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Top 10 Best/Worst WWE Games (+ WCW) - Kimble Justice

Not sure I agree 100% with the choice of the #1 best game (OK, not at all), but this is a fun list and I'm definitely in agreement that HCTP was by far the best Smackdown game.


  1. Daniel Bwyan. Killed me.

  2. WWF Waw. Just brought me back to life.

  3. Woyal Wumble. Dying.

  4. Sewioswy, you all need to watch this.

  5. Wesslefest. How are people not talking about this?!?

  6. Hell, I'd give my right testicle to have the Braves back on TBS on a regular basis PERIOD.

    Random game of the week on Sunday is a horrible step down for those of us who remember the days when you could follow the Braves entire season on the channel, not having to shell out extra bucks for a special channel to watch them.

    And they wonder why people stop caring about baseball.....

  7. First Blood is a classic and there are PLENTY of action films from the 30s-80s in the TCM film library that would be well at home on the M4GWLM banner.

    And fuck, introducing plebes to classic noir, westerns, and war movies can't be that bad can it?

  8. Not really; their only real hit has been The Closer.

  9. They did that for iOS, and a PC version was going to come out, but THQ went under. Somehow, the graphics got worse.

  10. I got Wrestlefest on Wii Homebrew, the game is still ridiculous. The AKI games are still head and shoulders above the rest

  11. I always wondered why the SD engine was modified gradually after HCTP, which took weeks of my and my friends' lives away. They tried to make it too realistic. I actually bought a used HCTP from Game Stop last year for like $3, hooked up my PS2, and lost a lazy Saturday replaying it. No inane commentary, no awkwardness, just the perfect blend of arcade mayhem and fairly realistic presentation.

    Then they killed it. They killed THEIR creation.

  12. Here Comes The Pain was the only game since No Mercy that I enjoyed.

  13. ^ Ok, that cracked me up.

  14. Ok, that cracked me up.

  15. Am I alone in thinking that Smackdown vs. Raw 06 was pretty awesome? It's my second favorite WWE game, after No Mercy, of course.

  16. Nice. I had no idea. They should totally do it in the old graphics though.

  17. I really don't understand all the hate Backstage Assault gets.

    I actually still play it from time to time. Then again, I also liked WCW 2000, so...

  18. The only downside to HCTP is the submission system. It was impossible to beat the computer on the higher settings.

  19. Brock in HCTP was the most dominant video game wrestler of all time

  20. Not alone. It had one of the best rosters of the SvR games, had multiple story modes that you could insert various wrestlers into, and even had a GM mode if I remember correctly.

  21. More like Waggewfest.

  22. No love for the other WCW games like WCW vs. the World (Hakushi!) or WCW vs. nWo World Tour (Hayabusa!)

  23. I played often with Hayabusa. Han Zo Mon in Revenge was also loosely based on Hayabusa. I've mentioned before that I thought Hayabusa should have been a huge star in the U.S.

  24. UT in WM 2000 begs to disagree

  25. There would be no better choice to start such a block than with a Steve McQueen film. My pick would be Bullitt. Maybe even have Steve's son Chad McQueen introduce the movie and give us a few cool stories about his dad.

    Bullitt-related fact: Chad drove a car identical to Steve's famous Bullitt car in his great 1996 movie "Red Line".

  26. As God as my witness, I didn't know Elmer Fudd was an Englishman.

  27. davidbonzaisaldanamontgomerySeptember 18, 2013 at 10:46 PM

    It's my favorite non-N64 WWE game; the gameplay improves on HCTP (the stamina system did a pretty good job in stemming power move spam), the Story Mode was really good, the graphics were terrific, and GM Mode is still my favorite mode in any wrestling game; I lost countless months of my life running both shows at the same time, trying to put together a nice feud that would culminate in a ***** classic.

  28. davidbonzaisaldanamontgomerySeptember 18, 2013 at 11:09 PM

    I miss when the games had a great discrepancy between the best guys and the midcard and below (the attribute editor alleviates this, but still). Trying to take on Brock on the hardest difficulty with a scrub felt like a Herculean task, esp. since he could basically get you to yellow damage in like two toe kicks.

  29. GM mode was a blast in svr 2006. I miss the star rating system for matches.

  30. davidbonzaisaldanamontgomerySeptember 19, 2013 at 2:01 AM

    MAWWAIGE!... is wot bwings us togeder tooday! Mawage, that bwessed awangment, that dweam wifin a dweam...

  31. I thought WWE13 was their best engine in years. Any word on whether 2K14 will keep it?

  32. Oh my friends and I had a serious addiction freshman year of college. Two multitaps meant 6 man all human controlled Elimination Chamber matches complete with our own alliances and turns

  33. They're tweaking it, as they do every year. One big change is that reversing a move will automatically perform a counter to avoid "reversal-fests." Which kind of sucks, because I liked those reversal-fests! They're also adjusting the kick-out meter. But yeah, 13 was great. If 2K Sports can help them with online matchmaking, 2K14 should be aces.

  34. I have to mention WWF Wrestlemania Challenge for the NES. Probably the only game you can play as "Yourself."

  35. I first saw Hayabusa in a tag match with Hakushi against Sabu and RVD in ECW and was blown away... but seeing his Japanese matches I realized he was very sloppy.

  36. At the time, that game was mind-blowing for having stuff like elimination tag matches, interference and separate counts outside the ring. I might ROM this and Royal Rumble tonight.

  37. davidbonzaisaldanamontgomerySeptember 19, 2013 at 12:08 PM

    The one thing that worries me is that 2K Sports' online servers for NBA2K have always been godawful. I do like the reversal change though; while chain grappling was cool, it was weird to see Boss Man and Val Venis pretending they were Chris Benwho and Kurt Angle.

  38. No WWF Betrayal? That was miserable


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