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QOTD 12: Later Than Your Girlfriend.

Howdy Blog Otters, sorry for the late update today, I was too busy taking Los Santos for all its worth. But, being late to post this, I came up with what could be a fun question:

Ever had a lady friend utter those two words? "I'm Late"? No need to go into Ben Folds "Brick" territory unless you want too, but feel free to give the deets on the almost assured terror and reaction that followed it. If on the flip side you were trying to knock up your lady friend, feel free to share how joyful that experience was, too. 

It happened to me once, and while it turned out be a false alarm, it kind of put a whole bunch of things into perspective, and I've been very selective about how I throw it in since.


Blog Otter Award: 'Mick' for showing us that that more things change, the more things change the same.

No extra notes today, I'm typing from my phone and I gotta poop. Ciao!


  1. I should have a 6 year old. Girl in question had miscarriage about 18 weeks in, but for some reason didn't feel the need to tell me about any of this until a month after that happened. And it's not like it was a one night stand or anything, we went out for years, and I had a feeling something was up (but what am supposed to do? "Hey honey, you're getting a bit fat there, eh?" Yeah, that's not gonna work). Even today I can't really describe how I feel about the whole thing, it was like a mix of being livid and wanting to start crying. Man, these QOTDs have got me to unload a lot of personal shit, and I feel better for it.

    And I can't even imagine what my kid would be like. S/he would be an... interesting kid, to say the least.

  2. Did You Know - Pulling Out (if done correctly) is almost as effective as using a condom.

  3. davidbonzaisaldanamontgomerySeptember 18, 2013 at 3:44 PM

    My longtime gf was late for like a week, and since we were 19 and in college at the time, I of course was panicking (esp. since we used protection, although 97% effective yada yada THEY SHOULD PUT THAT ON THE BOX yada yada), but turns out her period was just fucking with her.

  4. For contraception? Yes.
    For protecting against STDs? No.

    Anyway, who wants to pull out during the best part?

  5. Yeah.. yeah..
    Let's go with the one that got me my son though.
    My Wife went off of the pill in like April, and her period was really irregular for months on end for some reason. We both have reason to believe that we are fertile, but it's just not happening to the point that we'd almost forgotten about getting pregnant / given up.
    One morning before work she comes and gets me out of bed (she starts an hour and a half earlier than I do) all pissed off and saying that the fridge is too full and when she opened it a jar of pickles fell out and smashed all over the place and she's got no time to clean it up so I need to get up and deal with this. Ok, fine. I get up and complain my way into the kitchen where she is standing, smiling ear to ear, holding a positive test. She'd already done one the day before and not told me until trying a second time. There was no pickle mess.
    Good luck with that poop.

  6. "Anyway, who wants to pull out during the best part?"

    No shit, I always found the facial in porno to be beyond stupid. Yeah, I'm gonna bang the shit out of someone, and then jack off at the end. Makes perfect sense...

    Also, if you're wearing a condom because you're afraid of getting a disease, you probably shouldn't be fucking that skank to begin with.

  7. Birth Control (the pill) can be extremely dangerous, research it.

  8. I don't have to research it, the "blood clots, strokes, heart attacks (especially if you smoke)" warning is right in the the ads. An old friend of mine once said that pulling out is like Babe Ruth calling his home shot and then laying down a bunt. I can't think of a better way to put it.

    Eh, I've always been more into oral anyway...

  9. Yep, I've been down that road before. My ex fiancé who at the time was just my girlfriend was on the pill. Well she needed to get a new script from her doctor and she ran out. We being the brain trusts decided it would be ok for a few days. So she ends up being late, a few home pregnancy tests and a doctors visit confirmed she was pregnant. What followed was from Thursday to Sunday a huge conversation (no fighting though). We went over all the pros and cons, where our relationship was, if we were mature enough, financially ready and everything else that we could think of. And this convo went on for basically three days straight with little to no sleep.

    We ended up deciding to get an abortion and that was an incredibly hard decision to come to. Neither of us were ultra religious so that never factored into it but it was still a tough decision. No pressure came from me, in all actuality while we both started out on the fence I was leaning towards keeping it and she was leaning towards abortion. I sometimes wonder if we made the right decision.

