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Promo of the Day: stephanie mcmahon 9-11

Oh Steph...

Geez, she makes one little comment about the US government being the same as terrorists and no one lets her live it down...


  1. Wow, that WAS bad. That's the first time I watched it since it aired.

    Sweet fucking Christ, who thought that was a good idea to air something like that? Dunn? Stephanie? Triple H on crutches?

  2. Stephanie definitely has that "I'm actually a lunatic" vibe from her ol pops

  3. 12 years later, and still as offensive as ever.

  4. Was Stephanie deluded? Or was she just know, with heroin.

  5. I miss the towers and can see the new one from where I am. I still can't believe she thought of her dad and the government after a national tragedy. SELFISH

  6. The best part of that delusional promo was that she broke kayfabe to do that. She was a heel feuding with Vince.

  7. Perfect ending to the day. Still worth a laugh. Thanks for posting it.

  8. Never forget (insert Big Bossman and Akeem picture here)

  9. Jive soul bro jive soul bro and you never get nothing in the end

  10. You totally misspelled Lex Luger and Barry Windham.

  11. Sid Vicious and Dan Spivey?

    (No, wait, those were the Skyscrapers.)

  12. That this is her most tasteless moment in a career filled with moments like telling Freddie Blassie he's going to die, weeks before he actually DOES, just speaks volumes.

  13. The McMahons butthurt over the federal trial will never subside will it? He was charged with distributing steroids right? Obviously he was guilty of encouraging steroid use back in the day and looking the other way at the rampant abuse but distributing? Even i cant picture Vince handing out syringes & pills backstage and i can picture Vince doing a lot of terrible terrible things but he's not that dumb.

    Even if he was found guilty he'd have done what?, a couple months in some swanky rich people prison anyway.

    My eyes gloss over anytime i try to read up on the trial, well all except for Nailz on the stand professing his hatred for Vince. I'd pay good money to see that footage!

  14. This is utterly retarded.

  15. Couldn't this have been better summed up in 3 words?


  16. Why was Steph cutting a promo on Eric Bischoff after 9/11?

  17. A typical member of the lucky sperm club and one of the main reasons why I usually read recaps of Raw and cherrypick the best bits on YouTube. To give full credit to Vince, back in the day the guy played the jackass perfectly and you wanted to see him get his comeuppance. Steph on the other hand has no redeeming qualities whatsoever. I mean it’s not like she’ll ever get hers, because only a Diva would be able to give her an ass-kicking and I doubt with her ego that she’d ever allow for that to happen.

    On a side note, all this stock she’s sold lately… seems like something’s up doesn’t it?

  18. "Steph on the other hand has no redeeming qualities whatsoever."

    That's the point.

    " I mean it’s not like she’ll ever get hers, because only a Diva would be able to give her an ass-kicking"

    Why does she have to get her ass kicked?

  19. "That's the point."

    Well if that's the case, then it justifies the reason why I wouldn't waste my time watching her then, doesn't it?

    "Why does she have to get her ass kicked?"

    Because that's the pro wrestling way; evil person does evil things, good person comes along and kicks their ass for doing said evil things.

  20. Only allowing yourself one option is a pretty shitty way of doing things.

  21. I agree, but then again, I'd quite enjoy seeing someone kick her ass! ;D

  22. Watching her throw a hissy fit while Bryan is holding the title up will be much more satisfying.

  23. She's comparing the US government to terrorists? She must be a liberal!

  24. Also, apparently you can't upload images any more. Hey Disqus, stop sucking!

  25. To be fair, her prediction was correct.

  26. You can't tell me you wouldn't like to see her take a knee to the face while this video is being played on a loop.

  27. "Why didn't Triple H do a 9/11 promo? I guess he had to build suspense for his return!"

    There, got it out of you guys' systems.

  28. got to agree, things can be switched up, but in general seeing the heel get their comeuppance in some for is usually a satisfying payoff

  29. Never seen this. How the fuck did that get on the air??? Wowza...I also kind of hate the government and i understand her point but that's an odd time to shoehorn that story in

  30. And make that reason #1,000,234,654 why a McMahon running for public office is a waste of time.

  31. Didn't one guy who worked for the WWE actually comment on how she's nice in person, but occasionally looks at you like she's insane? I can see that, with her eyes going all buggy and intense but with no real focus.


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