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QOTD 2: Don't Peeve On Me, Bro.

Howdy Blog Oders (Blog Otters), I know most of us are probably watching American Football today, but in case you're bored during halftime, or a Browns fan, I figured I'd post the QOTD and spark a little discussion. Feel free to talk NFL here, too!

Yesterday's "Best Comeback" thread eventually turned into a heated discussion about whether or not Robert Downey Jr. was sort of a punchline, then morphed into the fact we're kind of celebrities over at another internet forum that hates us all, and it got me thinking about something:

What are your completely irrational pet peeves?

In much the same way many Blog Oders don't like tainting the mighty name of Robert Downey Jr., what little things piss you off to no end, to the point that you'll defend them, or rail against them to the death, regardless of objectivity, rationality, or sanity?

I have a few:

They're, Their, There - Self explanatory. Not that I don't make this mistake myself all the time, but when other people do it I go a little crazy.

That's just like, your opinion, man - Be as passionate about something as you want, and think everyone is wrong, but when something is fundamentally accepted as wonderful, or profound, or great or terrible, realize you are in the minority and be prepared to explain *why* or be accepting of the fact the problem is with you, and not the other people.

For example I cannot stand the movie "The Amazing Spider-Man" I'm fully aware that in actuality that flick is a pretty accurate depiction of how Spidey is in the comics, namely miserable, but I just personally disliked the dour tone for a super-hero that I always thought of at least a little optimistic, with the movie ultimately culminating in Spidey getting almost everyone he cared for killed. But I am fully aware I'm kind of alone in this assessment.

The inaccurate portrayal of folks playing video games on my television. I think we've all seen this one before, where some characters on a TV show or commercial are playing a video game using only the shoulder buttons, or moving the controller around like an idiot. The worst offender I've seen in awhile was the movie "You Again" where the kid in the movie's Grandma buys him "Fall Out 5", or something like that, for his PSP. This baffled me to no end, simply because they spent the time to figure out that "Fall Out" was a game, but didn't bother telling the director, props guy, or producers that a "Fall Out" game would never be on a PSP.

On the flip side, "Roseanne" of all things nailed the experience of adults playing with a video game console for the first time, with the adults thinking it's stupid, then finding a way to get enthralled in the action anyway.

Talking to me while I'm watching a movie, then getting upset when I pause it. It's okay, I only want to hear SOME of the dialog, and only pay a little attention to the movie. No big thing. This goes for PPVs, too.

If Pet Peeve were an actual pet, it'd be this dude.


Blog Otter Award:  CultStatus for posting over 10,000 times on this here blog, way to go, ya big nerd.  His award can be found here.

Homework assignment: Go watch "Batman" on Netflix, the 1966 version, and tell me it is not the most bizarre, charming, campy, creative, silly, fun, flat out enjoyable flick you've seen in awhile.



  1. My personal pet peeve is "loose". Seriously every time I read "you're a looser" or "the Raiders are going to loose 16 games" I just instantly lose respect for that person's intelligence. It's one of those things that feels less like a typo and more like the person just doesn't read and write at above a 3rd grade level.

  2. "Anyways."

    Technically, it's also correct but I still hate it.

  3. I'm a teacher, so misspelled words are a big one for me. I teach high school by the way. Also, when people don't use their turn signals while driving.

  4. Don't you mean you loose respect for that person's intelligence?

  5. When people who have no business in the room you're currently in complain about the temperature, open the window/turn up the heat and then walk back out.
    People who sit and watch you do nothing for hours on end, then as soon as you turn the TV on or make something to eat, suddenly there's a list of things you need to do. Immediately.

  6. Leaving Julius Thomas on my bench in the BoD is peeving me off right now.

    Like, what the fuck?

  7. Okay, that Cultstatus award had me laughing. Of course, the juxtaposition of the word friend next to a screen name and not a real name makes it even better.

    And I definitely second the Batman advice. "Some days you just can't get rid of a bomb." The Riddler's ridiculous explanation of their plan. The Bat Shark Repellant spray. Adam West seeing the rubber foam convention "out of the corner of (his) eye" before crashing. The heart-wrenching moment where Catwoman and Miss Kitka are found out to be one in the same with the vocal soloist singing in the soundtrack. Way too many classic moments to be seen there.

