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Legend of the American Dragon (as told by WWE)

I smell a DVD set coming up, and hopefully ROH will continue to not be dicks about video footage when it happens.  


  1. To be fair to ROH, they have around 3 DVD sets of Daniel Bryan in ROH, so anyone wants that material can get it from there. Same with CM punk.
    I'm sure there is more than enough Indie wrestling stuff with Daniel Bryan to make it worthwhile anyway for a WWE Dvd.

  2. I never understood why WWE hasn't used the American Dragon moniker. It's a great, very marketable name. Maybe Bryan wants to hold onto the rights if he ever returns to the Indies?

  3. Speaking of bringing back parts of his indie persona, but I've been wondering if/when WWE will pay up for him to use Final Countdown as entrance music like how they changed Punk's music when he was elevated in 2011.

  4. Looking back, getting fired from Nexus and then brought back a few months later as a returning hero was one of the best things that happened to his career. Are we at the point where we start asking if that was all a work? I'm 25% serious with this.

  5. I don't think it was a work, but just a PR thing. They were gonna bring him back, that was never in question. Bug they had to let him go under the backlash from their advertisers calmed down or forgot about t.

  6. Given the state of ROH today, the best thing that could possibly happen to them financially would be to work out some type of licensing deal with WWE to get Punk, Bryan, Claudio, Tyler Black, and Generico ROH matches onto official WWE dvds. It would get them some recognition for the brand and a few bucks in their pocket.

  7. I wouldn't be surprised if they release one soon - look at John Morrison, in terms of getting a release soon after getting a big push.

    IMO, they don't even need a documentary at this point (which would just slow down production and delay release) - a compilation of matches and skits would suffice.

  8. Vince buying ROH for the tape library wouldn't be a bad deal. He's probably make it all back on a complete CM Punk and Bryan retrospective.

  9. All the more reason to buy ROH. The sales from DVDs of CM Punk and Bryan best of ROH would probably cover the cost.

  10. Aw, but I LIKE his rendition of Ride of the Valkyries. :(

  11. Punk didn't really give them a choice. It was part of the deal to sign him back. He all as much admitted it in a podcast interview he did with Bill SImmons in 2011 shortly after MITB.

    So unless Bryan threatens to quit and makes having FInal Countdown be part of the requirements to keep him - WWE is not going to pay up for Final Countdown.

  12. I like it too, but Final Countdown is one of those awesome 80s songs that everyone knows but doesn't know they know until they hear it, and it makes for a hell of an entrance theme. It's also GOB's theme music on Arrested Development, so there'd be the inevitable Did You Know bit about how WWE is superior to a cancelled Fox sitcom!

  13. I had no idea they were considering bringing him in as "the" partner for "The" Brian Kendrick. That could have been fun.

  14. Pretty sure ROH would allow it provided WWE gives them a cut of the sales.

  15. It'd be good for WWE but very bad for the indie circuit. Even with how far ROH has fallen, it still is considered the top indie promotion, especially with Chikara gone, and Evolve/Dragon Gate USA being so confusing as to what is what.

  16. I know that song as the buildup video for Flair/Steamboat III.

  17. Would have been a hell of a tag-team. Sorry we missed out on it.

  18. I've always preferred his "American Dolphin" monicker.

  19. I dont see why not. Plus the attention they would get from WWE viewers that have never seen/heard of ROH would help

  20. Yea, WWE is more the issue, they probably aren't willing to let ROH get a cut or publicity out of something like that.

  21. They do own it, or least that was the scuttlebutt.

  22. I'd guess they'd get a flat fee.

  23. Punk didn't really give them a choice. It was part of the deal to sign
    him back. He all as much admitted it in a podcast interview he did with
    Bill SImmons in 2011 shortly after MITB.

    How much of that interview was a work? Doesn't Punk claim that he wasn't signed back until AFTER MITB?

  24. Punk was always a guy that I thought would get over eventually. Daniel Bryan I've been (pleasantly) surprised by but looking back it's not shocking.

  25. Bryan Danielson Vs. the World is an AMAZING DVD set and absolutely worth the 20 bucks.


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