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New idea

Hear me out.

Promo of the Day is meh...

How about a continuous weekly topic where you put up a clip of great moments in wrestling that make us feel good. I know the snark is what gets you the hits, but how about it?

Just throw up some clips like 

Ciclope unmasking as Dean Malenko. 
Raven and Sandman returning to ECW.
CM Punk returning to RAW with the real title.
The Nitro-Raw Simulcast

Throw them up weekly and let the BoD talk about the good things of wrestling rather than how it sucks everyday. I'm sure talks will break down to petty arguing and flaming but you would have the best intentions.


The Nitro-RAW simulcast was a GOOD moment?!?  


  1. Feeling good sucks. It distracts you from the real world.


  2. Krispy Kreme McDonaldOctober 19, 2013 at 8:22 AM

    Fail #1: The last one was a joke
    Fail #2: I wasn't meaning for the email to be posted, just you replying "Ok" or "That doesn't work for me brother"
    Fail #3: ...I got nothing.

  3. Charismatic e-Negro Jef VinsonOctober 19, 2013 at 8:25 AM

    Feel good moment: Megapower team-up.

  4. Let's get an Over The Edge 99 thread going!

  5. Hindsight being 20/20, it wasn't a good moment. At the time, however? One of the most surreal things you'll see in wrestling.

  6. Remember when Debra was balling her eyes out but pretending to act flirty because they wheeled Owen's carcass by then threw her in front of a camera? What a memory!

  7. Fans of something Not talking about how it sucks? Not on my internet.

    And yeah, the Nitro/RAW simulcast was mindblowing. Of course we can say "Ew,no,ack,bad" now.

  8. Weirdest boner.

  9. We could post that moment where you finally put me over in the main event...

  10. .....sure, if you call the beginning of the end of the wrestling business (as we know it) a good moment

  11. Krispy Kreme McDonaldOctober 19, 2013 at 9:25 AM

    Not gonna happen kid.

  12. The season with Puck, Pedro, and Rachel?

  13. I got a better idea: Let's uh....not

  14. Keep clinging to that #1 spot as much as you can but this is THE DAWNING OF A NEW REVOLUTION (or whatever it was that Punk said in the 2K13 commercial)

  15. It was mindblowing on TNN... there were all sorts of glitches on TBS.

  16. Krispy Kreme McDonaldOctober 19, 2013 at 9:32 AM

    wake me up when your upvotes pass ur comments or you pass flair4dagold.

  17. Upvotes > comments is a joke of a statistic... I have generally been an asshole (especially when it comes to certain topics) that still generates a lot of conversation, even if it is unpopular. To put it in 1980's NWA terms do you think Flair got a lot of "upvotes"? Was he not the #1 draw?

    Drive the conversation in a thread again sometime then we might take you seriously again old timer... right now you are like HBK in 2000 (minus the coke problem)

  18. Krispy Kreme McDonaldOctober 19, 2013 at 9:44 AM


  19. There is a zero percent chance of any discussion remaining positive.

    Maybe if certain posters are banned from the thread.

  20. Off topic, but Fuji I loved the Ricky Spanish name you had as it was by far Rogers best alter ego. My .02.

    As for the topic I love the Raw before Wrestlemania 13 where Bret goes ape shit,

  21. Yes, the simulcast was most certainly a good moment. Just because the follow-up sucked doesn't mean that that particular moment wasn't amazing.

    That's like saying the "pipebomb" was bad because it led to a Trips/Nash ladder match.

  22. I still miss mr. Chin and his kids hahaha, he was an interesting fellow till he got the"boot."


    Greatest victory speech ever in wrestling.

  24. Your_Favourite_LoserOctober 19, 2013 at 10:03 AM

    lol, i knew this was gonna be from fuj as soon as i got to it complaining about a blog feature

  25. My fav. Flair promo was the one before and after his match with Savage at wm viii. I'd post it but I'm just figuring out my new I pad. (Never been an Apple person but so far I love it, and anyone with cool tips let me know)

  26. Your_Favourite_LoserOctober 19, 2013 at 10:08 AM

    puck liked drinking anything blue cause it looked like windex

    remember julie from the 1at season? the naive redneck dancer? ('do you have a beeper cause you sell drugs?') she used to come into the grocery store i worked at in high school. back home in the 'ham. a few years after that season

    guess she didnt find anything in new york

  27. Whatever became of Mike Mizanin?

  28. HHH pinning Booker T at 19 has gotta be the first one right?

  29. Agreed. ZERO percent

  30. Krispy Kreme McDonaldOctober 19, 2013 at 10:21 AM

    Dude... you do realize I do the vast majority of the Promos of the Day?

