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Ode to Mid-South

Hi Scott - wanted to share this fantastic piece with the timely DVD release happening today.  Thanks!

I am super-pumped about this DVD but I'm pretty sure that if I was getting a copy for review it would have magically shown up by now.  Sad face.  Now I might have to BUY it.  Ugh.


  1. You should set up an Amazon wish list. I'll buy it for you.

  2. It's funny hearing Jim Ross call the Tuxedo Steel Cage match between Duggan and Dibiase as if he were live in the arena. The commentary was clearly done recently and added to the match.

  3. And here's the full epic show with the infamous Flair/DiBiase/Murdoch angle:

    Man, that's awesome booking there.

  4. Get the blu-ray! It has nearly two hours of bonus footage. The "Hacksaw" Jim Duggan - Buzz Sawyer post-match brawl is amazing! Although, I will say "Mid-South" had one too many ref bumps and the wrestling quality went down hill in '86-'87 - maybe that's why the crowds stayed away from the live shows. '82-'85 were the peak years. Best match on the set is Ric Flair - Terry Taylor. Most modern fans will complain about the pace, but I love a good "slow burn" Flair match. Makes the second and third acts work extremely well.

  5. 84 & 85 IMO are the peak yrs due to all the hotshot booking. It made for great t.v. 86 was also great, 87 was alright, they just lost too much talent by that point.

  6. I bought the DVD yesterday. I have a thing where I first watch Disc 3 of a WWE dvd. No reason behind it just, I like to start out with the 3rd Disc. I thought it was kind of dull to be honest.

    The best match on this disc is Snowman vs Jake Roberts with Muhammad Ali in Snowman's corner. You get a Blade Runners match which is neat in history besause of Sting and Ultimate warrior but the match itself is just them versus jobbers. Another match in there is the One Man Gang versus Big Bubba Rogers which is boring and Big Bubba vs Dr. Death Death Steve Williams which is joined in progress and has Williams winning the UWF title but again the match was too short to really say wheter it was good.

  7. Another problem I have is that they include a Rick Steiner match while talking about how he was one of the top young guys in UWF. They show a match with Steiner vs jobber Nick Patrick. This is my problem, I am tired of seeing these top stars vs jobber matches included on a DVD. Why not show a meaningful match with Rick Steiner involved? Same for the Blade Runners match. They show beating up them jobbers instead of a match that is more meaningful and entertaining.

    That left a sour note for me.

  8. I really wish they would hire Scott to pick matches and put the DVD / Blu Ray collections together.

  9. I'm not sure the Blade Runners had any meaningful matches Warrior didn't stick around very long at all.

  10. Whoever downvoted this should not be allowed to watch anything other than an endless loop of Cena comebacks and victories.

  11. I could only find the DVD version and am just going through Disc 1 now -- like what I've seen so far. Great to see guys like Orndorff, Andre and JYD in their prime looking motivated and willing to work.

  12. Would have loved a full blown documentary like the WCCW and AWA ones, but the Blu-Ray is still great

  13. Blu-Ray set is better, more great stories and matches. I had thought a documentary would be good but I liked the way they mixed in talking head stuff with the classic stories and angles, terrific set worth buying to any Mid-South fan.
    Great lines: Magnum TA: "Anyone who went through the traveling of Mid-South deserved a Purple Heart."
    And Cornett saying "Ric Flair has to be from Mars" on how Flair would journey from town to town, up at 6 am, do a 60 minute match, close down the bars, up at 4 for traveling and always ready to go.


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