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Last Minute Changes Backstage at RAW

Originally, the plan was for Cody & Goldust to win the Tag Team Titles at the Hell in a Cell PPV. The decision to change that for RAW was made just before the show went to air.

Credit Dave Meltzer, Wrestling Observer Radio

Bray Wyatt to Miss Four Weeks with Injury

As of now, Bray will not be wrestling on the PPV. However, if he does end up healing quicker, that could change.

Credit Dave Meltzer, Wrestling Observer Radio

Kayfabe Commentaries Releases "Breaking Kayfabe" with Marty Jannetty

Below is a link to the trailer. This guy needs a lot of help.


  1. Why the fuck would you want to watch a Marty Jannetty shoot at this point?

  2. I think it could have happened at Night of Champions, but i assume they want to do something different with Big Show then. Anyway, the odd random title change is fine.

  3. It was definitely hotshotting, I thought. It's ridiculous they didn't at least give it a week's build.

    But at a more troubling level, they're training people not to give a shit about PPVs, because why pay $54.95 when you're likely to get the knockout punch the next night on Raw and the title change for free the next week? With appearances from HBK (on both weeks!) and MR. BOB BACKLUND (the drawingest draw that ever drew, dammit!).

  4. Todays the 25th anniversary of Gibsons HR. Holy fuck do I feel old.

  5. There are a lot of wrestlers you could do that kind of DVD about, but Marty Jannetty really doesn't strike me as one of those wrestlers.

  6. Krispy Kreme McDonaldOctober 15, 2013 at 7:53 AM

    You, kind sir, are sadly mistaken.

    Breaking kayfabe is a great series.

  7. Krispy Kreme McDonaldOctober 15, 2013 at 7:54 AM

    Bayless did you get my email?

    secondly, marty for breaking kayfabe, sign me up.

  8. I might be a complete ‘mark’ or whatever you want to call me here, but if someone has been beaten by their parents, starved and then offered food for sexual favours at 5 years old (and been that hungry they considered doing it if they knew how) then it’s no wonder the guy is a complete fuck up, and I feel sorry for him.

    Don’t get me wrong, putting stuff in girl’s drinks is messed up and he deserves some kind of punishment for that but surely someone out there can pay to get his damn foot fixed. I really can’t believe how bad that looked.

  9. Just saw that.
    I will definitely answer that today.

  10. And why not. Judging by the trailer, a lot of horrible stuff happened to him as a child. The point of the series is to get to see why the person acts the way that they do, not just hear random wrestling stories. That trailer showed Marty in a way that no other format would have.

  11. I didn't mean to imply that it wasn't, just that I'm uncertain on whether Marty has an interesting enough story to tell to justify being the subject of an installment. Although I admit that, upon reflection, I really only know the rough sketches of all that's happened to him. I might actually give it a look. KC is pretty good about value, where price is concerned.

  12. True enough. I might actually give it a shot based on that trailer.

  13. Krispy Kreme McDonaldOctober 15, 2013 at 7:59 AM

    So check this out though...

    Why did i win in ESPN league 68-67?

    I thought I was done, i just checked to set my shit up for both leagues and i saw that i went over...

  14. Did you see the trailer?

  15. I doubt that it was the feud ender. I'd imagine the Shield will get a title shot at the next PPV. Maybe even a 3 way match with USOs

  16. Has Marty always had a Southern accent?

  17. Yeah, it was only a semi-payoff at best, essentially serving as Big Show's redemption for having knocked out Dusty. But it wouldn't surprise me if The Shield regained the belts, since I imagine the Rhodes Bros. will end up feuding (although am I alone in really not wanting to see them go in that direction?).

  18. Me too. The guy you went against had Malcolm Floyd, who is on IR, in the MNF game.
    We are now tied for first. I lost Julio Jones for the year and DeMarco Murray is hurt now too. Alshon Jeffrey would help me right now, that I know.

  19. You're not alone. But I don't know what purpose them feuding would be. Everyone was saying that one of them will turn, but we have so few faces and so many heels right now that it really wouldn't make sense to have a feud which would keep the Rhodes boys on their own.

