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BoD Daily Update

Vince McMahon Update

Originally, Vince was scheduled to return to WWE programming to start his feud against HHH at Survivor Series. However, there has been recent talks that suggest he will be returning sooner, perhaps as soon as next week's RAW.

Credit Bryan Alvarez, Figure Four Weekly Newsletter

Undertaker to Possibly Work Another PPV Besides WrestleMania?

Before his injury that occured as the result of being powerbombed by The Shield, Undertaker was supposed to team with Kane to face the Shield at SummerSlam. He had previously agreed to work a non-WrestleMania PPV this year. He met with HHH this past week and was presented with some ideas and depending on his health, may wrestle at either the Survivor Series or Royal Rumble PPV. He has recently been training at the Performace Center with his wife, Michelle McCool.
Credit Bryan Alvarez, Figure Four Weekly Newsletter

Big E Langston Update

The reason why Big E is floundering of late is believed to be due to the reason that his biggest supporter, John Cena, has not been around much to vouch for him due to his injury.

Credit Bryan Alvarez, Figure Four Weekly Newsletter

Damien Sandow MiTB Briefcase Plans

Originally, the plan for Sandow was to cash in the briefcase but lose his match. However, due to RVD's recent contract status, there is talk of him getting a brief run with the title.

Credit Bryan Alvarez, Figure Four Weekly Newsletter

WWE Signs Two From the Recent Performance Center Tryout

They signed Dylan Mile, a 25 year old male who is 6'3 and weighs 285 lbs. He apparently wowed everyone with his 37 inch vertical leap. They also signed Leah Van Dale, a former cheerleader for the New England Patriots and Los Angeles Lakers. Her father, Paul Van Dale, apparently did some enhancement work for the WWF in the 1990's. In regards to Eddie Edwards and Davey Richards, they have not been offered anything at this time and both men are currently not under contract with RoH.

Credit Mike Johnson,

Identity of "Ethan" from TNA Revealed

The identity of Ethan is Michael Hutter, who wrestled in the WWE as Derrick Bateman

Credit Mike Johnson,


  1. Vince: You hear that thud? That is the sound of Bryan's time on top being cut real short, for more As The McMahons Turn. Enjoy.

    UT: Just put him in the Rumble "early" (#12-15ish), let him get one deadwood killer run, and let his WM opponent eliminate him, cheaply if possible.

    Big E: WWE High is in session. Cena? (absent). Punk? "Bite Me." Bryan? "YES!" Orton? Orton? (teacher gets RKOed, then Orton shits in his bag.)

    Sandow: Estimated record with the title: 1-7.

    Performance: Vince's got his hand in the signings, I see.

    Ethan: Bet he's cheap(ish).

  2. Michelle Calloway, if we're literal.

    (Now I bet that's not her real first name, just to screw with me.)

  3. They have no idea what they are doing. More Undertaker and Vince is not what this company needs.

  4. I will say this... bringing out Taker for another appearance besides WM is a desparate move to drum up some buys.

    It just tells me that mgmt has diminishing faith in the guy(s) currently on top.

    Like Kbjone said, prepare for the FreeFall of Bryan.

    It's over.

    Back to the midcard you go.

    It sucks but the big shows are coming up and this guy isn't going to be factored in. I'm sure there are plenty of underneath guys who would love for the run Bryan has had, but he is so much better than how he is being used.

    SIDE NOTE: Why the fuck would you propose to one of the Bella twins? You can just tell they are nothing but rats at this point. They are "smash and dash" chicks. Cute as shit and I'd hit it, but never would wife them up.

  5. Raw had a very low rating Monday.

  6. AJ Styles was a cheerleader as well before breaking into wrestling.

    just sayin.

  7. Cheerleaders are quite athletic, and memorize very intricate athletic routines. Sounds like a good base to start from for a wrestler actually.

  8. Charismatic e-Negro Jef VinsonOctober 4, 2013 at 8:48 AM

    TNA should have kept Joey Ryan on as a manager or something.

  9. She seems like a hipster to me, who's marrying a vegan hipster looking guy.

  10. Charismatic e-Negro Jef VinsonOctober 4, 2013 at 8:53 AM

    I wonder how she would look if the WWE didn't push the whole "twins" thing with them? Will she be sitting around DBrys house with long uncombed hair like Janis Joplin? (Google it.)

  11. Stacy Keibler anyone?

    (I know, she wasn't a great "wrestler"... but she gets a pass on that.)

  12. Like anyone knows how either Bella twin is in real life.

    It's still real to you.

  13. Shame this corporate influence and obsession with short-term buyrates. Were Vince still private he could eat a year or two of less than stellar returns and build for the future. These cheap hotshot tricks like Undertaker and the Rock can't go on forever.

  14. I know a rat when I see one... or two...

  15. Big E is a John Cena guy. Has being pals with Cena helped anyone?

  16. Probably. Joplin was a hippie. But one of the cool, hard drinking hippies. I do not need to Google Janis Joplin, thank you very much.

  17. Also, why the fuck would they even consider giving Sandow the briefcase and having him cash in unsuccessfully? That would absolutely kill him dead, and with no benefit to ANYONE. I call bullshit on this one.

