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Junk News! HUZZAH!

Hi everyone, my name is Josh. I used to go by Grut when I wrote for 411wrestling and Insidepulse. Scott was kind enough to call me his correspondent for New York Comic-Con, getting me a press pass that I will definitely use to provide all of the breaking New York Comic-Con news to you Keith Heads. Or Keithians. Scottaholics. Rantilians. Keithmeisters. I dunno. 

Anyway, I figured I should offer to post something on his blog for his kind gesture of saying I write for it. I haven't done this in years, but hey, what the hell, let's see what happens.  I use Lords of Pain for all of the news bits. They haven't changed in like 20 years and I'm much older now so the familiarity is a calming influence for me. 


Bray Wyatt is currently my favorite character in the WWE. He's playing a cult leader who isn't good at professional wrestling. 

Jim Ross retired yesterday from the WWE. Don't worry about him, though. All of us who have devoted the best years of our lives to covering professional wrestling know that the work we've done won't be laughed at by every non-wrestling related job we apply to. I bet when he tried to get that gig calling games for Oklahoma no one ever said, "You know this stuff is real, right?" 

Jim Ross wrote in his blog that he might write a book. I'm excited about that. I really want to find out why he never let the Macho Man get into the Hall of Fame. 

I'm three jokes in and worried I'm too insidery. Cause I'm in the know.

Observer is saying Vince McMahon basically fired Jim Ross because of some video game conference where he showed up drunk with Ric Flair. Wow, Ric Flair. Your alcoholism got JR fired. If only you had controlled your rampant drug use and drinking, maybe had you set a better example for Jim Ross, he'd still be with the WWE today. 

Tyson Kidd and Natayla recently got married for that awful reality show that isn't a reality show they're doing, WWE Main Event. 

Zack Ryder tweeted he wants to gain 15 pounds of muscle mass by mid-October. Can't wait to see him in December when he gets back from his wellness suspension. 

Stephanie McMahon has been selling off her stock in the company. When asked about this she said, "My father is getting old, and I don't want to own a piece of this company when his incompetent kid takes over." 

Drew McIntyre was recently interviewed by and said, "Who cares what I said? No one. Soon I'll be fired and go work for TNA for the 2 weeks before the shut down. They'll probably make me champ." 

Christian has a pretty bad concussion and is not allowed to wrestle. Hey, Christian, maybe you should stop doing the flying head butt. You know, the move that broke Voldemort's brain? Remember that whole situation? Maybe drop an elbow or a fist or not go to the top rope at all since you're right around the corner from 40 and don't need to be doing that stupid crap to pop the crowd. 

Tammy Sytch posted a gross and creepy photo of a fan in bed with her from her "Under the Covers"  photo op to prove how not gross and creepy it was. 

AJ Styles recently signed a 3 month extension with TNA so he could be in the main event of their biggest PPV of the year, Bound for Justice Hardcore style or something. He'll be wrestling Bully Ray for the thousands in the arena and the hundreds watching at home. 

AJ Styles, please, someone direct him here. You need to listen to me. You really do. You're awesome in the ring, you do all the flippys real good like. You can't cut a promo to save your life, but that's not a bad thing! It's not something that can be fixed, especially at your age, but RVD can't cut a promo and Jeff Hardy is a shit actor but no one gives a damn because of the flips and stuff and the taking off of shirts. You can take off your shirt and what not, right? Anyway, I'm getting off point. You have the tools to be the man in TNA, but even better, you have the tools to be an upper-midcarder in WWE. Sure, you'd have to put up with HHH saying you have no idea how to work but you have more than enough name recognition where they'd give you a little push and help you sell a ton of t-shirts. No more Bischoff and Hogan, just slightly competent business people helping you make more money in a year with WWE than you made in your entire TNA run. Hurry and do this quick before they decide the little man experiment is over and have you jobbing every week to some ex-football player who looks like Batista and moves like Khali. Go now! GO! WHAT ARE YOU WAITING FOR? CM Punk, Daniel Bryan and Samoa Joe were the biggest stars in ROH. Two of them are the biggest stars in the industry, and the other is a senior citizen's back-up. Learn from this! Why won't you learn from this? I just want you to be happy, AJ. Rich and happy. Like I am, except, you know, rich and happy. 

I started writing a terrible joke about Awesome Kong and got sad. But she's back in the Indies, wrestling other people instead of her feelings.

 The WWE has canceled their tour of Spain but is sending them Chris Hero for a 9 month apology tour. 

Anyhow, that's Junk News. I still got it! Right? No. Kay. 


  1. you have to be kidding right?

  2. Fuck me, Grut's back! Which basement have you and Hyatte been hiding in?

    Hilarious, by the way. Do this every day, please? Thanks.

  3. This....was terrible.

    Please make sure subsequent articles are titled "Junk News" so that I may avoid them in the future.

