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QOTD 3: The Best Thing on The Internet

Howdy Blog Otters, after a totes great discussion about the things that piss of off, including teaching, traffic circles, stubborn jerks, the handicap and their special privileges, and NFL football, I figured we'd get positive with today's QOTD and enrich your life via the power of the world wide web.

What are your favorite things on the internet? 

Is it a video? A meme? A website only you seem to know and care about? Is it an online game or distraction or creative work of not-quite-art? Well, share it with the masses and perhaps you'll make them a fan for life, or be ridiculed for that fan fiction you secretly love oh-so-very-much.

Please refrain from porno and piracy.  

I have a bunch of favorites, so I listed a few. These are all things I am really fond of, and I'm sure there's more, but you know how it goes, the second you try to think of all the things you like, you can't think of any. These are the ones that came to mind first.

The Stone Cold Steve Austin Podcast 

Stone Cold's podcast and I have a love hate relationship. For one I wish they were longer and focused almost exclusively on wrestling, but judging from an e-mail I got from the fellah, he has an audience beyond his wrestling fans, and does like to keep things casual. Must listens include the Ric Flair, Kevin Nash, Scott Hall, and DDP interviews.

Mdickie's Booking Revolution
If you've ever seen me post about this game, well, here I am posting about it again. Literally the only wrestling game that makes you have a good match, versus try to win. It's EWR meets SNES Wrestling Games meets FirePro. It's great on iPhone, Android, but my personal favorite is the Ouya version which lets you use a gamepad and is absolutely enthralling, especially if you play and watch something wrestling related.

Lots of people are put off by the controls, so let me mention that YOU CAN CHANGE THEM TO BUTTONS in the options menu, and save yourself the trouble of dealing with tap and drag ish. My review is here. 

Ken Burns Baseball

I cried at the end of this. Well, I teared up. Okay, got a little choked up. Anyway, my point is that this 19 and a half hour documentary series on the history of baseball is one of the most interesting things I've ever watched. The beauty is that Ken Burns manages to make a lot of the goings-on in baseball sync up to what is going on with the times. Fantastic interviews, fantastic pace, fantastic editing, I breezed through this thing in about 2 weeks, and it was one of my favorite experiences of the year, so far. You can find it on Netflix streaming.

The Daystrom Institute Technical Library

Your all-in-one Star Trek guide. Literally anything you want to know about episodes, the cast, the ships, the technical specifications, episode reviews, movie reviews, links to good novels and games, fan polls, and more information on Star Trek than you could ever hope to absorb, all in one place. It's a rush. As a kid I used to read this site all the time, yearning for the days I could finally watch all of Star Trek again. Now that I can, I look back at my time with this site with great fondness.

The Plinkett Reviews Archive 

Mr. Plinkett is a....bizarre long-form review series where a really *really* weird dude reviews Star Trek, The Star Wars Prequels, Avatar, and a few other flicks via an insane juxtaposition of in-depth analysis and sounding like a moron at the same time. Using behind the scenes footage and an intimate knowledge of movie-making, cinematography, and film theory, he takes a variety of movies to task, explaining why they failed in scathing fashion. The Star Wars Prequel reviews, in particular, are must watch material for anyone who felt hollow after the prequels.

Be warned, this reviews are pretty graphic and insane, featuring swearing, graphic implied violence, and a bunch of other just freaking weird shit that is absolutely worth getting through to watch the reviews.

This is some truly exquisite stuff.

Atop the Fourth Wall is essentially what would happen if you took that geeky awkward mayyyybeeee-a-little-autistic-guy who read comics at lunch and recess during grade school, gave him a budget, confidence, and a fan base. Whether you agree with the guy, or like his style, I think this guy's work, reviewing bad comics and some good ones, too, features some really great writing and a dedication and attention to detail that is rarely seen in a lot of web-review shows. I remember the last time I mentioned this I got a lot of flack for being a fanboy or whatever, but fuck it, I'm a fan boy, I think it's cool, and if you give it a shot, you may like it.

