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Bray Wyatt Injury Update

Wyatt was injured at a house show this past weekend. As of now, was told that Wyatt suffered a deeply bruised calf muscle and will be re-evaluated today.

Credit Mike Johnson,

James Storm is Pitching an idea for a Reality Television Show


  1. Raw: Nope, still not watching.
    Wyatt: And there's another reason for WWE to drop the Wyatts. Not a good one, but when has that stopped them?
    Storm: "Reality" TV = Me not watching. But if TNA does go under, maybe someone can land on their feet.

  2. I am stoked for a Sting documentary if and when he does sign a legends deal with WWE. Who would induct him though? I'm not sure Flair is the right guy. Vader? Rotundo?

  3. I think wwe would go with Flair for sure. He was the guy that put Sting on the map and they were intertwined for so long, it's a no brainer.

  4. If hbk screws db out of the title, I'm going to be so frustrated. But, if it leads to hbk/db down the road, it'd be 100% worth it.

  5. Robocop has a new movie to promote.

  6. Charismatic e-Negro Jef VinsonOctober 14, 2013 at 9:43 AM

    1.) Won't, but he should.
    2.) Won't, but he should. (Even if it means getting Brooke on that Divas show.)
    3.) Won't, but it would be nice. (And if he gets into shape.)
    4.) Most likely depending on the Undertakers health.
    5.) Most likely when he retires.

  7. Homie fucked up his chances to get his Rock question answered by having two #5s.

  8. (And if he gets into shape.) - I bet Michaels could step in the ring today and still outwork most of if not all of the entire roster. Heel HBK vs. Daniel Bryan would be an amazing dynamic for Mania. I'm sure HBK wouldn't mind 1 more payday.

  9. Your_Favourite_LoserOctober 14, 2013 at 9:58 AM

    '5.) The Rock takes on Brock Lesnar.

    5) If he doesn't re-sign with TNA, it's 1000% likely.'

  10. HBK seems pretty happy in retirement and doesn't appear to need the money. In wrestling you 'never say never', but he seems to have had a better time letting go than guys like Flair and Funk . I love the idea and I'd would love a Shawn - Bryan match, but it does seem like a long shot.

  11. I like the idea of the Wyatts, but Bray has got to step up his game. The other two are doing fine. Fairly decent big North American brawlers. They can move and bump pretty well. But Bray just looks uncomfortable out there.

  12. [shoos kids off the lawn]

    I tell ya, if the territories were still around, Bray could work out the kinks of this gimmick. Husky Harris was perfectly serviceable in the ring, but Bray is such a different character he has to change everything he did.

  13. To induct Sting? It's seems reasonable and logical - but Flair's relationship with the company does seem to go up and down.

    Given that Lugar is persona non grata to WWE, and if Flair is still on the outs due to the video game thing, then they'd probably go with Dusty or some younger guy who was a fan.

  14. Your_Favourite_LoserOctober 14, 2013 at 10:05 AM

    i watched robocop just last night

    great cast of baddies: miguel ferrer, paul mcrane, ray wise, kurtwood smith, ronny cox

  15. I agree with you 100% on HBK. My point is even if he has millions in the bank and makes some nice change off his hunting show, a 6 figure payday is hard for a guy in his 40's with a wife and 2 kids to turn down.

  16. Other fringe candidates I guess would include Arn, Steamboat and Austin, who all worked with him to varying degrees.

  17. Good points. And he may be happy to give Bryan the rub on the big stage as well.

  18. I think God Shawn is above the bs and wouldn't go for it, but I'd be afraid any build of DB/Shawn is face Shawn, heel turned Bryan.

    ...again, not like face/heel truly matters but the whole storyline, basically from the second Bryan lost to Sheamus was screaming build him up for a big face moment. Shawn could do that. And I trust him to do it before HHH ever would.

  19. He's spent ages on the gimmick in NXT though.
    I think the Gimmick and interviews are great, and the in ring work good enough. It's the lack of storylines really.
    Something with the Rhodes where they play off the Dusty/Sullivan angles in Florida could be gold mind.

  20. Anyone other than Bryan and Punk, i'd say it's a 1% chance.
    With Punk, i'd say a 15% chance
    With Bryan, i'd say a 40% chance.

  21. If they do HBK vs. Bryan, the WWE can just take my money right now. Seriously.

    Cena/Taker, Brock/Rock are interesting but not "open my wallet and take what you want!!" interesting. HBK/Bryan is.

    I still have my doubts about the Rock returning. He got injured last year and the WWE is obviously beneath him, that it feels like the law of diminishing returns at this point.

    And if HBK doesn't come back, Brock vs. Bryan would be the greatest David v. Goliath story in the history of wrestling.

