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BoD Daily Update

RAW Rating Rises to 2.9

Hulk Hogan Remains a Free Agent has spoken to both TNA officials and Hogan's agent and have confirmed that there has not been a deal signed between TNA and Hogan.

Credit Mike Johnson,

Reason for Wade Barrett's Absence from Television

Wade is back in England due to problems with his work visa.

Kayfabe Commentaries Announces New Timeline Release with Bruno Sammartino

The DVD set will cover the entire 1960's of the WWWF.


  1. I'm honestly hoping Russo's can just give me laughs, and be a good reminder of why he sucks. I wonder why his YouShoot Live never made it onto DVD?

  2. That I came up with "Cena Wins LOL" as the most likely result is a sign of how bad WWE's made MITB look in the last couple years.

  3. If "it" = "graves for WWE's upper management & writers", I might agree.

  4. Memories of stuff that happened 50 years ago from a guy who made his living getting punched in the head.
    I'm sure that'll be enthralling.

  5. Oh yeah, watching it as an adult you can really see that Jessie was gay. Not that there's anything wrong with that.

  6. Friday the 13th Part 7 is known by fans as FriGay the 13th, due to most of the male cast, and a couple females being gay. None are gay on screen, and none were specifically chosen because they were gay... it just happened that way.

  7. Yeah I guess, you just don't expect to see that kind of subtext in a slasher movie. And it's all subtext (although overt subtext) so it wasn't "the point" as Jessie never actually comes out as gay or anything.

  8. I loved the whole Patty Duke Show thing they did. Awesome stuff.

  9. Because FUCK YOU, that's why!

  10. Not continuity per se, but I loved the graduation episode of Boy Meets World, where they showed Minkus. and he was like, "Oh, I've been in the part of the school you never go in."

  11. Yeah, that was funny too. Rosanne was a great show until the last two/three seasons when Rosanne just took full control and the entire show went batshit insane. I still love their Halloween episodes, they had fun with those.

  12. I'm going to disagree that they are fun horror movies. The first 8 are supposed to tell a story, and they do... not much continuity stuff bothers me there because, hey, different film makers, different makeup effects people, etc.

    But much like the Michael Meyers story changing where he needs to kill his family... Friday the 13th did that arc first with Jason Goes to Hell, the first New Line version of the series. So much stuff in that one, and the next three just bother me... like Jason all of a sudden being a spirit that can transport from body to body, or that he's afraid of water all of a sudden.

  13. I'm not saying I'm right but I always looked at it as the Empire over the 18 years or so had plunged all the planets into economical and technological downfall. When your planetary tax dollars go to building The Death Star(s), there's not much money left to upkeep the cities.

  14. I have a theory people in creative/writing of stuff like The Simpsons look down, at least to some degree, of hardcore fans, who can say, "But in season three..." So, I tend to believe that, even if they aren't intentionally saying' Fuck the fans", they're not exactly taking time to check the show's storyline history.

  15. They did that in the early seasons when Homer is a bodyguard for the voice of Itchy and Scratchy.

    "Why would a genius spend his time watching and analyzing a children's cartoon show?"

  16. I have always wanted to see that happen... there is no reason why the MitB cash in can't happen mid match... then they can have the original challenger win and transition into a feud with the new champ, or set up a triple threat.

  17. Maffew you should watch Linkara's (Atop the 4th Wall) episode on One More Day (it's his 200th episode special I believe). It's really good and fun to watch him just rip into the whole thing. He made a good point, Mary Jane should have been the one to get shot and dying. Then the whole thing wouldn't have been as stupid.

  18. This is also pretty terrible

  19. It is weird how Gabriel seems to be the only former Nexus guy on the roster that gets less use than its original leader. Even Slater has a regular gig as the go to comedy-Heel Jobber.

  20. Amsterdam_Adam_CurryOctober 16, 2013 at 3:41 PM

    I like his writing style, I haven't watched Raw in fuck knows how long though, so I can't say if I agree with the opinions or not.

  21. In all seriousness if Heel Hogan showed and just body slammed Big Show right in the middle of the ring, that would be awesome. Corporate Hogan would be perfect.

  22. Haha, seriously. If dude needs to have a review that exactly matches his feelings then...I don't know...write one yourself? Mears seemed to give up after one go so I'm sure Scott would allow another person to review the show.

  23. All the crap he's endured??

    Meaning that for the past 2 years, he's had one of the most solid and consistant pushes we've seen in ages?? Just because HHH gave him a cheap shot pedigree after a 25 minute match, where Daniel thought HHH was on his side, so he had zero reason to suspect a thing? I... I really don't get it!