    The only way I see that happening is if Sandow unsuccessfully cashes in and then uses some other underhanded means to win the title like a week later. I guess that scenario gives some air of unpredictability to future cash-ins, but Sandow still has to get the belt right after or he's a forever-jobber.

    I get the need for an occasional failed cash-in, but that should be reserved for guys who are already made, like when Cena failed last year. Like, have Big Show win MITB and fail on the cash in. And then cry like a giant bitch! That'd be cool.

  18. Has Orton come a long way as a worker? We've seen him mash the Miz and have good matches with Daniel Bryan, Cody Rhodes, and Dustin Rhodes (all of whom are really, really good workers).

  19. With his two strikes I think it's just Cena and Punk. I think the WWE took a MASSIVE risk giving Daniel Bryan clean wins over Cena and Orton. Plus, Vince is supposedly a big fan of Daniel Bryan's.

  20. I'd argue Cena is Rock, Punk is Austin, and Bryan is HHH. Or more that Cena is Hogan, Punk is Savage, and Bryan is Bret Hart.

  21. What two strikes? That's a self imposed/ self enforced policy. They don't have to do shit if gets a 200th strike. If he's persona non grata its a built in-eexcuse to can him but if he's hot like he is now they are under no obligation to do anything if he gets a strike

  22. MITB is at its core a heel tactic, IMO. If anyone is going to lose a cash-in, it should be a face - have his rival come in and cause a DQ so the title doesn't change hands.

  23. If Randy Orton fails a third test and they do nothing they'll be crucified.

  24. By who? WON? The BoD? No media outlet in the world will know, or give a shit because its the wwe.

    Swagger got popped for a DUI and still got his mania match. If Orton gets a strike either no one will know or the wwe will ignore it. Its there own policy. They can change it or ignore it as they see fit

  25. It depends on what he gets popped for. If it's weed? No, it'll probably go unnoticed. But if he gets popped for PEDs again? You bet your ass that CNN will be covering that.

  26. Did they come back to a higher salary? If yes, than good for them. If no, then sure.

  27. I think what the sentiment is, mine included, is that they blew a chance to really cement Bryan as a tippy top guy. The win over Cena hasnt been mentioned since the night over Summerslam. He beat Orton in the least decisive way possible, and this storyline hasnt done him much good.

    If you extrapolate the way WWE books all their regular roster besides Cena and Punk, to Bryan, it translates to an Orton/ADR type of role - short runs with the title, headlining some shows, but never the main focus of the show. When Vince and Cena come back, watch how quickly the focus of the show shifts away from him.

  28. Oh yeah, though that scenario is exactly how Cena failed (Show came in, DQ), so I'd assume the next failed cash-in would be something different.

    A heel failing on a surprise cash-in could be pretty cool and would make the babyface look awesome, especially if the face is in the usual "beaten down after a tough match" scenario. The only problem is that it would completely cut that heel's balls off. Which is why it would have to be done using a veteran heel whose spot is already secure (or doesn't matter anymore.)

    OR you have a face win MITB, challenge the heel champion at a certain event ahead of time, and then straight up lose the match. Would make the heel champ look like a monster.

    In either of these scenarios, I'd propose Big Show be the guy who fails cashing in. Why? Cause fuck The Big Show, that's why.

  29. Charismatic e-Negro Jef VinsonOctober 4, 2013 at 1:30 PM

    "No one is gonna get over working with hhh. That's a death sentence."
    He's the IC Title on steroids. (pardon the pun.)

  30. Charismatic e-Negro Jef VinsonOctober 4, 2013 at 1:35 PM

    That is why I said "limited periods of time." Everything goes back to the status quo when Cena comes back.
    If DBry wasn't there, Punk could have easily filled that spot.

  31. Charismatic e-Negro Jef VinsonOctober 4, 2013 at 1:36 PM

    Who would be HHH in your analogy?

  32. Yea, Vince might like him as an act an all but I dont think management believes hes a tippy top guy. HHH is management so yea, I agree

  33. Adr=hhh 100%

    I love adr but in that analogy hes huntor

  34. I respectfully disagree with this. First off, again, they had Bryan go over Cena at their 2nd (or 3rd) biggest PPV of the year. 100% clean. Cena's been beaten clean, what, like 3-4 times in the past decade? And I'd say that win has actually been highlighted a very fair amount considering Cena hasn't been on TV in almost 2 months.

    1) Cena came out the next night to start Raw and as clearly as possible say that Bryan beat him. Bryan, came out, Cena handed him the mic and left. It was as close to a literal "passing of the torch" moment as you're gonna get.
    2) Again, Cena hasn't been on the show or part of the storyline, but Cole has repeatedly wedged in mention of Bryan beating Cena by saying "that's the same knee he used to defeat John Cena" many times when Bryan uses the knee finisher. Subtle, sure, but they have reinforced the Summerslam win.