  22. Well, I'm not sure that Sting likes Flair all that much either. I may be wrong on that front, however.

  23. I actually look forward to Raw, regardless of how good or bad the program is. Why? Two reasons, in no particular order.

    1. It's a good time to be relatively mindless and relax, which is necessary for my sanity from time to time.

    2. BOD commentary.

  24. I strongly disagree on about face/heel truly mattering. Heel Shawn is pro wrestling at the absolute best it can be, period. Heel Shawn vs. Bryan = take all my money. This would also add some intrigue to the dead in the water Corporate angle. Shawn is just so damn dynamic as a heel.

  25. Using Kevin Sullivan as Wyatt's 'Master' might be entertaining.

  26. Krispy Kreme McDonaldOctober 14, 2013 at 10:50 AM

    6-8 months is ages?

  27. Krispy Kreme McDonaldOctober 14, 2013 at 10:53 AM

    I don't recall reading your disdain for the Wyatts.

    Could you explain please? the promos are great, the in-ring work is very meh, but they are depicted to be the second coming of Fournas and LaFon.

    Wyatt is portrayed as a character-based wrestler as opposed to a workrate wrestler, so I can give it a pass.

  28. Krispy Kreme McDonaldOctober 14, 2013 at 10:55 AM

    you are completely wrong.

  29. You are right about inferno matches but it is pretty tough to have a bad match against Kofi. That one sucked.

  30. More than that now, even.

  31. In today's sports entertainment world? Kind of. Quick, tell me the card without looking it up to the Elimination Chamber, which happened 8 months ago.

  32. Yep. That shit is insidious. I live in KS--let's just say folks out here are "enthusiastic" toward it.

  33. I didn't know the Republican National Convention was this year...

  34. I don't think I'll ever be able to take Sullivan seriously again after watching him gently falling asleep over and over throughout the shoot he did with Raven (And the Snake, maybe?).

  35. Krispy Kreme McDonaldOctober 14, 2013 at 12:00 PM

    shit, i cant tell you the Battleground card.

    but working your gimmick is not going to be mastered in 6-8 months, which is what i was implying.

  36. Yeah, I meant to respond to the original comment, not yours. I was agreeing with you!

  37. Fair enough, although fuck if I know how long it takes to legitimately develop a character like that, or at all.

    Plus, you have to take into consideration what would work in front of a small Florida audience versus a national one; in front of Dusty Rhodes versus in front of Triple H, etc.

  38. I'm pretty sure I could have a bad match against Kofi

  39. That's embarrassing, ECW in the late 90's would have easily sold that place out and they were considered more minor league than TNA.

  40. Yeah, the point stands that if they had just stayed the course they were on in 2005, they would be working in sold out 15,000 seat arenas today instead of you know working in 75% empty 5,000 seat sinkholes.

  41. Krispy Kreme McDonaldOctober 14, 2013 at 12:41 PM

    well lets take dusty and H for examples.

    Dusty was a money drawing tag heel in the 60-70s before flipping to a poor black man in the late 70-80s and really became a top guy (along with getting the book). we are talking 20 years of working territories.

    Now HHH had several character tweaks.

    im not gonna count the blue blood gimmick. im gonna start at DX HHH. from 97-2000 (ill say thats a safe bet when he became over in a money drawing sense) he had several changes to his character.

    not to mention the tweaks from 01-08 (when he stopped as a full time guy) thats 11 years total.

    and we are talking 6-8 months with the wyatt gimmick being "ages"? lets have a lil perspective.

  42. Actually, I meant to be agreeing with you in that last comment...

  43. Krispy Kreme McDonaldOctober 14, 2013 at 12:43 PM

    apologies, i took it wrong

  44. The Wyatts are the RTC. They're a midcard cult whose act will wear thin in time for want of a significant angle. They started out by taking out Kane, but that was clearly Kane in his aimless undercard form, not Kane the desperation headline guy. Now they're going after guys like Kofi and Miz without any clear motivation or consequence. It's exactly like the RTC feuding with Tazz and APA in order to fill everyone's feud cards rather than as the result of a well constructed story.
    Bray had the potential to be a new scary threat guy, like Mankind, but he hasn't done anything to really concern us yet (consider the Wyatt's intro feud with Kane vs. Mankinds debut assault on the Undertaker and you see where they've fallen short). I don't think the Wyatts are a lost cause yet, but if they want them to be perceived as an actual menace, they need to do something with them soon. It might help if they put them in an angle that clearly defined their purpose. I still don't get the point of Bray's promos or understand why they're attacking guys like Kofi and Miz, other than because they're heels and that's what heels do.

  45. The character is perfect IMO. It's developed. His in ring work needs some help. It's sort of wooden and all jerky.

  46. didn't he use the Wyatt character in FCW longer than that as well?

