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Impact Wrestling - September 13, 2013

Impact Wrestling
Date: September 12, 2013
Location: Chaifetz Arena, St. Louis, Missouri
Commentators: Mike Tenay, Tazz

Reviewed by Tommy Hall

It's yet another special tonight with No Surrender, which is a pretty meaningless name since none of the matches have anything to do with surrendering or not surrendering. The card however is pretty big with the semifinals and I believe the finals of the BFG Series. Given hos screwed up this Series has been though, they might find a way to hold the finals of the Bound For Glory Series after Bound For Glory. We also have Anderson challenging Bully Ray for the world title. Let's get to it.

We see the four finalists arriving before looking at a video of all four guys saying what this means to them.

We also get a quote from F. Scott Fitzgerald about fighting families to hype up Anderson vs. Ray.

Here are Ray and Tessmacher to open things up. Ray talks about how his family haven't been seeing eye to eye as of late and blames it on Hulk Hogan. This brings out Hogan in a blue shirt to talk about quivering livers and thanks SpikeTV for letting us have this big show for free. Hogan says Ray needs to be getting ready for his showdown with Anderson and not even think about Bound For Glory yet. Ray wants Anderson out here right now to say it to his face so here's Ken, though he passes Hogan's outstretched arm.

Ray says the Aces and 8's are stronger than Hogan will ever been. All Anderson has to do is apologize and this all ends. Anderson says Ray is right and that he was out of line.....and he can't wait to get out of line again tonight. He decks Ray to send him to the floor and says he'll be the new world champion tonight. Hogan says the title match is a last man standing match for absolutely no apparent reason.

Bound For Glory Series Semifinals: Austin Aries vs. AJ Styles

It's win or go home here as the points are officially a non-factor now. Feeling out process to start with Aries dropkicking AJ to the floor and dropping him with a top rope ax handle. Back inside and Aries misses a missile dropkick so AJ takes him down with a dropkick of his own. Aries bails to the floor but he avoids a slingshot plancha from AJ. Austin loads up the suicide dive but charges into an AJ forearm to put him down. They head back inside to fight over a suplex and we take a break.

Back with Aries still trying to hit the brainbuster but opting for some shots to the head instead. AJ comes back with some forearms and his AA into a backbreaker for two. Styles loads up the Clash but Aries grabs the rope to escape. Now the slingshot plancha takes Austin out but he manages to break up the Superman forearm, knocking Styles face first into the apron.

Aries loads up another suicide dive but AJ pops back in with the forearm, though Aries stopping in place so the move could connect looked bad. Another Styles Clash attempt is countered into a hurricanrana but AJ gets a boot up in the corner to block a running dropkick. That's fine with Aries as he hits it in the other corner instead. AJ blocks the brainbuster again but just like the dropkick, the second attempt connects for two.

There's the Last Chancery but AJ won't tap so Aries pounds in knees to the head. AJ avoids the 450 but Aries lands on his feet. A running dropkick misses and Aries lands on the ropes, allowing AJ to hit the Pele to stun him. AJ goes to the ropes for a middle rope Styles Clash to send him to the finals at 15:38.

Rating: B+. This was FUN as both guys countered everything until Aries couldn't get past the huge arsenal of Styles in the end. That middle rope Styles Clash looked great and there was no way he could kick out of it. Aries will have a big match at BFG and he'll deserve it, but AJ was just a step better here.

Sting gives Magnus a pep talk and the Brit says he's tired of being the future.

Bound For Glory Series Semifinals: Bobby Roode vs. Magnus

Roode gets a jobber entrance and Magnus is back in the shorts instead of the tights. Bobby must be ticked off at the lack of respect because he jumps Magnus from behind and takes it to the floor to send Magnus into the barricade. Back in and a quick belly to back suplex gets two for Roode and a regular suplex gets the same. We hit the chinlock as this has been one sided so far.

