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Jackie Fulton vs Bob Holly

"So, Bob Holly vs Jackie Fulton in 1990's WCW. This is a TIGHT match here. I don't know if it's because Bob Holly is wearing Bret Hart's tights, but it's the best Holly match I've ever seen. If he worked this crisp and hard throughout his career, I think he could have gotten the NASCAR gimmick over on his work alone.

Speaking of 1990's WCW, Mean Mark Callous is a great worker during this time. Taker is booger red for sure, but he's charismatic, he's leaping off top ropes, looking like a Mike Awesome of his day. From a work perspective, he's probably doing too much and did a lot more with less. Question being, how did WCW let him get away? How could they not see the potential?"

Yeah, I dunno how they missed the boat with Mean Mark.  Even doing the goofy Memphis shit like Master of Pain, you could tell he was gonna be a star.  The ropewalk gimmick alone should have sustained him for years in WCW as a babyface.  

As for the actual match here, Bob Holly talked about how fun and easy it was doing jobs in WCW, because it paid better than the indies and he made lots of good contacts in the process.  I have to say, I don't even remember the Fulton brothers teaming as the Fantastics.  But then I know Rogers and Fulton had a bit of an acrimonious split before reuniting many years later.  


  1. I'm shocked nobody has teamed as the Fan-fucking-tastics

  2. Why? Three letters, no brains. W-C-W

  3. Abeyance has already held every WCW title simultaneously.

  4. Krispy Kreme McDonaldOctober 15, 2013 at 1:28 AM

    I may be spitballing here, but maybe because its that you do the same thing every week.

  5. Big Dick McGillicuttyOctober 15, 2013 at 1:54 AM

    Ultimately, the problem with Cody Rhodes is that he looks like the default template for a Create-A-Wrestler.

    Also, he has the same dark bags under his eyes that his father has.

    He should be fired.

  6. I've been saying for a while that ADR was a better fit for Corporate Champion (Authority Avatar?) than Randy Orton, as he's got the background in his character with the rich, powerful, smug bastardry.

    I hope they develop that, rather than making it one-note for Raw only.

    Would be interesting to see ADR rewarded by the Authority on Smackdown by being given control of the show for a night or something. Him as an active wrestler, but getting to call the shots on the show, could be fun.

  7. Fun match, and yes the resemblance to Bret is striking in places.

  8. I hope a smart heel gets into a No DQ match and runs over the face with a truck.

  9. It's also the biggest exposure Xavier has EVER gotten.

    Yeah he's mocking his name, but it's such a stupid mockery I don't think it damages Woods in the least.

  10. I really wish I could like the finish, but I'm a Shield mark over a Rhodes mark, and...I don't like the faces winning by cheating. Yeah it's turning the stipulation around on the heel, but...this should be about how awesome the Rhodes are, not how much of a rebel badass Big Show is.

    I really hope Big Show eats a Pedigree and disappears forever. Why are they trying to get his fat ass over? Imagine if they did this angle with a guy who's a potential long term player for WWE? Not someone who spends half the year injured and will probably retire in the very near future.

  11. davidbonzaisaldanamontgomeryOctober 15, 2013 at 3:07 AM

    Waldorf: "See?! I told you that guy does a great Cena impression!"


  12. If it's done right, the faces winning by cheating works for me. Case in point: Stone Cold and D-X helping Mankind beat The Rock for the title.

  13. Cody's music sounds like a rejected Smackdown intro. And while Dusty looks like he should have a lisp, Cody doesn't, so it always sounds weird when he's cutting promos.

  14. Tremendous main event. I feel like there have been more ****+ matches in WWE this year than we've had for a long time - perhaps a decade. If, like the Observer does, you go back to December last year, you can include the Shield's debut match in that argument too.

  15. I understand how the crowd can enhance a match (e.g. making it seem bigger and more "main event"), but why would a quieter crowd take away from a match? If you think it's an awesome match, why does it matter what some people on TV think?

  16. I heard the announcers say three times, "Both these men come to us with outstanding credentials", yet I never heard them say what those credentials were...

    On another note, do you think it's matches like this that made Hardcore Holly feel like he could be a jerk-off to younger guys in the business who needed to "pay their dues"? I wish Paul Heyman would've shown Brock Lesnar this match back in 2002 so Lesnar could've said to himself, "What a douchebag" and legit snapped Holly in half.

  17. There's a fine line between being a great heel commentator and just being annoying. He's been on the annoying side for a while.

  18. Agreed and I am SOOO happy that they kept the Rhodes Brothers together instead of going for the "one of them turns/insta feud." Amazing how quickly a logical and well booked feud can make you care about a wrestler who was a joke not six months ago.

  19. YankeesHoganTripleHFanOctober 15, 2013 at 6:38 AM

    Great main event. I was falling asleep at the beginning of the match, (I didn't sleep well the night before,) by the end I was wide awake. The shield are just awesome.

    Randy is finally going full on psycho heel, I know its blasphemy on this blog but I think he might be more interesting they Bryan at this point.

    And also bang on Cena all you want and, yes, I acknowledge that he might have had some "help" in his rehab, but speaking at someone that had to miss time in the gym and doing what I loved because of surgery, (also on my arm ironically enough) I could both empathize with what he was going though and admire the rate at which he is coming back.

  20. Which is why I asked "in kayfabe logic". Anyone willing to attempt a real answer?

  21. Things that look cool hurt more. It's not complicated.

  22. HowmuchdoesthisguyweighOctober 15, 2013 at 7:01 AM

    I am a big Dustin fan... Outside of 1995-1998 Goldust his in ring work is rock solid. In 2002 he was tagging vs Y2J/Christian, and the Dudley's and never looked out of place. Don't forget his feud with Sheamus in WWEECW. Helped Sheamus greatly. Always brings it when given a chance.

  23. This makes as much, if not more, sense than anything else we can come up with, This is now the accepted response.

  24. According to wikipedia, the Rogers brothers started to team up as the Fantastics in the AWA where they feuded with the Destruction Crew. They then had a 'short' run in WCW. They also wrestled together in SMW.

  25. Considering that half of the WrestleMania crowd this year was pro-Punk, I don't think they'd have a hard time getting 'Taker booed (by a significant segment of the live audience at least) against him next year.


  27. Woah, that's a good one.


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