    That's something I hate about the pro lifers. I don't mind they have the anti abortion stance even though I disagree with it. No, it's the way they think, that when somebody decides to have an abortion it's some easy, flippant decision. Sorry, I know heavy topic.

  10. This question is a bit exclusionary (male and hetero-centric), but I'll play because my ex-wife had the most irregular periods ever. Without fail, even with my taking precautions, I'd get the "I'm late" talk several times a year. She'd always be studying my reaction, too. If I'm too worried, I'm obviously not mature enough to handle the situation. If I'm too confident and positive, then I'm way too concerned with starting a family without us being in the right financial situation. After a while, I had mastered the "I support you in every way; we'll take on the situation as it comes" response.

    It was hard to hide my glee when she did have her period, however--she was in college for 8 years and still hadn't settled on a clear career path. The only jobs she ever got were ones where I pulled strings for her (and then she'd quit months later). And she was an addict. I didn't want an unstable person in an unstable situation raising our child even though it was becoming clear that she saw that as a solution to all problems.

    The only time the lateness went on to become something else, we received the results that she was pregnant over the phone minutes after she miscarried. It was a rocky road.

  11. I agree, going for the "money shot" never makes sense to me. "no, I'm going to finish this with my hand instead of in that nice warm moist hole I enjoy so much". Oh and skanks aren't the only women who get STDs by the way. I'm usually careful unless I'm in a relationship. I did get crabs once but a condom doesn't really help with that. At leasts it's fairly easy to get rid of those basterds.

  12. Pulling out at the right moment requires no extra wanking. I was in a long relationship with a woman who 1. Hated condoms and claimed to be allergic to them, and 2. Liked the mess on her chest/torso. I became a pro at it.

  13. Oh, I know "clean" girls (and guys) can get diseases too, I'm just talking about guys that were like "Yeah, I had to bag it with her, she's been around." Have some fucking self respect, it should be about quality, not quantity.

  14. THREADJACK: Trent Richardson traded to Colts for #1 pick.

  15. I like to bag it because sometimes the pill fails. A guy I work with, his wife was on the pill and she got pregnant anyway. It happens.

  16. The question is a bit exclusionary but given the demographic of the fits.

  17. People will argue tooth and nail about this, but you are absolutely correct. Also, nobody gets pregnant from pre-cum; you can get diseases from it thought.

  18. Some girls like having a load blown elsewhere too. I'm not going to criticize anyone else's decisions in the bedroom b/c you never know what turns people on.

  19. I think this happens to a lot of people. The key is not to get too wound up if it's just a few days as stress, diet, weight loss/gain can really fuck with a woman's hormones. Over a week and it might be time to take a trip to the pharmacy...

  20. People apologising for being late all over the place!
    And I didn't even understand the question till I went down into the comments...Most definitely no.

  21. Trent Richardson was traded to the Colts for a #1 pick.see more

  22. we have...2 females?

  23. If you're a Browns fan.... why bother, man?

  24. That's 1 more than I knew about!

  25. "I like to bag it because sometimes the pill fails."

    Yeah, it definitely fails, especially when you go on a 3 day bender and forget to take it. See my comment at the bottom of the page.

    Anyway, there's only 2 foolproof methods of birth control: vasectomy/tubal ligation (and even that's not foolproof if your doctor fucks up), and just going strictly oral. Like Noreaga said, "I don't like having sex, I like brains!"

  26. The Ghost of Faffner HallSeptember 18, 2013 at 5:02 PM

    It's TWO more than I knew about!

  27. 2? And as far as I know, there's no (openly) gay people that post regularly. Who will be the Jason Collins/Orlando Cruz of the BofD, I wonder...

  28. Princess seems legit, vaginally speaking.

  29. You just started college (why the HELL you do you call it "University" up there?), you should find out soon enough.

  30. THREE times and I'm still hanging in there!

  31. Plus, there's no reason a woman couldn't answer this question from a first person PoV.

  32. Yeah...who's the other?!

  33. I believe we have at least two semi-regular posters here who are gay. I could be just making shit up, but I thought I read a few posts here over the last year or so that alluded to it.