Back up and Magnus blocks an O'Connor Roll and takes Roode down with a forearm. He catches Roode diving off the ropes in a very modified Falcon's Arrow for two but Roode goes to the eyes. There's the spinebuster for two on Magnus but the Brit breaks up a superplex and hits the top rope elbow for two. Roode can't hook the crossface and gets caught in a Texas Cloverleaf but Roode finally makes the rope. Back up and Magnus blocks a fisherman's suplex into a jackknife cover for the pin at 7:00.

Rating: C. This was ok but nothing more than that. Magnus got beaten up too much in the beginning and it made the comeback better, but Roode tapping out would have been better. Magnus looked like he couldn't win with a big move and had to steal a win instead of looking dominant. Still though, not bad and it got the job done.

Roode is freaking out when Bad Influence comes in to calm him down. Bobby blames Hogan and says if he can't go to the finals, no one is.

Hogan gives Manik a pep talk. Manik wants a shot at Jeff Hardy tonight and his wish is granted. Dixie comes in and asks to talk to Hogan alone. Apparently Rampage and Tito are off the show for fear of the November 2 PPV getting messed up.

Ray doesn't know what's happening to Aces and 8's but he thinks the cronies want Anderson to be President and world champion. He yells at Knux, Brisco and Bischoff, saying he did everything and brought Anderson into the fold. Ray thinks they'll do the right thing and hopes they feel the same way about him.

We recap Anderson vs. Ray, which is due to Ray blaming Anderson for losing the title to Sabin. Ray then said Tito Ortiz was the only man he needed and Anderson was annoyed at Ray acting like a dictator.

TNA World Title: Mr. Anderson vs. Bully Ray

Last man standing with Ray defending. Anderson jumps Ray on the ramp to start and takes Ray into the ring for a whip into the corner. The champion is sent back to the floor as this is one sided so far. Ray is sent into the announce table and barricade so he hides behind Christy, complete with Hemme's top opening (it's similar to Lita's outfits in the Rated R Superstar era) but the power of tape saving her.

Bully gets in a cheap shot and sends Anderson into the steps before asking Brooke for a chair. It takes forever to get there and Anderson gets in a shot to the ribs to take the chair away. He blasts the champion in the back and pounds him back into the ring. Ray goes up but gets hit low, allowing Anderson to hit a rolling senton. The fans are COMPLETELY behind Anderson here and him telling himself to get the tables makes them cheer even louder. Even Tenay is cheering for Anderson.

Ray takes him down with a boot to the face and gets in a chair shot of his own. The table is set up in the corner as we take a break. Back with Ray yelling at Hebner but Earl yells right back at him, looking like a heart attack is imminent. Ray shoves him into the buckle to knock him out but walks into a Mic Check onto the chair to lay him out. There's no referee though so Ray gets up and hits a Bully Cutter to lay both guys down.

Cue Bischoff, Brisco and Knux to stare at Ray before stalking Anderson. Before they touch him, Brooke comes in with a low blow. Ray bosses them around and a Shield TripleBomb lays Anderson out. Ray helps Hebner up but Anderson is up at nine. Anderson comes back with right hands but Ray drops him. Why the referee isn't counting Anderson when he's down is anyone's guess. Ray knocks Anderson out with the chain, drawing blood. Anderson makes it up to his feet AGAIN but staggers in front of the table in the corner. A spear through the table is enough to retain the title at 17:30.

Rating: B. This match did something that is the best sign you can have in wrestling: they had me believing that something was possible when there was no way it was going to happen. The crowd was WAY into Anderson here and that's a good sign for TNA. They need some fresh blood at the top and it's been awhile since Anderson was up there. Good stuff here but the crowd carried a lot of it.

Anderson is taken out on a stretcher but Ray chases him down and rips the cut off his back. A piledriver on the stage gets rid of Anderson, probably until BFG.

ODB is excited about the change to be Knocked Up Champion next week.

Here are Storm and Gunner with something to say. Storm wants to drink and Gunner wants to fight so why not do both things? James wants some opponents so here are Chavo and Hernandez. Chavo talks about how Storm is the second greatest tag team wrestler in TNA and how Gunner is the second strongest man in TNA. Guerrero wants a match so Gunner accepts it for next week. If the non Champions win, they get a title shot.

