma on his way in. Roma gets fancy with leapfrogs to escape, but Marty punches him down and goes back to the arm. Nice teamwork from the Rockers sees Shawn dropping an elbow for two, and back to the arm. Roma tries to escape and gets armdragged down again, and Marty switches in for a double-team and more of the same. Finally Herc gets a cheapshot on Marty from the apron and Marty is YOUR face in peril. Herc slugs him down, but Marty catches Roma with a clothesline out of the corner, and it's hot tag Shawn. Herc quickly cheapshots him as well and we get a fresh heat segment. Herc sends Shawn into the turnbuckles and follows with a bearhug. Shawn fights out of it, but Herc takes him down and Roma drops an elbow for two. Roma follows with his own bearhug, and there's nothing more terrifying than a bearhug from Paul Roma, but Shawn fights out of that as well, and we get the false tag. Roma dropkicks Marty out of the ring and Hercules actually breaks the middle rope while setting up the PowerPlex, but Shawn clotheslines him off the top anyway. It's just one of those days. Hot tag Marty and he avoids a charging Roma, who hits the broken corner to give Marty two. Small package, but Herc rolls them over, then Shawn rolls them over again for two. I always love that finish. Double-slam from the Rockers and Shawn kicks Herc out of the ring, and it's a draw at 21:13. I guess that was supposed to be a 20:00 draw. You could tell they were going long by the lazy pace most of the way through, but it picked up well enough by the halfway point. **

Greg Valentine v. Saba Simba. Oh, fuck me. Are you KIDDING me? Haven't I endured enough on this crappy show yet? Simba is of course semi-famous for wrestling a squash match on Superstars and having color commentator Roddy Piper exclaim "Hey, it's Tony Atlas!", leaving Vince McMahon to cover for him. This is one of the most racist and insulting gimmicks ever devised by the WWF, and that's saying something. Simba overpowers Hammer to start and hits him with a chop, drawing a Flair Flop. I mean, seriously, how did Vince trot Atlas out there acting like a jungle savage and not get attacked by the NAACP? I'd have to personally credit no one watching the TV shows at that point, and with good reason. Hammer tosses Simba, but he no-sells it and comes in with more jungle savagery. Savage clothesline and they do a ridiculously obvious spot-planning session during what appears to be a lockup of some sort, and Hammer takes over with a cheapshot in the corner. Greg tries a slam, but Simba uses JUNGLE POWER to block, so Hammer takes him down and tries working on the leg instead. Oh my god, this is like watching backyard wrestling or something. How the hell did Atlas get into the Hall of Fame? Figure-four is blocked by Simba, but he puts his head down because he's an ignorant jungle savage, and Hammer drops the elbow for two. Simba chops Hammer down and rams him into the turnbuckles, then headbutts Hammer for another Flair Flop. You know, it'd be refreshing to see Atlas do something other than chop, headbutt or slap his belly here. I think even Valentine is getting sick of it. The ref gets bumped and it's a DQ at 8:30 after Jimmy Hart's interference backfires. This was a total embarrassment. -** Valentine turns on Jimmy Hart after the match, turning face to end his WWF career through 1991. Unfortunately for Valentine, attacking Jimmy meant getting beat up by Earthquake at Wrestlemania VII.

