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BoD Daily Update

Update on Kane's Return
Kane is advertised to return on the 11/6 show in Columbia, SC. He is scheduled to team with Cody Rhodes and Goldust. Their opponents have not been named but the Shield are advertised for an overseas tour that same weekend so it is highly doubtful it will be against them

Credit Mike Johnson,

Rey Mysterio Returned to Action

Rey returned last night at a house show in Guadalajara, teaming with Sin Cara against Alberto Del Rio and Wade Barrett. It was Rey's first match since March.


WWE High on Xavier Woods

The company wants to bring up Woods, feeling that he is a good representative for the company due to the fact that he has his master's degree and is working on his doctorate. Woods wrestled as "Consequences Creed" in TNA from 2008-2010. He has been in Developmental for over three years.

Credit Dave Meltzer, Wrestling Observer Newsletter


  1. So Kane gets mauled by the Wyatts, disappears for months, finally comes back and...nothing's changed. Sounds about right for "Creative".
    On the plus side, if the Rhodeses keep the tag belts, it looks like it gives said Wyatts their first title program.

  2. Krispy Kreme McDonaldOctober 18, 2013 at 8:18 AM

    Bayless, did you get my latest email?

  3. Kane: So he'll have nothing/little to do with the Wyatts?
    Mysterio: Teaming with Sin Cara: Injuries R Us.
    Woods: Impressive. And if TNA died today, Magnus would make the WWE main roster in... late 2016/2017?

  4. You have to go through Developmental and learn to WWE...duh.

  5. I'd bet money Bryan's first feud as champ is against Kane. And its sad/hilarious that WWE is high on Woods because of PR instead of wrestling ability.

  6. Can't allow any "bad" habits to shine through on air...

  7. If Kane is there, these ads are hardly definitive, they'd probably be against The Wyatts.

  8. Is it 11/6? Did Kane come back and nothing has changed? Can I borrow your time machine?

  9. (Trying not to Bake this...)

    Unless Kane's brought back by the Rhodes to help against the Wyatts... and turns on the Rhodes (either right away or a few weeks down the road)... yes, nothing will have changed except for Kane getting a vacation.

  10. I just think you should wait until something actually happens before you start complaining about it.

  11. Mysterio & Sin Cara would work as one of HHH's mythical new tag team division. Feuding with los Matadores seems a natural, since we haven't really seen much lucha in a while in WWE.

    Kane & Rhodes Bros vs. the Wyatts seems plausible

    Never heard of Woods

  12. I did.

    It will be posted this afternoon.
    For some reason, my work computer cannot cut and paste with Disqus

  13. I'd angle the shit out of Bad Influence in NXT for a couple of months, just being huge assholes about all of it while wiping up the mat with the kids, maybe get some vignettes on Smackdown to pump up their credibility. Okay I just want as much Bad Influence as possible, and the clock is ticking.

  14. Does Kane need a direction?
    Let him wrestle the 'project of the month'. At his age, he doesn't have much upside.

  15. That is assuming they can get through even one match without one or both of them ending up back on the DL.

  16. "The Men Made of Glass" (however you say that in spanish)

  17. Los Hombres de Cristal

  18. So who will the superhero team that can't be hurt to fued with them? Funny enough, I figured out the twist in the first ten minutes of The Sixth Sense yet I was completely surprised by Unbreakable.

  19. I have a master's degree. Where's my contract and questionable FCW name?

  20. I kind of like the chance of a match that includes a Dusty project in the Wyatts against Dusty's boys being pretty awesome. And if it includes Kane trying to get some revenge, well he's had a pretty good run of enjoyable tag matches. I'm totally in.

  21. Easy there, Turbo...we're merely conjecturing. I've gone on record many times here saying I'm happy to eat my words & be proven wrong about stuff like this.

  22. No, you broke it in the future.

  23. Sin Cara could be repackaged as FRACTURA.

  24. I think you should go with a masked gimmick, as the Masked Reviewer. You go down to ringside and review matches via Twitter, trashing babyfaces.

    Eventually, you get pulled into the ring and display previously unknown wrestling skills and wind up having a feud with someone...let's say, Kofi Kingston. Your finisher consists of bashing your opponent with your iPad. The name of the move?

    The Write-off.

  25. By the way Fuj, off topic, but I've been meaning to ask do you have an address I can send things to you while you're overseas (Iraq? Afganistan?)? Figured I would send you some rasslin DVDs to help you pass the time. Let me know, my email:

  26. :: Sends you down to BoD developmental ::

  27. Wasn't that the name of IRS' finisher?

    Not that I mind ripping off Mike Rotunda. I still can't believe IRS got a Wrestlecrap induction. Yeah, I get that it was on the principle of a WRESTLING TAXMAN, but I thought the gimmick was successful enough to paint over the inherent absurdity of it.

  28. 4. Because fuck you; that's why.

    - WWE Creative

  29. Oh, fuck me...I think you're right. And here I thought I was being clever. Curse you, 90s Creative Team.

    And...he should have been inducted based on the fact that he wrestled with a tie on. Built in choking device. Anyone ever use it? I don't recall. I didn't watch much during that time.

