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BoD Daily Update

Chris Jericho Responds via Twitter to RAW's Closing Segment

AJ Styles vs. Bully Ray Again on Impact this Thursday

The rematch was ordered by Dixie Carter

New Jay Briscoe Promo

Luke Harper Getting Praise for his Work?

After the Wyatt Family's tag match against Kofi & Miz last night on RAW, Luke Harper was getting praise from those backstage.

Credit Mike Johnson,

Fan Column About his Experience at the "Bound for Glory" PPV

The column includes pictures from the event.


  1. Told y'all... Brody Lee can go!

  2. I remember him using a lot of innovative power moves in the indies. Last night, he looked the best he has by far in the WWE. Rowan stil needs work, however.

  3. Jericho: Just no-sell it already.

    Styles/Bully: "To those of you who paid for BfG, either at the arena or on PPV: Fuck you." Sincerely, Dixie Carter.

    Briscoe: (comment pending)

    Harper: "Good job carrying Rowan."

    BfG Fan: I just thought of something... Did Sabin climb the ladder to win Ultimate X? If so, a special "Fuck you." to TNA. Also, "Vince never interfered in a Wrestlemania world title match." Bull and Shit... he did that more than once. (16 and 17 being the obvious examples. The difference? Vince was OVER. Dixie is NOT.)

  4. "To those of you who paid for BfG, either at the arena or on PPV: Fuck you"

    All 20 of them?

  5. Nobody on this site anyway.

  6. YankeesHoganTripleHFanOctober 22, 2013 at 9:42 AM

    Work those smarks em.

  7. He honestly should get praise for his ring work... you know once it stops being total shit.

  8. Nearly everything in this post serves as a symposium on the stupidity of today's wrestling industry.

    If HHH has burned a bridge with any of the three men he name-checked in last night's promo, he's a self-aggrandizing moron. Like Dusty, Nash, and countless other wrestlers before him, you can't be on-camera while you have the book and expect to make any progress whatsoever. Before long, you simply become the bullshit all the flies orbit around.

    But even ignoring the (likely) possibility that Jericho is just working people with his tweet, there's still the stupidity of TNA putting the AJ/Bully rematch on the first Impact after BFG. Of course, it's not really like it matters what TNA puts on Thursday, but I don't know...can't you at least try to be a sensible wrestling company? I'm sincerely hoping it's just a swerve and AJ doesn't wrestle, because this storyline is nonsensical enough as it is without having AJ actually defending the world title without a contract.

    Also, while I love Jay Briscoe's promos, he strikes me as a Shane Douglas type, whose best promos would never fly on a national stage merely from the sheer amount of cursing involved. That said, this was one of his more subdued promos, and I loved it. When he's on fire, the dude is on FIRE. And he's still responsible for my favorite promo this year ("Come on, Nigel. Don't fucking do this to me, man!"), so yeah. Shame about his ridiculous tweets costing him a shot at WWE, but then, I just can't imagine they would have ever seriously done anything with him.

  9. From the BFG story:

    "I hate to use this example, but I don't think Vince McMahon ever interfered in a main event world title match at WrestleMania,"

    *Biggest Facepalm Ever*


  10. Yeah, there's a certain ...irony ? Self-justification? in people who refuse to pay for a PPV constantly complaining about how WWE and TNA keep ripping off paying customers.

  11. Why not? Most people weren't going to pay for them anyway.

  12. It makes them extremely angry when you point it out also.

  13. Yeah, glad I'm not the only one who said "Really" when he made that quip about Vince (interfered at Wrestlemania 15 too).

  14. I would say that Jericho might be trying to work us to some degree, but he's always been about doing what's right, having a keen sense of social justice. He realizes his limitations, but he'll still pick fights with guys like Goldberg or Nash to defend what he believes is right. I respect that from him. I also respect that even though he has an ego, he has never let it get in the way of "doing what's right for business."

    I just don't see HHH's point in using these worked shoot comments if they're mainly directed at hardcore fans on the internet...who never know what they're talking about because they've never been in the business...and are just a bunch of marks anyway so who cares about them, amirite? Oy.

    Nash and HHH are smart, personable guys, but they are guilty of hypocrisy when it comes to these things. And, who knows--maybe HHH is bitter that guys like Edge, RVD, and Jericho can be successful outside of wrestling in ways that The Chaperone never led him to. I don't know. We already know how bitter he is whenever he appears on documentaries covering The Rock and Austin while always sneaking in unnecessary cheap shots.

  15. Thanks 4wo4fonline for providing exactly zero context about the Jericho story for those of us that didn't watch. It's rare to find a site less informative than 411 we are.

  16. I disagree, I LOVED that gator roll. That's something to help him stand out. Jumpsuit Homeboy needs something like that as well.