    Anyway, the wrestling isn't great, but the promos and other stuff still works. He just needs a good storyline. Maybe the plan was for Bryan to work with them after losing to Cena originally? (Before's Cena injury).

  47. I like the idea... but they've been so fumbled (like so many others) that something like an injury can completely derail any chance they had.

    See: D. Ziggler.

  48. You need to watch NXT. Bray can work.

  49. You are right about inferno matches but it is pretty tough to have a bad match against Kofi.

    Apparently we like different things. Kofi is mediocre-at-best.

  50. I'm a Wyatt Family mark but truthfully, if they had them in a concrete feud they'd look better. They brought in one of the best talkers today and a damn good worker and stuck him in a feud with Kane (who, without Daniel Bryan, reminded us that he's a C+ worker) with a blowoff match that doesn't lend itself to quality and then just let him float aimlessly.

  51. Good, not to wish injury on the guy, but get Wyatt in a better gimmick that isn't going to turn into Godwinns 3.0 or make him the third member of Tons of Funk.

    Because we all remember how much promise Tensai had when he came in...

  52. Charismatic e-Negro Jef VinsonOctober 14, 2013 at 1:41 PM

    I agree. Some of the house shows I've see them do in Jersey only had about 800 people but it was well lit and the acoustics made it seem like there were more people in the building then it actually was.

  53. Aren't they basically just the dungeon of doom 2.0? Big fat heels with weird evil gimmicks? What's the difference between the guy in the goat mask and the yeti?

  54. He then needs to work like he did in NXT then. He just bores the crowd in WWE

  55. Kofi is better than mediocre in the ring. That is a bit ridiculous

  56. That's because he's been given nothing but squash matches and an inferno match.

  57. If they cut Kofi tomorrow you'd be upset?

  58. Except the Godwinn's were never anything other than a comedy act and couldn't work that well.

    Tensai was over in Japan, Bray was over (nuclear over) in NXT. Apples and oranges.

  59. What does that have to do with anything?
    To answer your question, I would be a little upset, because it would make zero sense to cut him.

  60. Not for nothing, but getting over in developmental means nothing.

  61. You're right, just ask the Shield, Cena, Batista, Punk, Cesaro, Sandow, AJ, the Usos, and Sheamus.

  62. Just ask Conway, Dinsmore, Terkay, Hearthrobs, Jeter, Hall, Dupree, Kaval, Highlanders, Bashams, Burke, Tomko, Gallows, DiBiase Jr. and others how getting over in developmental meant nothing when they were called up.
    See, its a crapshoot, so it is not an accurate way to measure if a person can maintain that success on the main roster.

  63. They're cult-y country folk, a small band of whatever worshippers causing chaos. Not really the Dungeon of Doom, but Kevin Sullivan leading them would still probably make sense.

  64. The benefit of Wyatt being injured is he can still just send out Harper and Rowan to do his dirty work while he sits on his rocking chair in the aisle. Maybe he stays up at the top of the ramp, so as to not walk that far, but it still works.

    I really think I'd be less into the Wyatt family if I didn't love their entrance music. That's what hooks me more than anything. His promos have had minimal direct points, the matches are so-so and now that Kane is out, there's even less direction than there was the first month or so.

  65. I agree with you about the lack of feud hurting him, he is just beating on midcarders, but the act is falling apart once the bell rings. That needs to improve.

  66. Your comparison of Taker/Mankin and Kane/Wyatt is well made, and apt. I wonder how much of that has to do with Mick already being a more established worker at the time vs Wyatt being relatively green. Seems like there was less risk with putting Mankind in an extended feud with 'Taker. And, I'm guessing Jacobs wanted some time off. And...well, Kane/Wyatt wasn't exactly a great match. I never want to see "ring of fire" again unless it's a Johnny Cash video.

    I still have hope for the Wyatts. It's not often a guy gets me to mark out based on entrance and promos alone.

  67. I live in Oregon and it is the same way. Fucking sickening.

  68. And back then, they frequently beat South Park when South Park was the coolest, hippest show going. Compare that to now where RAW frequently loses to a show that consists of a few fat old guys sitting in a pawn shop which is the polar opposite of cool and hip.

  69. That's right, people tend to forget how the hot wrestling boom just happened to coinicide with the NFL being in a slump, both from a quality and ratings standpoint.
    Case in point: While 2000 ended up being WWE's best year ever from a quality, ratings and overall business standpoint, 2000 also just happened to be the NFL's worst year in the past four decades with declining attendance, a constant string of dull games and ratings being so far down the toilet that the NFL seriously thought that making Dennis Miller a commentator would turn things around.
    It wasn't until they relaxed the rules a little, started letting the more flamboyant players get more playtime and more of the spotlight and dumped Miller for the best possible replacement in John Madden that the NFL started turning things around in 2002, which just happened to coinicide with WWE getting in a slump that they are still on to this day.


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