  34. Yes. Debating whether to tell the story though as it gets kinda riduclious. Ill debate...

  35. It's okay John, I just got a request from a random internet marketer asking us to figure out what hair color best suits our eyes. It'll be the question tomorrow.

  36. davidbonzaisaldanamontgomerySeptember 18, 2013 at 5:09 PM

    It was like the Browns front office was Michael Rooker in "Cliffhanger", yelling "SEASON'S OVER, ASSHOLE!" before tossing the season over the cliff.

  37. Time's up. Go ahead and tell us. Your stories are usually the best.

  38. The Ghost of Faffner HallSeptember 18, 2013 at 5:11 PM

    My then-fiancé was ridiculous about having children, no matter what. We were living together at the time and struggling just to keep ourselves clothed and fed, and neither of us in a career at the time since we both had plans to go back to school soon. But she seemed to think that having kids was the easiest and cheapest thing in the world, and not a hardship in any way at all, and she wanted them so that's that. (For my part, I wasn't against having kids, but I was more realistic than her and knew we were in no position to have and care for a child. I think if we had a pet turtle it would have been a challenge.)

    So one time she's late, but since it's no big deal to her, she decides to tell me after we've gone to bed, in an "Oh, by the way..." tone of voice. You can guess how much sleep I got that night. We spent the next couple days discussing it, and I tried like hell to make her see that this was not something we were ready for, and despite what movies and TV shows would have you believe, just loving your child is not nearly enough. I started looking into adoption as well, but she told me she looked at that as abandoning her child (since I'm adopted, I took offense to this).
    Luckily it was all for naught, as her period caught up to her shortly after, and I didn't even try to hide my happiness. Ultimately the whole experience helped me to realize that I don't want kids at all--I like where I am in life and I have absolutely no desire to change that. (Though trying to convince people I don't actually HATE children is a constant uphill battle) She and I broke up not long after, and I've been with someone for four years who is not nearly as delusional and also has no desire whatsoever to get pregnant. Last I heard my ex-fiancé got knocked up by the first guy who was willing to do it-- I won't say that I hope she's happy, because I honestly could care less. (It didn't end well)

  39. davidbonzaisaldanamontgomerySeptember 18, 2013 at 5:11 PM


  40. I want to hear it. Really, you can't say "Debating whether to tell the story though as it gets kinda riduclious" and then leave us hanging.

  41. The Ghost of Faffner HallSeptember 18, 2013 at 5:13 PM

    No kidding--what a tease. Let's hear it, Farva.

  42. People at work thought they were going to be 10-6 after the preseason, I fucking laughed.

  43. Sometimes Scott's baby will bang on the keyboard. But her posts are often confused with Jesse Baker's.

  44. The dude with the purple bunny avatar.

  45. You've personally confirmed this?

  46. That's great, but I was being serious. We seem to be a... what do you call it, a pretty socially progressive group here? Especially for wrestling fans. I'm kind of surprised we don't have an openly gay regular poster, is what was getting at.

  47. Yeah, I mean, I posted a pretty ill story, and I was the first one t comment.

  48. I thought he was gay? And possibly a furry.

  49. People said the same thing about the Bills, and I laughed too. After seeing their first 2 games, I'm not laughing anymore. I mean, I know they'll fuck it up somehow, because Buffalo, but they look pretty good.

  50. It us funny that in these situations you guys cheer so hard for a period. Always picture like guys cheering on a chick as she gets it.

  51. Downvote indeed.

  52. Then what data proves to you that "she" has a functional vagina?

  53. The new, Lombardi, used to always be a regular guest on Simmons' podcast. No lie, hed talk about Brian fucking Hoyer all the time. Hes the new Browns starting QB now.

  54. If you read the rest of the paragraph, you'd know why I was cheering inside. She would also lie and trick her way into having me not use a condom. We would have screwed up my life, her life, and the child's life had we been successful. I'm just a firm believer that the woman should have a career or passion in her life--a sense of independence--before unloading every hope and mental issue on a child.

