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Two people sent me this link already this morning, so I guess that's a hint.


  1. The crowd was being quite generous toward the end with the count. Still I get dizzy spinning my kid around 5 times so he is the better man.

  2. Wow.

    How is he not booked seriously at this point?

    And what is the other move he does when he spins them around on his head and shoulders?

    He is just a freak of nature.

  3. Damn! Why can't he and ziggler just do an angle with each other to try and get over since neither one is doing shit right now.

  4. I could do this to someone much smaller...

    Then again, I'd be puking by about the 4th turn, so it wouldn't be as much fun to watch (but probably more impressive).

  5. The Shield don't need the tag belts; get them on the PTPs and have the Real Americans challenge with Dutch getting into HIGH gear with whom is considered a 'Real American'. Most importantly Cesaro and Swag go into KILLBOT MODE.

  6. Looked away for one second to watch hewitt and I missed them :/

  7. UFO

  8. the second he does that move on tv, he tuyrns babyface

  9. Damn, I miss Chikara.

  10. UFO to Morishima!

  11. Giant Swing to Morishima!

  12. I get dizzy watching him do it.

  13. That video actually freaks me out. I have a phobia about spinning. I would have had nightmares for days if I was that guy!

  14. Im conflicted. Its goofy and a good spot but looks kinda retarded when its booked within the confines of a "fake fight."

  15. Holy fuckballs!!!! That shit was awesome! Just imagine the response if he does that on WWE TV to someone as big as Morishima!

  16. It's Chikara, It's more "Cartoon Fight" then anything else

    Your mileage may vary on how much leeway that earns the spot

  17. I want to see Cesaro give the Giant Swing to Hornswoggle to see how many rotations it would take to make the little bastard projectile vomit!

  18. I actually think you can use it in a regular match without it necessarily being just a goofy comedy spot (although it would work like that too).

    You could argue it's a high risk move that could really pay off like a top rope move. Cessaro completely wipes his opponent out for a period of time and, if he can catch him whilst recovering himself, it can set up a wicked European uppercut that would KO his already dazed opponent. The tension would be over whether Cessaro can get to him in time or if he runs the risk of being taken out himself or caught in an inside cradle or something.

  19. Was that really 100 rotations?

    The poor guy could have tapped out at 50, heh.

  20. in roh he did a no hands spin with the opponent up against the back of his neck

  21. His ROH work really does house some incredible stuff

  22. Wasn't it last year that he was starting to get booked as a credible threat? He had wins against guys like Khali (deadlifting him into the Neutralizer was insane) and Kofi. Then the stuff happened with Flair and he was buried - probably said hi to Zack Ryder while he was down there.

    I remember Cena making fun of his nipples and treating him not as a serious threat. Really lame.

  23. Chikara certainly has a sense of humor. Isn't this the same promotion that occasionally busts out the invisible hand grenade? The referee's reaction is great too.

  24. He had some really fun matches with Sheamus last year in which he tossed the big guy around pretty easily. Hopefully they do more with Cesaro soon.

  25. Charismatic e-Negro Jef VinsonSeptember 13, 2013 at 7:43 PM

    If he releases him and sends him off into the crowd like a T-shirt gun I'm all for it.

  26. Yeah, they were counting two or three rotations for each actual rotation.

    Still, impressive as hell.

  27. Ridiculous! Going to 10 would be cool but this is no better than doing a 100 punches on a guy on the turnbuckles spot.

    Speaking of which why hasn't Rey or Sin Cara stolen Super Crazy's uno dos tres spot?

  28. His Neutralizers on Brodus and Khali were unreal. I totally marked when he did them.

    Dude is just freakishly strong, and not just in the "usual" way of having big biceps; how he doesn't hurt his back on some of those awkward lifts is mind-bending. His spine must be made of steel.

  29. It's actually funnier concentrating totally on the guy he is doing it to the whole time... I think he loses the will to live by 50... add some thought/speech bubbles whilst it is happening would be gold. I'd like to see him go to a 100 on Raw or PPV sometime, how is Cesaro wasting away in the mid-card when he is primed for the main event, a total beast!


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