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QOTD 6: Meester Son of a beeech, lets play some Carhhhddsss

Okay Otters, it's been suggested that we dedicate a QOTD to organizing a Poker Tourney. Thus:

Do you want to organize a Poker Tourney? 

Shoot me an e-mail at Several of you reached out to me already, but I had some email wonkiness and now all the emails at the Ebert Presents address are gone. So if you email before, please e-mail again and accept my apologies. If you haven't e-mailed before, but want to e-mail again, go for it. If didn't want to e-mail before, and still don't want to e-mail now, I appreciate your conviction.

Timetable wise I'm thinking mayyyybeeeeeee after Night of Champions? We could call it the "Poker Night of Champions" and wear lucha masks. I dunno, it's late folks. Anyway, post how you'd like it to go down, and upvote the ideas you like most.

That one question you know the one, should be directed to my email.


Blog Otter Award: Charismatic e-Negro Jef Vinson for doing his mom proud.

1. I just realized the question above is sort of lame, so this thread can also be open to poker related stories, victories, bad beats, suck outs. Also feel free to talk about Rounders, I wasn't so hot on it once I saw it absent 'pokermania'.

2. For people who hate poker, but love neat tricks: here's something cool - I just learned a quick cure for the hiccups (this won't work on you). If someone has the hiccups, casually ask them their middle name. The "Huh?" followed by the time they spend waiting for you to respond, will fix their hiccups like 90 percent of the time. It's all in delivery.


  1. I remember being in a high stakes game when the bastard with the blood-weeping eye sitting across from me poisoned my drink. Good thing I had a mini-defibrillator in my glove compartment.

  2. "In a cashino, you should gamblllle. Let me tell you something, Anvil, you don't want to play cards with me, because I'll cheat. Ok, I cheat. You want to play 21, I got 22. You want to play black jack? I got two of those too. You want to play aces and eights? Well, I got some of those too. Bottom line is this. You do not gamble with me.......when you walk into a casino, when you want to gamble, the main thing you must do, is this, you must accept losing. I don't accept losing, and neither doesh Damien. Damien, my friend! My friend Damien is right here. You don't want to see this, do you? Let me show you something. I tell you what Anvil, go ahead and roll the dice. Mr. Cameraman, get your ass back up here. HELL-OOOO, I'm talkin' to you. Get that camera back up here. Thatsh what you should worry about Anvil. The bottom line is this, when the DDT comes, then the snake comes out. Worry about the DDT. DDT, DDT, DDT DDT! DDT! DDT!


  3. I did love me some Casino Royale.

  4. I truly remember being like 11 years old or however old I was when that show had it's PPV and thinking "Woah, Yoko? Jake The Snake? 2 Cold Scorpio? That'd be aweome!" - I never ordered it, but found out about 7 years later the show was a disaster for the ages.

    I have a question, does footage exist of Herb Adam's promotion? I remember Mick Foley saying it was a pretty hilarious disaster and they always kept pushing these cookies, and i wanted to check it out.

  5. Charismatic e-Negro Jef VinsonSeptember 12, 2013 at 10:51 AM

    I'd like to thank everyone for this award, most specifically my mom. It's an honor..

  6. Are we talking real money, penny ante or high stakes poker? I absolutely suck at poker and hate people, but crave social interactions, so I could be interested depending on the stakes...

  7. 'That one question you know the one, should be directed to my email.'

  8. Oh, sorry 'bout that. Will email you soonish. I didn't realize I wasn't allowed to discuss the dichotomy of my dislike of people but needing to interact with people. Will adjust accordingly.


  9. Non stop, rapid fire small sips of water always cures my hiccups.

  10. I'm more of a Go Fish man. Less odd slang to try and pick up on.

  11. In terms of the hiccups thing, oddly enough I always found a good cure to be cough drops. Maybe it was just me...

  12. As someone who's had his adsense destroyed for really silly reasons, I'm just trying to be hyper careful here is all. Sorry if i came off a little jerk-face-y.

  13. When I saw this thread, all I could think about was "You do not wanna play cards with me!" Thank you for posting the whole thing.

  14. Not at all, Paul. I realized what you meant as soon as I read your response, given the blog's AdSense protections over the last few weeks. I was more concerned with being the cause of trouble myself.
    S'all good compadre.

  15. 'If someone has the hiccups, casually ask them their middle name. The
    "Huh?" followed by the time they spend waiting for you to respond, will
    fix their hiccups like 90 percent of the time. It's all in delivery.'

    so i ask them their middle name, and then they wait for me to respond?

  16. Man were there some stupid losers in the climatic hand though. Two pair can't possibly be good on that board (spoiler alert.)

  17. Who's more obnoxious: The guy who constantly complains about his fantasy football team? Or the guy who constantly tells stories about that "bad beat" he had 9 months ago?

  18. If I remember correctly, that last hand...nearly killed you.


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