    Like 85-90%

    If anything I'm complaining about myself.

  31. Krispy Kreme McDonaldOctober 19, 2013 at 10:23 AM

    Im still going through American Dad for memorable Roger Alter-Egos.

    I gotta couple coming up. Krispy Kreme McDonald is meh...

  32. Your_Favourite_LoserOctober 19, 2013 at 10:23 AM

    'If anything I'm complaining about myself.'

    the 1st step is admitting you are a problem

    er, have a problem, the 1st one was right.


  33. While its not a complete alter ego, "The Decider" was his best role.

  34. Your_Favourite_LoserOctober 19, 2013 at 10:25 AM

    the few matches that occurred before everything were actually decent

  35. CM Punk returning after one week is a great moment?

  36. Every time I saw you post I would think of the whisper when they said his name. Great show!

  37. I know weve been over this, but your "What if?" Idea had potential. Something as simple as "What if Rock never becomes a breakout movie star?" would be simple to write and provide us good discussion.

    Itll also allow you to continue to hold down the up and coming midcarders here and prolong your HHH reign of terror as a top draw at the BoD.

  38. Krispy Kreme McDonaldOctober 19, 2013 at 10:36 AM

    I think what it boils down to is that there are a certain few that only wanna complain about wrestling, rather than discuss wrestling.

    Complaining about wrestling is fine, we are all guilty of it and its tits.

    But we all have various passions for wrestling, so I thought it would be a time and a chance to talk about the good, I also think a problem is that, the BoD wavers to Scott's mood on wrestling as well.

    If he is loves TNA, the BoD loves TNA... until Scott hates TNA and then they change.

    It was never more apparent than when the BoD was IN LOVE WITH AJ last year. omg... the BoD had a collective hard-on that one RAW she had like 12 segments.

    3 weeks later, Scott was tired of it, and the pretty much everybody fell in line.

  39. Krispy Kreme McDonaldOctober 19, 2013 at 10:43 AM

    You didn't like that?

    Cena wins the paper title from Mysterio and Punk comes out to a thunderous pop. Holds up the real belt higher than Cena's fake title.

    I personally loved that moment.

  40. Agreed. Im a fan of the BoD and some of the regulars but feel theres very few actual "real" wrestling discussions that go on here. Complaining about wrestling is just easier then having an actual intelligent back and forth, so thats what it typically devolves into.

    Yea, Scotts take on something usually sets the tone. People love throwing out the "Scott even said so" after a discussion. Love Scott, but im not always gonna agree with him on everything.

  41. Put that cigarette out!

  42. Where's Mike Mears and his super in-depth "Raw" analysis? THAT'S the type of discussion I enjoy. Not just ragging on stuff, but really going into the details and nuances of WHY certain things worked or didn't work.

    I'm very into reading between the lines when it comes to my wrestling; I love trying to psychoanalyze the characters and motives behind their actions, or extrapolating where certain people or angles may go. If I can toot my own horn, I think - for example - my idea of putting Gabriel in with the "Wyatt Family" was a great idea, but I think the discussion that could have followed (namely, not just which wrestlers should join, but WHY they should join) would have been tremendous. Not just "this guy has no direction, put him in there", but say "well, based on this guy's history and talent, it's possible that he could have a lot of anger and resentment over being looked past, which Bray could then exploit, plus his style would be a nice contrast to the rest of the group".

  43. so did i hence the reason i knew of where you spoke.

  44. Your_Favourite_LoserOctober 19, 2013 at 9:54 PM

    when did you work there? i worked there the summer of 94 and summer of 95. assuming your username is your real name, it's not ringing a bell (which is quite possible since my time there was brief and only for a certain season)

  45. Agreed. And I loved the quick Undertaker "tip of the hat" appearance. Awesome stuff.

  46. I never stopped riding the AJ train. Loved her since Day One. My brother still contends I fell in love with my girlfriend because she looks like her. Besides the point.

    My point for writing? Just to say that your original post was a great idea. I'm all for the "moment of the day." It'd be nice to accumulate enough clips to make a badass youtube playlist as well.

  47. 96/97 ahhh good times

  48. I agree with your overall point....but I still love me some AJ :)

  49. What's the 'ham?

  50. lee was there for ever and a day the other names dont ring a bell but it was a long time ago and much vodka ago.

  51. The Nitro/RAW thing was fucking surreal. Even if everything that followed sucked, can't deny how crazy that was at the time

  52. Stephanie being revealed as leader of ECW. Greatest moment ever. Love her and her amazing acting and rightful place as head of creative. Long live the alliance.


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