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HHH: Diabolical Genius

Not really news that HHH is the smartest guy in the room, but dig this bit of psychological evilness from the new WON:

"The general rule HHH has is that he wants to be training guys either from scratch, or getting younger guys with the right look and size, with all the money they've spent on developmental, and get them before they make names on the indie scene. Even though their doctrine today would mean Punk and Bryan, two of their three current most over stars, would have a hard time getting in the door. The feeling is the guys who work indies and travel and have somewhat of a name have bad habits, and if they are at the higher level, if they sign them and even if they agree to take the pay cut to WWE entry level, that they won't be happy over the long haul, It was also said they don't want guys who know they can get fired and go back and be successful without WWE. They want guys with the impression that their careers in wrestling depend on making it in WWE."

Emphasis on the last line from me.  That's BRILLIANT, dictator-level indoctrination brainwashing shit there.  You have to respect that a little bit, honestly.  Sucks for the indy guys with actual passion for the business who want to learn a different style, but holy crap is that some evil genius gameplaying.  That's why he's worth millions, I guess.


  1. It think it's much ado about nothing. If they get the talent earlier, they never become the career indy guys that they apparently don't like.... yet keep hiring.

    Sucks for the handful of people they haven't scooped up yet, but to me it seems more like they're leveraging their new facility to wage war on indy companies.


  3. He's probably had enough CM Punk and Alberto Del Rio to last 10 lifetimes. I'd feel bad for him, but ya know

  4. Mr. Helmsley, what you've just said... is one of the most insanely idiotic things I have ever heard. At no point in your rambling, incoherent response were you even close to anything that could be considered a rational thought. Everyone in this room is now dumber for having listened to it. I award you no points, and may God have mercy on your soul!

  5. This guy somehow inherited the empire...

  6. From the WWEs point of view, I dont mind this line of thought. Gets them young, motivated guys, who are afraid of fucking up and not following the Es rules, because they dont think they have any other career options.

  7. Its the reason why we have cookie cutter yes men like Miz, Sheamus, among countless others.

  8. No its not. They were brought in years ago, when HHH wasnt in charge of bringing in developmental guys. HHHs first group of developmental signings included Kharma and Sin Cara, they floppee in hindsight but werent "cookie cutter" at all. Youre confusing what creative does with what this article was about.

  9. I'm saying that miz and sheamus, among others, were basically brought up only with wwe style, which is exactly what HHH is trying to push as the foundation of all future talents.

  10. Just let some of the more creative ones name themselves, or figure their own gimmick...please.

  11. This will come back to bite them in the ass, once the current generation of guys hang it up.

    The bad news: it'll take WAY too fucking long.

  12. I think that's idiotic. I strongly doubt you can become a top notch drawing wrestler without the character building, how to work/finish a match with an injury and knowledge of working in front of a variety of fans that guys get from working in the indys. They also learn how to think on their feet and improvise when things don't go right. I do not think they can replicate the type of necessary education in a developmental like setting.

  13. Triple H finds a bootleg New Japan cassette in a VCR backstage at NXT; puts the building on lock-down; gathers the roster, asks if anyone can demonstrate a "High Fly Flow"; has security pounce upon the guy who volunteers and beat him severely before dragging him from the building after which he is never seen again. The rest of the roster spends the remaining portion of the week imitating Sheamus matches.

  14. I don't think that applies to Bryan/Punk level indy guys. WWE will always hire those guys in an instant. It applies more to the regional indy guys who are spot monkeys and use a Burning Hammer as a transitional move.

    "It was also said they don't want guys who know they can get fired and go back and be successful without WWE. They want guys with the impression that their careers in wrestling depend on making it in WWE."

    And that makes no sense because if they are getting guys young with little experience, they would have no appreciation of how good they have it at the performance center.

  15. Kharma and Sin Cara aren't cookie cutter, but they don't at all fit the "build them from scratch" ideology that the article refers to. They both made their name and gained their experience elsewhere, and neither of them would be given the time of day in the proposed future model.

  16. I know, it was more a response to the cookie cutter comment, although I see his point.

    They can also be used as examples of talent still getting chances, if theyre good enough, regardless of their backgroud. Yea, HHH has an idealogy of what he wants, but hes smart enough to know talent regardless of their backgrounds.