I actually linked to the first part of his "History of Power Rangers" series, which is a most bizarrely creative thing. It takes the show and it's continuity deadly seriously, but manages to walk a very subtle line between satire and seriousness, including lines like "In a rare display of intelligence for the Rangers" and little notes like how all the characters are dressed like cartoon characters. Really great stuff, really great writing, too. 

The Intel Museum of Me - It reads all your Facebook stuff and turns it into a cool little fake museum thing featuring, well, you! It's great!

The Blue Ball Machine - Trust me. Turn your speakers down, though.

Google's first result for "The Best Thing On The Internet"

Blog Otter Award: TraitorAlex for his grammar slam in yesterday's thread about Loose vs. Lose. I'm with ya brother. Alex's Award can be found here. Scream09_HartKiller gets an honorable mention for apparently adopting an entire box of kittens. His/Her award can be found here.

Does anyone want to maybe make a push to get someone to take on "Raw Live Update" duties? versus checking in at 411mania then switching over to the blog for replay, would it be an idea to get that "Raw Thread" to also be a "Live Results" thread?

I also have a Ducktales for XBLA code to give away. The person who posts, literally, the best thing on the internet will get the code. This will be judged by up-votes.

Homework Assignment: Figure out your most honed skill, and be prepared to share tomorrow.



  1. Sorry Meekin, prohibiting porn in this question is neutering it.

  2. Ken Burns' (fill in the documentary) are amazing. Of course, being a sports fan, I love his baseball series and wished he did a football retrospective at some point.

    I'm also a big fan of the Plinkett reviews. He may use an annoying voice and be long winded, but damn if his analysis aren't some of the most well thought out and in depth shit I've ever heard.

  3. Burns baseball us a great choice

  4. Charismatic e-Negro Jef VinsonSeptember 9, 2013 at 9:43 AM


  5. Here, of course

    HCBailly (RPG LPs, I'm currently playing FFTactics alongside his LP, just not as neatly on my end.)
    TotalBiscuit (Gamer news/reviews/etc...)
    The Runaway Guys (Three fairly popular LPers do multiplayer/party games together) Botchamania (when I feel like laughing at some unlucky/untalented souls)
    Random other stuff, usually in spurts (I spent parts of days last week looking up 70s and 80s game shows for example) Aussie Rules Football, either live or on demand. Currently in the playoffs. Watching games live can be tricky... they start between 10 PM and 5 AM local.

    Deadspin: Even though they've fallen a bit from years past they still have solid sports stuff. And a rather nasty sense of humor at times.

    Failblog: Nothing like seeing someone's idea of a "ground" being a bare copper wire run into a plastic cup of dirt. Hey, if it works... Furthering my love of "non-American" sports. Also my love of sports and history.

  6. If you like the Plinkett Reviews, another series to check out on the same site is Half in the Bag. The guy who does the Plinkett reviews is one of the two guys (oddly enough, Plinkett is a side character played by someone else in these), and there are some fantastic episodes. Particularly the reviews of "Jack and Jill" and "Movie 43," the latter being one of my favorite reviews of anything ever.

    As for my answer, Homestar Runner. It is my crack rock of pure joy.

  7. I had been thinking it was just me but lately it seems like everyone else is having nothing but problems making YouTube work. Just constant lagging, freezing, slow buffering, and not loading. I think they either need to dedicate some new servers or start kicking videos off en masse.

  8. There's a fair bit more I like, but I'll only mention one more I missed:

    Youtube, Geek and Sundry: Mainly for "Wil Wheaton Loses at Board Games.", also known as TableTop.

  9. Steve Austin's podcast is great but the Roth interview was such a let down. I think the best interviews he's done have been DDP, Nash's latest one, and Angle's

  10. Yea, I always listen to music on youtube on my phone at the gym its been real slow lately.

  11. If you took the Booking Revolution idea and applied it to a No Mercy emulation it'd make sense. But having a good match with that shitty cartoonish control system is nigh impossible.