Earthquake & Dino Bravo v. Hulk Hogan & Tugboat. Did anyone seriously think they get Fred Ottman over by calling him "Tugboat"? I'd like to have been at one of those production meetings in the late 80s when they came up with this crap so I could laugh at them in person. Hulk locks up with Bravo to start and gets shoved into the corner, but wins a second go-around. Hulk and Tugboat pinball Dino in the corner and Tug goes to work on the arm. Hulk comes off the second rope, a dangerous proposition tonight, and rams Dino into the turnbuckles to set up a double boot. Blind charge hits boot and Bravo takes Tugboat down with an atomic drop, but Quake misses an elbow. Back to Hulk, who slams Bravo and Quake, and hits Quake with a corner clothesline. However, once again Tugboat screws up and gets double-teamed by the heels, and Quake splashes him for two. Quake hits the chinlock and Bravo chokes him out in the corner. The heels team up with a slam on Tugboat, and Quake drops the big elbow to set up the butt splash. Hulk breaks it up with a clothesline, and it's hot tag to Hulk. Big boot for Bravo finishes at 9:19. Well, he sure wasn't screwing around with that one. This was all paint-by-numbers stuff. *1/2 Hulk and Tugboat pose afterwards, but Earthquake lays him out with powder and the butt splash. Ha, I wonder why more heels didn't think of that tactic? I mean, it's Hogan's own fault for turning his back on the dressing room. So the feud MUST CONTINUE! Hogan gets stretchered out and his career is in jeopardy, blah blah blah.

Virgil v. Kerry Von Erich. Virgil is subbing for Ted Dibiase here because of a knee injury. Virgil attacks to start and takes it to the floor, but Kerry fights back from the apron and whips Virgil into the stairs. And we get the big stall as Virgil works the count until Tornado tosses him back in and slugs away in the corner. Blind charge misses and Kerry hits the post, allowing Virgil to start going after the arm. Kerry sells an armbar for a bit before clotheslining Virgil a couple of times and backdropping him out of the corner. Virgil offers a bribe, but money means nothing to Kerry! Drugs, sure, that means everything, but not money. Von Erich keeps coming with a boston crab, but Virgil makes the ropes. Iron Claw is blocked, but only temporarily. Virgil makes the ropes again, but the discus punch puts Virg out of his misery at 7:54. Total squash. The announcers put Virgil over as making a valiant effort, to build up to his face turn in January, but realistically he had no offense of note here. *

- Jimmy Hart joins us, throwing out a challenge to Greg Valentine on behalf of the Honky Tonk Man.

Dusty Rhodes & Hacksaw Duggan v. Sgt. Slaughter & General Adnan. This would be the follow-up to the Duggan v. Slaughter match from Nov 90 that I reviewed previously. The crowd is now half-empty with the departure of Hulk Hogan, so down go the lights. Dusty starts with Slaughter and they trade shots in the corner, so Sarge goes after Duggan's board. Well you just don't do that. Dusty and Duggan give Slaughter some punishment in the corner and Duggan gets a clothesline to set up the Slaughter Corner Bump. Duggan pounds away in the corner and Dusty throws the elbows, but Duggan goes after Adnan and gets sent into the post as a result. Duggan, who used to at least be counted on for a good gory bladejob now and then, can't even do that anymore. Slaughter and Adnan beat on him in the corner and Adnan goes to a neck vice and rams him into the turnbuckles, but that's spitting into the wind with Duggan. More lame offense and Slaughter gets a backbreaker for two. He misses a kneedrop, however, and it's somewhat hot tag Dusty. Man, this crowd is just brutal now. They pinball Slaughter in their corner, but Dusty misses the charge and Sarge finishes with the camel clutch at 9:08. Why yes, Dusty WAS on the way out, why do you ask? 1/2*