  8. What drives me nuts is when someone uses their turn signal AFTER they've initiated the turn. I appreciate the thought, but they seem to be missing the point.

  9. These seem like rational pet peeves and not irrational.

  10. The ones that upset me are "could of/should of" when "have" belongs in there. In no context does "of" make actual sense anywhere in there.
    The other one that upsets me is the stupid words that people make up because they are fucking lazy to write out the entire thing like cuz, b-cuz, and cray.

  11. Oh you motherfucker!





  12. "then morphed into the fact we're kind of celebrities over at another internet forum that hates us all, and it got me thinking about something:"

    I was quoted by Dougie... sorry, OSIRIS, twice. I feel so very, very special.

  13. Honestly, as a guy who has to edit copy for a living, watching people slam each other over grammar errors on websites I visit outside of work drives me crazy and forces me to disconnect from the discussion (not that I'm always involved with it).

    Don't get me wrong, all of the grammar (and other) issues mentioned here drive me crazy, but sometimes I just want to not be an editor.

  14. The thing that pisses me off as a teacher are when I spent 2-3 weeks going over something day after day and the kid still gets it wrong on the test. For example, I will always throw in a few idiot questions on a test like, "Who started Confucianism?" or "From what country, did the United States get their independence from?" and I will always get about 10% of students who miss that one.

  15. I did that too, though I have Jimmy Graham. And I have Peyton Manning so that made up for it.

  16. Yeah, I have Gronk but I failed to get Zach Sudfeld to play him in this league, so I grabbed Thomas and started like Brent Celek. Ugh. Gronk will be in my line up soon enough.

    I have Graham in another league, he's gonna be awesome.

  17. Call me what you want but I sat there for about 16 hours off and on (while at work Playing Final Fantasy 7) and read the VAST MAJORITY of that thread.

    It was like a weird social experiment when they did talk about the BoD.

    Now granted it wasn't exclusive but it was majority BoD talk.

    Standouts included:

    Princess: "There is no way she is under 250Lbs" Scotsman can't sand her "come out swinging" line on the RAW thread. When she had the car accident, he reveled in that he was wishing her bad karma. yikes... talk about insane.

    Murphy: Basically calling him a douche because of the Lodi incident and old drunk posting.

    Tommy Hall: Basiclly calling him a shit reviewer because he constantly rags on Nitro for being boring and predictable.

    Keith: Skeith/Scooter/Scooch/ (he has many names there) Basically calling him fat and doesn't know anything inside but we lap up all his BS as gospel.

    Jesse Baker: (this is where is gets sickening) They actually saved pix from his facebook and use them as troll pix. Now are the pix funny in a sad way? Yes.... yes they are. But to go on someones FB account with the purpose of saving their pix to use them as joke fodder... just low.

    The Minions: All of you are boring and/or shit reviewers

    Caliber: I can not even put into words how the last 20-25 pages are basically all ripping into him.

  18. People who drive faster than me

    People who drive slower than me

  19. My first thought... "No, your asshole is LOOSE, LOSER."

    Well, that's when I'm in a bad mood. In a good mood, I drop the LOSER on the end.

  20. This is a good one. Adults should have figured out lose vs. loose by now.

    I know people don't like spelling nit-pickers, but it really does make people think less of you and the point you are trying to make.

  21. All of my peeves are completely rational !!

    This one might count: I call them ZigZag drivers. You're driving on a four-lane highway and you see a car or motorcycle weaving across traffic, from right to left, then back over again. No signal, coming inches from the front bumpers of the other cars.

    This isn't NASCAR or a video game, douche. Just pick a lane and go with it.

  22. People who cannot do basic math (like multiplication tables) without a calculator. Or who cannot tell time on a standard clock.

  23. Can't tell time? Adults? Wow.

  24. Teens, like my cousin.

  25. Love that someone else gets the "I'm mad at you for pausing the movie you were watching when I interrupted and started talking to you" treatment :)

  26. I guess irrational in that it doesn't affect me or slow me down, but I find myself wishing a cop would pull them over or they'd weave their way into a light pole.

  27. Charismatic e-Negro Jef VinsonSeptember 8, 2013 at 10:06 AM

    - People who eat/drink up your food...EXCEPT for that last little bit so they can say they didn't eat it all. (Bonus points of irritation if they say, "Oh that was yours?")
    - Dishes in my sink at night.
    - People who tell you what happens in a movie or show before you see it.
    - Loud-ass motherfuckers in movie theaters (especially when they sit next to me.)

