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Promo of the Day

I actually think I remember seeing this one.


  1. It think a clip from the promo was on the Bret DVD. But I'm not sure. This clip stirs a memory to me too, but I don't remember ever seeing the whole thing.

  2. That's funny for so many reasons.

  3. I always liked the Hart Foundation's promos, especially Anvil's stuff. Never cared for him in the ring, but his promos were fun.

  4. Apparently, "bitch" was hilarious. If this was circa 1986, then I probably would have laughed as hard.
    "Hey, Mean Gene, what's another word for a male chicken?"
    "You mean, a rooster?"
    "No, not that one. The other one!"
    "Why, you must mean cock then."
    "BWAHAHAHAHAHA! Yeah....that's the Red Rooster's new name. The Red COCK!"

  5. The awesome is overflowing in this promo, ESPECIALLY for the clean, family-friendly 1980s WWF.

    "It's bad enough they have to take orders from a dog, it's worse taking orders from a bitch!"

  6. I remember Iron Sheik being interviewed by Mean Gene Okerlund on WWF TV with the same background similar to the interview being done with the Hart Foundation in this video. I swear, in that interview, Sheik calls Okerlund a "nice Jew" and Gene just continues right along talking to him. The strangest thing I have seen.

  7. Charismatic e-Negro Jef VinsonSeptember 11, 2013 at 10:20 AM

    Believe it or not there was a promo that Sting did when he was feuding with Rick Rude that went like this:

    Sting: "Hey Rick,, is that short for Richard, or Dick?"

    *Rude throws a tantrum*

    Sting: "See ya later....Dick."

    The word dick was censored because it was on TBS, but it got the point across.

  8. I think that was Dustin actually. I remember it being EDGY back then.
    And does anyone else remember Harley Race telling Ron Simmons he used to have a BEEP like him carry his bags?

  9. Charismatic e-Negro Jef VinsonSeptember 11, 2013 at 10:28 AM

    Yeah, I thought he said "boy".

  10. Charismatic e-Negro Jef VinsonSeptember 11, 2013 at 10:32 AM

    Was he talking about Martha Hart?

  11. I don't remember this, unfortunately. Jesus was no friend of Sting's back then, I assume.

  12. Whatever happened to family values?

  13. Shirtless was not a good look for the Foundation back then.

  14. Charismatic e-Negro Jef VinsonSeptember 11, 2013 at 12:11 PM

    Stop downvoting me, Martha.

  15. Ken Resnick was not a good fit in the WWE.

  16. I could have sworn the bleeped it, but I was young and not fully paying attention


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