Bound For Glory Series Finals: Magnus vs. AJ Styles

Winner gets Bully at Bound For Glory. AJ takes it to the mat with a headlock takeover and does it again since it worked so well the first time. Magnus comes back with a quick suplex and we hit the chinlock. Back up and AJ drop toeholds Magnus into the buckle as Tenay runs down a Bellator card. They slug it out with AJ taking over but Magnus avoids a knee drop. AJ does the same with an elbow drop and gets two off a small package. Cue EGO to attack both guys at about 4:30 to lay everyone out. The bell never rang to end the match. Referee come out to break it up as we take a break.

Back from a break with the two guys slugging it out. No explanation, no restart, no Hogan announcement. Nothing at all as the match just keeps going which is probably the right idea. AJ wins a slugout but Magnus blocks the Superman Forearm before getting two off a Falcon's Arrow. AJ counters the Cloverleaf into Undertaker's Hell's Gate but he has to raise his shoulder to avoid being pinned and the hold is broken.

The Pele gets two on Magnus and there's the Calf Killer but Magnus hangs on forever and finally makes the rope. Back up and Magnus counters a spinwheel kick into a spinebuster for two. Magnus loads up a superplex but AJ knocks him down three times in a row. The Spiral Tap is enough to send AJ to Bound For Glory at 15:11.

Rating: B. The EGO thing was completely unnecessary but the match was solid either way. Did anyone really think this wasn't how the Series was going to end though? That's the one thing TNA needs to work on: telegraphing their major moments. The Series seemed tailor made for Styles to win from day one and that's exactly what happened. Still though, very good showing from Magnus and that's what he needed here.

AJ thanks the fans and Magnus, seemingly reaffirming his face status. He got a lot of replies about what he said a few weeks ago, but he didn't hear from Dixie Carter. Dixie needs to be here next week because AJ has a lot to say to her.

Overall Rating: A-. Questionable ending aside, this was a great show. When TNA cuts out most of the nonsense, they have the ability to put on some very entertaining shows. The problem is most of their regular shows just aren't that good and you can really see that when they give an effort like they do on these specials. BFG is set though and that's the good thing, even though the main story has been Hogan vs. Ray for months now.

AJ Styles b. Austin Aries – Middle rope Styles Clash
Magnus b. Bobby Roode – Jackknife pin
Bully Ray b. Mr. Anderson – Spear through a table
AJ Styles b. Magnus – Spiral Tap

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  1. I'm a bit interested in what AJ has to say next week, but he's no CM Punk.

  2. did tenay really pimp with all seriousness that the rams are undefeated at 1-0? thats some michael cole level stuff right thar

  3. I'd say AJ is the closest thing female wrestling has to Punk.

  4. Well, good thing Scott skipped this awesome show to watch WWE's D-League bullshit show.

    This was AWESOME. Best show TNA has put on in a while.

    AJ VS Aries is a MOTY candidate, and that was just the opening.

    Anderson finally got something close to a "face" turn, let's see what they do with that.

    And AJ winning the BFG Series ... smart move. Let's see what he uncovers next week.

  5. Easy fanboy. When TNA goes out of business 90% of their wrestlers couldn't even make it to their D league.

  6. He dropped his cable weeks ago in favor of Hulu Plus. He started reviewing NXT because it's on Hulu Plus. This apparently isn't. But if it is and he didn't feel like bothering, can you blame him? You're one of about 46 people who care.

  7. Whoa there...

    My how the tables have turned.

    You were the fanboy just 6-8 months ago.

  8. You're being trolled by NPP.

  9. 90% wouldn't make it to their D league? Not because they don't lack ability; it's because of political bullshit.

  10. Not at all. You can enjoy something without being a blind fanboy.

  11. As far as in-ring skills go, AJ and Punk are at the same level.

  12. Weren't you the one clamoring for a Bully/Park title feud?

    I'm thinking you were that guy.

    Either way, you're being trolled by NPP.

