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Cucch's Book Review: The Hardcore Truth

Will SOMEONE get this guy a WrestleMania payday?

I have to admit...I was never a real big Bob Holly fan. Sure, he was a good hand, but that is where it ends. He was never really a good talker, never had what one would call a classic match, never had that one angle that made him into a super duper star. On the other end, he was a very good worker, a solid character. Holly was never a guy I really looked at in a positive or negative light. To quote Bill Parcells, he was a JAG, just another guy. So I was SHOCKED when everyone started giving this book glowing praise. I mean, to me, it seemed like buying George South's biography. Not that there is anything wrong with George South, I just mean that he was more or less a jobber and he wrote a book. That was my prevailing wisdom with Holly's book.

Boy was I wrong.

Holly's memoir is easily the best wrestling book to come out in the last two or three years. Yes, damning with faint praise, but the praise is far from faint here. This is a GREAT book. The real life Bob Howard is a much more engaging persona than wrestling's Bob Holly.

Some on the site have said I should focus on the book and less biography, so I am doing so here. Bob Howard was born in....kidding, kidding. The book clocks in at about 360 pages, and has some damn entertaining stories. You learn about Bob's single parent upbringing in California and Oregon, which led him to discover pro wrestling from both of those markets in the 70's and 80's. As Bob grew older, he also found the NWA and WWF, and his favorite wrestler back then was Bret Hart, of all people. Gets an A in my book right there. He worked some menial jobs in order to put food on the table for his daughter and a few girlfriends and wives, including welding and driving stock cars. But his passion remained pro wrestling, and in the 1980's, wrestling was still heavily kayfabed, so he had a tough time finding someone to train him. Eventually, a guy who worked with him had a connection to a gentlemen by the gimmick name of Marcel Pringle, storyline brother of Percival Pringle, and Marcel, after constant badgering by Bob, agreed to take him as a student. Bob worked off and on in Southern territories for a few years, including SMW. He has some really hilarious negative shit to say about Jerry and Jeff Jarrett, and that alone makes the book worth reading. He pulls not a punch talking about the way Jeff was pushed everywhere he went and how abysmal the Jerry Jarrett payoffs were. Funny shit to say the least.

Bob grew weary of the shit-all wrestling payoffs, as he was working his ass of by night as a wrestler and by day as a tig welder. And welding paid a hell of a lot better. Plus, he was racing cars on the official circuit. So he left rasslin behind and focused on his other hobbies. Eventually though, he got THE call, from the WWF. Bob still had wrestling coursing (blame spellcheck) through his veins, and he said yes to them, expecting to make big money from the #1 wrestling company in the world. Then the shit hit the fan.

WWF was impressed with the young (he was over 30 when hired) upstarts racing he became Thurman "Sparky" Plugg. Get it? Spark Plug? STP? Truly genius shit. Bob languished around the mid card for a good amount of time, but he describes this period quite candidly. Because when Bob started in WWF, he was starting right in the middle of the "Clique Era."

This is where the shit gets good, shit gets real. Bob absolutely UNLOADS on them, and it is magnificent and THE reason why to read this thing. I have stated my opinions on all of those scumfucks before, so I am keeping my opinions out of it. Just read the book. Bob also derides his favorite worker (and mine) Bret Hart for being to...full of himself is I think the best way to put it. Listen, I will defend Bret until the day I die, but even I can realize he took himself entirely too seriously. Bob basically says that, as well as that Bret was a great guy. HBK? Total dick. But Bob ALSO says that Shawn is the greatest in ring performer who ever lived. That pretty much sums up the book in a nutshell...Bob will call someone out for being an asshole, but if their work was up to snuff, or if Bob himself was wrong in a situation, he will acknowledge it. 

Well, with one exception: the bane of Bob Holly's existence: one Mr. HHH.

Holly says HHH is a great worker with a great mind for the business ad nauseum. That said, he just absolutely UNLOADS on the guy throughout the book. It is truly epic to those who HHHate that man. It is one thing for us online smart asses to hate on him and have HHHim dismiss about a colleague? Holly just crushes him, and it makes for fantastic reading. However, there is one chapter that is even better.