  24. Yep, how DARE WWE make a big deal about their biggest draw making a return at the next PPV? I guess they hate money!! (oh wait, it actually makes perfect sense to hype the hell out of it)

  25. and ray "big bossman" traylor dragged his casket in a hurse which imo was the stupidest funniest moment in raw history!

  26. Exactly. The way I look at it is, compare now to 6 months ago. his current spot is 100 times better than it was back then. His early matches with HHH and Cena were just to show the crowd that he's got some potential and can at least hang with those guys a while. That's it, that's all.

  27. The Ghost of Faffner HallOctober 16, 2013 at 4:38 PM

    Speaking of Tunney, I remember the Apter mags really ripping into him when he refused to book Hogan-Warrior II because he didn't want them to battle each other past the point of exhaustion and do permanent damage to themselves and each other... and then he wouldn't suspend Earthquake when he kept injuring wrestlers because his general attitude was, "Meh--it's wrestling, people get hurt."

  28. What's funny is they did that One Moment in Time storyline that "explained" what happened in the rewritten storyline, and THAT ended up being what they should have done in the first place.

  29. The Ghost of Faffner HallOctober 16, 2013 at 4:43 PM

    I realize I'm leaving myself open for all sorts of mocking here, but the translation of the Harry Potter novels to the screen really started getting sloppy in the middle. Certain patronuses were never explained, characters weren't fleshed out, etc. The one that really got me though was that Lupin knew absolutely everything there was to know about the Marauder's Map, and Harry didn't even think to ask him why or how. (Of course those of us who read the book knew, but it was never mentioned in the movie.) He was just standing there watching Lupin pack up and leave, and I was practically screaming at my screen, "Why wont you ASK HIM???"

  30. Your_Favourite_LoserOctober 16, 2013 at 4:58 PM

    i knew there was some tension, but didnt know about her primadonna 'tude. it was actually her (on screen) 'tude that i think made her a better choice for the character for when she would stand up for things (esp. when standing up for will). she had the 'i can love you as much as i can kick your ass' thing going for her, while fake aunt viv always seemed too nice

  31. My favorite retcon was when Peter David came back to Hulk and had a storyline where Nightmare had been messing with Hulk's mind for years, thus basically saying everything that happened after David originally left was horseshit. Which it was.

    But comics and continuity are generally a trainwreck. Too many cooks in the kitchen. You have different writers, editorial, and now huge companies like Disney putting in their two cents.

    However I will say that DC's animated universe was fantastic. Great continuity that started in BTAS and lasted through JLU without getting convoluted.

    Wrestling is also awful with continuity but it is usually because the booker/writer just doesn't care enough. But every now and then you get a storyline with a multi-year payoff like Savage and Liz reuniting or Marty Jannety beating Michaels for the IC Title.

  32. This would be awesome if Hogan could still go.

  33. A tag team specialist.
    Specifically of the "unlikely duo" variety.

  34. Vince gets screwed by HHH and is out for like six months. Comes back.

    "Well if it isn't my son in law Hunter...the second greatest politician in THIS BUSINESS. Oh, but who's the first?"

    *Cue Real American*

  35. I don't know that there would be enough interest for me...considering there is just so little out there about pre-1970's wrestling.

  36. I'm pretty sure Hogan trying to pick up Show would be a nice career-ender.

  37. That might be its greatest advantage... so little out there now, here's a fair bit more.

    But there's potentially so many negatives... the trailer will be VERY telling on this one.

  38. It doesn't do much for me on paper. Bruno was champ for every one of those years, and the supporting players are unknown, or little known to me.
    I mean, don't get me wrong, if Bayless reviews it, I'll read it.

  39. It is probably true that Doc drained the gas tank, plus there is no guarantee that the gas tank was full, or even half-full, when Doc got there. But my first thought was along the space/time continuum lines. As soon as they begin to dig up the DeLorean, Marty and DeLorean #2 should vanish, because if the DeLorean isn't left buried, it's not there for Marty to find, so he never could have come back. Theoretically, as long as they intend to re-bury it after siphoning out the fuel, everything should continue as planned, but then we're getting into Bill & Ted territory, where if you just intend to go back and do something, it's already done. There could very well be a scene on a cutting room floor, or an early version of the script, where Marty suggests this and Doc either gives a time travel reason why it won't work, or says that he drained the fuel. Though if he did drain it, wouldn't he keep it around, just for the heck of it.

  40. Well Hogan did tear nearly every muscle in his back when he used the power of Hulkamania to hoist Andre the Giant 20 feet in the air before slamming him down to the canvas... at least that's according to Hulk himself!

  41. YankeesHoganTripleHFanOctober 16, 2013 at 5:40 PM

    For what its screen name is only partially to be an f**k you to the blog. I really wish Hogan would come home.

  42. "Hey Paul Wight, you're a nasty bastard and your momma said so!"