  55. Yeah man I'm a pro too, not sure why everyone is acting like it is so terrible. It has never failed me.

  56. You get a downvote for saying "could care less" when you obviously meant "couldn't care less"

  57. I just buy it. She seems legit, like I said.
    And if I'm wrong.. Well, it'll still be a lot less awkward than the last time.

  58. As noted by comedian/actor David Mitchell here...

  59. Yea, I hear ya man. Ive been in a spot similar and never thought id be so happy about vaginal blood.

  60. The Ghost of Faffner HallSeptember 18, 2013 at 5:31 PM

    Now I have three downvotes--if they're all for that reason, then this board has more grammar Nazis than I thought! :)

  61. Because College and University are different things in Canada.

    College focuses on hands on education and skills for a specific career
    University is an academic approach for advanced learning in a field.

    College is "easier" and the road to each is determined in High school.
    All subjects at high school are split into "University, College, and Workplace level"
    Using Math as an example: Advanced functions are only covered in the university level courses. The Workplace option is essentially 6th grade math -_-. In English, the U-level courses have you read Shakespeare, you only have to watch a film adaption in the college course.

    That may all make college sound like the obvious choice, but there are limitations to what level you can reach both as a career and academically. In the medical field for instance, Nursing and Medical assistant programs are offered in college, but you need a university degree to be a Doctor. Same principle for Legal Clerk vs Lawyer.

    Finally, there is no higher education beyond the first college degree, while University has your Bachelors, Masters, PhD etc.

    So that's why I call it University :D

  62. davidbonzaisaldanamontgomerySeptember 18, 2013 at 5:38 PM

    Considering that was one of my pet peeves in that Pet Peeve QOTD topic...

  63. OK, I see. You're educational system works a bit different (in other words, better) than ours does. It kind of blows my mind that you live about 45 minutes away and it's like you're in a whole other country. Oh, wait...

  64. 18 months ago, my wife and I were trying to get pregnant. We tried for 6 straight months with all the stuff you were supposed to do including the tips like keeping track of best days on a calendar, taking vitamins, etc. However no pregnancy.
    We starting hitting a rough spot in the marriage and saw counseling and stopped trying to have a kid just to be on the safe side. After counseling, we both realized this marriage isn't going to work. Thus, we got divorced. Both of us are so happy that she never got pregnant.

  65. there is one misleading thing in my speal there, very high skill jobs (Doctor, Engineer) do begin with specialized programs in University (my best friend is in first year engineering now)

    It blows my mind that I could drive 45 minutes south, and no longer feel secure in my right to health care should something terrible happen!!

  66. Not even a football fan, just being a smart ass

  67. Really? You're going to play the medical system card here? That's the one thing we have on you guys.

  68. oh, I read a post where Pink bunny mentioned a boyfriend and assumed it was a chick. *shrugs* same diff when talking wrestling

  69. The Lions went undefeated in the postseason the year they went 0-16.

  70. Damn right, universal health care, Hockey, and Beer are the only things Canadians get patriotic about!

    Obama care is shite

  71. I agree about Obamacare.

  72. Most of our beer isn't really anything to get excited about.

  73. Yeah, but in Canada it's generally looked down on because somehow what's a very conservative health care plan is a liberal plan after it gets filtered through the highly polarized US political situation

  74. More the drinking of it then making of it in the folks, I've met!

  75. I don't really know. I saw him say he was gay a couple of times. Might have been joking.
    Don't really care.

  76. Same, it's not something that really factors into how I talk to people.

  77. "Obamacare" hasn't even gone into effect yet, and the socialist medicine programs in other countries are the reason why it keeps getting pushed back (for the record, I agree with you, the program is shite). Put it this way, I'm a hell of a lot more scared of being in Canada, health-wise, than you should be here.

  78. On what?

  79. Why you're scared here, health wise.

  80. I pay no medical bills, I will never be financialy ruined because I need medicine. Socialism FTW in this case.

  81. But could you buy good health insurance in the US for what we pay in taxes here?
    I don't really know.

  82. This is what Obama Cae is doing -

  83. Depends on the state and what regulations are placed on insurance companies.

    Insurance companies aren't exactly known for WANTING to give you the money you are owed

  84. which is because, again, it's a shitty program

  85. Sorry to hear, bro. How long were you married?

  86. Hey hey hey, I work for a (non health, non auto, non property related) insurance company.
    We pay a lot of claims, I can assure you.

