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RVD Taking Time off After this Week

RVD will be finishing up his current WWE run at this week's TV Tapings. RVD's current contract allows him to work in 90-day intervals and he can take a break and return when he wants for another 90 days.

Credit Mike Johnson, RAW Preview

Current WWE Employee Films a Shoot Interview with RF Video

Steve Keirn, who is still under contract with WWE despite being removed as the President of the Developmental Program, filmed a three hour shoot this past weekend

Paul London Returning to RoH

He will face Roderick Strong at "Glory By Honor XI" on 10/26

Credit Mike Johnson,


  1. Ha! I love how Roddy has become rge guy who always wrestles the special guest!

    We Are Slideshows

  3. Raw: FF14 still has me. As does the hope that the Saints lead widens to 4 games over Atlanta. Vain hope, but why not?

    Keirn: Future Endeavors, here I come.

    London: Try not to get KTFO this time, 'kay?

  4. Now we will get behind the scenes stories on the vignettes of the Fabulous Ones in the gym.

  5. I'm thinking "the Authority" goes up another level tonight, probably taking everything out on the Rhodes and Big Show. It's time for someone else to be on the team though, the Shield can't wrestle every match, can they?

  6. Charismatic e-Negro Jef VinsonOctober 7, 2013 at 10:59 AM

    I wonder it the Shield gets punished in this scenario as well?

  7. "With Triple H & Stephanie McMahon’s carefully-constructed empire on the verge of collapse,"

    What? Do they even watch their own shows? One Shield loss and the empire is on the verge of collapse? Jesus christ this company lately.

  8. Well the WWE title situation is a mess (both in kayfabe and real life) and Big Show may be breaking free.

  9. That's just WWE trying to make it sound like they're in trouble so when they dominate the whole show tonight, they will have "rebounded". It's nWo booking.

  10. I think most of these poeple want to work as much as possible. And those that don't are afraid of losing their position if they take time off. RVD is a unique situation.
    And don't people complain all the time about part time performers?

  11. YankeesHoganTripleHFanOctober 7, 2013 at 12:37 PM

    Eh, I would rather he tell us what it was like to be Skinner.

  12. Based on Cesaro, Zayn, and Rollins I have a feeling Roddy is going to sign with the WWE and become my favorite wrestler ever. I think he's completely bland and mediocre in ROH, just nothing special. I wasn't a huge fan of Cesaro, Zayn, or Rollins in ROH but Roddy is a human 40 degree day.

  13. Really? *THAT* causes your blood to boil in anger as to how horrible WWE is in every way, shape or form?

    Not to single you out, but you sure go the extra mile to find ways to hate WWE. I don't claim to read every comment, but I have honest to god NEVER seen you say ANYTHING that was even close to remotely positive about WWE. I'm fascinated by that.

  14. You are the wind beneath my wings.

  15. Ummm... ok....

    But yep, i'd be curious as to if you truly believe that WWE has done ZERO right things in the past say, 12 months. Can you name 1 positive thing WWE has done? (without going the cop-out way of "they did so and so right, but then they screwed it up")? I'd love to hear one thing. Then i'll leave you alone.

    Or would that hurt your "cool factor" too much, as being negative is apparently the way to fit in here.

  16. I thought he was rather good in the bland face challenger role during the punk/dragon title runs. I mean, he doesn't bring any personality to the ring, but he's certainly competent. Sort of the Tommy Dreamer of ROH.

  17. Yep, I think it's Bret or Lance Storm that mentioned that some guys wouldn't know what to do with their free time, so it's best that they work year round.

    And yes. Yes they do. It's almost as if they show double standards in their complaining....

  18. You're giving him more credit than I would. I agree, he's a perfectly cromulent worker, he does most things well but nothing he does is great.

  19. Thank god Jimmy Hart replaced those stiffs

  20. At the most recent NXT house show I attended Steve Keirn was manning the concessions table. I bought a bag of M&Ms from him.

  21. Zayn and Rollins are different or improved so I'll give you that.

    Claudio wipes his ass with Antonio's body of work (and Cesaro has been gold)

  22. Anti-smark alert.

  23. I think it's less anti part timer, where they'd like it if everyone were part time, and more that it isn't fair some are forced to sacrifice full time just for the occasional part timer to steal their position.

    I don't agree with the criticisms, but I don't know that it's hypocritical

  24. And I will still complain about part-time performers.

    RVD should not be there. period.

  25. Hey, it's a legit question. A lot of negative people here, but most at least enjoy SOME things about wrestling. For him, it's 100% misery and negativity. He reminds me of those goth kids from South Park. Except his defense mechanism is "Troll" instead of "Conformist". :)

  26. That sounds about right for his talent level.

  27. But he's Skinner!


  29. A lot of guys who had drug problems said it for a lot worse when they were off the road. They had nothing to do at home

  30. Yeah, it's a fair point. Guys are probably afraid of losing their "spots" if they take time away. In terms of "part-timers", I do think there's a difference between Rock or Undertaker working a match or two a year, and guys who come and go for longer stretches (Jericho).

  31. I hope Vince doesn't catch wind of that Keirn shoot:

  32. Roderick Strong will certainly embiggen the match with that cromulent performance though.

  33. Of course the guys with drug problems are gonna say that because at home they're more likely to delve into drugs or whatever.

    But on the flip-side, what about the guys that don't do drugs? I get that guys like Cena and Bryan are hard workers and love their profession, but I think WWE needs to force them to take some time off every once in a while. They really shouldn't be working the level the work at every night a year with no breaks.

  34. He's terrible in RoH. Maybe Finley or Malenko can slap some psychology into him.

  35. I still enjoy his matches and the crowd still pops for the guy

  36. if you like him, thats cool.

    im in the boat of "anti-part timer"

    By that I mean No one. Rock. Jericho. RVD.

    I want Vince and company to hunker down and really take the downcycle seriously and make new stars and put them in the forefront.

    To me, there is no need for the Rock to be at WM in main events a decade later.

    No need for Brock making millions when you have studs on the sidelines getting paid peanuts.

    Yes the buyrates will tank, but if you put some people over strong enough they will come back up.

    But thats just me.


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