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In the current Daniel Bryan storyline, it seems as if there's way too much power on the side of the heels. Vince is the owner, Stephanie is his daughter, and Hunter is her husband and COO. They are all corporate heels, leaving the faces with no representation who are powerful enough to counter the "Corporation". Other then Shane or (please, no) Linda, who would be believable enough to join the babyface side to take some of the power away from the McMahons? My point is that all of the heels are in such a high position, and the faces will be fired if they cross the McMahon family. So, who magically appears to even the odds (and do things such as allow The Big Show to revolt without losing his job, not allow Hunter to abuse his power, etc).


- Jay

Vince does.  Because only a McMahon can stop a McMahon or something.


  1. YankeesHoganTripleHFanSeptember 11, 2013 at 8:31 AM

    I had a dream last night that I was involved in a feud with Triple H and we were both going for the lead in a musical. I said he had Stephanie to hand him the part. He said I was acting whiny and entitled. We both had valid points.


  3. So HHH just needs an earring then?

  4. ONLY if he takes both an RKO and a Pedigree. Back-to-back, preferably.

  5. I don't care who, as long as it's not Cena.

  6. "Jeff Hardy, Kurt Angle, AJ Styles."

    "Who are three people that CM Punk would prefer BROCK murderdeathkilling him first, rather than be rescued by any of them?"

    "Correct for $2000, we know what you meant."

    "I'll take threesomes for $1600 Alex."

    "Brooke Tessmacher, AJ Lee, Trish Stratus."

    (SHIT, my buzzer broke.)

  7. How come they can't just give him a vote of no confidence again?

  8. So this is how they're going to bring in Jay Lethal.

  9. You're asking for logic and continuity. Not their strongest point, although they have the occassional moment.

  10. Come on HHH, you know you want one. On the other hand, Steph might not want to be so obvious about who's really wearing the pants, so my bad.

  11. I think the story is pretty clearly headed toward Bryan reviving Triple H's spirit by showing him the real meaning of wrestling a la The Grinch Who Stole Christmas or A Christmas Carole.

  12. I hope this is actually what happens.

  13. That's always been the fundamental problem of having the "owners" as on-screen characters. It starts to hurt the believeability of angles when you have the people who hire/fire, do the booking, etc. on TV. I mean, if you just have a booker figurehead or GM, it's one thing. They just get to book matches and are accountable to someone. When you have the corporate heads on-screen as such, it does become a scale tipped too far in a given direction.

    For me, the only logical suspension of disbelief is that even the evil CEO figures are forced to acknowledge that Bryan, Austin, whoever = money, ratings, buys, so they are forced to use them in that capacity. I remember a casual fan in '98 saying "If Vince owns the company and hates his employee, why not just fire Austin and be done with it". The logical kayfabe argument is that Austin is too big of a draw and Vince, the character, loves money too much to dump his cashcow. I guess that's the same with the Bryan angle. He's too popular to just bury or fire, so they try to get him to toe the company line instead. HHH the character would just book him on pre-shows and NXT, except that he's too popular and Bryan is ultimately good for "this business" even if the heels don't want to admit it

  14. That would actually work. HHH finally remembers why he loves the business, why he ditched the blue blood image and started crotch-chopping, why he married into the company, alligned with Flair, blahblahblah, and turns on Vince to side with the anti-corporate hero

  15. Although I fear it just puts the emphasis of the whole story arc right back on HHH in the end. The redemption story....of HHH?

  16. I'm afraid that this is where it's heading unfortunately. They are just buying time with Bryan wherein Cena will come back to vacuum up his face heat for the angle. Vince turns face, because Cena is his binky and is what is "best for business", while HHH views otherwise. Meanwhile, Bryan gets semi-buried in the process and moves back down to at best the #3 face. Still not a bad position to be in by any means, but not exactly what the fans currently in the arenas are clamoring for.

  17. Even Bret will shed a tear for the redemption of Triple H!

  18. With tears in his eyes, tell him this is the single greatest redemption story of all-time.

  19. YankeesHoganTripleHFanSeptember 11, 2013 at 9:37 AM

    Had something to do with going up in space. I chalk that up to the fact that I watched 3 episodes of The Big Bang Theory last night, (and should I be worried that I see Sheldon as the voice of reason more often then one would think?)