  13. I'd give AJ the nod in-ring.

  14. The guy you branded a fanboy simply happened to like tonight's show.

  15. Yeah, I would too come to think about it. Punk is by far better on the mic, of course.

  16. No question about it.

    Not even up for debate.

  17. Still doesn't fit the description of a fanboy.

  18. Call it what you were a fanboy and then you jumped off the TNA bandwagon.

    Its tough, I understand. You had the excitement in your posts about TNAs product. The shitty fantasy booking... the whole 9.

    Now you're not admitting it. Its cool. I remember. :D

  19. No, I watched because the good outweighed the bad on their tvs. No it doesn't, so I don't anymore. Its called being a normal wrestling fan.

    Being a fanboy is saying shit like the Hogans make for good television.

  20. Call it what you want.

  21. "AJ VS Aries is a MOTY candidate, and that was just the opening"
    Um what?

  22. Learn what shit means if you want to argue about it.

  23. Wait... So you call someone a fanboy for liking the product and you don't.

    Then when someone points out that you were said fanboy for liking the product some moons ago, you wanna get upset and pissy about it?

    You were THAT GUY 8 months ago!

    Now you wanna be an elitist cuz TNA is circling the drain, popular smark opinion have waned and you don't like it... But someone who does... they are a fanboy.

    The fuck outta here.

  24. Again, you have no idea what the term fanboy means. Its a insult and completely different from just being a fan. Google it.

  25. I don't need to google it.


    • 5 months ago

    Not to sound like a giant fanboy, but I'm more excited about TNA's 4/11 show than WM.


  26. Not a facepalm at all, because it backs up what I've been saying. How many posts in a row now for you and you still don't realize the difference?


  27. Who down with NPP?

  28. So by your definition above. Were you a fan of TNAs product then, or were you insulting yourself when you said you were excited about the 4/11 show?

    Cuz you didn't wanna sound like a fanboy BUT...

  29. Yes, I was a fan. And by some miracle, their build up to the 4/11 show was excellent. Better even than WWE's WM build. Now normally, that'd be an insane statement someone like Elvy would make, hence the phrase "not to sound like a fanboy".

  30. So again, since someone likes the current product that you don't, they are a fanboy?

    Why can't they simply be "a fan" then?

  31. "Well, good thing Scott skipped this awesome show to watch WWE's D-League bullshit show."

    Because of shit like that. Fanboys get so insecure about the competition.

  32. Let's see. Every post he has made has been about TNA, about how awesome TNA is, talking shit on WWE, getting insecure about Scott not reviewing Impact, and hyperbolic statements galore.

    Yep, he is a fanboy.

  33. But when you said "And by some miracle, their build up to the 4/11 show was excellent. Better even than WWE's WM build."

    Better by whom?

    By you?

    Are you the measuring stick around here? Or the paying fan, because WM did better business than the 4/11 TNA show...

    It also did better than every other TNA show in the history of its existence.

    Sounds like you are being an elitist fuck and a hypocrite.

    Can the guy be a fan? Or are you gonna continue insulting the guy for liking TNA, thus confirming what I already know?

  34. He is in a TNA thread.

    Can't he be Pro-TNA instead of being a "fanboy"?

    Can he be "a fan?" Will you let him be "a fan?" Please? :(

  35. Do you see me calling scottyflamigo down below a fanboy? Don't bring that annoying 411 fanboying bullshit and I won't call you on it.

  36. Then if he is a fanboy, then you were a fanboy 5 months ago.

    One is not different than the other.

    Get off your fucking high horse and come down here with the rest of us here at the BoD. There is no need for elitism here. That's what NPP is for.

  37. I just told him to settle down about being pissy about Scott no selling Impact. Your the one who flipped out about it. Btw, is this your new gimmick, defender of the 411 randoms?

  38. I'm not calling him a fanboy because I don't like Impact, I haven't watched it in awhile, I have no opinion about it.

  39. You have opinion enough to call him a fanboy...

    Pretty strong words there to insult someone dont cha think?

  40. I didn't flip out, I just called you out because you're a hypocrite OR an elitist.


    Pick your poison.