  17. The HIAC match v. Big Dave
    The cage match with Flair, plus the LMS match
    His series with Umaga
    LMS v. Orton
    His series with Hardy.

    All good matches since 2004

  18. Different strokes for different folks but IMO those Orton matches were all bad. He did have good matches against hardy but that was all Jeff.

  19. He's the #3 wrestling heel in the entire world behind Orton and del rio

  20. That was not all Jeff. HHH was basically working heel, he was the one dictating the pace.

    The Orton matches were all bad except for the Last Man Standing at No Mercy 07.

    You're clearly just biased if you don't recognise any of those matches were good or chalk them up to carry jobs.

  21. Every time the internet reacts to a HHH promo with, "SEE! THATS WHAT THE IWC HAVE BEEN SAYING! HHH IS EVIL!" it's exactly what HHH and WWE wants. Triple H's new character has been exactly based on what smart fans have been saying about him for YEARS, and many of us are falling right into the trap.

    I'm not complaining, by the way. Anything WWE can do to bring a little bit of mark enjoyment of the show is worth it. As long as the heel gets what's coming to him at some point, it all works out. I have a feeling, Bryan is winning on Sunday for the payoff of this segment before it gets moved to whatever they have planned for Survivor Series through the Rumble.

  22. Anyone? Really? Scotty 2 Hotty?

  23. I'll give him the hardy matches and the flair matches. I didn't think the Batista hitc hit 4 stars and the Orton stuff was typical hhh failed epic match attempt shit. So he had a good match with the greatest ever and a guy who out Ricky mortoned Ricky Morton.

  24. Four stars is generally considered to be an excellent match. Three stars is good. If you want to argue excellent matches, I could do that too.

  25. You must be joking. He's not even #3 in the wwe. HHH is above him. Ryback is above him. Ambrose is part of a mid-card trio.

  26. Even still, reading the explanation up top, I was thinking to myself, "No way I go through all the trouble, I'd just email Scott and say, "Sorry, shit got screwy" and hoped it was better the following week.

    Dedication like that earns you points.

  27. He used to be great just like king. As long as Vince is producing the commentary its going to be the worst part about raw.

  28. Yeah but how do we even know that snopes isn't all bullshit?

  29. Its impossible to get straight news in america. Our media is just another form of entertainment today and its probably a big reason why our government is such bullshit. I try to read between the lines on anything I hear.

  30. So I don't believe in either party or any politician but I guess I'd be more liberal so I tried to embrace MSNBC but I can't believe they gave some fatso race baiting shit bag like al sharpton a show. So fuck every cable news outlet.

  31. Well I mean I go to snopes, read what they say, then link to their sources, etc. The thing is snopes actually posts real sources.

  32. Also I miss reading all the rampant racism and lebron vs Kobe trolling that took over every single ESPN comment section. And how pathetic is it that I can get indepth analysis of the bucks summer league or the use of the 3 point shot but theres zero serious news coverage on real issues.

  33. I thought we were done with blog otters.

  34. It is a good place to start.

  35. I'm waiting to hear back from someone and then I'll let the plan to disband the otter moniker unfold.

  36. Why not just get rid of it because it sucks

  37. Because I like it, and like that others don't like it. And if I get rid of it it'll be for a good cause!

  38. Plus, look at this lovable scamp:

  39. Its dumb but at least its an original thing he came up with.

  40. From what I read at the time Batista was already considering quitting and Trips getting the role helped him make up his mind. Of course there is no real way of knowing how true this is but I've never accepted Big Dave's usual explanation for quitting he gives in interviews in that he wasn't a fan of the PG direction WWE was beginning to take because WWE going PG wouldn't really effect Batista as an on-screen character in the slightest.

  41. It might sound strange, but TNA seems like a WAY better experience live than on TV.

    (Watching with almost no misses for over a year now, and attended a house show back in early August, with a Sabin/Roode main event.

    The house show was definitely worth the third row tickets for myself, my best friend, and my two younger (early teen) cousins. But their TV did a horrific job justifying a PPV buy this last cycle.)

  42. I think the news coverage is out there, it's just hard to find. The problem is that everything is about getting as many eyeballs on the page as possible for revenue. Honestly I'd say take a gander at your local publicly funded news sites like NPR or what not - sure they have a liberal bias or whatnot (not really insanely so), but at least they're in it to inform, not to provoke.

  43. Yeah, it's ridiculous how informative and descriptive they are of MMA even though 2/3 of their readers don't give two shits about MMA while they barely even include anything wrestling related and the wrestling articles themselves are usually either the latest New Japan news or the latest jab at TNA.
    Apparently no one told them that a wrestling news site is supposed to actually have wrestling news, what they're doing now would be like if the NFL Network devoted half of their schedule to coverage of the World Series.

  44. 15, I assume? I definitely remember 16-17.


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