    Best quote of the entire Big Show/Big Bossman feud... well that and Bossman's poem:

    "It is with deep regret, and tears that are soaked
    I'm sorry to hear that your dad finally croaked
    He lived a full life on his own terms
    Soon he'll be buried and eaten by worms
    But if I could have a son as stupid as you
    I would wish for cancer so that I may die to
    So be brave and be strong
    Get your life back on track
    'Cause the old bastard's dead and he ain't never comin' back!"

    Seemed silly when I was younger but now looking back the whole feud was comedy gold.

  43. To Florida and retirement?



  45. I forgive Marvin Monroe because they never actually killed him. They were just like, "oh yeah, he died, remember?"

  46. The Dominion War = all out war

  47. The Becky thing was doubly bad because the actresses played the characters entirely differently. Becky #2 was a lot more mature and a lot less confrontational.

  48. The one that really bothered me was "Fresh Prince of Bel-Air" and to a smaller degree "Law & Order: Criminal Intent". Fresh Prince was forever recasting people in different roles, switching out characters, dropping storylines, or whatever they felt like doing. I still watched every week but it was annoying.

  49. That 90's show episode was about as bad as it can get. . . .

  50. Cena has lost to some weird fucking people.

    Sheamus in 2009 anyone?

  51. I believe Topanga's parents were played by three different set of actors/actresses, with entirely different personalities.

  52. To the New York Yankees? Are you telling me Hogan was originally suppose to be on the team before A-Rod?

  53. As I recall it was about nine months or so. . . Still why not just send another letter?

  54. I would think less of him if he WASN'T trying to put one over on the rubes...

  55. Well I'm sure they had plans to push Sheamus, so I'm sure that's why he went over in 09.

    Besides, that's no weirder than losing to Tensai on a random RAW.

  56. Your_Favourite_LoserOctober 16, 2013 at 6:56 PM

    when i was in high school, (early 90's) i was on a huge m*a*s*h kick, and my dad asked me how i would have ended it. not knowing anything about the bob newhart show, i answered that it could have ended with some big event happening, and then hawkeye waking up to find it was all a dream a dream, only to then get his draft notice

  57. Your_Favourite_LoserOctober 16, 2013 at 6:57 PM

    same thing happened with family matters. they had the 3rd kid (youngest, a daughter) who disappeared a some point, and then i think they always referred to having only two kids

  58. Game of thrones season 3 was too different from the book to enjoy. Of course after discovering Steven Erickson I wouldn't piss on asofai books to put out a fire

  59. Your_Favourite_LoserOctober 16, 2013 at 6:58 PM

    'Thank god for Dream Warriors being the next movie and putting the series back on the right track.'

    all cause of dokken, baby!

  60. Your_Favourite_LoserOctober 16, 2013 at 7:00 PM

    beck #1 was perfect for white trash. scrubs girl had too much class

  61. Your_Favourite_LoserOctober 16, 2013 at 7:02 PM

    continuity, and errors thereof

    explaining said errors

    marvel no-prize

    'nuff said

  62. Your_Favourite_LoserOctober 16, 2013 at 7:03 PM

    in part prob since hey filmed them at the same time

  63. Your_Favourite_LoserOctober 16, 2013 at 7:05 PM

    i always thought that the pic of doc accepting the award was too forced from the "committed" pic. i mean really, he looks like he's tied in some submission move while accepting the award!

  64. Also out of all the nerds here am I really the only one who read that malazan book of the fallen series? I've tossed out a lot of blatant references and never got a response. If you liked the George Martin books you'll go crazy for these. Asoiaf is like summerslam 2013 and that series is wm17. Plus Erickson actually finished his books.

  65. She ended up doing porn

  66. And "stories that make sense and/or go somewhere DO NOT MATTER.

  67. One of my favorite angles ever

  68. John Cena says there's no need for that kind of language - hustle, loyalty, respect, and help out your mom and dad by getting a job so you can help pay for school supplies.

  69. Hey Mr. Turner, wait up!

  70. Hogan should have taken a page out of Flair's book - sucking up gets you everywhere. Hulk Hogan barely gets any interest from WWE, likely because he's been such a pain in the asshole to work with over the years, but Ric Flair will find employment even if it's cutting Vince's grass.

  71. I read a theory on the Friday the 13th series that basically said each film is a campfire story someone is telling (similar to the opening of Part 2) so that's why he looks different each time and helps explain other continuity issues. I always kinda liked that idea.

  72. I'm really a fan of GL retcon about Hal/parallax issue,that opened a door to the whole war of light saga(that i'm finally reading).

  73. Two days in a row I agree with Dougie.

  74. Meekin, did you delete my comment about the death of blog otters?

  75. I do not have such powers, sir.


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