Intercontinental title: Curt Hennig v. Rowdy Roddy Piper. Finally something with potential for fun. Although Piper was working as a color commentator at this point, so I'm not sure why they stuck him out there with Hennig. They do the duelling gum spit to start and Piper chases him into the corner and escapes a go-behind with a shot to the mouth. Perfect tries chopping, but Piper fires back with mustard on it and Hennig bails. Piper yanks him back in and drags him around by the hair, then hairtosses him. No ringpost bump off that? Hennig goes for the nuts, but Piper LITERALLY cockblocks him and tosses him over the top. They brawl on the floor and Perfect wants out of them, but Piper tosses him back in and rips the tights in the process. Piper slugs him down and threatens to stomp on his Little Perfect, but chooses to bitchslap him instead and then slugs the angry Perfect down for two. Double clothesline and both guys are out, but Piper is up first, while Hennig yanks the top turnbuckle off. Piper goes headfirst into that corner and Hennig gets two off it, then punts Piper in the ribs. Standing dropkick puts Roddy on the floor, and Perfect follows with a chair to the jaw. See, why can't they do that instead of unprotected shots to the head? That looks like it hurts just as much, and it's totally safe. Back in, Hennig with the sleeper, and he uses the ropes for good measure. Piper escapes with a jawbreaker and makes the comeback, reversing a suplex for two. Perfect small package gets two. They trade kneelifts, with Piper doing the delayed sell before hitting his, and he gets two. Hennig clotheslines him and now we're gonna see a Perfectplex! Or so he says. Yup, and that gets two. Piper gets a quick rollup for two, and they slug it out and fight on the floor. Back in, Hennig goes up , but that removed turnbuckle comes back to bite him as Piper drops him on the exposed steel, and that's enough for a countout win for Piper at 12:40. God, another lame finish. Great, unique match, though, as they were out there having a blast and trying to out-sell each other. ***1/2 Piper feels the belt should be his, but his time would come later, of course.

Quite the collection of shitty matches and even worse finishes tonight, although Perfect v. Piper is well worth tracking down on YouTube.


  1. It's hard to believe that wrestling used to be taken so seriously that midcarders and jobbers were protect with lame finishes like these.

    Having not seen him in NWA, I didn't know how Dusty Rhodes was. I didn't quite understand why I was supposed to like this fat oaf.

    Confession time - I've never been a fan of Roddy Piper.

  2. Has there ever been a less organic face turn than that of Greg Valentine? Granted it was a long time ago and I was young and not greatly aware of such things, but I'm willing to wager Greg wasn't experiencing a groundswell of audience support. I appreciate the fact that they were just trying to change thins up, but I can't imagine a situation where they couldn't book Valentine against Hogan or Piper because they were worried about the fans cheering for the wrong guy. Imagine how different wrestling history would have been if the turn had ignited his career and we wound up with The Hammer eventually getting The Hitman push.

  3. Say what you will about the modern era of WWE, but at least the average match quality has gone way up.

    Stupid gimmicks abound as Vince runs out of good gimmicks or territory guys to steal- Saba Simba, Tugboat, Gooker, etc. And Piper always irked me a bit because he seems like a very selfish guy in the ring- often cutting off another guy's offense and getting in all of his own stuff instead. He was the only babyface who REGULARLY outsmarted the heels.

  4. Alberto Del Rio, nine months ago?

  5. I think they'd just run out of shit to do with Valentine by that point. I mean, he predates the Hogan Era, doesn't he? He'd probably been wrestling for Vince since 1983 or something, and he was mostly in the same role.

    Oh god I just realized that even a tired act like Valentine in 1990 was around for less time than guys like Cena & Orton today. Wrestling is WEIRD.

  6. Yeah, back in the days where every match on regular TV was a Jobber Match with one Main Event of Name (vs) Name, they were a lot more careful about making guys look like jobbers. It's part of what made PPVs such a big deal back in the day. You'd never see shit like guys getting an IC Title run, and then jobbing up and down the card for months.

  7. Heh, I was at this show live. I actually went to a bunch of MSG shows around this time. I remember enjoying this one quite a bit and having fun. I was eight at the time though so I ate up anything the WWF fed me. I remember a few times the crowd clearing out after a Hogan match which always seemed wierd to me even as a kid. You're here, why not stay for the whole show? I have to give it to my dad though, he didn't like wrestling at all yet took me to these shows regularly.

  8. I've said that for a while now. People may piss and moan about staleness and weak booking, but the the mid-card and above is filled with decent to great workers.

