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Newsday story on pro wrestling's reaction to Olympic wrestling returning


  1. Glad they brought it back.

  2. All the horrible pro-wrestling related puns when they first announced this really got up my sleeve. "Olympic Committee Bodyslams Wrestling"! Because amateur wrestlers don't live their lives hating the pro-wrestling association enough as it is.

    The Tully Blanchard Shoot Interview won by an overwhelming margin, receiving 53% of the vote.

  4. It's funny, even as derided and mocked people believe pro wrestling to be. Everybody would much rather talk about it than a real sport like grappling.

  5. I still remember that aborted attempt at "Professional" Amateur Wrestling from back in my younger days... I want to say mid-late 90's but the date eludes me.

  6. Threadjack, also.

    This Dallas/NYG game is the funniest thing on TV in ages. Also, Chris "This is a little ugly" Collingsworth is the worst.

  7. Total shitshow, then again, most of the games today were, 4 safeties in a day? So when teams barely practice and barely play anything meaningful in preseason, they play like shit....shocking

  8. Eh. I watched Bears/Bengals, the end of Pats/Bills, and the two late afternoon games and they were good. The Rams game seemed a little dull, maybe.

  9. who did it go up against?

  10. Magnum TA and I forgot the third (Jannetty?)

  11. I am the wrong dude to ask. First of all, I'm a first generation wrestling fan. Second of all, let's just say that Hulk Hogan was out of the WWF before I was born.

  12. I wanna say JJ Dillon.

  13. People try to bring that idea back every few years. Randy Couture, Josh Barnett and others want to bring back a "real" pro wrestling with pins and submissions. It's not going to go anywhere just like none of the other attempts ever went anywhere. Whenever the sales pitch is "it's like no-gi BJJ except..." no buys will be had.

  14. You might be thinking of Real Pro Wrestling, which had a short-lived deal with the PAX network about 10 years ago. I vaguely remember it, but wikipedia filled in the blanks for me:

  15. Magnum TA and Steve Williams

  16. Have to agree with you -- The sport is just not that accessible to the mainstream public -- I understand why those in the wrestling community want it to work but it suffers from a number of things working against it -- Not the least of which is what you touch on in your post: "it's like no-gi BJJ except..." Well, no, it's not really like that (but a lot of wrestling supporters use that type of rationale to explain/sell the sport to the uninitiated) and wrestling suffers from an inferiority complex that runs so deep from so many factors -- At wrestling tournaments from the youth level to the open level shirts and gear are sold with ridiculous chest-thumping things on them like "Boys play basketball, girls play volleyball, men wrestle." and "There is no Tapout in wrestling" -- You don't see that type of shit in any other sport; basketball players don't feel the need to wear shirts or other gear extolling the virtues of their sport at the expense of another -- I wrestled and coach it now but you'll never see me or my sons wearing something like that or driving around with a bumper sticker stating some similar stupid shit; that would make us part of the problem and not the solution...


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