  28. I'll watch that batman movie if meekin agrees to watch less than zero and chaplin :p

  29. Oh my God. People who do this should be executed.

  30. "I've never heard of him" guy. When a celebrity is mentioned, there always first to point out they're no good because I've never heard of them. Bruno Mars is expected to sing at halftime of the Super Bowl and I expect these guys to pop up.

    It's not that they're a's you not paying attention.

  31. listing big lebowski quotes as pet peeves=NO BUYS.

  32. who the hell is dwaters? never heard of him!

  33. People who say NO BUYS

  34. My biggest pet peeve is bad table manners. People who smack their lips, eat with their mouths open, talk with a mouthful of food, use their hands, breathe too loud, etc etc

    I also get mildly annoyed at anti drug/alcohol/ tobacco people who eat shitty food. If someone is going to criticize me for smoking a cig or getting drunk and smoking some hash but then they go and eat fast food or cheap chain supermarket food they can suck my dick. I only eat fresh and healthy food so I expect a someone who wants to poo poo a "bad" habit of mine to eat the same kinds of food as me.
    Also I don't like people who are offended by profanity.

  35. Slow drivers in the left lane on a highway. If people want to go 90 mph, let them. Get the fuck out the way, that's why there are 3 other lanes.

  36. OK thats a good one too.

  37. davidbonzaisaldanamontgomerySeptember 8, 2013 at 10:31 AM

    People who say "I could care less" instead of "I couldn't care less", which always drives me to respond, "At least you still care!"

  38. Funny, I've always felt the opposite. Organic, healthy, vegan-type food eaters who say "you're putting that junk into your body?" on the way out to light up a cigarette.

  39. That's exactly what he means. Basically, if you're doing something shitty to your body, you shouldn't rip into other people doing something different, but still shitty to their bodies.

  40. Yeah, the level of douchness over there appears to be deep.

  41. - peeps who change lanes without signaling

    - peeps who *needlessy* back into parking spaces (i.e., not for loading/unloading purposes)... just screams 'douche'

    - a. peeps who tailgate... when you're walking
    - b. peeps who dont understand that in the us the rules of the sidewalk are the same as those of the road: here in the us we walk on the right

    - most any bicyclist... anywhere really, but especially on roads (yeah yeah 'share the road,' but lets be honest here: 99% of all cyclists give the courteous ones a bad name)

    - pda

    - pda

    - pda

    - peeps who uses dashes for lists

    - pda

    - peeps who write in all lowercase

    - peeps who use 'peeps'

    - peeps who use meta-humor

  42. The Scott bashing is so pathetic because it reeks of the worst kind of jealousy, and the tprincess trashing shows what a bunch of fatso neck beard basement dwellers they are because they just have to attack a female recapper for anything other than the content of her reviews (which is 100000000x better than anything on that board or buckdiddys blog). The only that really bothered me about reading that thread is realizing that I'll always have to be a closet super wrestling fan because many adult wrestling fans are weirdo creeps like those jerk offs and we are all guilty by association.

  43. Luckily we don't see it here too often, but I've found that more and more folks are using "#" when it isn't applicable. I get that twitter is a huge thing (and useful at times), but using "#" when you're not referring to twitter, just because, is pretty dumb.

  44. We are required to back in our company vehicles for work, no matter where we are parking. So, mandatory douchery.

  45. Wow yeah not only is that enraging but dangerous. Move it over to another lane!

  46. #goodcallbrah



  47. you

    you, you

    you you, you!

  48. eh, i really could care less about if peeps use that one wrong

  49. 'that's why there are 3 other lanes.'

    esp on those single lane back roads!

  50. Single lane back roads aren't considered "highways".


  51. Thus the use of "left lane". If it's single lane, then driving on the left is kinda dangerous/stupid.

  52. sweet, i can tread!!!!

  53. I actually like hash tags for bad jokes and conveying a mood or context that may not be apparent in the text. #justsaying

  54. i knew a straight edge dude who once had a meal of french fries and always ordered the extra crispies that came with long john silvers meals (for those who dont know, ljs is a us-based fast food fish place that serves a smattering tiny of fried batter pieces - 'crispies' - with their fish meals)

  55. Commercials using made up words.


    It's the continued descent of the english language into mediocrity.