  41. Because unlike some people with Randy Orton avatars, I know the difference between a fanboy and fan.

  42. Stop using words that you don't know the definition of.

  43. Whoa ho-ho...

    Obviously you don't because I continue to point out that you were a fanboy as well as an elitist prick... or hypocrite.


    Pick your poison

  44. Stop being the BoD Bully.

  45. Repeating posts from above doesn't not magically make them correct. Urban dictionary,, google translate from fuj to english. Use one or any of them please.

  46. Ok... Stop being a prick.

    Is that better?

  47. I'm just doing whats Best For Business.

  48. Were you even on RSPW, bro?

  49. Whats best for business is you stop being a prick.

  50. The fuj face turn is now official.

  51. MEANWHILE...

    Cultstatus, schemes on how he can torment more BoD posters to reach 20K.

  52. *munches on popcorn*

  53. this is a good one ain't it?

  54. It would have been only one post if you didn't chime in. Brilliant strategy by my I guess.....UNLESS WE'RE BOTH IN ON IT TO BOOST OUR POST COUNTS! BOOM SWERVE BITCH! RUSSO!

  55. Hopefully you have a lot of popcorn because neither one of us ever lets the other guy have last word so we just end up repeating ourselves for 20 straight posts. This could take awhile.

  56. Back on-topic: Stop bullying people.

    BE A STAR!

  57. Fuj defending johnny come latelys. Now I've seen everything.

  58. were you even on RSPW, bro?

  59. Just curious. And drunk. Hence why I'm even on here at 5am.

  60. Cultstatus using my lines to continue a useless debate he lost.

    Now I've seen everything.

    *double facepalm*

  61. Fuj stretching out this debate even further with a pointless post.

    I've seen this multiple times.

    *double jump triple moonsault facepalm*

  62. The first time I click on a TNA post in weeks and I find the fuj lying in wait. I have the worst luck.

  63. Like two broads trying to have the last word.

    You can have it bro, I made my point.

    *godzilla facepalm*

  64. Just remember, if I don't fuck with the new guys they end up becoming the next zanadude or jobber. And we can't have that.

    *last facepalm*

  65. "Discretion is the better part of valour"

  66. Remember back on the old blog when an argument this long would be crushed into an infinite column of single letters on the far right of the screen?

  67. Yeah you know me.

  68. Hamass thinks you're me.

  69. Cult and fuj trying to work the Internet marks.

  70. Not sure what Bobby Roode is so pissed about. If he really wants a title shot, all he has to do is bring 5 canned goods to the next TV taping.

  71. Charismatic e-Negro Jef VinsonSeptember 13, 2013 at 7:05 AM

    Threadjack: the boardwalk in Seaside Heights (Jersey Shore) caught fire. *sigh* We just recovered from Sandy.

  72. I was referring to the potential of a "pipe bomb" interview where AJ calls out Dixie for being a money mark and hiring the guys that killed WCW...not anything to do with in-ring ability.

  73. So I don't really care and I stopped watching 8 months ago but its annoying how much TNA missed the boat on roode and Aries. 18 months ago it looked like they had a up and coming rock and austin thing going on. But they did nothing with them and depushed them. And now they jobbed them to a never will be like magnus and a veteran with one foot out the door who's as big of an act as he ever will be and probably doesn't need to win bfg to keep his spot. Oh well.

    Bfg is at this shitty casino in el cajon (like really east San Diego) and I'm thinking about going but bull ray vs aj is a match I don't give a fuck about

  74. I just watched aj vs Aries online...3.75 stars. Definitely not moty

  75. Most of them lack ability. Probably a 1/3 of the roster gets picked up and the only guys not going to nxt for a year are Jeff and sting

  76. TNA definitely attracts a lot of troll fan boys. They have a weird internet "hardcore" fan base

  77. I was in attendance last night - pretty fun show. However, I missed a lot being live, it seems. We didn't get backstage segments on the monitor, which did make some of the angles harder to follow than they should have been.

