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Match of the Year?

NJPW KIng of Pro Wrestling Part 5... by tj711

This is the 14th NJPW match this year at **** ½ or above. I know that because I'm the one who ranked them. This one clocks in for me personally at #1. THE BEST MATCH OF THE YEAR~! The 4th ***** of the year, edging out the two Shibata classics, and my previous favorite Nakamura/Ibushi.

I haven’t watched this one yet but I’d be shocked if anything is gonna top the second Shibata match.  MOTY voting is gonna be tough for me this year, for sure. 


  1. Just to let you guys know, I am planning to review every single WON Match of the Year on the blog. It will happen at the end of the year. This year is going to be tough to pick a match.

  2. The problem is how different each contender is. The Shibata matches and the Tanahashi/Okada series are completely different styles. I think this one has even more of what the Invasion Attack main event had, which was what prompted many to put it up there at the top. This had that BIG MATCH / EPIC CLASH kind of feel that just can't be found in awesome midcard matches. It was the end of the series, and then the post-match angle (and press conference, which is sadly lacking in this particular clip) were also amazing. Just about the best in-ring product top-to-bottom on a consistent basis we've ever witnessed. What a year.

  3. It starts from 1980. I will try to get a backstory and possibly a link to all the matches.

  4. No Mercy Tag 2002 is on that list right? Cuz that match is an ultimate classic.

  5. Tanahashi is the man, no doubt, but I feel like Ibushi never gets his due. I always wonder if it's because Ibushi is so spot oriented, but I really enjoy his matches.

  6. That g1 Day 4 Main Event is like the best thing ever..

  7. Now compare this to what's going on currently in All Japan. They recently had a free show with all their top talent that drew only 300 people max. Course, their "top talent" is currently only about 12 people which includes Akebono and KENSO Suzuki.

  8. I actually thought All Japan was salvageable, until Junior Stars left. That was the death blow.

  9. What was the second Shibata match? Plus Youtube link, since those are nice. Please.

  10. What kind of stuff has All Japan been through? I haven't really paid attention to their scene since Toshiaki Kawada & Genichiro Tenryu were on top, and Taiyo Kea was moving up. I know they kind of had some matches against NOAH guys.

  11. I believe the second Shibata match is his match against Tomohiro Ishii during the G1 Climax, with the first being his match against Hirooki Goto at Dominion.
    Here's a link to the Ishii/Shibata match

  12. The shot at the end with a defeated Tanahashi being carried away actually took me aback for a second. Like, he wasn't just beaten, he was dejected. No smiley-face Cena bullshit.

  13. The finishing sequence for that match is as good as, if not better than, consensual intercourse.

  14. Have you HAD intercourse?

  15. Surprisingly, yes.

    I'm just a fan of irresponsible hyperbole.

  16. Copy and pasted from Wikipedia:

    "On May 1, 2013, it was reported that negotiations had started between Speed Partners president Nobuo Shiraishi and All Japan president Masayuki Uchida, which would see Keiji Mutoh regain the promotion's presidency before the end of the month. However, on May 27, it was reported that Shiraishi himself would take over the presidency of All Japan effective June 1. It was later confirmed by All Japan, and led to Keiji Mutoh's resignation from the promotion. In the weeks that followed, Masakatsu Funaki, Kaz Hayashi, Shuji Kondo, Ryota Hama, Masayuki Kono, Hiroshi Yamato, Koji Kanemoto, Minoru Tanaka, Yasufumi Nakanoue, Kai, Seiya Sanada and Andy Wu announced their resignation from the promotion out of loyalty to Mutoh. They all left the promotion following a June 30 event in Ryōgoku Kokugikan and went on to form the Wrestle-1 promotion the following month and announced their first show will be held September 8 at Tokyo Dome City Hall."
    Shiraishi is considering a "mark millionaire" so who knows how long he wants to finance the promotion.

  17. This might be an unpopular opinion but I'll never consider the Rainmaker that devastating of a finish no matter how many guys the NJPW bookers feed it. All I see is a regular short-arm clothesline.

  18. Excellent! I'll check it out when I get a chance. Thank you muchly.

  19. Shibata / Ishii is the clear MOTY so far. And i'm not even that high on Japanese wrestling

  20. Seems it someone wanted to make a run at the wrestling biz that it wouldn't be the worst idea to get Joey Styles away from WWE and buy the rights to NJPW broadcasting in the US.

  21. Ok enough of me being lazy. I'm going to e-mail scott a intro to NJPW with all the main wrestlers and belts and stuff and then e-mail show reviews. I think what's putting me off is that I kept thinking I'd have to explain everything during the match reviews since they do a lot of callback spots and stuff.


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