That chapter is on Chris Benoit. Holly was a longtime employee of the E, so you get individual chapters devoted to all the hot button points: Eddy, Crash, Owen, Brawl For All. But none hit as hard as Benoit, to this reader. It makes sense to me that Holly would be close to Benoit...both guys were tough nosed no nonsense competitors who made you earn your pay every night. Now, while Holly was damned good at it, Benoit was transcendent, I will give you that. Benoit was otherworldly. But Holly was good as well. Stiff as shit. Benoit and Holly both got scripts from Dr. Astin, and Holly MAY have been the last person to talk to Chris before he committed his abominable acts that June 2007 weekend. It sure sounds like it reading the book. Holly was supposed to spend that weekend there with Chris, but got sidetracked. He called Chris that Friday morning and Chris told him he had just been to the docs office. Holly was supposed to show up the night before on a layover, but he figured Benoit needed some quality family time, so he just checked into a hotel so as not to intrude. He called Benoit up the next day, Friday, and Benoit chewed him out, saying Nancy was acting "like Hitler" and that, even with all the stress, drama, and wear and tear, and the considerate nature Holly bowed out of everything, that he still should have stopped by. It boggles my mind that, between reading Jericho's "Undisputed" and this book what may not have happened that tragic June weekend. Get the book just for this chapter.

Bob also relates the Brock neck injury, the Angle moonsault fail, and a bunch of other shit. His main gripe is not the injuries, but his lack of pay. HOW LONG was Bob Holly with the WWF/E? He was a solid hand for many, MANY years. How many WrestleManias did this guy appear in? He got scratched from his first Mania (10) because the epic ladder match went long. He ended up winning at Mania 2000 because of a timing snafu. Mania 15 was a clusterfuck of epic proportions. How many times did a loyal employee like Bob Howard end up on the biggest payday event his company provided?

Bob also relates what he considers his greatest match ever...the match with RVD on the newly minted Tuesday ECW show. The one where he tears his back up on the table spot. He loves RVD, among others, and just loves that match. And it is a good one. WWE doctors wanted to end it, but Holly refused. It ended up being an entirely memorable affair, one talked about by many aficionados to this day.

"The Hardcore Truth" is possibly the best wrestling bio to come out over the last five years. It is thouroughly engaging and well worth the money to buy it. It gets my ****1/2 rating, so to speak. Go out, seek out, find, BUY.

And Steve Blackman is the toughest man to ever walk the planet...


  1. Very nice. Makes me want to order this.

  2. Hey, I know plenty of guys here are going to chew you out just to stroke their own ego but thank you for this. Believe or not, I was very much looking forward to your review and after reading it, I'm buying that fucking book!

    Seriously, keep at it because you're a good writer. One thing that bewilders me is how everyone claims to have spoken to Benoit last. From Jericho, to Chavo, to Holly, I'm not sure if I get it. I might be mistaken here but I think Jericho and Benoit were going to meet up with their kids around that time? Then you have Holly saying that he was suppose to meet up with Benoit. Then Chavo claiming that he and Benoit were texting each other and they were suppose to meet up. He clearly wasn't alone and far part from his peers. Perhaps this was a freak accident that totally went wrong and Benoit couldn't be able to live with himself. I dunno, but thanks again for the review, dude.

  3. I interviewed Holly briefly for WrestleCrap back in March (something RD helped set up, since he and Holly used the same publisher for their books), and he was as genuinely nice and honest as the book makes him out to be (and the antithesis of how the IWC portrayed him for years). One of the most pleasant surprises I've read in quite some time. You never feel like Holly's lying to protect or self-inflate. If you combine truth with entertaining stories, plus years of experience to draw from, it's a win.

  4. Every Holly interview that I have heard or read has him defending himself in every opportunity that he gets. Seems like he's trying to restore his image as NOT the asshole that the media has always portrayed him to be.




  6. He's not a good writer. But the recap is enough to make me seek out the book, so I suppose he succeeded on some level.

  7. Disagreed. His stuff has gotten better

  8. You kill me with your hate of a group of guys that you never met. Even here you say "I'm going to leav my opinions out of it" before going on about how they are scumfucks and what not. Way to be above it all there buddy.

    On top of that you say "you can dimiss the hate of the IWC but what about a colleague". The "colleague" was Bob Holly who to the best of my knowledge had limited time spent with the guy in and out of the ring.
    Mean while guys that actually accomplished something and worked multiple programs with Triple H have nothing but praise for him. Chris Jericho himself even talks about hwo they had a rocky start but how much he respects him and what not. The Undertaker and him are good friends. Brock Lesnar talks about how it was HHH that was involved with bringing him back. Foley talks the guy up in his books. So your whole "omg a co worker talked shit about you how do you explain THAT" is bullshit and just smacks of you not being able to let go of your unhealthy amount of dislike for sometone you don't even know. Seriously I could almost hear the ecstacy in your voice as you were writing the part about the clique chapter. I'm starting to think these guys ran train on a close faimly member of yours or something its the only explanation.