    My usual stops on the net are here, AV Club, Grantland, Cracked, and Pitchfork. I also use Wikipedia for reference frequently. Other than that I just kinda wander. I also listen to podcasts very very frequently, as I travel a lot for work. Big fan of Nerdist, The Joe Rogan Experience, Bill Burr's Monday Morning Podcast, Doug Stanhope's Blottobiography, Colt Cabana's Art of Wrestling, and The Steve Austin show. Occassionally I'll check out an Adam Carolla podcast or one of Kevin Smith's. I used to love Greg Fitzsimmons' Fitzdog Radio but I can never seem to get it to download.

  12. For wrestling, is an awesome site. I love it and research that for my reviews. Just an extensive amount of stuff.
    For sports, Deadspin, Walterfootball, footballprospectus, Grantland, and kissingsuzykolber are my favorites.

  13. Geez...I always complain that the internet is boring. I guess my interests are limited. Let's see...I routinely visit Rotten Tomatoes (it's my movie review bible)....Metacritic for TV for album for my music chart information (I stream an alt-rock radio station) for my baseball news...I have a Rhapsody subscription....Netflix (I use for all updated new releases).....and, of course, the Blog O'Doom. I am also an avid Facebook user, and I am getting increasingly frustrated with the overall lameness of my current friends list....not much else to my internet usage. Other than the unmentionables, I mean.

  14. white girls with fat asses adult sites.


  15. Charismatic e-Negro Jef VinsonSeptember 9, 2013 at 10:07 AM

    *Watches Fuj drop the mic and walk off the stage....stands and claps.*

  16. Never saw historyofwwe before. Might have to be incoroprated into my web surfing sites

  17. allmusic is pretty awesome although I hate the redesign they did a few years back.

  18. Yes! I forgot the history of WWE website. That thing has been very useful. I like the link to the DVD's location on Amazon.

  19. Yeah, I don't like Half in the Bag at all, yet I love Plinkett. I guess Plinkett is more in depth and has a more original presentation.

    You want some hilarious reviews? Check out the video reviews at . They basically sit around and review a movie, then animate it and make it fit into 4-5 minute bites. It's pretty awesome and funny.

  20. YOU CHEAT!

    /Still stands and applauds, even though it's not my biggest love.

  21. Charismatic e-Negro Jef VinsonSeptember 9, 2013 at 10:15 AM

    Stop downvoting me, Miley Cyrus fans...

  22. Songza is pretty bitchin' too. It's a lot like Pandora but the playlists are done by people.

  23. Charismatic e-Negro Jef VinsonSeptember 9, 2013 at 10:16 AM

    You too, Miley.

  24. Kelley Divine and Phoenix Marie sites?

  25. And of couse Shyla Stylez

  26. I get lost on that damn site.

  27. Have you been there recently? it's been redesigned again. They now have an advanced search that allows you to find all the 5 star album reviews in any given year.

  28. Also, who downvotes this. Men who dont like porn? Doesnt exist.

    Guys who like small asses? Guys who only like black or minority sites? Racists

  29. Man...white chicks with big asses are as polarizing as John Cena.

  30. The Adam Carolla one is good for a non-wrestling one.

    Can't believe he hasn't had Foley on yet.

  31. I have my handful of sites I visit every day, either at my work computer or on my mobile devices. I usually have the BoD open to follow discussion every day - unless work gets hectic.

    For comics stuff, I like Bleeding Cool and Comic Book Resources, for my baseball fix (although with the season the Yanks have had, I've almost given up), it's Hardball Talk and River Avenue Blues. I also really enjoy flipping through i09 when I get home to see what they've posted throughout the day.

