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Chris Hero

What the hell is the deal with him, exactly? 
He's just this guy, you know?

Basically HHH doesn't think very much of him or his physique, and creative has nothing for him on the big stage, so there he is on NXT and that's probably where he's gonna stay.  I'm the last person to advocate better living through chemistry for these guys, but that's probably the only way he's gonna win a job at this point.


  1. 1. Is that a Hitchhikers guide reference? Because kudos.

    2. Is he super awesome in the ring? Can he cut a promo?

    3. It's a shame they went with Axel because Hero would have made a lot more sense in that role, assuming they talked about history and such. And assuming a yes answer for point number 2.

  2. Hitchhiker's Guide reference in the house.

  3. The problem I've had with Chris Hero in NXT is that he's trying to make his 'Young Knockout Kid' act from the independents work in the WWE environment but the gimmick only really worked in the independents because his strong-style brawling could be appreciated by smarter crowds in smaller arenas. It's doesn't really add any character depth vitally needed for WWE TV because why am I supposed to boo him as a heel? Because he wants to knock people out? But he's a wrestler so surely that's a good strategy and not a reason to boo him at all.

    He's far better off bringing back his sneaky goofy heel persona from his Sweet N Sour days in ROH. It was always a blast and is the sort of act that could slowly get him over as a face because of how entertaining he can be in that role. The only moment of his NXT work I've liked is a backstage segment between him and Ricky the Dragon Steamboat where he yells at the veteran, "What are you gonna do Dragon? Armdrag me?" It's a shame though because he has the charisma and skills, just a pity with his whole look. You would think being a tag team with Cesaro for all those years that he would have adopted some of Cesaro's workout routines!

  4. Hero was pretty much Punks equal in the early stages of their respective careers, the two would do hour draws on the indies and I think Joe said he ended up doing the same after jokingly suggesting they do "one of those stupid hour long matches" for their legendary first ROH title bout. Hero's stuff with Kingston in CZW was damn good too.

  5. The Sweet N Sour era was one of my favorite periods ever. I know there was some frustration because he was getting over more as a face than a heel, but it was awesome anyway. That stable/gimmick/whatever could have done some huge money in the big leagues.

  6. I really haven't seen him work, but to me he sounds like an indy for life kind of guy that is lucky to have gotten this far. Like he can do a lot of cool moves and can talk a little bt but just doesn't have anything that connects with people. Again I haven't seen much and could be way off base but that i what I get from what I hear.

  7. I think Hero is a lot like Cabana or Samoa Joe; they're act is never going to work in the WWE but they're still damn good wrestlers. All 3 would be better off in ROH or DGUSA/Evolve where they could do their work, be appreciated, and help the company grow into a viable alternative to WWE.

    I mean, I know WWE is the promised land, but we're all better off when there's a strong secondary company. If the current ROH had everyone back from TNA and the guys like Cabana, Pearce, and Hero, I think ROH could be what we want TNA to be. Some guys are just never going to fit into the WWE mold and that should be ok. There are enough of us out here who would gladly watch guys like that in a different, more workrate-focused promotion.

  8. Larry Sweeney was an awesome manager and would have fitted in well in WWE if it hadn't been for his problems outside of wrestling.

  9. He has charisma for days. He has more than enough to be over in the WWE, he just needs to use it instead of this Young KO Kid thing he's been so obsessed with.

    He's kinda a much more likable Austin Aries, only not quite a good a worker as Aries.

  10. Is he super awesome in the ring? Can he cut a promo?

    He's awesome in the ring, yes. Not super awesome like Punk, Bryan, or Aries, but he can hold his own.

    He can cut one Hell of a promo when he wants to. He has that Jericho ability to be a hilarious whiney heel.

  11. He'll never make it in WWE then, because honestly I would be skeptical if Aries would make it.

  12. Not to mention being saddled with the worst ring name ever kassius ohno. At least Chris hero is a cool name.

  13. That's just his NXT name though. Wasn't Roman Reigns named Likeau in NXT?

  14. Not really "saddled". Apparently the Kassius part (don't know about Ohno) at least was chosen by him since he's a fan of Muhammad Ali.

  15. No matter how many great wrestlers ROH will have, its production values are terrible and its PPV "technology" is bush league.

  16. Amsterdam_Adam_CurryOctober 21, 2013 at 10:06 AM

    I think the Ohno part is a reference to that Olympic speed skater guy.

  17. Every time I read the Triple H "indy guys have too many bad habits" comment I think of Chris Hero.

  18. Amsterdam_Adam_CurryOctober 21, 2013 at 10:12 AM

    This is a perfect example of why stripping a guy of everything that got him over on the indy circuit is stupid. The wannabe Hurricane gimmick (actually Helms was really a wannabe Hero, seeing as how Hero was doing the gimmick as far back as the late 90's) gave him something to stand out, especially among the kids. Now he's just some guy.