  9. I haven't actually read his other stuff, because he hasn't yet reviewed a book I haven't read, or care about. Maybe he is getting better; if so, good for him.

    This is still not good writing. It is hard to take any review seriously that contains the word "scumfuck".

  10. Krispy Kreme McDonaldOctober 11, 2013 at 2:12 AM

    You certainly made up for the DX review Cuuch.

    Good job.

  11. Good stuff man, really enjoyed the review. I'm going to download this book now because of it.

  12. Krispy Kreme McDonaldOctober 11, 2013 at 4:42 AM

    send me an email if you acquire it, i wanna read it as well.

  13. Good review. I actually reviewed his shoot on the blog but this seems more interesting

  14. I can see all of those guys thinking they spoke with him last. He probably had contact with them all at some point throughout the day and I wouldn't be surprised if the last thing he said to them all was something cryptic and somewhat chilling in hindsight.

  15. In fairness, Holly doesn't claim he talked to Benoit last, just said he spoke to Benoit when he was on the way home from the doctors the Friday he killed Nancy. It is interesting though that he seemed to be reaching out to people that day.

  16. Ill call a spade a spade...good job on this. It was a good, condensed, informative read.

  17. Um... we do know. Freak accident, really??

  18. Yep - much better. Makes me want to read the book again actually.

  19. If you're not trying for objectivity, being biased isn't really bad.

    That said, dude needs to relax a bit.

  20. Thats the point, im not sure if hes trying to be objective or not? Usually when you read very opiniated stuff its immediately made clear by sarcasm, a quick disclosure, or whatever else.

  21. he's not trying to be objective. he called someone a scumfuck and then listed who his favorite wrestler is. these things are not objective.

    Like, when you need to worry about objectivity is in a piece that seems to be evenhanded. look for dismissive words there, one side receiving more space or being given more credence.

    the second a writer throws in an offhanded personal attack on anything, objectivity has been lit on fire, so don't fret it.

  22. The first 5 pparagraphs were a straight forward synopsis. Then out of nowhere the entire narrative changes, so yes I woukd say the overall tone of this is confusing. Dont be an idiot.

    It wasnt a fret, it was a criticism that might help him.

  23. This is better then the DX review, but thats like saying Herpes is better then AIDS.

  24. second paragraph: "As Bob grew older, he also found the NWA and WWF, and his favorite
    wrestler back then was Bret Hart, of all people. Gets an A in my book
    right there."

    It's not as absurd as the scumfuck stuff, but that's a pretty solid clue that objectivity isn't the goal- he's relating personal opinion as an aside. If you're trying for objectivity, you don't do that.

  25. Its third paragraph but thats moot. Id argue that saying Bret Hart was one his favorites (getting an A) ismt defining his writing style. Its pretty much agreed upon that Bret was a good, well liked wrestler. Even so, its such a subtle statement, that it doesnt even register.

    If you think this was so good, that it cant be critiqued or criticized, you must only read comic strips.

  26. I hope that the guy that was on here the other day demanding proof doesn't see this

  27. Caps lock man! Where ya been!

  28. Ummm, herpes IS better than AIDS.

  29. both neither of them are good writers?

  30. Charismatic e-Negro Jef VinsonOctober 11, 2013 at 8:04 AM

    ...can't like everybody.

  31. Charismatic e-Negro Jef VinsonOctober 11, 2013 at 8:07 AM

    There was a Robert Townsend skit where they were at the clinic and the doctor told the guy he had syphilis and dude was like, "YES!! I mean I'll go blind and crazy, but at least it's not AIDS!!"

  32. There's just something about your style that I find difficult to read. It's just a little over the top at times - Benoit was "transcendent, [..] otherworldly", "scumfucks", "an entirely memorable affair, one talked about by many aficionados to this day"..

    But this is WAY better than the DX review, and it does make me want to read the book, so you've obviously done a good job on that level.

  33. I disagree with many of the sentiments expressed here. I'll just try itemize because I'm too lazy to write in paragraph form:

    -Brock's praise didn't have much to do with HHH as a colleague but more as an executive. There's little doubt that HHH is one smooth talker as an exec (i.e.: Bruno, Brock, etc)
    -Jericho's "respects him and whatnot" doesn't really sound like praise. Jericho was buried by HHH on an annual basis and has used tact and diplomacy when addressing those issues. He conceded certain points where HHH was right in a situation or two, but there was never any glowing praise in his books (to the contrary, he brings up suspicions of HHH sabotaging programs with Chyna and HHH). It still says something that he went directly to Vince for his last couple of part-time contracts instead of going to HHH, who is pretty much the head of personnel at this point.
    -Foley is also a victim of the annual HHH burial. Once again, Foley's a smart fellow who values his future and has been diplomatic about things.

