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Hogan staying with TNA

So they obviously see some kind of value in him if they offered him enough to convince him to re-sign.

I still don't understand what Dixie or anyone else sees in him. He hasn't bumped ratings or buy rates, or interest in the company. 

That money surely could've gone to hiring some new talent instead, no? 

I think perhaps Hulk talked with WWE, asked for his usual amount of money, and then got laughed out of the offices.  


  1. Dixie sees what anyone would see about havin a modest (in statute) celebrity associated with their product, esp. one with so much wrestling history associated with him. She's also a total mark, however, and believes whatever anyone with his kind of resume says about the business and how to do things.

  2. I will say it again... they need to hire some cold blooded business consultants to right this ship. Everyday business people like Dixie who don't know wrestling know who Hulk is and have a drastically exaggerated sense of his importance (as does he) and other than Vince no wrestling person has ever really run a wrestling company successfully (in financial terms) they need to hire someone like Mitt Romney (like he was at Bain Capital... not the shitty politician) to come in slash expenses, optimize the business, and have "How does it get us closer to being profitable" be the basis of every decision that is made... otherwise they are going to go away. This approach would suck from a fan's perspective from from a "not going under" perspective its all they've got left.

  3. Well, we have no idea (based on that article) how much they're actually paying Hogan now.

    If WWE low-balled him, Hogan doesn't really have many options, TNA may not be paying him too much. And I think a 'commissioner' role is perfect for him, as long as he isn't made the centerpiece of angles or actually wrestles again.

  4. Yeah, that's not what Bain Capital does.

  5. Maybe Hogan thought WWE really wanted him for Mania 30? While I wouldn't have minded Hulk making an appearance on that show, WWE now has the Warrior for that nostalgic role. That would be bitterly ironic for Hogan if they chose Warrior over him.

  6. In a bit of a pro wrestling miracle, all 6 guys from the first ever Wrestlemania main-event (Hogan, Mr. T, Snuka, Piper, Orndorff, and Orton) are all still alive. I was thinking that they could have had some cool tribute to them at WM30. Maybe show clips from the match and then let them all come out to a nice ovation. But with Hulk staying with TNA, I guess that's a moot thought now.

  7. I'll be right back with the last nail.

  8. YankeesHoganTripleHFanOctober 14, 2013 at 12:49 PM

    8 if you count Ali and Patterson.

  9. Awww you are just the most adorable little thing! Yes you are! :: Pinches your cheek ::

  10. At some point, Hogan is definitely going back to WWE, for no other reason than because HHH hasn't pinned him at WrestleMania yet.

  11. Sorry for bringing some reality into your hair-brained scheme.

  12. :: Keeps responding so you stay entertained and have plenty of material to look cool in front of your NPP buddies with ::

  13. Hey I am here for YOU! :: Points like Uncle Sam ::

  14. Krispy Kreme McDonaldOctober 14, 2013 at 1:07 PM



  15. I imagine they wanted Hogan on a non-wrestling 'Legend' contract. Which is probably half his usual fee!

  16. Youre not the decider, youre just a crash test dummy!

  17. Seriously, does anyone care about anything TNA related? Theyre gonna continue to operate slightly in the red (I know we dont have access but thats my guess), continue to get investors, and continue to give us a secondary/marginal wrestling product.

    In the words of Tupac, "I just dont give a fuck."

  18. Charismatic e-Negro Jef VinsonOctober 14, 2013 at 1:42 PM

    I did.

  19. Hasn't pinned Benoit at WrestleMania either. Would be interesting to see that happen.

  20. NPP=Neil Patrick...Patrick?

  21. For everyone other than Parallax1978-

  22. He'd be FINE as an ambassador, but we all know better.

  23. You probably think I am a Republican don't you

  24. So we get to go through the normal spiel of Hogan declaring some young star to be the future of our business, so that the conversation can always be about "HULK HOGAN has anointed some guy as the future. HULK HOGAN! Let's talk about HULK HOGAN!" instead of "Hey, this guy's pretty good and just might be the future!"

  25. So BFG should see Hulk come out and cost AJ the title, in the name of "rebuilding" the Aces and Eights, BROTHER!

    (If TNA's gonna make me quit watching, all I ask is they go out with a spectacular belly flop into the empty pool.)

  26. Send him to Iran.

    "Just like I dropped the leg on the smelly Sheik, Uncle Sam's gonna drop the bomb on you no-good spoons if you don't get in line, BROTHER!


  27. Anything written by Matt Taibi for Rolling Stone gets an automatic "don't read" from me. I can't rationalize it, but the guy just bothers me a lot.

  28. If you count the non-wrestling participants, though, it takes away from the fully living count, since Billy Martin and Liberace are both no longer with us.

  29. You mean Stevie Richards, right? I have no idea who this Benoit figure is.

  30. And I'm pretty sure a few people in the crowd are dead too.

  31. I just don't see where they go with Hogan now. Him walking out on Dixie and the company actually made sense and allowed them to take things in a new direction heading into Bound For Glory. I wonder if he'll be back at the show or the Impact tapings after BFG.