    And the win over Orton at NOC was portrayed, at least by the "face" portion of WWE, as being pretty damn decisive. Bryan on several occasions noted how the fast count was meaningless because Orton was completely knocked out. And Cole, the face announcer, backed that up. That's a pretty decisively portrayed win to me. (Everything else is just heel tactics creating a reason for the rematch.)

    Most of all, I don't see where in the world one could argue that Bryan is being set up to be at ADR-level. Del Rio, WHC or not, has been completely portrayed as a midcarder who isn't expected to draw a penny. He loses cleanly, gets little mic time, and his matches wouldn't be asked to close a PPV even if the rest of the roster got lost in the woods. ADR has no gimmick, gets almost no crowd reaction, and WWE seems to be whatever about the whole thing. Why? Because he's a midcarder. And midcarders don't get to be one of 3-4 guys who've ever beaten John Cena clean.

    Again, I'm not saying they're going about it perfectly, or that in the end it'll work. But I still believe the goal of this is for Bryan to join Punk & Cena as an everyday tippy top headliner.

  35. I hear you, but well just agree to disagree. The reason Bryans in this role is because Cenas hurt, its not because management was like "this guy Bryan is a lock to headline ppvs for the next few years," it was probably more like "well this guy is red hot, lets get as much as we can out of it." Big difference in my opinion.

    I also think your down playing Del Rio. Hes headlined ppvs vs Cena, and been in some big spots.

  36. Yea, im with you


  38. Plus they're used to being ogled and potentially crippling themselves.

  39. Also, it's DUSTY RHODES. Certainly he's one of the guys who has carte blanche to say what he wants in promos.

  40. No I getcha. I'm sure if Daniel Bryan had the exact same charisma/ring-work/crowd-response/temperment as he does now PLUS being 6'4 280 we wouldn't be having this discussion. He'd be the champ.

    But at the same time I do think Vince values Bryan way more than people here are saying.

    As for Del Rio, man he's such an odd case. I mean, as it stands now he's been stripped completely of everything that made him unique in the first place (rich aristocrat, the cars, Ricardo, even the golden shower pyro), he never gets promo time, and yeah he's got the WHC but he's so obviously just another guy. His main event heel run in 2011 was a dud, his face turn in early 2013 was a dud, and now he's WHC but is he really any more over with fans than say Damien Sandow? If Wade Barrett came out next Monday with the WHC and the announcers said "From now on the part of Alberto Del Rio will be played by Wade Barrett" would anyone, in the crowd or the front office, even care?

  41. I agree, fuck Big show. I'm glad that he's the one to get castrated by the H's.

  42. They're a public company, all it takes is one whistleblower and uh oh

  43. Dude how many strikes does a Lindsay Lohan or rdj have? Those are public companies too. If-its not sports no one cares if you juice, drug etc

  44. +1 for sounding like Jerry Brisco

  45. Amsterdam_Adam_CurryOctober 4, 2013 at 4:56 PM

    No shit... Didin't know that.

  46. While it would kill Sandow, at the moment I absolutely believe he should fail on his cashin. He would be the worst WHC by far and that's with full knowledge that Jack Swagger held that title once.

    They just shouldn't have given it to him in the first place if he was going to lose every match and never look like a threat for 4 straight months.

  47. Colt Threadjack: As I listen to Randy Savage rap.....there's a damn lot of wrestling related music out there...yeesh

  48. Is there anything more played out in the WWE than Vince and Triple H feuding? Seriously, it's been happening on and off since 1998.

  49. CNN only covers wrestling when someone dies

  50. Big E better not get hurt or we'll never see him again even after he is cleared to wrestle.

  51. Amsterdam_Adam_CurryOctober 4, 2013 at 6:54 PM

    There's no way in hell CNN or any of the other major news networks would cover the story if they fired Orton for a 3rd strike. Presenting a wrestling company in a positive way (as in they instituted a drug policy and actually followed through with it)? Fuck that noise! I bet ESPN would at least mention it, though.

  52. Amsterdam_Adam_CurryOctober 4, 2013 at 6:56 PM

    Not only that, but he doesn't seem like a very cheerful guy.

  53. ESPN only covers wrestling when someone dies. Or TNA signs Pacman Jones

  54. Amsterdam_Adam_CurryOctober 4, 2013 at 7:22 PM

    You certainly wouldn't hear about it on SportsCenter, but I'm sure Douche of the Universe Skip Bayless would take the opportunity to bury wrestling. And you'd probably see a "Do you question a wrestling promotion firing it's world champ because he tested positive for steroids" segment on Highly Questionable, with LeBatard and Bomani discussing it in a somewhat intelligent manner (remember, HQ is really a comedy show). And of course you'd have Papi saying "Who cares, isn't it fixed anyway?" Papi is the shit.

  55. I would not think so.

  56. But who is Zach Ryder is this analogy?

  57. Didn't do jack for Trent Barreta.

  58. What stock exchange is Lindsay Lohan listed on?

  59. Yeah my bad. I forgot about all the yack shows they have. The only ones I watch are PTI and occasionally Sports Reporters, neither of which would mention it.

  60. He is not this generation's Bret Hart.

    Vince always went back to Bret when his prospects failed.

    Bryan can't keep the belt more than 24 hours.


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