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Nitro of the Day: April 99

Trying to post this in the BEST OF RAW AND NITRO thread but I'm blocked for some reason...funny, never even made a post or emailed you before.
Anyways, with Scott Armstrong getting tv time, I'd just like you to let the BODoomer's know that his best match ever was in the best handicapped match ever from the 4/26/99 Nitro, which is also where that DDP/Sting MOTD came from.
Here's the whole episode, the match in question starts at the 26 minute mark. Take note of the bottle of Surge in front of Tony...

Just to clarify, I disabled video/picture posting in order to prevent people from posting family-unfriendly material to the threads.


  1. WCW was actually on a nice little rebound here and then just completely jumped the shark. i.e.: Millenium Man Sid, Macho Man w/Gorgous George, red and yellow Hogan, mental patient Ric Flair, World Champion Kevin Nash, The Hummer, Jersey Triad etc. etc.

  2. I'll defend Millennium Man Sid to my grave. And the Triad was OK. The rest, yeah, terrible.

  3. Millenium Man Sid was an ok way to build up to a Goldberg/Sid match.

    But then the problem was that it built up to a Goldberg/Sid feud..

  4. And then Goldberg/Sid team immediately after. Because Russo.

  5. I loved the Macho/Nash feud of this time.

  6. Isn't this Flair now?

  7. If the focus of the Flair Cabinet thing was the new Revolution stable raging against the machine, it could have been great. Guys like Booker T, Kidman could have been added to Benoit, Saturn, Malenko, Douglas as more of a movement, rather than a stable. Not too dissimilar from the current WWE Corporation angle. Rather than young vs. old, Flair could have recruited guys who saw more opportunity in allying with the status quo and being company guys, while others choose to fight the power.

  8. Red & yellow Hogan worked in a vacuum, but it was never going to be a farewell tour, so it didn't really have anywhere to go. Maybe if he had jobbed out clean to Scott Steiner to build up a Steiner-Goldberg match or something, but instead it was just more Hogan vs. Flair and Hogan actually trying to be competitive in modern matches. Sadly, that was in '99-'00.


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