  78. I tried to like TNA more and then came prick like you to ruin it. Thanks a lot hole of ass.

  79. MOTY stands for Match of the Year.

  80. Dixie has been hiring former AOL/Time Warner executives?

  81. Thread jack: there is actually a really good article on 411 for anyone bored at work today. Its counting down the top 10 best free TV matches of all time, with video of each match. I just finished watching Chris and chris beat hhh and Austin. I'm gonna try and watch all 10 today. The guy did a great job on the list and theres only maybe one or two glaring omissions but its hard to say which one you'd take out.

  82. Thanks for clearing that up. Maybe over at npp you guys could set up a glossary of smarks terms so people could refer back to it if they confused by all this technical terminology.

  83. I would never watch a match with a child murderer in it.

  84. Why would we set up a glossary on npp? Everybody over there understands the terms. Your suggestion makes no sense.

  85. I would never take a post from an internet troll seriously.

  86. Watched the 3 BFG series matches this morning on DVR. (Skipped Ray-Anderson— I just have zero interest in another big Mr. Anderson turn.) Thought Styles-Aries was good but kinda underwhelming, especially the first half. Was it me or did it seem like they were moving in slow motion? Liked Magnus-Roode, and really liked the Magnus-Styles match, except I totally disagree with teh finish. Magnus should have went over. The crowd was into him, and would have bought that win bigtime and then BAM maybe they have a new star to build around. Instead they're going with freakin' AJ Styles, a guy who's been there forever and will never be more over than he already is, and who also can't cut a decent promo to save his life. So the big hook for next week is Styles is gonna cut an awful promo on Dixie Carter? A year of Bully Ray's reign of doom and the pay-off is Aj Styles telling DIxie that "you hired too many WWE guys, TNA is on the rise, cross the line yee-haw!" Jesus.

    The winner of this should have been Aries or Magnus. Both of those guys have an upside. AJ Styles absolutely does not. Anyway, that's my two cents on the matter. As an episode of Impact it was good, but as something that's supposed to make you care about BFG, I thought the booking was a giant mistake.

  87. Good for you? I fail to see how that's relevant to the topic at hand.

  88. Hmmm...a glossary seems like a good way for you to feel superior to us. After you finish trolling for "material" here you guys could circle jerk to how dumb we are on the glossary thread. Seems like a win win

  89. Glossaries help people feel superior? That's news to me.

  90. I'm really disappointed we didn't get a Throwback Thursday in St. Louis :(

  91. Well one is a great article on 411 with links to 10 different awesome matches (including steamboat vs flair at cc at #1) and your just a wrestling message board troll. One is on 411 and the other just acts like it.

    Actually I think a top 10 list of BoD burns that were posted on npp would be cool too. But with gems like rspwfat and making fun of someone's autistic kid it might be hard to narrow it down to 10.

  92. teach me how to dougie!

  93. 1. Having a different opinion than you is not trolling.
    2. The use of the term rspwfat is not mocking this site. Its mocking the originator of the term. As it was pathetic.
    3. I never made fun of anyone's autistic kid.
    4. If you would like to further discuss npp posts, I suggest you bring your issues over there.

  94. 1. Going to the comments section on a wrestling blog and hunting for material to run back to another forum to snark on is nothing but trolling. Also you've never given an opinion on anything here.You just shit on other posts. That's trolling.
    2.It is pathetic but its also the best joke in that shitty thread so you should probably cling to it.
    3. Yeah you did
    4. Lol no

  95. But you do like to pick on*autistic kids on your shitty message board so you can come down off your high horse wrestling board troll.

  96. It's your life, but it can be really hard to filter out all the shitasses from entertainment and the arts, Gauguin just one talented/sick fuck of an example.

  97. Please tell me when I picked on an autistic kid.

  98. 1. Hunting insinuates it takes effort to find them. It doesn't. And I've always posted my opinion. You just don't like them and it makes you upset.
    2. I'm shocked you don't understand.
    3. Nope. Never.
    4. Then you should probably let it go. Because you look sad. Mighty sad.
    5. Still you're. Not your.