  17. You know what, there might be one real positive to this:

    Indies might actually have a BETTER talent pool available, because WWE might now only go after the tippy top of the indies.

  18. But those guys don't make a good living. Two of the biggest newz headaches backstage are Punk and Del Rio, who fit the profile mentioned perfectly. I mean Del Rio could leave tomorrow, throw the mask back on and just go back to what he was doing before, without missing a beat

  19. If given the option, they'd sign a Del Rio equivalent 10 times out of 10.

  20. They are also examples of established wrestlers with "bad habits" that he is referring to. Yeah, Daniel Bryan is an example of an indy success story but it wasn't too long ago that Triple HHH was looking to hire more folks with independent experience. He did so and it seems like he believes they are more of a headache than it is worth based on his actual experiences with them.

    In the end I say blame Kassius Ohno for the current philosophy.

  21. WWE likes destroying competition, and HHH/Steph (you KNOW Vince/Steph had a hand in this) have gotten that trait from Vince.

  22. Your comment would carry more weight if it wasn't THIS GUY who built the empire that he is inheriting.

  23. There's no way that they aren't keeping their eyes on the indies. This probably just means that they feel the current crop isn't worth the time.

  24. Krispy Kreme McDonaldOctober 18, 2013 at 10:01 PM

    This is exactly what the military does.

    The recruiter comes to the high schools at your senior year. Give you the soft pitch. You blow them off for a while and try to post high school life.

    It becomes "hard" so you enlist young... goto basic and they drill into that you will work at mcdonalds if you leave the military for 12 weeks.

    Brain. Washed.

    It took me 3 years to deprogram


  25. I'd be interested to see how they really feel about him. Obviously he's not a finger dislocating botchy dud like Mistico, but I have a feeling they pay him a ton for minimal heat, outside of a month or so after he turned. He seems to be really political and he gets into a bar fight the morning of a major PPV as one of the their World Champions. That one would normally get someone jobbed out.

  26. Krispy Kreme McDonaldOctober 18, 2013 at 10:03 PM

    He looks so much like Naitch there... Its no reason he booked him as a blueblood.

  27. Which is funny because so many of the commericials talk about how you can learn skills to make it in real life after you're done with your enlistment. "You can be a pilot or work in IT or create video games."

  28. NXT has an indy feel too, the amazing thing is that they haven't bothered to find even a shitty TV spot for it.

  29. You have to respect that a little bit, honestly.

    No I don't. Fuck that guy.

  30. Orr be the (former) #1 draw on a wrestling blog...

  31. If I do, do you think he would hire me?

  32. If he was white, he'd be Damien Sandow.

  33. You can go AWOL and become the number one heel in WWE.

  34. HHH did say in the Grantland interview that Damien Sandow and Bray Wyatt came up with their gimmicks themselves.

  35. They're never going to get Alex Shelley, are they? 7-8 years ago, I seriously thought he was the future of the business (and I know others did too), but I'm losing hope that he'll ever make the jump to the big leagues.

  36. TNA is the big lea... no I just can't

  37. Fuck you for having a response that is funnier than mine was

  38. I'm not surprised to hear HHH think like this. Vince and his cronies have had this philosphy for about a decade. I certainly don't agree with it though. If I was an indy wrestler this would be quite discouraging to hear.

  39. This is less "evil genius" than it is "how to run a business on the cheap where you don't want people leaving" sort of "genius". Very common in a lot of corporate mindsets and environments.

  40. Is it too much of a stretch to think that the office would intentionally leak this "info" with the intent of getting more heat on HHH the character? Especially if they really do plan on eventually looping Punk into the corporate angle.

    On second thought, that's probably too optimistic a theory and gives them too much credit. They'll just rebuild the main event scene around Cena, shunt Bryan back down the card, and drive the Punk/Heyman feud into the ground.

  41. ADR is a badass, one in a generation talent. He is the smoothest, slickest motherfucker on the roster. Those are not guys who fit the corporate structure.

    Look, nobody wants to hire a guy like HBK, because he's a drug-addled asshole, but if a guy is just THAT good. He'll get a job.

    WWE is doing the right thing for themselves. The wild west is over guys.

  42. JBL says it every week, but it bears repeating. WWE is a NYSE traded corporation. You don't hire cowboys to do work in that environment. You hire the guys who are fresh out of school and can be molded into what you want.


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