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BoD Daily Update

WrestleMania 30 Rumblings

Right now, there are those in the WWE who are pitching the idea of having Randy Orton vs. CM Punk at WrestleMania. Also, Ryback expects to face Bill Goldberg, stating that since the "Goldberg" chants are bothering him, that he will have to face him and beat him. It should be noted that Ryback himself said this in the context of being asked about a article that compared him to Goldberg

Credit Dave Meltzer, Wrestling Observer Newsletter

Sheamus Update

Right now, there is no specific timetable for Sheamus to return. The belief is that it will happen at some point during the first quarter of 2014.

Credit Dave Meltzer, Wrestling Observer Newsletter

Goldust Update

Goldust has signed a short-term deal with the WWE

Credit Dave Meltzer, Wrestling Observer Newsletter

NXT Promo Classes Being Leaked Online

I found one that was from four months ago but they are still being leaked. Click on the link below to see the class.


  1. Ryback vs. Goldberg = $$$$$

    Orton vs. Punk = no buys

  2. I see what you did there.

  3. Ryback v Goldberg won't happen.
    If Punk gets a say in it, i very much doubt we will get Punk V Orton at Wrestlemania again.

  4. If that does happen to be the plan, wouldn't Punk be winning the Royal Rumble?

  5. Orton champion till W30??? If that is the case, Bryan would have to win it surely.

  6. WM30: New Orleans, prepare to be shit on.
    Sheamus: Well, Rumble Surprise #1 confirmed.
    Goldust: Fair enough, see if he can turn it into something better.
    NXT: That's cool.

  7. The Big E in the video is the Big E who should be on television.

  8. Yeah, this is just me guessing, but the only way Punk would work with Orton at WM would be to take the title off of him OR if it was the headline event. And I don't see either scenario happening.

    Does anyone know if Punk has legit beef with orton backstage. (Aside from the general sort of hatred he has for everyone not named Paul Heyman.)

  9. I still think Bryan is winning the Rumble then the belt at Mania but if Punk did face Orton for the belt at Mania, he would probably have to get the match by winning the Rumble.

  10. Goldberg ain't coming in, and we've seen Punk vs. Orton. Yippie!

  11. Exactly. They are wasting him. Losing on TV quickly after being off for several weeks proves that

  12. if goldberg comes in to do a job at WM... he will be getting PAID

  13. More than Brock? Because that's what it would probably take.

  14. yes, more than Brock.

    im not sayin he is worth more, but goldberg is a jew... he is gonna get the money

  15. Yeah, i assume that's the scenario suggested.
    I don't think Punk and Orton hate each other or anything. I don't think Punk really seems to argue with anyone except the writers and stuff when it comes to wrestling based things. As to behind the scenes animosity, that sort of thing seems to be a lot more professional between wrestlers nowadays.

  16. Well Orton-Punk was probably the best match at WM 27.

    Please just give Brock the belt at the Rumble...let's do Brock-Punk II at Wrestlemania. Everyone would be happy.

  17. I'm convinced he's going to get his repackaging soon and we'll all be happy.

    At least that's what I hope.

  18. They just brought him back with no buildup and he lost clean on TV. He cant be in their plans if that happened.

  19. Scream09_HartKillerOctober 3, 2013 at 9:31 AM

    If you don't post an update on Sheamus every couple of days I literally forget he exists.

  20. I think there are a few people 'ahead of the queue' before Big E gets a push...
    They so should have turned him face instead of Ziggler though. I think Big E needs to be in a tag team of some sort for a bit though. He's good, but not great as a wrestler.

  21. They just casually dropped his alliances with Dolph then AJ.

  22. Just sitting here waiting for the Dougie "meltzer sucks" comment...

  23. Well, he turned on Dolph, and feuded with him, so i'd say that wasn;t casual. The one with AJ was though

  24. Man, id mark out seeing Goldberg randomly spear Ryback at Raw, but a Ryback/Goldberg feud could be a disaster. Let Heyman do 95% of the work/build if they do that.

  25. Seeing that Goldust has signed only convinces me more that either him or Codys turning this Sunday to side with HHH. Ill take a Cody vs Dustin feud..

  26. I'm actually really down to see Bill Goldberg come back for a little run. I'm extremely curious as to how crowds will react to him and also how he will be booked.

  27. Your_Favourite_LoserOctober 3, 2013 at 10:23 AM

    apparently steph was pissed that dusty went 'off script' and made her talk to the hand during the segment

    seeing as how it only added to the whole thing and will make fans even more want to see what happens, i'd say it was... best for business

  28. Abosolutely, but i can't really see the match with Ryback being any good.

  29. Your_Favourite_LoserOctober 3, 2013 at 10:41 AM

    its a shameful thing, lobsterhead

  30. Your_Favourite_LoserOctober 3, 2013 at 10:43 AM

    'Well Orton-Punk was probably the best match at WM 27.'


    then again, that was the infamous polarizing 'charlie reneke' match

  31. I don't think he does. I thought he was cool with Orton. And I thought Punk was friendly with Hornswoggle, Kofi, and Daniel Bryan.

  32. If you're paying to Goldberg to come in and do a job at WrestleMania... he jobs to Brock.

    That being said, I do not care to ever see Goldberg again.

  33. Yeah, as someone who's Jewish that's a pretty obnoxious thing to say.

    Plus, do you think Goldberg negotiates the contract himself?

