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It Was Twenty (One) Years Ago Today...

Sadly I was still living in Edmonton at the time and not Saskatoon.  


  1. davidbonzaisaldanamontgomeryOctober 12, 2013 at 6:54 PM

    Was expecting a video of me losing my virginity.

  2. I still remember Flair's insane interview after losing to Hart. Slamming things around the locker room shouting "SASKATOON!"

  3. I remember hearing about this from my older cousin who had the observer. I just couldn't grasp Hart as champion as all signs pointed to my warrior getting it back. Crazy!

  4. Flair screwed you over too?

  5. Funny enough I lost my virginity the night before WM 16. So TWO dissapointments over that weekend.

  6. I didn't know until the next addition of wwf magazine came out and I remember marking out so hard in the corner shop.. which lead to the shop clerk asking me if I was going to buy that.. I was like hell yeah! That magazine is still in pristine condition at my parents home. Good times, great memories.

  7. Those two had next to no chemistry and had a ****1/2 match just based off of pure talent.

  8. True or false? This was the biggest upset in modern wrestling history.

  9. False. Eddie over Lesnar was a much bigger upset.

  10. Not really, there was definite buzz over Eddie winning the belt going into that PPV. Bret beating Flair just completely blew my 11-year-old mind when I saw the news that weekend on WWF Superstars. Even at that age I could still tell the difference between the 'top guys' and 'lower-level guys' and having Bret suddenly win the world title was a big shocker.

    The idea of an 'upset' in modern wrestling is harder today because even if they had a midcarder like Ziggler win the title out of nowhere, the smart fans would see it as not an upset, but an underpushed guy finally get his just desserts. You would need a REAL jobber to the stars to create an, imagine if Drew McIntyre suddenly beat Del Rio clean on the next episode of RAW.

  11. "Upset" is a kayfabe term. Eddie had to win the title because Brock went flaky and the guy he was booked with for Mania was at the end of his contract.

    Bret had won the IC belt a couple of times and beat Roddy Piper that year. No one pins Roddy Piper clean.

    Brock Lesnar murdered super heavyweights.

  12. Your_Favourite_LoserOctober 13, 2013 at 2:54 AM

    she's gonna cum in 1, 2, no he doesn't get it!

  13. I was gonna make some off-colour joke about how Vince was imagining the girl was Stephanie or something (HO HO because Vince wants to fuck his own daughter because he is creepy that way), but I can't top that one.

  14. I think it's hilarious that both guys dislike each other wrongly enough that they both dislike the match.

    The only people that disliked it more must have been the fans. They stayed away in droves and didn't return until 1998.

  15. Why didn't they ever show this match on TV? It would have fit great on a special edition of Superstars or Wrestling Challenge. And I know the match is a bore. But not showing Bret's title win kinda made his reign as champ start behind the 8-ball. I just woke up one morning, learned Bret Hart was the champion, thought that was cool, but I never saw the match until I found Smack 'Em Whack 'Em on a discount rack like 4 years later.

  16. If this is a 4 1/2 star match, then Flair's matches with Steamboat and Bret's matches with Austin are 10 star matches.

  17. They never showed it because both participants claimed it sucked.

  18. Still find it lame that they did the title change like this. Survivor Series 92, Royal Rumble 93 or even the debut episode of RAW would have been so much better

  19. I've actually never watched this match. Think I just found a perfect way to kill the Packers halftime report.

  20. Both Bret and Ric said in their books that Ric had some sort of balance injury that forced him to drop the title immediately. That's why they did it on the very first show that they could. Saskatoon was just the lucky city.

  21. Such a strange time 92-93 was especially in retrospect. Bret Hart,Shawn Michaels,Undertaker,Razor Ramon,Diesel aka The New Generation never really got the rub they should have from the mega-stars of the time, Hulk Hogan,Macho Man,Ric Flair,Ultimate Warrior,Sid etc etc never really got put into any major matches to help get the new main event guys over. Yokozuna in 1993 being the only real exception going strongly over Macho & Hogan.

    Such a wasted opportunity in general and one that cost Vince a lot of money that could have helped the bust period a lot more memorable than it ended up being.

  22. I'm amazed by the restraint. No one made a 4/10 joke yet.


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