  99. Its not hard at all. Murder a child? I don't watch.

  100. Its all there on that npp thread. I'm sure I'm not the only one that read it. Stay classy bro

  101. What's the number of times you think you can repeat a lie and it becomes true?

  102. Yeah I actually did have a very sad look on my face when I saw the newest couple pages on that thread. And what opinion? Give one some time.

  103. It starts around page 185 or so I think if anyone missed that and wants to wade into the garbage dump to read it.

  104. Keep repeating the lie.

  105. No one has to take my word for it. With a couple button clicks they can go read it. Bunch of npp posters shitting on an autistic kid.But you're right, this is the shitty website, you guys are way better.

  106. I never shit on any autistic kid.

  107. There's plenty of talented/disturbed entertainers and artists. Most of them, as far as I know, never murdered their own child.

  108. yeah it was actually kind of ugly in some spots... scary ugly even (in terms of safety/smoothness)

  109. 'Pick your poison.'

    'open up and say... ahh!' is a good one

  110. whats a battle?

  111. Fast forwarded through the show this morning, and while I enjoyed the program, I think the end result is just boring. I honestly would have much rather had an Aries-Roode final with Aries winning to get the shot at Bully Ray, but I understand that doesn't really fit what TNA is going for storyline was. They set up this year's BFG challenger a year ago and decided to pay it off instead of forgetting about it and moving in another direction. Good for them on that, I suppose.

    The question now is, will Anderson screw Bully out of the title at BFG?

    Also, does anyone else find the Ortiz-Rampage thing weird? What happened there?

  112. I'm sorry to hear that Scott is such a center of your universe that you needed to post your frustration at him for choosing to spend his time watching a different wrestling show than you do.

  113. I was all for screwing Storm over for Aries at last year's BFG series But THAT was a much hotter story then this is, so why stick with it this time.

    On the James Storm thing, His managing to fall all the way down the card to teaming with GUNNER may not break my heart personally, but from a business perspective that was a massive ball drop.

  114. Aries trumps AJ in marketability based on Promo ability alone

  115. How about murdering your girlfriend?

  116. Oh, the way Hogan/Bischoff dropped the ball with Storm is just a joke. He absolutely, 100% should have won the BFG series and the title last year. Yeah the Aries thing got hot, but they could have A) Had Roode cheat to go over Aries, which would have made Roode that much more hated going into BFG '12. (Instead of the way Roode actually went into the match against Storm, which was cold as ice.) B) Aries gets frustrated from losing his opportunity that he turns heel, maybe destroys Jeff Hardy in a semi-main event.

    Basically I'm proposing that BFG '12 should have had the same two top matches (Storm/Roode and Aries/Hardy) except with the results of Storm leaving as champion, and Aries leaving as a dominant heel challenger. That dynamic could have drawn money all year.

    It's crazy, completely crazy, that a promotion that was desperately in need of a babyface champ to build around had someone like Storm completely gift wrapped for them, just ready to win the title and cut fiery common-man babyface promos all year— and they basically just passed on him. I mean, Storm looks completely checked out right now, much like Samoa Joe before him after they finished fucking him up.

  117. That all sounds good, but without even talking semantics it works out like this--TNA had two people they could have realistically got behind as their new Ace Babyface (Storm, Aries). yet they fucked over BOTH of them for a Jeff Hardy title reign, and AJ Styles being TNA's saviour a year later. I hope AJ wins the belt then refuses to re-sign, The company deserves to get fucked over the way it fucks over their talent

  118. Is it true his brother beats the shit out of him?

  119. I agree that Magnus should have won. It not only would've gone along with his promo about how he's tired of being "the future" and wants to be the guy now, but it also keeps the Main Event Mafia relevant. The whole point of Sting creating the new MEM was to torment Bully and take his title. And I'm sure Kurt Angle getting arrested threw a wrench in their plans, but they could still salvage it with Magnus being the guy to beat Bully. Instead, since the return of the MEM, the biggest threats to Bully's reign have been Sabin, Anderson and now AJ.


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