  32. Charismatic e-Negro Jef VinsonSeptember 9, 2013 at 10:33 AM

    true story: I had some old King Magazines that I wanted to get rid of so I gave them to my friend at work. (Dude is like Captain Kirk, he'd fuck a green bitch if he could) So he's showing the magazine to this guy Craig and if you know King Magazine is black/Hispanic and white chicks with big asses. So there is this one light-skinned black chick that he saw and thought she was hot (she was) but he said the following comment:
    "She's really pretty...are you sure she's black?"
    I gave him a chance to clean up what he said, But Craig was either stupid or decided to keep it real and repeated himself. EVERY black woman in the office commenced to curse him out and after that they shot him dirty looks for the next few weeks.

  33. Charismatic e-Negro Jef VinsonSeptember 9, 2013 at 10:34 AM

    Stop downvoting me, Craig.

  34. Compilation videos of Russian drivers on YouTube.

    SomethingAwful's Photoshop Phriday.

    ZandigFans for all the wrestling dirt, snide gossip and tasteless jokes I can take.

  35. Im truly fascinated on whos downvoting these. What dudes dont like or look at adult sites?

  36. Ha. Im not black but def peeped Kings website for hot chicks. Esther Baxter, Melyssa Ford, etc. Whoa! Easy big fella

  37. Charismatic e-Negro Jef VinsonSeptember 9, 2013 at 10:42 AM

    Sexually repressed Amish people.

  38. Or priests. Thats about it

  39. lol @ the Russian drivers. What is it over there? It's like total anarchy on the roads. Makes for hilarious viewing.

  40. I love Dinosaur Dracula (formerly, which covers everything from 80's nostalgia to the wacky stuff of the present. Also, anything that involves Tim Heidecker and/or Eric Wareheim is a must...their YouTube channel rocks, and Tim and Gregg Turkingon's "On Cinema at the Cinema" is a thing of beauty. Also a regular visitor of the Place to Be Nation and Grantland.
    Other than that, I come here and Facebook everyday, that's all.

  41. No, the site got so slow and difficult to navigate that I gave up and just used Wiki. I'll give it another shot.

  42. I'm just gonna leave this here...

  43. I know I've been known to enjoy pornography!

  44. I don't know but judging by the downvotes, they're a fan of this site.

  45. In a similar vein, this one is worth watching to the end:

  46. The answer is obvy.

  47. Hey, word is that Assiris/Sorrow/DannyTreo/Servo looks like a Rat-boy on some recently discovered photos. Can you confirm or deny this?

  48. I do enjoy cheese.

  49. And crow, don't forget that. ;-)

  50. I've gotta crow!
    I'm just the cleverest fellow
    'Twas ever my fortune to know;
    I taught a trick to my shadow
    To stick to the tip of my toe
    I've gotta crow!


    Alan Moore's DC "Twilight of the Superheroes" pitch

    The theory (I don't know where it originated) that the narrator in Fight Club is grown-up Calvin and Tyler Durden is Hobbes

    Black Mage from 8-Bit Theater

    Axe Cop


  52. I know this is off topic but would any here liked for me to post a NFL Thread on Sundays for the games?

  53. Only if we talk gambling. :-)

    In fact, if you could post it early, maybe put up lines from Vegasinsider.

  54. I'm down, I was going to post one myself yesterday, but was to lazy to bust out my other computer. Also, I think a BofD Up All Night (a la Deadspin) would be pretty cool.

  55. I just don't think some dudes are attracted to white chicks.

    I'm not but not all.

  56. I can do that.
    You can talk about anything you want in the thread but thought that it would make it easy to have the football stuff in one separate thread. I t only takes me a minute to do so it is no bother to me.

  57. That would be a good idea.
    I was thinking about a Saturday night free-forum type of deal where people could post about anything.

  58. Oh, I was kidding about what can be talked about. Threadjacking is a way of life at the BoD.

  59. I'm attracted to vagina.

  60. Seconded what flair said about gambling

  61. Exactly, but every night. Or at least every night when there's nothing else going on here, it wouldn't be needed tonight, obviously.

