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BoD Daily Update

WWE Network Update

This past Saturday, reported that they have heard from a few sources within the WWE that have stated the plan for the network's launch is in the first quarter of 2014. One person even told Dave Scherer that the planned date was February 24th, the day after the Elimination Chamber, but he did not hear that specific date from anyone else. Since that report, WWE has released a statement:

"As discussed on WWE's last earnings call, we continue to aggressively pursue the launch of a WWE Network in 2014 via traditional and non-traditional distribution models; however no launch date has been confirmed."

It should also be noted that the WWE has an Earnings Conference Call scheduled on 10/31 and there might be an update on the network then.

Credit Dave Scherer,

Hulk Hogan/TNA Update

According to reports backstage at Bound for Glory, there was no talk of an imminent return for Hulk Hogan.

Credit Mike Johnson, RAW Preview

Identity of Norv Fernum

Fernum, who was the wrestler that was defeated by Ethan Carter at the Bound For Glory PPV, was played by Peter Avalon of Pro Wrestling Guerrilla.

Credit Dave Meltzer,

Notes on Ethan Carter's Finishing Move

Carter, who uses the headlock DDT finisher that is currently used in the WWE by Dean Ambrose, actually used the move first in NXT when he wrestled as Derrick Bateman

Credit Dave Meltzer, Wrestling Observer Radio


  1. For the WWE Network to be successful at $10, they need to draw in a LOT more than the hardcore wrestling fan.

    24/7 is different because it costs them just about nothing to put some old shows up on-demand.

    A Network is whole different story. It's a pipe dream. It took the NFL almost a decade to make their network profitable.

    And they had a weekly NFL game to promote.

    WWE has...umm, PPVs that draw about 160,000 buys?

  2. They know people on message boards with the handle "WrestlingHero" would pay for it.

    But they also need about a million other people who aren't.

  3. You're not the only one who would take a minute to think about it.

  4. About to go TMZ on ya...

    If Punk wasn't a player, a cynical bastard with an almost nihlist attitude, and a jerk, this would be a fanboy wish of mine. Hopefully, she brings out the more optimistic side out of him. Phil Brooks better not hurt OUR AJ.

  5. Charismatic e-Negro Jef VinsonOctober 21, 2013 at 2:23 PM

    [Darth Vader]NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOooooooooooo!!!!!!!!!!![/Darth Vader]

  6. I wonder if right before sex he yells out "IT'S CLOBBERING TIME"!!!

  7. And people with the name "bignasty" wouldn't pay for it?

  8. Where does Punk even go from there? Trish is married and Stacy Kiebler probably isn't into wrestlers anymore.

  9. I'd pay $5-10 a month if they had a deep content catalog ala Netflix / Hulu. They don't have to have everything all at once, but make it far more substantial than 24/7. Maybe have 6 months of Raw /Smackdown available from 4-5 different time periods (New Generation, Attitude, Brand Split, Current). Feature 5-10 wrestlers a month and just have a ton of content on them (bios, matches, interviews, etc.) - maybe always have the top tier guys like Hogan, Bruno, Austin, Rock, Bret, etc. so that new fans can easily catch up on the most important history of the WWE, but rotate the midcarders.

  10. I'd put $20 on him landing one of them in the next three years, UNLESS AJ hooks him for good somehow. (No bet on that.)

  11. AJ seems like a player herself, so I'm not sure she even wants that.

    She probably just wants to use the bus...

  12. Fuck...well this might be AJ's last year in the company.

  13. They've been off and on several times now I thought.

  14. Stacy was involved with George Clooney. U think she's moved past wrestlers.

  15. He does. And Paul Heyman yells encouragement from bedside.

  16. I thought Straight Edge was against promiscuity or do short term commitments count?

  17. You're missing the point. They need CASUAL wrestling fans to watch for it to be successful.

    If you're commenting on a wrestling blog, you're not a casual fan.

    But I probably wouldn't pay for it. I stopped my 24/7 subscription about 2 years ago. The draw of a subscription model seems to be the "lesser PPVs" -- but I have no interest in those anyway.

  18. There are sixteen teams so there will definitely be some slim pickings at the end of this draft.


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