    The only real bad workers I can think of are Miz (who isn't that terrible), Khali (who never wrestles), The Wyatt's (who don't wrestle that long), Titus (who's in tag matches).

  9. Can i Just x100 for this point? In Australia, our ONLY pro wrestling fix in the 80s was Superstars at 11.00 pm. at night. Literally every match was a jobber squash, save for one name vs. name match which usually ended in a double-DQ or something similiar. When WM II-V came around, we were PSYCHED for all the name vs. name matches, wondering who would win.

  10. Got to agree about Piper, I don't dislike him or anything but I think if I were a pro wrestler I'd probably hate to work with the guy.

  11. I'm gonna have a stroke with all these people assuming Luke Harper can't work. You should know better! And even Bray is no worse than a dozen other guys he came up with. Never seen anything worth a shit from Rowan, but he's never expected to do much.

  12. It's a good point, but even if Nitro hadn't come along, you would never be able to get a prime time show with a parade of jobber squashes. I know the WWF had Monday night shows on USA going back to the 80s, but cable TV has changed a lot since then.

  13. Yeah, Brodie "Luke Harper" Lee is actually a solid worker, and that sitout Rock Bottom he does from a powerslam poistion(Truck Stop, I think he calls it) is a pretty good finish.

  14. Only a matter of time before he becomes the focus of the group instead of Bray. Actually that'll be interesting to see...which is more important to Vince? Talking or being big? It's like unstoppable force meeting the immovable object.

  15. Interesting...MSG show, Warrior is champ, Hogan shows up/is booked but not Warrior.
    I don't know if that makes me a bit sympathetic (Hogan still getting all the spotlight) or not (primmadonna Warrior can't even work one of the biggest venues on the circuit).

  16. Charismatic e-Negro Jef VinsonSeptember 9, 2013 at 8:29 AM

    I miss the jobber matches. Even back then you knew who they were.

  17. Charismatic e-Negro Jef VinsonSeptember 9, 2013 at 8:31 AM

    I remember reading in Dynamite Kid's book that Hogan liked to wrestle early during house matches so he could get back to his hotel and not miss room service. I never really thought of that until I saw his placement on the card here.

  18. Oddly enough, if you ask Boby Heenan, that's what Saba Simba's name means.

  19. The Ghost of Faffner HallSeptember 9, 2013 at 9:39 AM

    Good point--I could see Piper being a last-minute replacement for Warrior, for whatever reason. It would explain why a commentator gets a shot at the IC title all of a sudden.

  20. Brodus is pretty bad too but he basically a comedy character anyway.

  21. Speaking to Valentine, it was said to see how he went from being one of the top workers in the company at one point to one of the worst.

  22. I saw a match he had with Michael Elgin where he actually busted out a pretty sweet Frankensteiner.

  23. Black Bart was actually in WWF for all of 1990 according to Cawthon's site.

    As for Hogan, here's a question for everyone: Does anyone believe that if he stayed in the WWF, they would have ever turned him heel like he did in WCW? I can't see it, but I don't know how else it would have played out if the steroid thing never happened.

  24. He goes back well beyond 1983 - One of the most famous moments I remember from Saturday morning wrestling in the mid-70's (I don't remember exactly which year) was Valentine breaking Chief Jay Strongbow's leg with the figure-four leg lock (that was back when he was being managed by the late Grand Wizard of Wrestling). Around that time they actually kayfabe'd outlawing the FFLL because of the damage he was causing (and that was long before the SHINGUARD OF DOOM).

  25. If you watched Dusty in the NWA as a wrestler, his selling and the way opponents would put him over would make you crazy (great examples are Bash 88 against Barry Windham and the title match against Flair where Baby Doll turns on him).

    But the man has charisma in buckets, and his promos are among the best in the business. Even if you ignore him putting himself over in the NWA, it's hard to deny that he wouldn't have gotten over by himself.