  87. I know, I agree with you.

  88. Because from what I hear you guys don't have the best doctors, and you have to wait a long time to see them. That might not be true (in all the time I spent in Canada, and we're talking probably 2 of my 31 years, I was fortunate not to require any medical attention), but that's what I hear.

    Last I heard, we were going up there to buy cheap pills. You guys were coming down here to actual procedures done.

    Keep in mind I'm just kind of talking out my ass here, feel free to throw me any hard numbers. And I don't mean that in a sarcastic way.

  89. In Japan, single payer health insurance gives the government the leverage to negotiate the price for all approved medical services. Wherever you go for treatment, the cost is the same, and usually much cheaper than the same service would be in the United States.

    Without a single payer provision, Obamacare does nothing to reduce the underlying cost of health care.

  90. I'm not going full conspiracy theorist with the insurance thing! I apologize if I've offended you, frankly, it's more a general mistrust of "big business" and it's relationship to the social contract then Insurance companies specifically. I'd also be interested in seeing the amount of regulation insurance is under here vs in the states. Maybe it is the same, maybe it's like the INSANE lack of accountability in the financial sector.

    I feel a thesis developing after more research

  91. Alright, you guys win. Halfway through my senior year of highschool I started hooking up with this chick, Colleen. While I wouldn't call her a slut, she was a co captain of the cheerleading team and was always pretty popular so she definitely gave it up if she was into you, and I found out she was sexually pretty liberal.

    We were going to different colleges and got about as serious as possible when youre 17-18. She went away to cheerleading camp for 5 days, yes this is actually a thing, and when she returned she told me she was 2 days late. We had no idea what to do so went to one of those free medical clinics to try and get some morning after pills (yea I know this sounds dumb but we were young.) She had just turned 18 so could have legally had an abortion if it came to that. We leave and she ends up getting her period in a few days...

    However, the next day I pick her up, exchange small talk with her parents and head to a party at her friends house (whose parents were away.) We had no reason to lie so told her parents exactly whos house we were going to. We hang out but eventually find ourselves doing some pretty nasty stuff in a room upstairs when we hear some commotion downstairs. Not thinking, we continue what we are doing. Her dad, between the time we had left found the clinic information in she left in her car and assumed she had an abortion. All of a sudden, the door flies open and her dad storms in and catches us doing it in a non-natural way, if you know what I mean. Id never seen a more horrified or disguisted look in my life. It was the most awkward 20 seconds of my life

  92. don't have to take my word for it,, but We talk about this a lot up here...

    Canada does poorly with wait times, but those numbers don't account for severity of injury. If you've been shot in the head, or broke your neck, you won't be waiting 4 hours. It's a longer wait for non emergency emergencies if you know what I mean (I have a 12-inch nail in my foot etc.)

    The cause is also debated, because other socialized healthcare nations do just fine. Moral is, I'd rather wait then pay for ambulance/bed/meds/care.

    But that's just me, others may feel free to disagree

  93. ...Favra...I want to believe you are truthful...your life just makes it SO. DAMN. HARD.

  94. No, I'm not offended. And there are certainly some companies better than others. We do deny claims, although rarely, and usually it's for something that the policy was never designed to cover in the first place. An astonishing number of people buy insurance and don't understand that their policy is finite and designed to cover specific things, and definitely not every possible thing. Some things are too risky to insure, or invite moral hazard. In my line anyhow. I insure engineers. I don't know much about the health business or how it works.
    I can tell you that our loss ratio for the past couple of years has been north of 70% and combined ratio is over 100, and that means an operating loss, which I'm sure I don't have to tell you, is not good.

  95. "Without a single payer provision, Obamacare does nothing to reduce the underlying cost of health care."

    THIS is the real knock on Obama Care, not the insane claims that it's some how "too socialist"

  96. It is. I used to have zero regard for others in my darker days

  97. Other than a few questionable accounts I've never heard that our doctors are poor, on the whole. We mainly go south to avoid wait times, which are definitely long here. Sometimes there are procedures that are not approved here that can be done in the US too. I had a friend go south for that reason.

