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So I am in the process of reading Bob Holly's book, and am nearly finished. When I was out of work, I could crank out one of these puppies in a day or so, then read it AGAIN the next day. Now that I am dutifully employed again, and working six days a week, it is a bit tougher. See the DX book review. Written in the throes of exhaustion and inebriation. But a shout out to all of you who recommended this book, because it is AWESOME. Expect effusive praise for it, and I was NEVER a Holly fan. Goldust's book will follow that, then Roddy Piper's disappointing memoir. Just a quick check in from everyone's favorite BOD punching bag. Have a fine evening, stay classy BOD.


  1. Why don't you make a post when you review the book? And by review the book, I mean just give us an overview of Holly's career.

  2. Meltdown or GTFO

  3. Youre proud of "Hollycaust" aernt you?

  4. Goldust's book is bad and very disappointing.

  5. Agreed, unfortunately. It was incredibly dry, and it read like a newsletter if that newsletter downplayed the whole "backstage drama" stuff. You'd think a guy like Dustin would have had more tales to tell, yet while he certainly has some stories, the book still feels like a strangely lifeless enterprise.

  6. that was the short lived name of his finisher.

    I don't know if it was the falcon arrow or the Alabama Slam though.


  7. Hardcore Holly is probably the longest wrestler to go without a WrestleMania. Like seriously, when was the last time he made an appearance? WM 2000? That hardcore brawl from WM 18 doesn't count.

  8. What about Tito Santana or King Kong Bundy?

  9. Wasn't Tito like in every WrestleMania until the 8th? Didn't Bundy leave in 1988? He just missed the 4th one.

  10. It was the Falcon Arrow. He was using that during the Attitude Era, then went to the Alabama Slam around 2002 or so.

  11. Well yea.

    Maybe I am reading your comment wrong.

    I was taking it like wrestlers who have been to a WM and havent been in one, cuz those two haven't been in one and they don't work for the company anymore, same as Holly doesn't work for the company.

    Thinking about it, wasnt Santana put in the HOF?

  12. You lost me, man. But then again, this doobie showed me the wrong direction

  13. Review the DX book again.

  14. I'm certain that Cucch's deliberation on Bob Holly's book will be...

    ...wait for it...


  15. What time does Chris Cucchiara go to the dentist?

    Too terdy.

  16. Didn't he main event a WrestleMania against Shawn and Triple H? I don't know, I'm drawing a blank.

  17. MaffewOfBotchamaniaOctober 4, 2013 at 2:41 AM

    You're not even our first favourite punching bag, that honour goes to Caliber Winfield.

    You're a happy second favourite.

  18. Favorite punching bag that's still got posting rights.

  19. What is Cucch going to be for...Hollyween?

  20. Werent you talking about doing a regular "what if" type of post? Id be a fan of this...

  21. There's a finisher name you'd never see today. And by "today" I mean the publicly-traded-company era. I'm amazed they EVER based a name on the Holocaust.

  22. Yea, that was presumptuous of him.

  23. Pop a Holly, I'm sweatin'

  24. What's his favourite sport, beach Hollyball or somethin'?

  25. Charismatic e-Negro Jef VinsonOctober 4, 2013 at 6:12 AM

    Wouldn't that be Mr. Baker?

  26. Hey! That's my line! Way to siphon off my heat... you are the HHH of the BoD!

  27. I almost feel like a Goldust book would be better if written in kayfabe

  28. I thought about it, but I'm not good as a minion.

    Shout-out to the minions though.

    Seriously though, if you thought the Cuuch and Caliber backlash was terrible, i feel it would pale in comparison to The Fuj-hate.

    Scott actually offered me posting rights for Promo of the Day, but for that reason alone I declined.

    Plus, I am a terrible writer.

  29. I feel like most books would be better written in kayfabe. Except for Arn Anderson, who manages to somehow be even drier despite keeping to his wrestling character, bless him.

  30. I'm doing whats best for Blog-ness...

    ...I'll see myself out...

  31. Pherderic is talking about the minions who can start topics.

    "Crazy" Kyle Warne
    "Amsterdam" Adam Curry
    "Drunk" Ryan Murphy
    "Crappy" Chris Cuuchiara

    etc etc

  32. I am not a B+ poster!

  33. You need a protege who doesn't wear pants that everyone hates. May I suggest Jesse Baker?

  34. Hollyleujah, we might get a good book review this time!

  35. He used it when they were publicly traded. I can't believe that a publicly traded company employs Michael Hayes, who appears to be an HR nightmare. Didn't he call Colt Cabana "Kike Cabana" and call Mark Henry the n-word? To their face?

  36. Are you thinking of the infamous screwjob wrestlemania where Triple H wrestled HBK and Triple H tapped out in the middle of the ring to nothing and the title was held in abeyance until Summerslam when it was awarded to Randy Orton?