  4. Yeah...going to have to agree with you on this.

  5. This was... not good. And it failed to make the entire circumnavigation to "so bad it's good".

  6. The 180 or the 360?

    Cuz this shit was terrible.

  7. Someone else hitting up NYCC with a press pass, eh? I'll be interested in seeing your take on things, as I really only plan on hitting up a day or two for some DC info and then hit up the floor to find some deals.

  8. Bray Wyatt is currently my favorite character in the WWE. He's playing a cult leader who isn't good at professional wrestling.

    You are wrong about Bray not being good at wrestling.

  9. Mop-Up or GTFO.

  10. You forgot, "Take my wife... please!"

  11. Every match he's had since his call up sucks

  12. I don't take myself that seriously. If I had found this picture I would have used it:

  13. The Ziggler match was most assuredly not "boss."

  14. YankeesHoganTripleHFanSeptember 12, 2013 at 2:02 PM

    Kind of an insult to The Dark Lord if you ask me.

  15. I mean I don't mind it at all, I mean it's not like we're curating some magazine, if we don't like something, don't read it is my motto. But I do dig the energy and wonder if maybe this could be better as a like "Twenty five random thoughts about (X)" or something? Get rid of the 'news' part and just make it a general, loose, wrestling related column.

    I dunno, I'm thinking too much about this!

  16. So is Grut sharing a basement with Gloomchen now?

  17. GRUT!!

    You still have it. Come back anytime.

  18. Thanks. The nice comments made me feel a little better after the initial hate pile on. Not one of my best efforts, though.

  19. No, I really like that. I think I might do that if I do this again.

  20. Some decent stuff, some eh stuff but I enjoyed it. I hope you keep it going, once you shake the rust off I think this'll be a good addition to the blog.

  21. Bray is awesome, or at least he was during the second season of "NXT" - he's shown some great flashes in the last few months, but seems to be getting "Undertaker'ed" in having to curb his style to accommodate the character. Plus, like you've said, it's not exactly like he's had much of a chance to strut his stuff yet - a gimmick match with Kane and a squash of R-Truth isn't gonna make anyone look good. The match with Ziggler was better, though nothing special.

    It's still early, though, and I have no doubt that he'll show much more.

  22. I've said it before and I'll say it again: BLACK SCORPION.

    Samoa Joe or AJ Styles or Christopher Danials as the Black Scorpion. Or all three of them, trading the identity to mindfuck CM Punk for revenge for getting famous while they were stuck working for TNA and the indie scene.

  23. I'll only be there Thursday and Friday. I'll be in town for my brother's wedding which takes place on Sunday which is usually when all the big panels happen.

  24. Don't use epitaph if you don't know what it means! Earlier today I asked you if you knew what the word epitaph meant and you said no!

  25. Hey! My room in my house is on the first and only floor, same as my other three roommates.

  26. Oh god, gloomchen :/

  27. Power_of_Hogans_HOF_RingSeptember 12, 2013 at 6:55 PM

    I loved it. Tongue in cheek without being too snarky or cynical. (Is that the same thing?) Anyway, it took me two minutes to read, I got some news and I chuckled at least two or three times, so I'm a happy reader. Light, fun - keep up the quality content good sir.

  28. No, shit, you know what needs to come back? Hyatte's "Round The Boards".

    It's like all the best comments on the Raw live thread, multiplied by a thousand.

  29. As a result of this comeback, Lance Storm also contemplated a comeback, but was preemptively fired.

  30. Was that Grut's gag or Hyatte's? It's been so long, I forgot.

  31. I'd rather have crushed glass funneled into my urethra than read this again.

  32. Ditto. And this board CANNOT have too many updates for my liking, esp. when it's someone I have many fond memories of reading.

    If somehow Eric Szzxzlwlwlwzlli could somehow be coaxed on here, I would experience some kind of rathe sad and sweet mark out / deja vu.

  33. Vince is so fond of acknowledging history from other companies.

  34. If Eric Schadenfreude started writing here, too, I'd likely never read another web page again!

  35. Screw that crazy douchebag. I never found a single redeeming quality to any of his writing. Bitter approach to everything, preachy as all hell, and maybe worst of all...horrendously unfunny nicknames that he'd insist on cramming into his columns (Rock = Flex, JBL = High-Quality Speaker Boy, etc.). Ugh. Not everything from the past is worth feeling nostalgic about.

  36. Yeah, I dug Eric S's stuff, too. I have no idea where he went.

  37. I found his excellent predictions, and asides into random shit entertaining. The whole thing with Kellner & WCW was phenomenal.

    The only thing I really hated about his articles were that EVERY ONE descended into his life's work, which was basically doing job interviews.

  38. Man, I didn't expect all the hate for Grut. Apparently there's a lot of noobs who don't remember him. #nostalgia

  39. welcome back. bring back hi8, EricS, scotsman and burnside too please.


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