  98. "usually it's for something that the policy was never designed to cover in the first place."

    This is the interesting piece to me, because it can be read as

    "Fucked over by fine print"
    "You are a dumb ass, and you don't deserve money."
    depending on what bias you are looking to forward

    As for your company, I hope you guys can turn it around.

  99. just under 2 years. I'm not sorry about it. We still remain on good terms (just talked to each other about an hour ago). I couldn't be happier.

  100. I told you about my recent health problems, and just with the wait times...

    I guess it's not fair to generalize 2 countries on one very specific thing, but I'm willing to bet that if I was living up there I wouldn't be here to talk about this right now. Say what you want about us in the States, but at least our doctors are FAST. And I'll take speed and accuracy over cost any day. Fuck my medical bills, at least I'm still walking around.

  101. But you can laugh about it now after you married her, and got two kids and a picket fence in the yard.

    (just trying to cover for you when the NSA reads this)

  102. Ive only told a handful of stories but the ones ive told usually have a twinge of me being humiliated...nothing id willingly embellish.

  103. So...your name is Dave, you're not sorry, and you don't love her?


  104. Fuck yeah, now that's a story. This did not disappoint.

  105. I got chewed out by a gay member of the BoD over me being too PC. I don't remember who it was though.

  106. People have this impression that all doctors want to become millionaire rockstars, instead of merely have a very comfortable living while helping people, so all of the best and brightest flee to the States to rake in the cash.

    But a lot of good doctors wouldn't be caught dead in America due to the astronomical cost of malpractice insurance.

    I bet that, on the whole, the quality of life for a doctor in Canada is actually a lot better than his counterpart in the States, even if he only has a BMW in his parking lot instead of a Lamborghini.

  107. It means that you should always understand what you are buying, and what you are not buying. Fine print won't fuck you if you've read it.
    And it's phrased in simple language (by law) and beyond that we have to be very clear in our intentions because every judge, everywhere will always, 100% of the time find for the insured if there is any ambiguity of intention of coverage.
    To be fair though, I have actually seen some shady wordings that give pretty broad outs. I read one that had a clause essentially saying "if we in our sole discretion determine that your contract does not limit your liability effectively then we reserve the right not to defend you or pay your claim." This is interesting, because the majority of claims that we pay don't even have a written contract in place, let alone containing an effective LOL.
    I explained this, and still lost the account because I wouldn't go near the other carrier's price. The thing is that it's easy to charge discount rates, if you don't intend to pay claims.
    Anywhoo.. That's probably more insurance talk than you'd bargained for today, so have a good evening and good luck with university. If you're in a design field I can help you with your risk management strategy.

  108. Shit, if she's into it than that's great! You had a keeper there, most girls just want to get out of the way. But nooo... they can squirt all over us while we're eating them out... Bullshit!

  109. Does anyone else watch X Factor and American idol or am I the only nerd?

  110. My uncle is a semi retired doctor.
    He did ok.

  111. Fair, but over simplified. It's not ilke we have sick people keeling over for lack of care (generally.)
    The people who NEED immediate care get it. That means that the people who don't, wait.

  112. Is X Factor the one that Howie Mandel hosts? I watched a season of that.

  113. Yeah, when real life topics started coming up I was pleasantly surprised to see people here seemed to be good, tolerant people when it came to social issues. Reading 411manias comments on something social, you really appreciate this place more.

  114. Naw, X factor is the singing show with Simon Cowel.

  115. I gotta say that at first I thought these new QOTD's were a little touchy feely, and contained too much talk of Otters, but after a few of them now I'm definitely a fan.
    Better than endless reruns of favourite movies and tv shows.

  116. See, that's the thing. I went to the hospital thinking I had a pinched nerve in my neck or pulled a muscle or something (blood clots hurt like hell, like, you can't even sleep), and within an hour I find out I actually have a pulmonary embolism, which is a hell of a lot more serious. Had I been in Canada I probably would have been waiting too long for them to find it.

    Yes, it's very much over simplified. And again, I love Canada.

