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War Games Please

I know its one of those IWC things like Cena turning, but wouldn't War Games being awesome to see soon, maybe for Survivor Series.

With the Rhodes family angle, it could be linked there w/ Bryan, Cody, Golddust and Big Show v. Orton and The Shield. Would 100% pay to see that.

We know.  Won't happen.


  1. Biggest upside to Vince dying is getting WarGames back imo.

  2. Wonder if that'd do it. Have to think a big reason now as well is whatever cookie cutter efficiency they have built into the same exact set up for every show. Might take them an extra hour to design a two ring layout???

    (Yes, they'd lose seats, but just run it in a bigger than normal arena for a B-level show and they'd make a killing)

  3. It will happen eventually. I'd rather wait until blood is allowed again.

  4. I'm so glad they finally gave The Shield a clear direction. They were wandering aimlessly for a while and they had lost some steam. This is the perfect role for them and the fact that they have so many important victories under their belt, makes them credible enforcers.

    If they're not going to do Wargames, and they're not, it would be criminal to not have a classic survivor series elimination match with Bryan + 3 partners vs. Orton and The Shield. Bryan can be the last man standing vs. the four and eliminate all three Shield members before cheating gives Orton the win. This SHOULD lead to a HITC match if they didn't have a damn ppv themed around it.

  5. Charge more for the other seats would solve any money lost from the ring lay out.

  6. Ironically I just read the page in Jerichos book where he says in 2002 Trips wanted to bring back wargames for survivor series, Vince as we all know wouldnt do it bc it was a WCW idea and created the elimination chamber instead fyi to those who dont know.

  7. Yep, that, plus I bet they'd see a minimum 20% pop in buys

  8. They don't even have to use the actual "War Games", dual-ring layout - just use the Cell (or Chamber).

    The fun of "War Games" was more in the booking of having staggered entrances and seeing which guys would pair off; sure, the dual-ring component was a great visual, but it's not a necessity. It's almost like how the Cell itself is now more for the visual than actually being an integral part of the match. If you have two good teams that seem to hate each other, it will be a good match.

    Come to think of that, didn't TNA do that a few times? Staggered entrances into a single cage?

  9. Dusty, is that you?

  10. I swear they were talking about doing one at EC this year with The Shield but it got killed at the last minute. I have no idea if it's true or if it was just the usual newz sitez rumor bullshit, though.

  11. It's not HHH's fault. No matter how much power people thing HHH has right now, Vince is still in power, Don't hold your breath for War Games until Vince has officially stepped down.

  12. We need a War Games where Cena turns heel and Bret admits Montreal was a work.

  13. I saw Lockdown from 2006. It didn't suck.

  14. Also Vince had a problem doing a match called "War Games" when the country was AT WAR. He thought it would be insensitive or something.

  15. Thus marking the one and only time Vince McMahon didn't do something due to good taste.

    Though still, they could've just called it THE MATCH BEYOND to avoid any connotations.

  16. Between the Wargames DVD, the Rhodes' family's legacy becoming part of an angle and a major heel faction suddenly dominating the company, surely you'd think that Wargames would HAVE to be a logical blowoff to this section of the Bryan vs. Corporation feud. Even if they don't want to give Bryan the belt, having him lead a team to victory over Orton/Shield/maybe HHH in the Wargames is a nice, decisive win.

    Easiest damn setup in the world. Given all of the Rhodes family bashing in recent weeks, have Dusty himself appear on RAW and lay out the challenge for "his match," a match that he could goad the Corporation into by claiming it's the match so violent that Vince was "scared" to run it. It's an easy side of Bryan/Cody/Big Show and for the fourth (or fifth?) men you can get Ziggler (if he isn't being sentenced to another tour through jobberville), Punk (if he transitions out of the Heyman feud) or almost any other major babyface who is wronged by HHH, like Van Dam or a healthy Christian or someone.


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