  62. I can put up the lines is what I was getting at but I thought the thread could be a good idea.

  63. Dude, you hit the Cowboys AND the 49ers. Did you parlay them?

  64. I think it's a great idea. Plus, it gives the BoD FFL a place to chat (and have Fuj talk trash) as well.

  65. Naw. Let everything ride on a cowboys/over tease. Its crazy but they needed those 6 turnovers to win that.

  66. You clearly have never lived.

  67. I had the BoD FFL in mind with this idea.

  68. I had the chance to bet on Denver on Thursday but passed. Of course, had I taken the bet I'm sure Denver would have won, but not covered.

    Fuck betting on football.

  69. Have you looked at the lines for tonight?

  70. Would be nice, might keep some of the folks who just enter Raw/Smackdown/Impact live threads to ask us why we aren't watching football away from those threads.

  71. These guys slag on Gorilla Monsoon way too much for my tastes, but the (Old School Wrestling) OSW Review "vlodcast" is easily the best thing I have found in the last year. You get video, snarky commentary, interesting bits of history, inside jokes that are only getting funnier, nostalgia trips, etc. I have used it to watch or listen to as I fall asleep (because you already know what's going to happen and they're just a group of comforting guys) and have used it to keep me up because it's so hilarious.

    Many thanks to Maffew who started posting their videos on his website and let fans know about it.

  72. So Tuesday, Wednesday, Saturday and some Sundays then

  73. Would anyone here be interested in a weekly 'just for fun' wink wink, online poker tournament or two?

  74. I actually think the gameplay is a lot like No Mercy. Do a grapple, try a move, if the opponent has more momentum they'll probably reverse it, etc.

  75. The thing I HATE about Half in The Bag is that after about a year working for Roger Ebert's TV show, I couldn't believe they didn't do "reads" of a given review, and just instead were like "Uh, well, yeah, I liked it" etc.

    Give me structured points, THEN talk about it casually dudes. Come on!!!!

  76. TB is a great one. He actually got me into Shadow Era, which is currently my favorite IOS game at the moment.

  77. RIGHT? It's just this crazy juxtoposition of base and blue humor with insane commentary. Making Smart points dumbly. I love it.

  78. Maybe the AdSense people are logging on and downvoting any references to white chicks with big asses.
    I'm a white guy...married to a white chick....and that azz be phine.

  79. " I remember the last time I mentioned this I got a lot of flack for
    being a fanboy or whatever, but fuck it, I'm a fan boy, I think it's
    cool, and if you give it a shot, you may like it."

    If I'm remembering the same thread; weren't you the one that gave others flack for being critical of Linkara with none of it actually being aimed at you for being a self-professed fanboy?

  80. Yea. LOVE houston. Like the eagles also but probably gonna stay away from it. No idea what to expect from Chip Kelly or RG3.

  81. A BoD sponsored poker tourney? That might be fun. We should check with Scott and see if he wants to run it through here.

  82. Also, if the person who wins doesn't want the DuckTales code, I'm throwing my name in the hat for a random drawing.

  83. davidbonzaisaldanamontgomerySeptember 9, 2013 at 12:24 PM

    I was going to suggest this yesterday, I think that'd be awesome for BODers like myself who kick it to foosball every Sunday.

  84. davidbonzaisaldanamontgomerySeptember 9, 2013 at 12:25 PM

    Not to suck up to a certain poster here, but Botchamania.

    Also, Deadspin and Home Improvement episodes on YouTube.

  85. Yeah, I'm showing -5 for Houston, I may need to invest in that.

  86. Its moving up. Was -4 this morning, bet its like 6 at kick. I just hate this chargers team, theyd be a 4 win team in any other division.

  87. Mostly read fandom news sites myself.

    Kotaku is probably my first looked at site each day as I'm a big gamer. is another site I look at very often as I'm a bit of an open-wheel racing geek.

    Then there's my furry fandom standbys, mainly .

    And of course this blog, and I still look through the news stories on 411 to see if there's anything wrestling related I haven't seen yet.

    I also use the Chronological Marvel Reading Order site in conjunction with my Marvel Unlimited subscription to read through old Marvel comics.