  56. charismatic e-negros who spam threads with booty-poppin' pix

  57. Not so much mediocrity, just post-modernism.

  58. 1) Trying to talk to me while I'm on the phone.
    2) Trying to talk to me when I have earphones on. I CAN'T HEAR YOU.
    3) Having to repeat myself all because the other person isn't paying enough attention.
    4) Not taking your shoes off when you come into my house. You may not mind it in your place, but don't assume everyone else is cool with it.

  59. Charismatic e-Negro Jef VinsonSeptember 8, 2013 at 10:53 AM opposed to e-negros that lack charisma?

  60. Flair nailed it but I just want to say I've never never criticized someone-for what they are eating. I'm a big vegetable juice bar guy but I would never give someone a dirty look for drinking a Pepsi or buying non organic food, processed cheese etc. I don't care. But if someone is going to cough real loud to make a point while I'm smoking or look at me dirty for drinking at 1030 on a Sunday they better not be eating French fries and cheese burgers

  61. People who bring full drinks onto dance-floors.

  62. exactly

    also, sorry 'bout leaving thse dishes in your sink the other night... i'll try find who they belong to and return them

  63. 'This one might count: I call them ZigZag drivers.'

    esp. bad when they hit the move when going 90!

  64. In reply to 4: That's the kind of thing that should be made somewhat obvious at the door... either a place to put shoes or a little sign.

  65. I do number 4 a lot. How clean is your place? And what if my shoes are clean?

  66. Charismatic e-Negro Jef VinsonSeptember 8, 2013 at 10:56 AM

    #4 is mandatory in my house as well.

  67. A little shoe-sign station, if you will.

  68. Agreed. This isn't Asia, so it's not a customary thing to take your shoes off. I wouldn't be offended if I was asked to take them off.

  69. exacly! dont want someone elses dirty ass place muckin' up mah clean shoes

  70. Unlike smoke, there is no second-hand cheeseburger, so the bad habits aren't totally equal.

    (here comes the debate....)

  71. Charismatic e-Negro Jef VinsonSeptember 8, 2013 at 10:58 AM, OK.

  72. Bull. I see a cheeseburger, I want one. I wouldn't have had that urge if I didn't see it.


  73. And see I find that disgusting like someone might find me smoking a ciggerette or a joint on the street disgusting . But IMO let's all live how we want

  74. well thats just cromulent. try embiggening yourself and stop being redonkulous

  75. Yeah, melty is an annoying one.

  76. Ciggerettes: The new cigarette, for women. Smoke comes out smelling in one of ten nose-pleasing flavors.

  77. and sorry 'bout breaking into yer place the the night

  78. Charismatic e-Negro Jef VinsonSeptember 8, 2013 at 11:00 AM

    Were you the dude that ate/drank up your food...EXCEPT for that last little bit so they can say they didn't eat it all?

  79. Threadjack:

    I'd tell Kurt to go celebrate... but his rehab might hate me for it in the morning.

  80. If I'm blowing ciggerette smoke in someone's face they have a point. If they feel need to give me a dirty look when we are both outside in the open air, or do a super loud cough*to try and shame me their a prick and better be headed to whole foods.

  81. 'Were you the dude that ate/drank up your food...EXCEPT for that last little bit so they can say they didn't eat it all?'

    ... i'm sill trying to parse this as written

  82. Charismatic e-Negro Jef VinsonSeptember 8, 2013 at 11:04 AM

    I meant MY food..edited.

    I actually DID catch my super doing this. I came home from work early and he was sitting on my couch eating a sandwich.

  83. lies.

    i've been minding my business plenty of times when SUDDENLY A WILD QUARTER POUNDER APPEARS!

  84. Charismatic e-Negro Jef VinsonSeptember 8, 2013 at 11:06 AM

    I thought he just got out?

  85. ...was he naked?

  86. ... And that celebration would probably put him right back in.

  87. Pittsburgh gets the first Sunday points of this NFL season... on a safety off the opening kickoff.

  88. Charismatic e-Negro Jef VinsonSeptember 8, 2013 at 11:07 AM

    Fortunately, no.

  89. WITH A TEAR IN MY EYE....I accept this award. *smashes it over Fuj's head*

  90. Charismatic e-Negro Jef VinsonSeptember 8, 2013 at 11:09 AM

    OH, another one: when people say, "you know what I'm saying?" after every sentence.