  34. There's only one way to book the Rumble this year... surprise entrant Brock Lesnar wins the whole fucking thing.

  35. Taker/HHH is good on the first watch, after that it sucks. Orton/Punk holds up.

  36. In Dougie's defense (and he's seemed to not be trolling lately) Meltzer cites an article from Not exactly insider dirt.

  37. How dare you defend Dougie! How dare you! You can take the troll away from the message board, but cant take the troll out of a person, plus Fuj posted a disturbing fact about dougie yesterday.

    I dont even disagree with everything dougie says about Meltzer. Meltzer, and most wrestling "reporting" annoys me. Like the "reports" from last year that said "Undertaker will work WM at this point, unless something changes."

    His criticisms of Meltzer annoy me since Meltzers by far the most respected journalist, and Meltzer generally breaks real news. Just because some stuff doesnt com to fruition, doesnt mean it was never discussed.

  38. What did Fuj point out yesterday?

    As for Meltzer, I think I've been open about my criticisms of him: mainly that I'm more bothered by people who report what Meltzer says as gospel.

  39. I cant do it justice, think its in the Cena thread from yesterday.

    I agree with you about Meltzers reports becoming gospel, but thats not his fault.

  40. It probably isn't a good thing that I had completely forgot Sheamus existed until reading this post.

  41. Why do Jews have such big noses? Because air is free.

    I be here all night.

  42. What would be even better is if they have Steve Austin be the special guest referee.. What could go wrong??

  43. omg... get the sand out of your vagina, it was a joke.

    Besides, I didnt know saying jews get money was a bad thing. Its not like I said

    "Watermelon Jones was out on chicken-eating patrol"

  44. Everyone?


  45. I said it was obnoxious, it didn't offend me, I'm not clutching my pearls. It's just a lazy stereotype. My grandfather passed it down to my mom who passed it down to me to spend our lives raging against that stereotype .

  46. If the fans have been chanting "Goldberg" his entire Ryback run, you dump a shit ton of money to Goldberg to have him come in and get beat to (hopefully) stop the Goldberg chants.

    You would want them to start chanting RYBACK.

    Not some guy who hasn't wrestled in North America since 04

  47. I'd rather have that stereotype than the black guy stereotypes any day.

  48. Why would they want the fans chanting the name of the HEEL in this scenario? Ryback's the bad guy, bullying people around with little consequence. Getting speared and jackhammered by Goldberg seems like sufficient comeuppance to me.

    Yes, I know, it sounds like backward reasoning to give the W to a guy who hasn't been full-time since the most shat-on match in WM history 10 years ago, but it'll get a good pop in the stadium and completes a storyline. Then you give Ryback a new angle and move on.

    Beating Goldberg won't quell the smarks chanting Goldberg at him, it'll likely just intensify it, so do the right thing by the story and move on.

  49. Hey, being Jewish is no cakewalk either. In high school, I was elected school treasurer. I didn't even run!

  50. I know Goldberg mentioned his kids wanting to watch him on TV, so I think he will give some good effort. It's kind of sad he was such a huge part of the Monday Night Wars and he has just turned into this bitter outsider.

  51. A couple of reasonings behind my proposal.

    All based if Goldberg was coming in to face Ryback.

    1. Its WM, they are gonna chant what they want. But they are presented with an opportunity to finally kill the Goldberg chants with a strong Ryback showing. Let me cite Rocky/HHH ladder match as SS 98. He won over the MSG crowd that night with a strong showing.

    2. They are chanting for the heel in this One off match because while he is a heel, he hasn't flaked on them and after WM, he will be staying around. As opposed to the part timer. They boo'ed The Rock last year. What do you think Goldberg would get?

    3. One thing, i have learned abt wrestling in my 25 plus years is that if you put over on TV long enough and strong enough, it will get over. Citing Randy Orton and HHH personally and various shit moves (people's elbow, Worm, 5 knuckle shuffle, et al) You put over Ryback beating GOLDBERG at WM in a convincing fashion, it'll kill all noise.

  52. I seriously was about to say that I hadn't noticed he was gone.

  53. Short to-camera promos ARE a great way to get guys over with less pressure (Jericho says in his book that he took every chance to hone his skills in WCW), but WWE has spent years ignoring it to the point its almost become a lost art. WWE got hung up on the idea of the 15-20 minute inring promo due to segments getting big ratings, but the Triple-H's of this world didn't realise you need a compelling story to give it direction aswell as charismatic people to stop them from becoming meandering and redundant as they go over stuff that could be covered in a fraction of the time (The Lesnar, J, Jonny Aces contract waffle after Extreme Rules 2012)

    If they see the value in this as training why not halves the opening chat and lend some weight to midcard feuds and character building?

  54. I think we're gonna have to agree to disagree here. I doubt Ryback beating Goldberg stops the Goldberg chants. At this point, they can completely repackage him as a cruiserweight and he'll still get the chants.

  55. That'd be Ok. If Bryan wins at Battleground, defends against Orton inside of the Cell. Survivor Series can be Bryan/Rhodes Boys Vs. Shield. TLC defends...against Reigns maybe? Loses the belt to Brock at the Rumble through HHH-terference and then feuds with HHH through til WM where he faces and beats HHH. (With Vince on Bryan's side)
    Not that HHH needs to be part of things, but since we know he will be.

  56. thats absolutely fair.

    im not 100% it would stop, but presented with scenario, it would be worth the shot.

  57. I don't know. If Goldust can still go, and he's looked good. I wouldn't mind seeing the brothers team up. If they wanted to have fun, they could even put the tag titles on them.

  58. You prefer women to think you have a smallish package?

  59. Has he ever had a memorable feud?


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