  20. YankeesHoganTripleHFanSeptember 11, 2013 at 9:38 AM

    The REAL question for Scott is what determines which questions get dark font and which ones just get regular font.

  21. YankeesHoganTripleHFanSeptember 11, 2013 at 9:41 AM

    Or he could be visited by three ghosts...we will call them Owen, Eddie, and show him Wrestlemania's past present and future.

  22. Bob Geigel returns with the corpses/ghosts of Sam Muchnick and Paul Boesch and demonstrates to the McMahons how they have lost their way.

  23. Time to bring back the exploding limo with all of them inside. Except...wait...what's that??? A figure coming out of the burnt, charred, flaming metal wreckage...could it be? It is!! Triple H survived the bombing!! And who is that behind him?? It''s John Cena...and he's carrying Stephanie over one shoulder, and Vince over the other. And now he's performing CPR!! Cena is reviving the McMahons, while Triple H Is asking for water! HE SPITS THE WATER AT THE BURNING LIMO...and the fire is OUT!! And the limo looks as if nothing happened to it! BY GAWD, it's a Christmas MIRACLE!!

  24. The limo exploded because Zack Ryder accidentally punctured the gas line while trying to change a tire.

  25. He gets The Shield 3 on 1 as punishment for near manslaughter.

  26. Good thing Caliber's not on the BoD anymore...

  27. Big Show in a mask! Big Show in a mask!

  28. YankeesHoganTripleHFanSeptember 11, 2013 at 10:11 AM

    Me and Caliber were friends actually. We didn't agree on everything, (yes I remember his hate for BBT) but we had respect.

  29. A poisonous dose of Lethal?

  30. Kevin Nash, champion of the little guy

  31. (Holds the thumbs-down trophy up)

    "This is such an honor to be bestowed upon me... I didn't know we had so many homosexual TNA fans in here. I promise to keep on offending you, although I know I cannot match Mr. Vinson's outstanding GIFstory. Again, thank you, and God Bless each and every one of you fanboys."

  32. And all the superstars surround the ring at the end of the storyline singing that song from the end of The Grinch, hand in hand, swaying back and forth.

  33. Past: Andre
    Present: Eddie
    Future: Pick your random Spirit Squader who isn't Ziggler. Or some other future-endeavored soul who's no longer in wrestling.

  34. Is it a secret alliance between Times New Roman and Helvetica? Tune in to Nitro to find out!

  35. I'm picturing it right now: Bryan is beaten down in the middle of the ring and Vince, cackling maniacally, is shooting him with blue lightning from his fingers. Triple H looks conflicted as Bryan begs for help, prodding him to remember back to when he was in DX: "I know there's still a rebel in you..." Bryan is on the brink of being forced beneath the bottom rope when Triple H turns, lifts Vince over his head, and throws him over the top rope through a table, tragically re-tearing his quad in the process. Bryan weakly crawls to HHH and praises him for making the right decision. The GOAT tries to carry the Game back to the locker room, but HHH tells Bryan to leave him behind; his career is over. Bryan leaves and HHH pulls himself up in the corner to soak up a standing ovation from the fans while he waits for the EMTs.

  36. And what happened, then? Well, in WWE they say - that Triple H's heart grew three sizes that day. And then - the true meaning of wrestling came through, and Triple H found the strength of TEN Triple H's, plus two (and a sledgehammer)...

    ... and squashed Bryan at WrestleMania anyway...

  37. The Love-Matic Grampa!September 11, 2013 at 11:03 AM

    I see what you did there...

  38. Fuck that. Davy Crockett! He killed him a bear when he was only 3!

  39. If you're going to post incomprehensible ramblings, don't get hurt when you get down-voted.


    Mah Gawd, that's SHANE'S MUSIC!

    ...takes the mic...

    "...just spoke with the Board of Directors...except for Vince, of course, but we'll pretend that doesn't count..."

    "Let me introduce the NEW President of Do-Goodery, Fair Play, and Underdogs..."

    *car crash* *na na na nuh na na na na*

    Wait, never mind, his doctors didn't clear him.