  32. Trips is never letting Stevie Night Heat go over him. At the very least, Steph would NEVER let it happen.

  33. Yes; yes I do. Or at least a wannabe Capitalist, which is probably worse.

  34. Seriously, all of this talk about NPP over the past few weeks, and I have never once been to the site. I'm almost as proud of that as I am about the fact that I've never seen Titanic the whole way through.

  35. Also no interest in joining that so-called feud.

    Some would say I could care less. But I know better, because I could not care less about them.

  36. TNA is saved!

    I mean, assuming that they needed saving. Which they don't. Because everything is fine.

  37. Son, you've got what it takes to be a member of Congress!

  38. You can't pump and dump TNA.

  39. All I can say is "Thank you, TNA"

    Not for this. This is the most idiotic idea they've had since they last decided to hire the orange goblin.

    Basically, I want to thank them for the last 11 years. Thank them for opening up my eyes to different wrestling. My enjoyment of ROH, Chikara, PWG, ALL of them stemmed from seeing people like Styles and Daniels and Joe in TNA and saying "Who the hell are these guys? Where did they come from? And where can I see more like them?"

    As someone who was brought up on NWA and UWF, I've never really been a WWE fan. I don't dislike their product -- I just "nothing" it. So, when WCW folded, it was a blow to me, because I figured I was done with wrestling.

    Then, Jarrett opened his little promotion, and I watched the first weekly PPV. It took some stomach with the midgets and the cage dancing, but people like Styles and Low Ki absolutely blew my mind. I'm not saying it was all great, but it was DIFFERENT, and something I wanted to see.

    They've made massive missteps along the way, but when they were good, they were REALLY good, so somehow, I always kept coming back. Despite most of the IWC being WWE fans who trashed it constantly, despite feeling the need to defend many of their dumber decisions, I kept coming back.

    But if this is true, if Hogan is coming back, then I'm truly done. I just can't be bothered with it any more. Bothered with a Fed that seems to want to shoot themselves in the foot over and over and over again.

    The man has added NOTHING to the show, in fact, he's been driving away the smart fans (those who they NEED) in favor of the ridiculously fickle marks. They don't seem to realize that, for all of their desire to be a true #2, they're actually just a really well-produced indy. Instead of embracing that, and USING that to build their business, they try stunt after stunt after idiotic stunt to try and launch themselves.

    This (assuming, of course, it's true) is just another indication that they couldn't care less what anyone wants, and will just keep doing the same thing over and over and over.

    So, TNA, thanks again for what you've shown me. But I'm done with you.

  40. I had never heard of anarcho communism until now... interesting. I could also go for European socialism. Guess I had you pegged wrong; as far as TNA, I don't really care what happens, but I don't think Hogan is worth much of anything to them. That ship has sailed.

  41. Im not sure if this is facetious or not

  42. As Trips thinks to himself, "You know, the Walking Dead's a popular show. Maybe we can do Zombie Benoit?"

    Oh God, my brain's a mess, because now I have three PPVs planned in my head with Zombie Benoit, and I'm making fun of the worst tragedy in PW. Just...just downvote me to oblivion, guys. (In my defense, I just finished reading The Boys by Ennis.)

  43. I like Matt Taibbi. But I have seen interviews with the guy, and he does have a certain know-it-all smarminess that can be reeeeaaal off-putting. Not a great demeanor for getting your message across, regardless of what it is.

  44. Reaching - Jimmy Crockett and investors who don't let Jimmy near the money

  45. Wow, that would be the most horrible idea EVER

    I would rather TNA go under than turn into that.

    Good job, Parrallax! You actually made TNA seem intelligent with this post! Brightened my day right up!

  46. It wouldn't be fun as a fan, and I wouldn't want it either... but it would make them profitable... and next time lay off the Ad Hominem

  47. Meltzer's been saying that if the Carters intend on selling TNA to Viacom, then re-signing Hogan would be a good decision.

  48. OK, to be fair, I was too snarky. (As a long-time TNA fan, I've been frustrated to hell by this)

    In any event, I think the current problem with TNA (maybe their longtime problem) is that many of their decisions have been in the name of exactly what you're talking about.

    Bringing Hogan in? From a business perspective, bringing in the name that pretty much DEFINED wrestling for the marks is a brilliant idea.

    Monday nights? Jeff Hardy? Vince Russo? Hall? Nash? Tons of ex-WWE'ers?

    From a business perspective, again, all of these are brilliant! (and I'm not being sarcastic -- from a 20,000 foot view, they all made sense). From an entertainment perspective -- well, we've seen.

    Hell, even going on the road was a great business decision (but we can't really fault them for how that turned out for a change).

    The problem with TNA isn't that they haven't been making good business decisions. The problem with TNA is that they've been making good business decisions with seemingly NO plans for the entertainment side of the company -- it's like they're the Bizarro-world Paul Heyman.

    So the chief problem with your statement is that TNA has already been doing what you want them to do, and it hasn't worked.


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