  117. Well I'm glad that you're ok.

  118. Agreed. I was hesitant to post to this one bc its pretty personal but as a whole theyre a good change of pace

  119. 411? Try CNN or Yahoo Sports... Fucking Christ, just typing that makes me want to take a shower, the comments on those sites are so grimy.

  120. Yea but this is a Medicade clinic. Obamacare is essentially gonna replace the Medicade system we have.

  121. Sadly those girls who have earned the quality part have often gotten there through quantity.

  122. That may be the most I have ever laughed at a single word.

  123. Ripner Cabbit is openly gay... and Princess is the only female that I am aware of.

  124. I think you're missing my point here, but yeah, I know what you mean.

  125. That makes SO much more sense... man our education system is the drizzling shits here. I have made campaign calls to old people who were mad that teachers had gotten a raise that year but they didn't get a cost of living raise... for doing nothing. Very frustrating.

  126. How do you figure?

  127. Who the hell is Ripner Cabbit?

  128. I think for day to day stuff and even broken limbs etc... you are better off in Canada... if you need some sort of advanced surgery or something the quality here is much higher... of course you are in debt forever... so you are just fucked in a different way.

  129. My assumption is when the cost structure comes out Oct 1st is that costs will be minimal for those currently on Medicad. I see medicad eventually covering few procedures then obamacare and the govt subsidizing medicad less. I just finished my ER residency and am admittedly not as knowledgeable on both as I should be.

  130. The guy with the pink bunny avatar

  131. Thanks. The weird thing is that my doctors still have no idea how it happened in the first place. Doctor: "You're 31, skinny as hell, and eat a relatively fat free diet. How do you have a blood clot in your lung?" Me: "Why the fuck are you asking me? You're the fucking doctors, you should be filling me in here"

  132. Alright then...

  133. Once during my senior year of college. She was my girlfriend at the time and was weirdly happy about it.

  134. If you're typing from your phone, then why should taking a crap matter?

    Multitasking FTW.

  135. Thats the benefit of having a phone. My most productive websurfing/BoD posts have come while squeezing out some logs

  136. what's different other then the separation of the terms college and university. Are there not tiered courses in high school

  137. He commented in the ROH reveiw--Which you should do too BTW--leaving it looking like no one's reading my shit!!

  138. You follow the Canadian Football League's BC Lions!!!

  139. I'm not going to add my story because I don't feel like it is something I want to share... but I will say I am really glad we have this type of content on here now... I think it adds a lot to all of the conversations by knowing more about people's lives, and Caliber drama aside I think has reduced flame wars and other childish shit to a virtual standstill... very good vibe as of late... not to sound like a hippie or some shit, just saying.

  140. *sighs*

    i think i'll just stop coming here - its only a reminder of how useless i really am

  141. That "kids are easy" thing is ridiculous, and even before I had kids, I wanted to choke people (mostly teen/early 20 girls -- even the early-twenty-year-olds couldn't be called "women" based on their thinking) who believe that it's simple.

    I'm a software engineer, make great money, and am still exhausted/half broke most of the time. Kids are friggin' EXPENSIVE, as well as exhausting.

    For anyone currently trying to have kids and having no success, I salute you. My wife and I tried for a YEAR before she got pregnant with our first (luckily, the second wasn't an issue).

    Convincing guys who aren't trying for kids that sex loses a lot of its appeal when you're trying for children is nearly impossible. "You get laid every day?!? Sometimes twice? Stop bitching!"

    They don't realize that "having kids" sex is not "normal" sex. When trying to have kids, you're basically a machine, meant for one purpose. Foreplay? No time! Just knock it out. Different positions? What, can't you hear? Knock... it... out!

  142. YankeesHoganTripleHFanSeptember 19, 2013 at 12:11 PM

    I agree you should probably just kill yourself

  143. any suggestions as to how?

  144. except i cant contribute to these types of threads cause im a fucking piece of shit. i swear, i'm the 1 out of a zillion. so embarrassed to be me

  145. YankeesHoganTripleHFanSeptember 19, 2013 at 1:23 PM

    Vodka and painkillers should do the trick.

  146. Or autoerotic asphixation followed by hanging.

  147. I haven't even watched it yet.


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