  91. Wanna ruin your life? Check how many times a movie reviewer uses "Here" and how many times a sports player uses "You Know" in a given video.

  92. Or random people putting "my brother" on every thought, as if you're close to them in any way.

  93. I dunno, DPP does that all the time and owns it.

  94. SUNGLASSES IN DOORS! Nothing screams "dork" or "douche" louder.

  95. You just described every driver in Toronto.

  96. Our credit card reader here is a little on the dark side, no backlighting.

    I LOVE when people complain they can't see where to sign... then realize their sunglasses are the reason why.

  97. Watching now and Weeden hasn't missed a best from last season. We really need Gordon back.

  98. Was I ever mentioned by name.

  99. Just got home from Walmart and I saw 3 middle aged people who are fat but not HUGE in the Walmart carts. I wanted to scream at them, "The reason why you are fucking fat is because you are in those fucking carts. Don't you have any self-respect. If you walked around this store instead of riding a cart, you would lose a few pounds."

  100. nada would say 'fuck it'

  101. I can't stand it when someone is drunk and they have to let EVERYONE know. Unless its your first rodeo than you need to shut the hell up.

  102. This one's a little controversial, but I CANNOT stand the idea that everyone in today's society NEEDS to graduate high school and college to mean anything, and the lengths government (along with other groups) will go to keep people who frankly don't give a shit in the classroom.

  103. Thanks for posting this. I'd only gotten through a few pages in the thread before I felt slightly depressed seeing how obsessive those bumblefucks are over the BoD!

  104. Threadjack 2: This is just too funny. TEN recovers fumble in own end zone.

    PIT 4
    TEN 0

  105. Did you see "We're the Millers"? Totally mocked these peeps, knowwhatimsayin?

  106. It was a touchback, not a safety. Still 2-0.

  107. In my district (Los Angeles School District), the students must now pass all the requirements to go into a UC/Cal State school whether they want to go to college or not. Most of the teachers think it is dumb because many of them cannot even pass the previous requirements. Now they have to pass math through algebra 2 when they can't even do algebra 1. There is also the 2 years foreign language requirement means less opportunities for electives like art/music/shop classes.

  108. I hate hiccups. I hate my own, I hate listening to others with them. I don't know what it is, but fucking hiccups put me in a mood.

    Also, pulling into a parking space in a grocery store, or a Walmart, and finding a shopping cart left in it. Lazy....fucking...bastards. I leave my car there, get out, and roll that son of a bitch to the corral. Cursing the whole time.

    Conspiracy theorists. I have a friend or two like this, and I try very hard not to start a conversation based around politics, because I can't stand listening to crazy-ass theories. Don't question anything, keep your head down, and the men in black won't come looking for you.

  109. OK, I've got a few:

    People who use lawnmowers and such before noon, especially on weekends. Hey, assholes, some of us work nights, or like to sleep in on Sundays. It should be against the frigging law.

    The Buffalo Bills. Just move to L.A. or London or whatever so I don't have to hear everyone around me constantly whining about how they suck for 4 moths of the year.

    People who use hashtags in places other than Twatter. Hell, just social media in general.

    The trolls on this blog. You know who you are.

  110. The first thing I saw said TEN recovers fumble in it's own end zone, as if an offensive player had fumbled it.

    But it was a PIT player fumbling, recovered by TEN. It's fixed now.

  111. Even worse is people that hate weed and think all potheads should be locked up, but spend all their time fucked up on booze and pain pills ("it's OK, I have a prescription..."). Fuck those people.

  112. Still, I don't think I've seen seen a football game that had a 4-0 score.

  113. I know what you're saying

  114. Charismatic e-Negro Jef VinsonSeptember 8, 2013 at 11:41 AM

    The funny thing is I worked with a guy that LOVES the Bills, and a guy in my gym constantly defends them.

  115. I don't think they should be locked up, but I've never really met a pothead I've looked up to or admired either.

  116. Not that anyone cares but I got 250 on the Bucs -3 amoungst other things. Get your shit together Freeman. Vent/rant over.

  117. Charismatic e-Negro Jef VinsonSeptember 8, 2013 at 11:49 AM

    The way I feel about that is the way I feel about everything else. Live your life, but don't beat me over the head with it or get mad because I don't feel the same way that you do on things.