  30. People used to grab him by the tie all the time, prompting Monsoon to practically go apoplectic about how utterly ridiculous it was to wrestle in a tie. I always got a huge kick out of that.

  31. Perfect. I miss Gorilla. Good use of the word "apoplectic," btw. I can hear him in my head.

  32. Clearly the finisher should be the -***** Star Frog Splash

  33. A Twitter-based finisher? The One-Forty. If used on Evan Bourne, or anyone who uses a 540 as their finisher, it puts them in the hospital for three months or 4500 Tweets, whichever comes first.

  34. The tie and glasses both got grief from Gorilla.

  35. Kane is coming back after filming See No Evil 2. The question is did Vince get the scene he originally wanted in the first movie put in.

  36. Don't forget Heenan always screaming that they had his tongue instead of the tie. Gawd, I miss Heenan/Monsoon on commentary, there is no one else better then they were.

  37. If they bring up Xavier Woods, a feud with Damien Sandow (assuming he's still a heel) would be natural. A real scholar versus pretentious bore feud makes sense.

  38. Meh, I think that a smarmy "smarter than you" type of gimmick is workable, but feuding over who's the more educated gets zero buys from me.

  39. LLOL

    (btw, I'm at work in a call center...nicely done)

  40. What was the scene Vince wanted to originally put in about? Kane getting his daughter pregnant or something?

  41. That's true. I've had several copyediting jobs that paid fairly well. Not sure tech writing is my bag though. But I'd be open to trying it.

  42. Something like that I can understand. If you're getting your Master's in a very narrow, specialized field of study like that, there isn't much else to do but teach. I just get confused by the people who get those sorts of degrees and then are not pursuing PhDs or certificates to teach at a lower level. That's really all those things are good for.

  43. Does he just walk over and fall on top of the guy, but sell it like he was shot in the stomach?

  44. It figures that Woods was getting a callup given how they were dropping his name on RAW last week. Looks like he'll even be given a semi-high profile spot when he's up, as he's the one organizing the petition to re-hire Big Show.

  45. Krispy Kreme McDonaldOctober 18, 2013 at 12:41 PM

    "Is there anything worse in wrestling right now than the word "abeyance"?"



  46. I've been a technical writer for 18 years -- being good at it has much more to do with project management skills, technical knowledge, and audience analysis than writing ability.

  47. Krispy Kreme McDonaldOctober 18, 2013 at 12:44 PM

    But the killer part of it all... You hate the term abeyence, but Its over. Its in wrestling lexicon now. And attribute that to Steph/HHH using the word to get heel heat.

    And you hate the term...


  48. Krispy Kreme McDonaldOctober 18, 2013 at 12:46 PM

    What if he knew what abeyance meant already?

  49. Krispy Kreme McDonaldOctober 18, 2013 at 12:47 PM

    I'm glad you brought that part of the post up.

    Scott totally no-sold that part. Maybe he was heading into work, I DONT KNOWWWW!

  50. After watching the "Best of the King of the Ring" on Netflix yesterday, a few questions:
    1. Why did WWE stop doing KOTR?
    2. If they brought back KOTR next year, who could benefit most from winning it?
    3. Pound-for-pound, has there been a bigger douche of a wrestling character than X-Pac? Even when he was a face, he still reeked of miserable.

  51. Krispy Kreme McDonaldOctober 18, 2013 at 12:53 PM

    You remember him in TNA?

    He wasn't that impressive to begin with.

  52. I thought they would have Kane come back as a brainwashed member of the Wyatt family. At least temporarily until some babyface helps him snap out of it and go back to normal (whatever that is for Kane). Hopefully they explain where he went, because having the Wyatt's drag him off and just leaving him backstage injured is pretty weak. Even if they tried to convert him and it didn't work, at least it has continuity with the storyline.

  53. Krispy Kreme McDonaldOctober 18, 2013 at 12:56 PM

    How about working in a tag, play Ricky Morton have the...

    "Hot Hashtag"

    You're welcome.

  54. Krispy Kreme McDonaldOctober 18, 2013 at 12:57 PM

    There is talks of Sandow is turning face, unfortunately

  55. Krispy Kreme McDonaldOctober 18, 2013 at 1:01 PM

    They never stopped, it just went back to being a show they can drag out of mothballs every other year. it stopped being a PPV because the concept was outdated (im spitballing)

    2. Are there any credible midcar heels? If not Cesaro, by proxy.

    3. I think Jeff Jarrett in the early TNA days was just insufferable,

  56. *GROAN* This is wrestling. The boss and the teacher (intellectual, whatev) are always villains.

  57. HHH and Steph are obviously trying to recreate the corporate magic of 1998-1999. That era had all of its Vince McMahon Corporate Catchphrases for Lawler to repeat a thousand times (remember "In the interest of fairness?")

    "Abeyance" is just what they are running with now.

  58. I still don't buy the outdated excuse. They're either too lazy or too incompetent to book a tournament properly. The same with a proper set of Survivor Series matches. If the build up was good enough then people would buy the PPV.