  19. and his bad habit is really "doesn't work out enough. dude doesn't seem to be out Jeffy Hardying the night away.

  20. Ive seen a little of his work, and while I dont see a future top level WWE guy, to think that he couldnt find a good mid level niche is laughable. Kofis never gonna be a top level guy but hes carved out a good niche as the happy mid level babyface geared for kids...makes WWE money and he gets a solid roster spot. Hero could at least do something like this.

  21. I think Cabana could have worked really well in WWE. His ROH stuff was very 'sports entertainment'

  22. I get the sense it is more than his lack of working out. I just get the sense that he is satisfied with his development as a wrestler and has nothing to learn. And while I don't think the entire roster need to look like fitness models and bodybuilders, he does need to look like he is at least trying to keep in shape. The guy looked out right flabby during his early NXT run. Yeah, not everyone has the genetics (or is smart in using chemical aid) to look like a fitness model but at least put some effort into it.

  23. Which is too bad. Jake Roberts was never in any sort of great shape, but his look and build isn't that dissimilar to Hero's. Would HHH have given one look to Roberts and said, "Pass"? (I'm not saying Hero is on Robert's level, just in terms of body shape.)

  24. I can still understand the concern for the physique, if nothing else. Let's not forget what happened with Braden Walker, as much as we may want to.

  25. As much as it pains me to say it but a lot of the WWF wrestlers of the past wouldn't make it to developmental due to their look.

  26. I think the issue with Hero is he didn't listen when he was told to do something by his employer.

  27. I don't think Cabana is really a good wrestler. Joe, definitely.

  28. ROH wasn't what you wanted it to be even when it did have all those guys. Why would it be any different if those guys came back? It is what it is - unless there's a massive investment from an outside source it's not going to rise above 'very good indy promotion'.

    And what's good for us as fans isn't always the same as what's good for guys who are trying to earn a living and support their family.

  29. As you can see, the real deal with _CHRIS HERO_ is that he's _A PROFESSIONAL WRESTLER SIGNED TO WORLD WRESTLING ENTERTAINMENT._
    He's in his early _30s,_ is unmarried, and currently resides in _FLORIDA_. Thanks for writing! We'll be right back.

  30. No. Roberts was a pretty big name pre-WWF. He'd get in without question.

  31. Echoing Greg Philips. Dude gets told to do something by his employer, doesn't do it and people think he should be elevated for it? Uh...okay...

  32. eh, we can't really prove that either way. and, I mean, once you get to a certain point, do you need to learn that much more? a lot of refinement seems to come as a result of just being in the ring.
    and yeah, the dude's not in the best shape, but then that's always been the case. I mean, hypothetically, if his chest were a bit bulkier, that'd probably help a ton with his look, but meh.

    Like, honestly, I don't really feel like "siding" either way in this scenario, I just think it's funny that the "bad habit" is "doesn't do enough squat thrusts," because the dude's cardio for in ring action is fine.

  33. Yeah, but how do you get a big name without the territories? TNA and ROH and NJPW is about it.

  34. I think HHHs big problem with Hero is he didn't make enough of an effort. When they suggested he should work out more to improve his physique, from the reports I saw, he didn't even try. Had he put forth the effort, even if it didn't wield great results, I don't think HHH would be as reluctant. When in NXT, I think the higher ups want the wrestlers to show signs that they really want this and working as hard as possible towards the goal of getting to the main roster.

  35. Yeah, Larry Sweeney was a lot of fun. Had a cool Jericho/Savage mix going on. Too bad his mental problems caught up with him.

  36. By being so good at what you do that people pay attention? I mean Bryan, Punk and Cesaro made it to the main roster because they worked at their all round games and appearance. Hero hasn't. It's The Rock concept; he was a green rookie, and he worked on his promos so when they turned him heel and gave him a shot he was so good they gave him more to do. He didn't shrug off requests from above.

  37. Yes. I mean Bryan and Punk were better Indy wrestlers, and had to learn WWE style. Now they're main eventing PPVs.

  38. I'm phrasing this poorly- I'm not trying to say the guy doesn't need to learn anything more, I'm curious if what he needs to learn is something you actively try to learn, or just something that comes from having matches. It's like, the way you learn to write in a certain style is just by writing in that style. is wrestling similar? I don't really know.

  39. If this is true, and I have no reaaon to doubt you, and is the reason why HHH isnt high on him, I cant really fault him. If you have a certain amount of roster spots that alot of people are fighting for, then ignoring suggestions or advice fron management isn't probably the best career move.

  40. they gave him a internet show which sucked donkey dicks.

  41. It was pretty much his physique, he had put on a lot of weight in the spring and was told to work out more and then pulled from all NXT tapings for months. He has just returned to NXT tapings and his physique has improved dramatically and I think he will get the call at some point since he did take the steps to get in shape instead of just quitting.