  118. Good point, perhaps I should have a sign or something, but I always thought it was more than obvious when you come inside and immediately see my shoes lined up in a neat little space. Plus, I suppose I was more referring to people I already know in my life that are fully aware I don't like it and they do it anyway.

  119. Parents pushing kids around in strollers who are way too old/big to be in a stroller.

  120. Pretty clean, and I suppose if you have clean shoes it would be ok, but for some reason it still drives me nuts. But hey, we are talking about irrational pet peeves.

  121. Ooh, just thought of a good one: people who can't talk in person or over the phone, they *have* to text, no matter what. It's like their social skills are so terrible they avoid any and all confrontation or interaction with another human.

  122. If they know you, it's a legit peeve. But a stranger might not realize that.

  123. That would still be only the second strangest football thing I've seen this weekend.

    Vandebilt Catholic (my alma mater) vs. E.D. White, Friday night. VC scores a TD late in the 3rd, and somehow gets THREE Personal Fouls called on EDW sometime between the TD and the following kickoff.

    Result: VC kicks off from the EDW 15. Onside kick fails, sadly, but they do get a safety on the ensuing drive.

  124. You'd hate me. I eat like an animal.

  125. Girls on online dating websites who say they're sarcastic, then have no idea what sarcasm is.

  126. How so many people, even normally rational people in every other way, are unable to engage in a music or movie discussion without getting super-defensive and insulting to the other person/people in the discussion.

    Somewhat related - when you give valid, logical reasons why you don't like a band, movie, book, etc, and someone says, "um, yeah, you just don't get it/them".

  127. I agree but to counter...I HATE people who didnt finish high school or go to college but then complain how they don't make enough money or bitch about how the government doesnt do enough for them. If people dont like or see the importance of school, thats cool. Just dont bitch about it later.

  128. Love the second one you listed

  129. I know a guy who loves the movie "300". Now, I think the movie is only OK, but this guy thinks it's a work of art. When people are talking about greatest movies of ALL TIME, he throws in 300. When you're talking greatest movies of ALL TIME, I'm sorry...300 does not make the top 1000.

  130. Charismatic e-Negro Jef VinsonSeptember 8, 2013 at 12:11 PM

    ...or get labeled a "hater". This is the #1 cop out answer with young black kids when you disagree: "Stop hatin'...they're making money."

  131. I mean it was really influential in using Green-screen and digital effects to create all sorts of insane shots and cinematography, and kick-started Gerard Butler's career, and I got laid in an alley after I saw it, but it wasn't the greatest thing of all time. Definately more fun than good, and more 'important' than timelessly watchable.

  132. Brandon Weeden has thrown three picks in just under a half. He's the best.

  133. This might not apply to everyone but I just turned 30 and dont have kids. Alot of my friends have small children. I HATE when they bitch about all the stuff they have to do for their kids. You chose to have a kid, you knew what it was gonna fucking entail. Im not saying its not a HUGE extra responsiblity but you accepted it.

  134. Money denotes appeal, not quality, but appeal can denote quality. It's weird.

  135. like Honey Boo Boo isn't 'good' in terms of quality production or filmmaking, but it obviously has appeal to folks who like watching silly American families doing silly American things, and for that reason I have benevolent feelings toward it.

  136. My exgirlfriend just got married to my ex best friend and already has two kids, and I need to see all these "Let me tell you about being a mom" memes from her all.the.time.

  137. My pet peeve? Brandon Goddamned Weeden. Just ONE non-crummy quarterback! ONE!

  138. Kelly Holcomb, Charlie Fry, Brady Quinn!!

  139. He really sucks. I'm so happy I'm a Clevelander who has the Browns third in the pecking order for local teams.

  140. Tim Couch, Derek Anderson, Colt McCoy... yeesh. I never thought I'd miss Vinny Testaverde.

  141. Grown ass adults that use the words "totes" or "amazeballs".

    As in "This thing is totally amazing" = "This is totes amazeballs"

  142. Me & my friend each kicked back a 5th of Captain Morgan watching that at the theater, it was glorious. I find certain movies are way better if you're drunk. Although oddly enough, Rum Diary sucked while drunk on rum.

  143. Fully agree on that. Let the kids know what they might be giving up if they leave... but forcing them to stay in is counterproductive.