  37. Know your strengths. I couldn't do a regular column here either.


  39. And if we include wrestlers HHH is the number 1 punching bag.

  40. Come on Cucch, where are you? HOLLY HOLLY OXEN FREE!!

  41. Your fake modesty makes me sick.

  42. You look like the "IT'S STILL REAL TO ME DAMMIT!!" guy.

  43. I liked Arn's book, despite the typos and kayfabe.

    Maybe because he called my area "dangerous", joining the illustrious company of one Jim Cornette.

  44. Imagine being in a prison cell, and all you're left with is a kayfabe Bob Backlund book, one bullet and a pistol.

  45. At the time of my avatar I was less doughy and looked less down syndrome-y. But the haircut and my giant Charlie Brown head are similar.

  46. I'm just a humble-ass motherfucker with a big-ass dick.

  47. Finally a top 1000 list he can make!

  48. I wanted to do it!

    I just knew everybody would shit all over it.

    I have feelings!

  49. All Im good for is taking pot-shots from the cheap seats.

  50. Marge Simpson: You know, Homer, it's very easy to criticize.
    Homer Simpson: Fun too.

  51. Complete with stuttering in the later chapters.

  52. My theory is that you secretly don't know anything about wrestling prior to 2005, but you throw out names like George Hackenschmidt and Dick Slater to throw everyone off.

    Or you're actually a white guy.

  53. I think the Henry one was in jest though... drunk and saying something like, "I'm more of an N---- than you are!"

  54. Caliber was similar, but started in '95, which still makes me laugh.

  55. That's still not much better. It just seems like it could be a PR nightmare.

  56. I'm listening to "Free Bird" right now by Skynyrd and I have no clue who Billy whats-his-name is.

    I DON'T KNOW!!!!

  57. Damn, it would have been a good feature and generated some good discussion. Someone with some stroke around here, make it happen!

  58. Oh, Billy? He's one of the biggestlegendsstarsevertobeinthis.... GAAH!!

  59. You look like Russo

  60. Probably the biggest doucebag with the least upside to go without being fired also.

  61. Yeah... looks like...

  62. Speaking of Murphy, what happened to him? Havent seen him around here in a few weeks.

  63. Bum. Bum. Bum.

    Ba-Bum-Bum, Bum Ba-Bum...

  64. I wouldnt be afraid due to thinking you are a terrible writer.

  65. The Fuj/Jesse Baker super-villain team-up?

    Crazy fantasy booking and piss-poor grammar and punctuation?

    Might as well divide by 0.

  66. I don't know, man, look what this team up has done for HHH and Orton.

  67. It's mad funny.

    I have to write weekly reports on the coming and going of the SATCOM equipment I handle and its immaculate.

    But when it comes to wrestling, I have the thoughts in my head and it just comes out as a jumbled mess.

    If we were speaking face to face, I can get all my points across and even be funny while doing so.

    Writing it... ugh... its just terrible.

  68. Somebody doesn't like you... they are downvoting the shit out ever post you make.

    Its our friends from across the web i bet.

  69. Hey man, I'm just talking about what's best for business, if people don't like it that's their problem.

  70. I NEED a meltdown. Been a regular for about 6 months...seen the great coffee is worse then steroids debate, the priceless dx book review thread, the fucking serial killerish dougie emoction avatar shit, but no meltdown. Waiting...

  71. Jesse Baker, duh.

  72. Baker is pitied. Cuuch is a douche.

  73. Supposedly he also got so shittingly drunk at Stephanie and Hunter's wedding that he started doing karaoke.

  74. Stranger in the AlpsOctober 4, 2013 at 5:50 PM

    I apologize for never having partaken in the exhibition that is "Punch Cucch in the Nads Repeatedly". I'm trying to fit in around here, dammit. If someone is down, I'm supposed to kick him, right? Is that how it works? What happened to that one guy that hated gays? Is he still here?

  75. I really enjoyed Calibur's writing on this site. His writing wasn't great from a technical standpoint, but it had a ton of personality and that's very challenging to do. I like Cucchiara's writing for the same reason. I'd rather read a lot of posts with personality than people regurgitating Scott's opinion. I like Tommy Hall's reviews for the same reason. I wish Princess would write more, though.

    I don't really get the hate for a lot of the writers on this site. While there is a writers posts I don't enjoy, I don't feel any need to tell him that. I'm not trying to advocate everyone deserves a trophy for trying, just that I personally don't feel the need to pile on people when they're writing for free.

    Keep your head up, Chris. I think you know your reviews aren't perfect, but they're entertaining. I think you should listen to your audience's feedback, too, which you have been.

  76. LULZ @ TEH NOOB!
    Oh wait this isn't NPP

  77. Thanks! However, I have almost nothing to say about wrestling unless someone provides a topic for me.

  78. Im a simple guy and dont ask for much but God damnit I need a meltdown!


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