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More Concept Art Nerdery!

Diesel casual wear!  Crush in S&M gear!  Repo Man's alternate color scheme!  I WANT MORE!


  1. Is that... Bret Hart in a thong?

  2. Vince see's this and then says to the artist, "I SAID HEROIC OUTFITS, NOT HOMOEROTIC!"

  3. Who is that 3rd guy in LOD 2000? Droz maybe?

  4. At least they made Yokozuna wear tights. A few years later and we may not have dodged that bullet

  5. The most amusing thing about these new sketches, is how they drew the LoD kawaii rather than acknowledging how fat and out of shape the LoD were at this point, let alone Animal and Hawk having faces that only a mother could love.....

  6. The poses they put Diesel in are hilarious. I'd pay money to see Nash pose in those outfits like that.

  7. That first Repo Man design is late for his audition for Mortal Kombat 3.

  8. Interesting to find out that the whole "fire breathing dragon" concept was Ricky's idea.

  9. The Diesel purple and green suit reminds me of The Joker a bit.

  10. If I took one thing away from this is that silver tips are fucking crucial to the Diesel character.

  11. Kind of off topic but my favorite Diesel tights were the ones with the white top. Wish he'd had used those more often.

  12. The Hart designs are bizarre.

  13. Crush as Boy George = MONEY

  14. I'm sure I've read multiple interviews over the years where he's claimed to have designed all his own costumes. More bullshit from Bret.

  15. Um, considering I've never seen him wear this, I'm inclined to believe him.

  16. Its a bit off topic, but even after years of being online still seems years behind in terms of layout and takes longer then it should loading.

  17. Agree with Cultstatus - he probably meant that he designed all the costumes that actually made it to air.

  18. Since Bret never wore those outfits, I don't know what the hell you're talking about. I swear, some of you are incapable of seeing Bret's name mentioned in any context without feeling obligated to take a shot at him.

  19. I think you might be confusing Vince with somebody else.

  20. I'm sure he had input into what he wore, just as Mick Foley did.

  21. I'm not digging the ones that look like a cock outline.

  22. "We knew Mr. McMahon liked angles, red, black, leather and metal."

    Explains Kane's outfit and probably more than we want to know about Vince's weekends.

  23. Bret the Shitman Shart?

  24. he's making sure his apple booty is featured

  25. It wasn't the layout that made me abandon this before even finishing Crush's section. It was that insane Fuity Pebbles ad that was threatening to give me a seizure. I disabled ad-block a while ago for reasons, but I haven't regretted it quite as much as I did this morning trying to look at this.

  26. the 3rd bret reminds me of serpentor

    other awesome bits:

    - the phantom hands cupping crush's boobages

    - big daddy eminem
    - the one with him with chain suspenders makes it looks like he's saying 'who's FABULOUS? this guy!'

    - headshrinkers look like a really fat renegade

    - the profile of the 1st repo man looks like marc mero. repo man never had hair that luscious!

    'Ricky "The Dragon" Steamboat - "He wanted to blow fire and had this whole ‘Dragon’ concept. That was his idea. We spent a few days with him in Stamford, going over his concepts."'

    i always thought that was something he was saddled with...

  27. i'm inclined to call bullshit on that claim. isnt that one of the reasons he left wwf again at that time?

  28. he actually said both

    'i want homohero-otic!'

  29. because fee-shees (tm scott hall)

  30. Looks like Bret's rejected gear when into what HBK ended up wearing.

    It looked like Crush and Repo Man from initial sketches were meant to be other people. Until the end of that list Repo Man was not sketched like Barry Darsow at all.

  31. Like someone said almost Marc Mero like.

  32. But he still used that stuff when he went to WCW after that.

  33. i know.

    but facts, in way of good story, etc.

  34. I didn't make it to the Repo man, but one of the comments on the Crush drawings indicated that the artist probably had never actually seen him.

  35. Charismatic e-Negro Jef VinsonSeptember 11, 2013 at 11:27 AM

    I see they were determined to make Crush an S & M version of Captain Planet.

  36. Repo Man DID wear a different outfit in one match I believe. It's on youtube I know that much, I think Wrestling Challenge against some jobber


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