    No wait, same thing.

    *Glass Breaking*

    Nah, wants too much money...oh wait, I got it!

    *trumpets- baaaa baaaa baaaaaa= NAH NAH BUM BUM BUM BUM BUM BUM BUM DUM*


    "You didn't REALLY think I went bankrupt, didya? No! I still got stock from the post-Invasion Angle! I'm the high-flyin, wheelin-and-dealin..."



  41. WWE Presents Live on Pay Per View "FLAIR FOR THE GOLD 2013!"

    undercard-Bumpaholic match with fluorescent bulbs, barbed wire, plate glass, and a 200-foot drop INTO a glass of water...BROCK LESNAR VS SHANE MCMAHON!

    (admit it, you'd buy it)

  42. Charismatic e-Negro Jef VinsonSeptember 11, 2013 at 11:32 AM

    Big Show, Cody Rhodes = the Machines v2.0. You could add a bunch of people to this including a returning John Cena.

  43. Charismatic e-Negro Jef VinsonSeptember 11, 2013 at 11:33 AM

    Then he must be there to inject AJ Lee.

  44. Charismatic e-Negro Jef VinsonSeptember 11, 2013 at 11:33 AM

    I hate you too, Jay Lethal.

  45. Charismatic e-Negro Jef VinsonSeptember 11, 2013 at 11:36 AM


  46. I'd prefer Juan Cena.

  47. If they need a good McMahon, just trot Linda out or have her record some videos from the family's corporate office where she lays the smack down upon HHH/Steph/Vince and hands down edicts from above to keep her hellspawn and her unholy groom in check.....

  48. YankeesHoganTripleHFanSeptember 11, 2013 at 11:46 AM

    I thought the burning limo was never to be mentioned on WWE TV again because it killed Chris Beniot. Or am I getting confused?

  49. Subsequent footage of limousines have been edited out of DVDs and Classics on Demand.

  50. Charismatic e-Negro Jef VinsonSeptember 11, 2013 at 12:07 PM

    I thought he was killed on workout equipment. But if they stopped that it would mean no more HHH workout montages before WrestleMania.

  51. YankeesHoganTripleHFanSeptember 11, 2013 at 12:33 PM

    And they might take down his Beautiful Day video from You Tube and that would make my cry :(

  52. Charismatic e-Negro Jef VinsonSeptember 11, 2013 at 12:37 PM

    Stop downvoting me HHH, Steph and Randy.

  53. Charismatic e-Negro Jef VinsonSeptember 11, 2013 at 12:44 PM

    Future: Randy the Ram?

  54. What was incomprehensible about them? I know the first answer was poorly worded, but time would kill the idea.

    The rest makes sense.

  55. I think he was just making a general statement "Good thing Caliber's not on the BoD anymore."


    More my speed. It's just missing over a dozen more hates.

  57. Exactly what I expect to happen as well. Super Cena returns at the Rumble, over comes the odds, beats HHH at Chamber for the title shot, and then beats Orton for the title at Mania. Same old shit.

  58. I'd love it if Shane came back to even the odds. I can't be the only one who misses him.

  59. Vince "couldn't fire" Austin because he could go to WCW. Bryan doesn't have that option

  60. I think this is going to lead to Jesse Ventura coming in and unionizing every one. They all threaten to walk-out if the nonsense does not cease. Then John Cena comes back to bust up the union. Wait! I think I just baked myself. Yeah!

  61. Who down-voted this??

  62. Or you could say Flair gambled away his 50% stake in Vegas before he lost it back to Vince.

  63. I'd have gone with the Yellow Dog and the Big Red Dog, but the Clifford people would sue. Bastards

  64. Chris Benoit has been banned from doing any post-death work as a ghost in WWE.


  66. In an obscene twist, Goldberg returns and spears Triple H and, with a sadistic smile on his face, scoops crushed glass and rock salt inside of his blue blood foreskin and savagely stomps on it with his Doc Martens.

    "You wanna know what's best for business, Triple H? CIRCUMCISIONS AND BRISES!! Not only do they make money, BUT YOU GET TO KEEP THE TIPS!!"


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