  59. It was awesome to hear Gorilla "literally" lose his mind over stuff like that.

  60. Jarrett was like a clone of 2003 HHH

  61. Krispy Kreme McDonaldOctober 18, 2013 at 1:47 PM

    at least hhh had the goodwill of 2000-2001 run to cover it up.

    jarrett up until his last run has been the very definition of bleh.

  62. There's a line of WWE 2 pack figures where the figures come with an accessory like a chair or ladder. The Sin Cara & Rey Mysterio 2 pack comes with an arm sling, which Sin Cara is wearing.

  63. I liked Jarrett in his last WCW run. Despite all the crap going on backstage/business-wise, I thought he was still playing his character well and was an entertaining heel.

  64. I don't think people get that Sandow is supposed to be a fraud. He uses big words and quotes history, but he's a Southie brawler with pretensions of Harvard.

  65. I loved the way he could just improv with the callers and turn her "hinder" comment against her. I miss this. Can you imagine heel Randy Orton trying this live? He couldn't do it.

    Lots of guys played themselves with the volume turned up. Nowadays it seems they are just themselves at regular volume.

    Speaking of Sunny, there's a great story told by X-Pac on Austin's most recent podcast about the "crap in the gym bag" prank. The beauty is in the details. (They cover Sable as well).

  66. How can ya not?

  67. The rumor is that Vince doesn't think tournaments sell well on PPV, since people don't want to spend money when they don't know what the "main event" (tournament finals) will be. In that sense, I can see his point.

    HOWEVER, if true, I think that's a very over-simplified explanation. Sure, people may not know what the finals will be, but there's no reason the company couldn't book one or two other big matches to off-set that. Or, at the very least, it's doubtful that a "KOR" tournament would do any WORSE than what most of their shows are doing now.

    Take last June's PPV, "Payback", for example: if they had kept the Cena/Ryback "Three Stages of Hell" match, and Punk's return against Jericho, I seriously doubt that using the rest of the guys on the card in a tournament would have hampered the buy-rate. If anything, it probably would have bumped it up. Maybe not much, but SOMETHING, right?

  68. I think it was suppose to be two or three feet long or something stupid like that.

  69. God, I HATED "The Sixth Sense". I couldn't understand how people DIDN'T see the twist coming a mile away after that first scene, and then the rest of the movie was so god-damned slow and boring. Not "methodical" or "tensely paced", just slow and boring. One of the most horribly overrated films ever.

    "Unbreakable" was great, though.

  70. Probably dumped him in the back of a van they got second hand from Samoa Joe's Ninja kidnappers.

  71. Celiac disease?

  72. "What's my line?"
    "There are no lines! It's improv!"

  73. Yeah, I always thought that was a BS reason. I always loved the King of the Ring PPVs, because there were so many possibilities. Same reason I was excited for WM4.

    Maybe there was too much backlash when the tournament results went tits up in a stupid direction (King Mabel? really?), but I would most likely pay for a renewed King of the Ring show.

  74. What? Is this a thing? I want some

  75. Wow, I already hate Xavier Woods because I'm already tired of hearing Cole mention that he's working on his PhD. I know it hasn't happened yet, but does anyone doubt how obnoxious this is going to be? What a stupid basis for a push. I heard Cassius Ohno never goes a day without brushing his teeth, isn't that worth something in terms of projecting a good image?

  76. Stranger in the AlpsOctober 18, 2013 at 10:00 PM

    You know what else is a thing? Deep fried Nutella.

  77. I was actually impressed when he did the shoot about fucking Chyna, and instead of being all "HAHAH WOAH I WAS ON DRUGS!" he's all "no way, she's the best sex ever, and I LOVED her giant clit!" Not a lot of guys would admit to that.

  78. I think another part of the issue of KOTR was that guys were wrestling more than one match a night, which probably made them REALLY sore afterwards, and possibly more-prone to injuries. It's probably why they switched from the Qualifiers being on TV to the Qualifiers AND the first round being on TV (which never made sense- what's the point of a Qualifier in that case, if it's just gonna be another TV match anyways?).
    Plus one guy gets hurt, and instead of having to quickly end a match, you're going to have to re-book the entire NEXT match as well! There's just more to it than a normal set of one-on-one matches, and it probably makes both wrestlers and bookers antsy.

    I miss the tourney too, though. I used to make my own brackets so I could look at them when wrestling wasn't on, and try to predict the outcomes of all the matches. There was quite a bit of suspense involved.

  79. I think Jeff is the perfect definition of the old Arn insult- "He couldn't draw flies with a mouthful of shit". Just the most boring wrestler in history, which DOZENS of failed pushes to his name. And yet every frickin' booker he's ever worked for has wanted to push him to the moon! What the shit does he have that nobody else has?!? At least his push under Jerry Jarrett makes nepotistic sense, as does the same push when Jerry worked for Vince. But then RUSSO fell in love with him, too, and we had to put up with him in WWF, WCW & TNA as well!

  80. I loved the Survivor Series 98 tournament. Russo booking at its finest hour.

  81. Sadly, WWE doesn't book feuds anymore based on how two characters conflict with each other.


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