  20. The Rhodes themselves want to have a feud. And a match at wrestlemania would be a good send off. I assume that Cody will win, and the family will 'reunite' at the end, and let Goldust retire for real on a high.

  21. Yeah, a main event of a tag belt title change is more than fine IMO. I think a successful defense at HIAC would cement them.

    The Shield are already well set and don't need the belts. I think it's time to try out either Rollins or Reigns for another belt. Put the IC belt on him and see how he does. Or start a program with Ambrose for the WHC. It's a shame that RVD didn't win as he would have been an interesting transition to Ambrose.


  22. Man, my ear for regional dialect is terrible.

  23. Krispy Kreme McDonaldOctober 15, 2013 at 8:12 AM

    all i know, is that its gonna take a miracle to win next week, dude has me +50 projected.

  24. Yup. Looks better than I thought it would.

  25. He hid it better when he was wrestling full-time but now, he doesn't even bother trying to hide it

  26. Yeah, I now have James Jones who is questionable to play as well. I might have to start Jermaine Gresham as my flex. Ugh.

  27. Krispy Kreme McDonaldOctober 15, 2013 at 8:15 AM

    AUstin Pettis for Willis Mcgahee, my run game is terrible.

  28. Which is strange, because Shawn is retired and is in Texas pretty much full-time, yet his old accent is hardly in evidence. I suppose you can always lose an accent, or cover it up for TV purposes, although I'm not sure why you would. Then again, I remember reading that Cena had more of a Boston accent than he does now, but he downplayed it a lot (though he did bring it back for a Cena-Rock promo in Boston, I believe).

  29. I definitely would if Murray was healthy. I forgot that Bernard is not on a bye this week so I can use McGahee as my flex.

  30. Krispy Kreme McDonaldOctober 15, 2013 at 8:18 AM

    argh... tryin to catch u slippin

  31. I did pick up Eddie Royal, who sucks, but he is going against Jacksonville next week so who knows.

  32. Krispy Kreme McDonaldOctober 15, 2013 at 8:21 AM

    the only kfc does i would not blindly recommend is wcw timelines.

    1. the guests are shitty
    2. you can tell sean is a wwf guy

  33. Krispy Kreme McDonaldOctober 15, 2013 at 8:22 AM

    they showed me something on mnf, but... im thinking rivers is gonna start using matthews more.

    it seems like he is holdin up this year

  34. Also, the 27th anniversary of Magnum TA's car wreck that ended his career

  35. It's fine, but there was no reason to do it quickly is my point. Kayfabe, you need to establish a close relationship and build to the jealous turn. (Though really, Dustin is 43. Being upset about Cody being more loved is a bit trite and lazy.)

    Two brothers that hate each other because they're different types of people is fine.

  36. Eh, I think when we get to the point of "it sucks that WWE put that awesome thing on their TV show" then we're just complaining for the sake of complaining. Not saying that's what you're doing here, but I dunno— they have three hours to fill every week, so I'm down with getting the occasional 5-star PPV-worthy title change every once in awhile.

    And after two great matches and the awesome backstory that Rhodes-Shield has so far, I think a Rhodes-Shield title defense, perhaps INSIDE A CELL, will definitely draw some buys for the PPV.

  37. Charismatic e-Negro Jef VinsonOctober 15, 2013 at 8:45 AM

    Cena Live in Florida, so I can see how he would lose it.

  38. Quickly?
    They are brothers and everyone has known it for years while Cody has been around. And if Goldust turns at Royal Rumble say, they have the 'Cody refuses to fight his brother story' until the PPV before Wrestlemania and then agrees for a WXXX match, that would be a perfectly decent build up and story.


  40. By Wrestlemania...sigh. I'm ok with a six month build. I would not be ok with a turn at HIAC. A rumble turn would be fine, though...I heard they want to feud, but...I don't know. I feel like it's unnecessary. I don't really want to see a feud between them.

  41. I wouldn't mind a little Attitude Era-esque booking with this feud, in the sense that maybe they trade the title back and forth between Rhodes and Shield a few times, before the Rhodes win it for good in some kind of gimmick match. Maybe a tag-ladder match at TLC.