  42. Serious question. Have you ever actually seen Chris Hero? Wannabe Hurricane? What?

  43. Not an omage to the great Sonny Onoo?

  44. But Hero has a better look than Aries does.

  45. Samoa Joe would be HUGE in WWE. If he got back down to about 280 he'd be massively over in the WWE.

  46. I don't think that HHH has a hardon for muscle-heads, he's supposedly always been high on Bray Wyatt and some other guys who are escaping me.

  47. THIS. I think it's less, "oh, he doesn't have the physique we want" and more, "he's not willing to work to get the physique we want." Again, this is all rumor and innuendo from Meltzer but didn't HHH hope that Hero would start hitting the performance center gym more? I think it's the lack of apparent effort.

  48. Which brings a point to bear. How great are the names Dean Ambrose, Seth Rollins, and Roman Reigns?

    Lets see the Fink test

    WWE Champion...Roman Reigns! (Pass)
    WWE Champion...Dean Ambrose! (Possible)
    WWE Champion...Seth Rollins! (Possible)

  49. I don't think he needs to learn anything technically, but the ones who get to the top adapt to the WWE style. That's look, promos, style of wrestling etc. And unless you're as good at promos as Roberts, wrestling as Bret Hart, or riding a tidal wave of momentum like Austin, you have to do what THEY ask.

  50. oh, yea, I'm not disagreeing with any of the stuff after that first statement, I was just saying, his technical skills are fine, and the wwe style is probably something that comes with time working in that style.

    I honestly do not care about any dispute between him and the company- there's enough wrestlers just as good as him that I'm not bummed he's not going higher and I don't feel some sense of outrage at a company doing whatever with the people it's chosen to hire, as long as it's safe.

    Unrelated question, but do we have any idea on what someone like Hero's making in NXT?

  51. Ohno also passes this test.

  52. A great gimmick for Joe in WWE would be the Indy killer. HHH brings him to murder guys like Punk and Bryan.

  53. Even further back, remember when Eugene came back to face Miz in his Calgary Kid outfit? Remember how fat and out of shape Eugene looked?

    Even further back, Chris Jericho comes into WWE somewhat hesitant to put in a huge effort because of how overlooked he was in WCW, and he went from debuting in a promo against the Rock to being on the Summerslam card in a promo against against the Road Dogg.

  54. I think Ziggler passes the test.

  55. you mean "is taller and has more hair," right? like, the way we usually use Look tends to relate mostly to musculature and "looking like an athlete" and then height. Aries is roughly four feet tall with T-rex arms, but the dude has a great look within that parameter- probably better than D-bry and punk.
    Hero doesn't really have a whole lot of muscle tone.

    It doesn't really bother me and I kinda feel like they might as well just use him as a tag team wrestler and let him wear shirts and pants instead of just leaving him in NXT since he can apparently go, but his look isn't that great.

  56. I wonder if a balding, bleach blonde, with yellow gear and big arms but no abs would make it today.

    Or, while we're at it, a tag team of similarly built guys in spiked leather and face paint.

  57. Exactly. If your boss tells you to do something and you refuse, would you expect to get rewarded?

  58. Holy shit was he out of shape. I think they want to prevent that happening again. And that is a good thing.

  59. Wait. How do they throw Steph in this more? She has to be mugging the camera with her bad acting every 15 minutes

  60. Vince might be more inclined to get with Hero if Vince were to first drop the zero (the identity of this alleged zero is open for speculation)?

  61. The fact that they have possibly the best tag team in the world split up and claim that they have nothing creatively for one half of that team shows why the WWE is incompetent ...

  62. Yeah, I know it was awesome - but they were still just the premier indy in the country And a 'solid company' owning them and/or a TV deal is what I mean by 'a massive investment from an outside source'.

  63. Yeah, but think of it like a movie role - they know what they're trying to cast, if he doesn't have the look he's not getting the role. Paul Giamatti might be a better actor than Ben Affleck but he's not playing Batman.

  64. I don't buy it either - nobody wants to be Hurricane.

  65. Maybe a bit less than he made in ROH, but it's guaranteed money.

  66. Big Dick McGillicuttyOctober 22, 2013 at 2:36 AM

    I don't know if it was you or somebody else who mentioned this, but Joe also has ties with both Punk and Cena. On top of that, WWE know full well that he can more than hold his own with someone like Kurt Angle.

    Unless he can squeeze a run in with WWE now, he really wasted his time in TNA.

  67. I think I've mentioned it in the past. I don't know Joe's contract status but other than the rumor that he was supposed to be Umaga I've never heard any Joe-to-WWE rumors. I'd be interested to see Joe have a go in the WWE. It's easy to forget because he was really, really good from a young age but he's only 34.

  68. Krispy Kreme McDonaldOctober 22, 2013 at 7:35 AM


  69. I thought standard developmental deals were around $35-40K jobs.


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