    -Taker is a great guy to have in your corner, but they hardly feuded with each other and experienced each other's politicking. Taker was essentially off limits with the respect he had earned and his longevity. No one is going to fuck with Taker.
    -Lastly, just because Holly didn't have sustained success doesn't mean he was bitter towards HHH about it. Maybe I'm wrong, but I don't recall Holly really pointing the finger at HHH for Holly's own standing with the company. Thus, his criticisms of HHH come off as more anecdotal and neutral in nature.

  34. His basic writing still needs a lot of work. Like, he said "Bob will call someone out for being an asshole, but if their work was up to snuff, or if Bob himself was wrong in a situation, he will acknowledge it. Well, with one exception: the bane of Bob Holly's existence: one Mr. HHH." In the very next sentence: "Holly says HHH is a great worker with a great mind for the business ad nauseum. That said, he just absolutely UNLOADS on the guy throughout the book."
    So how is Triple H the exception to Holly's giving credit where credit is due, when he states that Holly compliments him ad nauseum?

  35. what? nah, you can critique it all you want, I was just critiquing your critique. and I guess technically it's the fourth paragraph by spacing, but whatever.

    look, there's plenty of issues with the writing, I just disagree that a need for clearly defining his stance on objectivity is one of them.

    why are you getting so pissy about this, by the way? it's just a discussion. no need to call names or insult intelligence. We're all reasonable people here.

  36. Either way, it was a shitty metaphor.

  37. I would love to read a book comprised of stories from true WWF jobbers. Your Jim Evanses of the world.

  38. I agree. Its a big improvement but if fluctuates from a straight forward synopsis to then being over the top opinionated in a nonclever way. Either go completely over the top with wittier stuff or straight forward review.

  39. Charismatic e-Negro Jef VinsonOctober 11, 2013 at 9:23 AM

    Staring at the Lights: The Biography of S.D. "Special Delivery" Jones. (Forward by "Iron" Mike Sharpe.)

  40. I'm not gonna pretend I didn't amazon that just in case you were serious.

  41. Yeah, the scumfuck thing seems like he's channeling someone who was a hack in the pulp era.

  42. "It still says something that he went directly to Vince for his last couple of part-time contracts instead of going to HHH, who is pretty much the head of personnel at this point."

    Um...reasonably sure that both of the last two were through HHH. Source?

  43. I won't stake my life on it, but I remember reading Jericho talking about how easy it was to get a contract in 2012 and how he and Vince hammered out detail in an informal conversation in record time.

  44. "I know for this deal that I made to come back this time, I talked completely with Triple H. I didn't talk with Vince at all and I'd always talked to Vince about any deal I ever had. Triple H is pretty much the boss, although Vince is always going to be the boss. But Triple H is in charge of more and more and more and developmental is a big part of that."

  45. And just for all those people who talk about Jericho hating on Triple H...

    ""To be honest with you, he's doing a great job. In the early 90s it's no secret there was no love lost between he and I. We didn't like each other, we didn't get along. We had great matches, but there was always a personality issue. That stopped years and years ago and now I consider Triple H a pretty good friend. I'll be completely flatly honest, I think he's the right guy to take over the company."

  46. I already cleared that up for him. They all fell, case closed.

  47. Sorry, I bought it off iBooks.

  48. Krispy Kreme McDonaldOctober 11, 2013 at 10:48 AM

    its all good, i acquired it

  49. Your_Favourite_LoserOctober 11, 2013 at 10:59 AM

    'How many times did a loyal employee like Bob Howard end up on the biggest payday event his company provided?'

    not exactly the same, but lawler only got to wrestle at wm at wm 27

  50. I do imagine that any animosity has waned now that Jericho is financially able to come and go as he pleases.
    But this reads to me as being polite more than as a true wholehearted endorsement.