    For the record, my father didn't finish the 8th grade. He did get his GED later, after a stint in the Army. He's also managed/owned two successful hardware stores down here... part-owner of the first and full owner of the second, opened after he left the first one.

  144. Charismatic e-Negro Jef VinsonSeptember 8, 2013 at 12:26 PM

    I felt the same way about Avatar.

  145. People on Facebook who, after having children, ONLY POST PICTURES OF THEIR CHILDREN.

  146. Believe me, it's not just black kids, or kids at all. People my age say that shit.

  147. My usual response to the second:

    "I'd rather not have my brain fucked up that much to be able to 'get them' anyway."

  148. I am equally peeved out by walking around in my socks in someone else's house, so I'm never going to your house.

  149. I used to be a smoker and still hang out with a couple of smokers. We always went outside to smoke our ciggs, no matter where we were. Most smokers are like this. Also, it's one thing if you find second hand smoke annoying but it doesn't pose any health risks.

  150. Yea, theres alot of other ways to be successful without years of school. I did 10 years of school post HS and have friends who enlisted where they were 18, and theyll prob be retired before me. The people who dont finisg highschool or college but then feel entitled to better jobs, more money, etc. Are who kill me.

  151. I hate when people order sandwiches in the drive-through at Tim Horton's. All I want is coffee, it's going to take you 30 seconds to pour it and give it to be, I don't want to sit in line for 10 minutes. If you have the time to wait for a sandwich you have time to go inside to get it.

    I hate people who go out of their way to let other drivers get out ahead of them without realizing it's screwing the people behind them.

    I hate when I hold the door open for someone and they don't acknowledge it - the other day I actually stopped to hold the door and held it a good 10 seconds waiting for the guy to get there and the prick didn't even look at me.

    I hate when I get off the phone and someone asks me who I was talking to - if I want to tell you about the conversation I just had I will.

  152. You're walking towards the supermarket after parking. You see a car pull into the handicap spot and out comes a man/woman that can obviously walk without the use of a wheelchair or cane.

    Do they give out handicap passes like candy?

  153. And who update their status 4 times a day with mundane details nobody cares about but them - your baby boy said he likes juice? Fucking fantastic!

  154. My favorite is when you open the door open for an elderly lady or man, and some young douche sneaks by cutting off the person you held the door open for.

  155. I liked the Rum Diary more in thought than in practice. to quote something really schmaltzy I wrote once:

    "When I close my eyes and think about “The Rum Diary” I see myself sitting on a hard plastic beach chair gazing at a tequila orange sunset as the tide goes out. Like this movie, content to bathe in the scenery and character permeating paradise, in no real hurry to get much of anywhere. Thus, The Rum Diary is a nice place to visit, and even though I want to live there, I know I shouldn't."

  156. Charismatic e-Negro Jef VinsonSeptember 8, 2013 at 12:37 PM

    THIS is the one I hate:

  157. Or how if you don't agree with someone you're just being a troll.

  158. This, and just oversharing in general on Facebook. I don't need to see twenty consecutive links to stories about how Obama is the devil. Even if I did agree, it's overkill. How can they not know how obnoxious they are being?

  159. Rum Diary would suck even after 5 bottles of The Captain, getting your stomach pumped, and being holed up in bed with awesome pain medication. You know....when you're just grateful to be alive.

  160. I went to school with this film nerd type who loved 300. He quoted it all the fucking time. Like if we were going out he'd be screaming "prepare for glory". One night I pressured him into doing shots and he was ranting and raving about Sparta all night. He insisted that I watch it because I hadn't seen it so one afternoon he comes over, sits my roommate and I down and forces us to watch it - only he fast forwards to the essential scenes he wanted us to see.

    His tendency to quote it did lead to my roommate pulling a prank that had him accused on the local news of being a potential campus shooter, but that's a whole other story.

  161. Actually Flair, I'm gonna take issue with this pet peeve. Just because somebody doesn't look disabled doesn't mean they aren't. Yes, people can get handicap placards through illegal means, I'm not talking about them. I'm talking about somebody who, while they don't have a cane or wheelchair, still has trouble walking long distances. Or they know after shopping, they are going to be hurting and want to get to their car quickly.

  162. Oh please, share that one.

  163. Girls who go home with you the first night and say "I never do this". Sure you don't.

  164. " I'm talking about somebody who, while they don't have a cane or wheelchair, still has trouble walking long distances."