  88. Huh, I would've jumped at -4 right away. Anything higher than -5 and I'm out. I'm not a fan of taking road teams and a near TD spread.

  89. I dunno man, Kotaku is really gross when it comes to anger bating and snide remarks that anger gamers into a wrathy mess like the Gun lobby.

  90. For the record I'd probably suck up, down, and sideways that poster, Botchamnia is actually one of my favorite things on the net, but wasn't sure if I could post it because it uses copyrighted footage etc etc.

  91. Yea, thats usually a recipe for disaster or a back door garbage cover.

  92. I don't recall, I just remember saying I liked it, then shit went haywie, then I attempted to perhaps explain why I enjoyed the show so much and that perhaps the other person might have missed the point or it simply wasn't for them, but I honestly can't remember.

  93. yeah I'm not sure the legality of it all, so I'm going to use euphimisms here.

    Since you can't play online poker for real...hornswoggle, is there a community or forum or service that lets you play a private 'fake' tournament for no hornswoggles, but folks deposit real hornswoggle to one party in...PalPay....or something, then that guy doles it out?

  94. It can be yes, but it also is usually the first place any real gaming news shows up and doesn't have the advertiser push ign and the other gaming news sites have with whoever pays the most getting top coverage.

  95. Lemme point you toward Gamers With Jobs and Both have really great podcasts, too.

  96. The more gaming news sites the better, I'll check them out.

  97. Nah, priests just have "special" sites they visit.

  98. Can GTA get here already???

  99. Like you, I enjoy Linkara, his recent team up with The Blockbuster Buster was pretty funny. Actually I enjoy most stuff on

  100. Who want's a BOD GTA online Crew?!

  101. Also I find How To Basics on YouTube really, really funny for some odd reason.

  102. I think Nostalgia Critic has his moments. He tends to be hypercritical, but also isn't super sensitive, either, I've really enjoyed watching the production values on all those shows tick up over the years.

  103. I know, I can't wait to ignore everything else in my life and just immerse myself in the violence. Can't wait for the online mode in October.

  104. If it's a PS3 crew I'm there

  105. I'll pass. My online gaming days are long behind me, too old for that shit.

  106. Lemme tell ya brother I was the same way until I got PayDay 2 the other day. Once people stopped hitting on me / thinking I was a woman / thinking I was a child, it turned out pretty well. I think Online gaming gets better when you know the folks you're playing with.

  107. I hear The Church of Satan has a pretty awesome website. Looks like a few of us could actually feel at home there. ;-)

    I'm joking, you buncha maniacs. Hence the little winky smiley.

  108. It helps, but like any good thing (even here at the BoD), trolls exist. Early quitters exist. All the online BS, exist. My last foray was Fifa 2012 and I was playing with my buddy, not strangers. It's just not worth it. I'm sure you'll have no problem finding players.

  109. Hail Satan!,d.eWU

  110. This makes me think of the South Park critter Christmas special, which is one of those special television moments that if you managed to catch it unspoiled, you were blown.the.fuck.away.

  111. +1 for 8-Bit Theater. Too bad he's not going to do any other FFs...

  112. Stranger in the AlpsSeptember 9, 2013 at 1:06 PM

  113. Pretty snazzy. What's with the pink font on black background? Big Bret fans?

  114. Charismatic e-Negro Jef VinsonSeptember 9, 2013 at 1:08 PM

    No straight man could resist Melyssa Ford or Vida Guererra.

  115. Stranger in the AlpsSeptember 9, 2013 at 1:10 PM

    Bret DOES look a little like Ozzy Osbourne...coincidence?

  116. Charismatic e-Negro Jef VinsonSeptember 9, 2013 at 1:10 PM

    Isn't foosball the devil? Oh well, if I'm around, sign me up.

  117. YankeesHoganTripleHFanSeptember 9, 2013 at 1:14 PM

    You've been playing the foosball behind my back.

    On a related note...Don't...smoke...crack.