  51. Your_Favourite_LoserOctober 11, 2013 at 11:03 AM

    'in memorium' by steve lombardi

  52. Your_Favourite_LoserOctober 11, 2013 at 11:04 AM

    does he talk about his teeth? theyre just as much a part of his story

  53. Ah OK, I was going to say there is probably a DL at ceratin torr sites. By the way, I have a few invites for a couple of rasslin torr sites if you want

  54. I'm going to guesse the Downvote is from somebody thinking I illegally obtained this? While I'm not adverse to doing that when it's something I think is good and deserves my money (PPV, DVD, book) I pay for it.

  55. LOL, obviously any comment can be spun to fit whatever perception one wants to have. I can just as easily read the statements the other way. I meant it's not quite as universally clear.

  56. Yeah, sure, that's true. Read it how you like.


  58. ...not what I'm talking about.

  59. Hi Chris,

    Just saw this review - great stuff and many thanks - really glad to hear you enjoyed the book and I have no doubt Bob will be just as thrilled as I am with such a glowing review!


  60. You look like a magician as opposed to an author.

  61. Does Holly mention how he's got a rep for stooging off to those in charge about others' drugs? He certainly gained a nasty rep amongst other workers.

    Not a bad review, and it really makes me want to check out the book. You make no attempt at being impartial about your opinions, so I didn't mind that it was all-out with the hate for certain "scumfucks".

    Holly himself really IS the living definition of "Just Another Guy". A good enough worker, but never had a classic match, nor a classic promo, or even a REALLY good feud or angle. He was just THERE a lot of the time, being a big above a JTTS. His insanely-long WWE career always mystified people, but he was never bad enough to be worth firing, I suppose. His ludicrous main event run against Brock was a bad idea, though- not a single person in the world thought he had a chance (I mean, a career below-IC Title guy wrestling a gigantic Monster Heel?). It seemed like a "Gold Watch" for a guy who'd had a long run and was being given his one end-of-career reward.

  62. Rene Dupree just seems like such a sad tale - young kid attains his dream too early, doesn't know how to handle it, and ends up doing major damage to himself. He also seems/sounds like a really good guy that happens to have some major issues.

    When he was in development, lots of people labeled him a can't-miss prospect. Sad how different that turned out to be.

    As an aside, his journey sounds a lot like Chris Masters', another seemingly good guy with issues that got dicked around by the system.

  63. Great review. The only part I didn't understand was when you said he was pissed initially at Randy Orton for asking to see his dad and show him some pictures. Why would he be pissed about that?

  64. Angry Faced Sleeper Hold: The Story of a Wrestler.

  65. As your comment illustrated, I just think you were to dumb to understand it.

  66. Bob Holly was the guy you went to when you needed a mid level talent to make a green as baby shit rookie look good. I always thought he was a highly underrated worker.

  67. Two things:

    1) This book is as good as advertised. You never get the feeling that he is burying someone for no reason, or inflating his own self worth. One of my favorites, and I have read a ton of wrestling books.

    2) Cucch, I tore into you a few times...but this was a pretty good review. A few nits to pick, but I enjoyed it and thought it summed up the book well. Good work.


  69. OK, that is cool. Ross, the book was excellent. For those not in the know (which may number one on this site) this is the man who co-authored the book.

  70. I call people "scumfucks" usually because that what the author of the book states. If I happen to agree with them, it comes out a little more forcefully. So if I call someone a "scumfuck" here or there...that is the author of the books opinion, although it may be mine as well. Separate the two, combine the two, whatever. Just remember I am stating the opinion of the writer most times...except with the DX book. There was just nothing to work with there.

  71. Uh, did you READ the book or just gloss through it? Holly crushes HHH throughout.

  72. Many thanks Chris - great stuff!

  73. Yes, I have. Bought it when it first came out. He crushes him, but not as someone who held him down really. And Holly does balance it out with some positive things, too. My response was to a commenter who said Holly accomplished nothing and should be discredited for it. So, I made the point that he had criticisms for HHH, but not as some bitter ex-employee who spewed HHHate because of a HHH burial.

    Damn. I was arguing points with a guy who was trashing you. Have you READ my post?

  74. Are you privy to the exact details of that weekend?

  75. Just a quick aside from reading the comments...have I ever professed to being a good writer? Are wrestling fans clamoring on this site for the next Tom Clancy or some such happy nonsense? I am reviewing books written by guys who bump for a living, I tend to write in the wrestlers rhetoric. Are you expecting Shakespeare?

  76. And for all of you saying this or that...did you notice that the AUTHOR OF THE BOOK posted a glowing comment. That is justification enough for me. He writes for a living. So for all the negative nelly horseshit some trolls fester this site with, I prefer to take the positive comments from people in positive places. Keep hating haters.


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