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BoD Saturday Night Thread

On tap for tonight:

MLB Playoffs
College Football
SNL with host Bruce Willis

Talk about anything else you want here too


  1. Who's the music act on SNL tonight?

  2. Bored man. Been off for 3 weeks and my gfs working tonight. Starting to go a little stir crazy. Bout to pour a little Stoli.



  4. Is that you Ricky Bobby?

  5. I wish......

    Watching NASCAR and College football as I wonder why I don't go to a bar and drink or something.

    Oh wait, I hate bars.

    God I need a woman

  6. I havent watched alot of baseball all year, but it seems like there have been some real awesone games the past week.

  7. I'm actually a fan of that new Roar song

  8. NASCAR fan as well. I so hate Matt Kenseth. Hoping Jeff and Kyle move up some in points. I like Jimmy enough but after that five in a row championship, I can do without him winning anymore for a while. Just got kinda boring, wanted him to put someone new over.

  9. I'm on my 3rd beer, watching the Sox game.

  10. I really like the second Wild Card. I didn't like it at first but it's leading to more meaningful games late in the year, and I like that there's an advantage to winning your division now.

  11. Yeah, staying in tonight myself as I feel like absolute shit. I already have a bad back as some of you know. Well I got a new recliner yesterday so today I had to move out the old one and take it to the dump. Even with a friend helping me out it still killed my back. I normally take Vic's for pain but after that I took a Perc from an old script I saved as well as a soma. So tonight I'm more pilled up than a wrestler.

  12. Stranger in the AlpsOctober 12, 2013 at 7:44 PM

    Me too. Anibal Sanchez appears to be "effectively wild".

  13. Yea man, I was kinda torn on it when they implemented it but really liked it after I saw they way it played out.

    Just getting another city involved and adding another elimination game makes it worthwild.

  14. Yea, hes thrown alot of pitches though. Gotta get into the pen

  15. How bout Tim McCarver calling Anibal Sanchez "Anna Belle" back in the 2nd inning? I can't stand McCarver and Buck, is this irrational? I feel that it is but I can't stop hating them.

  16. But who's side are you on?

  17. Stranger in the AlpsOctober 12, 2013 at 7:46 PM

    Sox fan since '83, my friend

  18. That strategy is going to be really handy against Scherzer and Verlander if they can pull it off

  19. Buck has a face I just want to punch for some reason. Like his announcing though. McCarver isnt entertaining but he adds alot of insight it seems.

    I wish theyd add a third guy just to freshen it up

  20. Good stuff! Same, technically - I was born in 82, apparently I was in the room as my Dad had a melt down in the 86 World Series.

  21. Stranger in the AlpsOctober 12, 2013 at 7:48 PM

    It's not irrational. However, McCarver is retiring after this season. So half our problems are solved.

  22. At least this is McCarver's last year. I don't even know if they are that bad or I just hate them that much

  23. Seems like Tigers middle relief is their weak spot. Its gonna bea tough series for Sox...theyll have to face Verlander/Sherzer 4 times if it goes 7

  24. And then you get fun situations like Tampa this year where they have to win 3 games just to get to get into the playoffs.

  25. Stranger in the AlpsOctober 12, 2013 at 7:49 PM

    I was 13 in '86. That shaped me into a bitter teen before Nirvana ever came around.

  26. I have a family friend whos neighbor was banging McCarver. Saw him driving through their neighbor hood a few times.

  27. I think any team with two dominate starting pitchers have to be the favorites. I think back to 2001 when the Diamondbacks had the Schilling/Johnson combo and rode them all the way to the title.

  28. I want some perks.

  29. This made me laugh really hard for some reason.

  30. Jeff somehow winning the title again would own so hard

  31. I don't even remember who the 3rd starter was. I think there was a big game he started and he lasted like 2 innings before they put Schilling or Johnson in.

  32. I want to rejoice but I have a feeling they will just find someone who is worse.

  33. Yea, I did also when they told me. It was so random. He looks fucking OLD without the tv makeup man.

  34. Man, I'm not even sure they had one. I think those guys were going on two days rest, or something crazy like that.

  35. Heh, my dad was actually at Shea Stadium for Game 7. Bought a couple of tickets from a scalper after Buckners error to see if the Mets would win.

  36. Throw it in a washing machine with some RIT dye and you're done.

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