  118. Amsterdam_Adam_CurrySeptember 9, 2013 at 1:26 PM

    First, and probably only, ever time I pre-ordered a game. 8 more days.

  119. I get mine Friday I do believe.

  120. Amsterdam_Adam_CurrySeptember 9, 2013 at 1:28 PM

    Same here. I play a little Forza online (XBL gamertag ACSativa if anyone is down), but that's about it. I only got XBL Gold for Netflix and shit like that.

  121. Amsterdam_Adam_CurrySeptember 9, 2013 at 1:31 PM

    How the hell did you pull that off?

  122. I was 30 feet away from Vida at a Palms nightclub s few years ago. She was literally surrounded by 10-14 black dudes

  123. Charismatic e-Negro Jef VinsonSeptember 9, 2013 at 1:35 PM

    Threadjack: Zimmerman is being detained by the cope for domestic abuse:

  124. Xbox or PS? We can hold it on Mondays from 8 to 11:15, not like there's anything else going on then.

  125. Amsterdam_Adam_CurrySeptember 9, 2013 at 1:35 PM

    I love Hispanic girls.

  126. I don't wanna jinx it, but it's the advantage of piggy-backing on the success of other, more popular, game reviewers I work with.

  127. Hahaha well I work Monday until Midnight (est) but a Post-Raw GTA adventure could be fun. I'm Xbox

  128. If only something had happened previously that would have made it possible to predict this type of behavior in him...

  129. You'd go crazy down here in South Beach. Whenever I walk to the Starbucks up the road, it's head turning. Oh, and tons of Brazilian chicks on vacation.

  130. Charismatic e-Negro Jef VinsonSeptember 9, 2013 at 1:41 PM

    Either this guy is made out of teflon on when this fat box-headed fuck sweats is makes him too greasy to hold on to.

  131. Here's a question: If Martin was white, but had the same hoodie, same demeanor, and acted the same way, would he still be dead?

  132. Here's and answer. No.

  133. During the whole trial, the morons that defended this guy all referred to Trayvon as a thug. Meanwhile,Zimmerman was the one who had the arrest record.
    Also, that jury selection was rigged. They were so dumb that if they had you on tape shooting a baby in a carraige you would have been found not guilty.

  134. I dunno man, I think "racist' is different from 'culturist', in the sense that people with prejudices today tend to be taken aback at how people act and look, devoid of skin color.

    We're off put by people who look, act, and carry themselves differently from what we're personally used too - and while I think race is a factor in that, the bigger factor is overall appearance and perceived demeanor

  135. Shock and awe, not shock an awe.

  136. Make sure you report typos to NPP. Make a note of it.

  137. Charismatic e-Negro Jef VinsonSeptember 9, 2013 at 1:51 PM

    Stop downvoting, me Zimmy...

  138. Amsterdam_Adam_CurrySeptember 9, 2013 at 1:51 PM

    Once again, I'm willing to bet my cousin wishes my aunt gave him a different first name.

  139. Stranger in the AlpsSeptember 9, 2013 at 1:52 PM

    Don't just assume that so quickly. I know some white kids who wear hoodies and hold a vocabulary straight out of a Lil Wayne album that scare the bejeebus out of the patriotic folks on my street. I think it's a little less about race, and little bit more about a disconnect with the youth.

  140. Gotta love my local news =x_x=

  141. Charismatic e-Negro Jef VinsonSeptember 9, 2013 at 1:53 PM

    I laughed when Geraldo said that wearing a hoodie was dressing like a thug and his own son post a pic of him wearing one.

  142. Bill Belicheck's a thug?

    I'd buy that.

  143. I report typos for the Lord.

  144. Is that what you call my penis?

  145. You have a penis?

  146. You're the Buckdiddy penis expert.

  147. Change your username accordingly.

  148. Well, I know you are a penis and you have pubic hair on your face that you call a beard (who knows where that came from, but that's about it.

  149. The wounds you have inflicted upon me are too much to bear. I shall go cry under this Weeping Willow and count my woes.