  26. That's why I really like New Japan's booking. They really only have one big show a month with all the title shots ect. All the other shows have tag matches and then each side will have a JTTS to actually take the fall. Basically if Captain New Japan is tagging on your side your going to lose the match.

  27. Can you imagine the anxiety the bookers would have gone through if they'd actually been forced to choose who to put over between Warlord or Snuka? I don't blame them for the non-finish at all.

  28. I believe this. I went to house show that was headlined by Hogan/Flair. That match went on right before intermission. The final match of the night was Typhoon vs Road Warrior Animal.

  29. It is also why Saturday Night's Main Event was so awesome. Mainly name vs name matches with angles.

  30. Yup. He was physically limited in the ring, to say the least, but he could work a mic and a crowd like nobody's business.

  31. Sounds like something Jim Cornette said about World Class. According to Jim, nobody could follow Midnights vs. Fantastics/RnR/whoever, so when they were scheduled, the Von Erich "Main Event" came on early. Of course, that meant the Vons and their friends still got the main event payouts even when opening the card.

  32. Piper/Perfect was a full-fledged program. They went around the horn with this bout.

    Hogan never worked a full-time, every-month MSG schedule, so I don't think Warrior would have been expected to do so as well.

  33. Tough to tell if it was age or just lack of motivation. He was "only" 40 at this point, but yes, he wasn't doing ANYTHING anymore. I didn't see any of his subsequent WCW stint, was he still mailing it in there?

  34. For all the grief that Dusty gets for "putting himself over," it generally wasn't at the expense of the business. It wasn't like he insisted on holding the belt, and there's no denying that his position on the card was always justified by his popularity.

  35. Brodie Lee isn't in WWE, Luke Harper is. And Luke Harper has not impressed me.

    Sorry dude, you can't rest on the laurels of indy work.

    And Bray might be a decent worker, but all of his matches since he's been called up have sucked.

  36. Fair point. His work as part of Tons of Funk haven't been to hot. But yet again, they're short tag matches, so I don't get too pissed about them.

    He was decent in NXT, but that's a different beast than the main roster.


  38. Wow, I knew he'd been wrestling for years, but I assumed it was mostly for NWA or something, like when he fought Roddy Piper wherever that was in those Dog Collar Matches. Didn't know he'd been working there for Vince Sr.

  39. Yeah, but he was mostly a Jobber there. As in, a straight-up "comes in and loses in three minutes" jobber. Not really worth putting the time in.

    Also, his 'Old-Timer' style probably got rough on him and slowed him down considerably, as he'd been in some WARS in the old days.

  40. Oh yeah, I agree. Old WWF shows are basically unwatchable to modern eyes because of it, and RAW would never have worked. It just produces some nasty side-effects, like being unable to tell who the "names" are and who the jobbers are when coming back to the show after being away for years (like I did- I couldn't tell if Sandow was a jobber or a midcarder, and it took a bit to register that 3MB were.

  41. I remember in the Royal Rumble he'd be the only guy to counter Flair's cheating with his own cheating. Fun to watch, but it was like he would NOT allow himself to look bad. Though that's a big Piper thing- he even admits to refusing to put anyone else over because it could hurt his own brand. Hard to argue with his success as a result of it, but I totally agree that he'd be a PAIN to work with.

  42. I can see it, Especially if Vince got more pissed at him.

  43. Has he evn been in the ring more than five minutes altogether? Seems like an awful thin standard to judge on. I accuse you of anti-big man bias.

  44. I don't like big men. I don't like lucha. I don't like British wrestling. What else...oh yeah, garbage matches.

    I'm biased. I admit it. But there are scales in my bias. I know what garbage wrestlers are better than other garbage wrestlers.

    And I've watched his NXT stuff. Shit hasn't really impressed me. He had a 10+ minute match against Sheamus (who I really like) that was lame.

    He doesn't have the intensity of a good brawler, the moveset of an "indy guy" or the freakish real strength of a power wrestler.


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