  165. I'll start one for this, even though it picked up in an earlier post: Facebook friends who only share life affirming pictures, or e-cards. It's not some witty shit, for crying out loud. You have a text box up there, where you can type actual words and shit. Use it!

  166. I always reply with, "Neither do I." ;-)

  167. YankeesHoganTripleHFanSeptember 8, 2013 at 12:43 PM

    People doing curls in the squat rack.

  168. Oh, I HATE that, when you hold the door open for somebody and don't get a thanks. I've said "your welcome" a few times but they don't get they message and/or ignore me.

  169. I have some that only post youtube rock videos. At least post some comments about them or something.

  170. Charismatic e-Negro Jef VinsonSeptember 8, 2013 at 12:44 PM

    ...that would be me, but only if the gym is packed and there is no where else to do them.

  171. YankeesHoganTripleHFanSeptember 8, 2013 at 12:45 PM

    Thats my sister....pisses me off to no end

  172. Ugh...that reminds me of, people doing "fill in the blank exercise" with dumbells right next to them. Back up dude, we may want to use the weights and you're blocking them with your douchiness.

  173. Someone on my FB feed just said "I Betcha you regret..." which is like saying, "I bet you you".

  174. I don't understand all the Caliber hate. What's the basis?

  175. They may have respiratory problems.

    This one doesn't bug me that much. I'm just glad I don't need the spot.

    (I will confess to using the roomy handicapped shower at the gym. If I see a wheelchair person coming, I will gladly step out for them. So far, five years, no wheelchair people sighted at Planet Fitness.)

  176. Did he continue to quote the damn movie after that incident? Or did he learn his damn lesson?

  177. ideally its better to back into a parking space than to back into a roadway.

  178. Must say im guilty of this...only when gyms packed tho and its last resort

  179. If your respiratory problems are so bad, you need to park right outside the store, you probably have some kind of oxygen contraption with you. Otherwise, walking is great for the heart.

  180. Hahaha. Couldnt have said it better myself

  181. When I dont get a courtesy wave after letting someone cut me off or pull out in front of me. Driving manners motherfuckers!!!

  182. Yeah, this one pisses me off in a very personal way. I can't judge all these people because I don't know if they truely have something wrong with them. But sometimes I see them get out of a scooter and walk fine. And it infuriates me. I've talked about this before but I was in a wheelchair for a while after a car accident. I had surgery and intense PT to walk again. I'm in pain pretty much every moment of my life. I would be justified in using a scooter but I don't! I like walking, I worked too hard and am too thankful to squander that. So when I see people just flopping into a scooter because they are overweight, while I shouldn't I take it as a bit of a personal slight.

  183. Wait, you just disagreed with me about this exact same thing.

  184. Or girls who say "I don't want you to think I'm a slut", I had a girl say that after we've been on four dates.

  185. I was in line at a convenience store once buying a pack of smokes when the guy in line behind me, buying a bunch of candy and shitty sugar-based cereals for his two kids who were with him, starts preaching about how the cigs would kills me.

    I looked at him square in the face and asked him how he thought that crap he was buying for his kids would do for them in the long run. Also, way to teach your kids how to be a douchbag preacher when a guy was minding his own business.

    I walked out of the store with my smokes as he stood there, dumbfounded, and his kids started asking, "What's a douchebag, daddy?" I felt a little bad.

  186. People who use a credit/debit card for ANYTHING. I've run them for purchases under a dollar.


  187. Guilty as charged.

  188. Just run my fountain drink through, counter monkey.

  189. Thankfully, I don't work that type of retail.

  190. Just kidding, anyway, man.

  191. I don't carry cash, but I won't charge my card for anything less than $5 or so. I really need to open an account with a bank that has some ATM branches around me.

  192. I've heard that its a growing trend that if you tap your wrist to indicate a watch, when you're asking people what time it is, teenagers don't understand what you mean.

  193. I haven't gone over there to read what my fanclub has to say but I actually have no idea what is meant by "Lodi incident". Can someone elaborate? That I know of, I have no interesting stories involving the guy from The Flock.

  194. Stranger in the AlpsSeptember 8, 2013 at 1:01 PM

    Right-wing or even left-wing "news forums", where the articles they post are considered "news".


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