  150. I thought I was the only one having these issues. YouTube has been clunky for months now.

  151. Make sure you make a documentary about it and post it here. This century needs an artiste of your caliber. In the meantime, next time you come back, bring some fries from your job.

  152. Stranger in the AlpsSeptember 9, 2013 at 2:02 PM

  153. Oh poor fellow, I will weep for your life as well as it seems you are not at one with yourself.

    And, if it were wrestling related, I would totally Caliber the hell out of the thing here.

  154. I click

  155. Running out of witty comebacks?

    I award you no points and may God have mercy on your soul.

  156. Charismatic e-Negro Jef VinsonSeptember 9, 2013 at 2:08 PM

    Just dance off like Fandango..

  157. My witty comebacks run out when I have to clock out to eat the fries I made.

  158. Wash your hands when you return back to the burger station.

  159. I don't work burgers. Not after the accident.

  160. davidbonzaisaldanamontgomerySeptember 9, 2013 at 2:22 PM

    Water sucks! It really, really sucks!

  161. as much as I love botchamania, i have never been to the site.

    I have a million questions to ask Maffew that are probably FAQs but I just never turn down his street of the net.

  162. davidbonzaisaldanamontgomerySeptember 9, 2013 at 2:37 PM

    Oh yeah, good call on the Blue Ball Machine YTMND. God, I miss YTMND.

  163. I'm not surprised, just glad the asshole didn't go through with the threat. Hopefully he'll be locked up, even just for a little while. It'll make the streets just a little safer. Oh and that whole "Zimmerman saved family from burning car" hoax was pretty dispicable on both Zimmermans and that idiot cop.

  164. Without further ado, my top three favorite internets:
    1. Nicholas Cage Losing His Shit.
    2. $80,000!!!
    3. Professional actor Jeffrey Goldblum laughing.

  165. That $80,000 clip is as tremendous as that man's mustache.

    And now, we've come full circle.

  166. Wow, I'm glad I clicked those links. That IWA package was amazing, loved the basketball spot.

  167. I'm leaving this one here, too. And before anyone says anything, yes, I'm aware this is a series. This is still easily the best one IMO.

  168. This is my absolute favorite thing on the internet. I saw The Dark Knight in 2008 and it STILL makes me laugh. Love that the same guy plays both roles.

    Honorable mention goes to
    I can't start my Sunday morning until I've read it.

  169. Right on, that's what I'm talking about. I believe we should be assessing mustaches on a face by face basis rather than casting a blanket statement that all hirsute upper-lips denote probable child diddling. $80,000 Gene has clearly has made the right decision regarding his facial hair style.

  170. Cage Rage is one of my favorites, too.

  171. I don't know, I'm sure she threatened him first.

  172. And I can't leave this out because Patton Oswalt is the funniest human being alive:

  173. I had this argument with friends who supported Zimmerman despite the fact that we were aggressive looking white kids who walked around in hoodies not a few minutes drive up the road from Sanford, FL. And I guarantee if some asshole started yelling at us, accusing us of theft, and telling us to toss our pockets, we'd have jumped him. But because we were white, he just didn't make the connection.

  174. I think the Fight Club thing started with

  175. The Nick Cage video is one of the greatest things to come out of the internet.

  176. Exactly. It's much like the reaction a person has to a spider or a bug or a moth or anything else - this is different from me, and it's in my space, therefore I am on edge and uncomfortable.

    Not saying it's right, but we're going to get further in this country by trying to see WHY people are 'racist' versus hating them across the board for being so.

  177. Without question my favorite thing on these here Internetz. I dare you to find a better video.

  178. Amsterdam_Adam_CurrySeptember 9, 2013 at 5:48 PM

    It's a hell of a good song too.

  179. X-Entertainment was fucking AWESOME when I was just getting into the internet around 2000 or so. Totally brought all my '80s nostalgia to the forefront. Some of the reviews (or his descriptions of whatever ugly kitsch shit he bought) were amazing.


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