    Then the Rhodes move on, hold the belt for a few months, drop it to the Wyatts or something and THEN you get a brother vs brother match at Mania, with Goldie putting over Cody and retiring.

    Anyway, all that could be fun. I really love where Rhodes-Shield is at right now though.

  42. Oh, I agree fully. But any chance to take a shot at that weaselly sniveling shit cannot be passed up.

  43. He is so the stereotype of the Northerner who moves south, the one who thinks he brought the sun and dug the beach. I LOVE hearing my native friends from CA, FL etc bitch about those people.

  44. Top comment on Jannetty trailer wants DDP to help Marty out. That's a nice thought, but DDP can't house and rehab everybody. I do hope Marty gets help, though. I REALLY hope the right people realize this is a cry for help.

  45. Your_Favourite_LoserOctober 15, 2013 at 10:03 AM

    BISCUIT brah, youre in St Louieeeeeeee right?

    did you go last night and experience the awesome?

  46. Your_Favourite_LoserOctober 15, 2013 at 10:03 AM

    taker has one too

  47. Your_Favourite_LoserOctober 15, 2013 at 10:05 AM

    i had extra crispy kfc over the weekend.


  48. Why should we care if people care about PPVs?

  49. Because if people don't care about the PPVs, business goes down. And when business goes down, Vince goes back to the same ol' same old.

    In essence, nothing changes, the same guys stay on top, WM continues to be stacked with part-timers, and younger guys keep jerking the curtain (if their matches don't get bumped altogether). It's alarmist, sure, but I don't think it's that far off to think that these things are all linked.

  50. I did not, as I had no idea the show was coming until last night. Either WWE didn't promote for anything or I live in a bubble. Probably both.

    In MY day, the TV shows had rundowns of when live events were coming to town! I admit I watch the Hulu version of Raw, but you'd think they could localize the ads so in case WWE were coming they could let people know.

  52. Your_Favourite_LoserOctober 15, 2013 at 11:20 AM

    since i watch on regular ol' cable, i always get the local spot months before tix go on sale and then all the way up to near the day of. i also have wwe in my ticketmaster subscription notifications, so i find out that way too. but yeah, you'd think your ip could be targeted for an ad

  53. Right on. I can't imagine how I would have turned out if I had that kind of upbringing. Maybe that's an excuse but its always interesting to consider.

  54. Amsterdam_Adam_CurryOctober 15, 2013 at 11:57 AM

    I read on another site that last night's Raw had pretty shitty attendance, though the baseball game probably has a lot to do with that.

  55. Good point. It's like if people complained about the Jericho/Benoit vs. Austin/HHH match being on TV.

    Also, YES, sign me up for the Cell re-match.

  56. Maybe Wyatt needs to go for a while anyway. Hopefully he heals up and can come back strong with some direction

  57. I think a lot of fans view everything through the lens of, "If I was running the company," so they're fixated on what's best for business instead of what's best for them as fans. Personally, I wish they would have title matches on free TV more often, at least for the secondary belts.

  58. It wouldn't make sense right now, but pretty soon you're going to have Cena, Sheamus, Kane, Mark Henry, Mysterio and (part-time) Undertaker back to balance out the babyface side.

  59. AARGH. Fired up the Hulu to watch last night's Raw, and it's sponsored by the Illinois Lottery. They obviously know what state I'm in. This is just WWE not paying attention to detail.

  60. TJ -

    Fuck the Scottrade Center. Last night's Raw came from St. Louis' Kiel Center. Corporate naming rights just kill good names.

  61. Your_Favourite_LoserOctober 15, 2013 at 6:31 PM

    names like 'dunkin donuts center' and '1-800-collect center' just baffle the mind.

    i'd like to think that if i had enugh money to sponsor a classic venue, i wouldnt change the name to 'the buttmunch fartknocker dillhole arena''


  63. Bray not wrestling for a month is a good thing since he's been terrible in the ring. When even Kofi can't get a good match out of you, you know you're pretty screwed.

    At this point, WWE should just book the Wyatts like the Ministry of Darkness and have them convert wrestlers to their faction. But unlike the Ministry they should only convert decent workers like Justin Gabriel to do the wrestling for them while Rowan and Harper play muscle and Bray lurks in the background as the leader.


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