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PG PostGame: Battleground 2013

So I'm going to give this a try.  I don't know if it's a good thing yet that I'm doing just because of the unique circumstances, but heck, it'll at least be a thread for discussing results and stuff.

In this post, you are going to see me discuss the booking of the PPV.  As a special note, I have not seen this show.  I have a ball hockey team that plays in a Sunday league, and in fact I just got home recently.  (We won 4-0, I was in net and had a 15-save shutout.  Not that you care.)  But I can discuss the ideas put forward as if this were Vince McMahon's fantasy booking made real.  So, with the help of Wikipedia and WWE's dot-com, allow me to break down the show.

0] Dolph Ziggler pinned Damien Sandow.  Ziggler may be on the verge of getting re-pushed.  It's been hard not to notice that the crowd gets behind him, even chanting for him over Daniel Bryan in the 11-on-3 on Raw.  The idea of a fierce Sandow disposing of his kneepad and revolving his offense around knee strikes backfired on him.  It makes me wonder if Sandow is going to be taking time off so that, when he feels the need to strike on Del Rio (or whomever beats him), he will be fresher and therefore rebuildable.  As it stands, this was the pre-show match, and its use as a dark match to get the crowd warm was a smart idea.  Dolph has the momentum right now anyway.

1] World Heavyweight Champion Alberto Del Rio submitted Rob Van Dam.  We all basically knew this was coming, didn't we?  This was basically a chance for RVD to go all-out in a no-DQ match with ladders and chairs, and since upstate New York was one of ECW's bigger former haunts, they accepted it greatly.  There was some scuttlebutt on rumor sites that Ricardo Rodriguez was going to reconcile with Del Rio, but given their interaction tonight, that seems highly unlikely.  Rodriguez probably moves on to finding a new amigo or two (perhaps Mysterio and Mistico?), while Del Rio has dispatched of RVD in the most decisive way.  The Cross Armbreaker with a Pillman Twist was a good use of the hardcore stips as well as a way to remind us of Del Rio's MMA background and submission style.

2] We The People defeated Santino Marella and Great Khali when Antonio Cesaro pinned Khali.  All you need to know about this match is that Cesaro swung Khali, a 350-pound awkwardly built giant of a man, for double-digit revolutions (the dotcom claims 11).  There's talk -- again, these are rumor sites, so take it for what it's worth -- that Cesaro could break away and be turned face, and it's almost exclusively due to the Swing.  Right now, Khali and Marella are a comedy act, and Swagger fumbled his last great chance and therefore is basically a midcarder for life.  If anyone's coming out of this on top, it would have to be Cesaro.

3] WWE Intercontinental Champion Curtis Axel pinned R-Truth.  I knew this was happening, but that doesn't mean I have to like it.  With all the focus on Ryback as Paul Heyman's #1 Guy, it's pretty clear the ship has sailed on Axel's future.  Last month was the best opportunity to make something of him, but Punk easily dispatched him instead and basically slammed him hard into the midcard.  Now, throw in that R-Truth is part of the Revolution, and at the very least a title change isn't out of the question, is it?  As for the match, Truth had a good amount of the offense, but right now, does the title even mean anything?  (And no, I doubt putting it on Truth would be too much of a step up, but at this point it could easily transition to someone the fans even care a little about.  Axel is unable to get heat even with Paul Heyman by his side, while Truth at least can keep the crowd involved in the match with his "What's Up" call.)

4] WWE Divas' Champion AJ Lee pinned Brie Bella.  Perhaps the most interesting part of this is that the result was hardly as decisive as it could have been.  Yes, AJ dominated most of the match, but the booking leaves the question unanswered -- especially since Tamina and Nikki's fight on the outside provided a critical distraction.  What worries me more about this than anything else is that AJ has gone through Natalya, has beaten Naomi, and now will likely beat Brie twice when they rematch at Hell in a Cell.  The question here is: are they really setting up either JoJo or Eva Marie as the one to topple the champion?  Or, will one of the more wrestling-oriented Divas get a second chance?  As it stands, it's clear someone in the back is very high on AJ, who has been allowed to mock everyone she wants on commentary with only the "you're jealous" comeback, which carries very little weight.

5] In a non-title match, The Rhodes Brothers defeated WWE Tag Team Champions The Shield when Cody pinned Seth Rollins.  I've said in previous Raw recaps that the Daniel Bryan vs Randy Orton storyline works best, not as an Austin/McMahon rehash, but as a Dusty/Flair rehash.  Tonight, you got to see why.  The booking of this feud has been very old school: the faces lose what they have, one by one, get humiliated by the heels verbally, but when the chips are down and it's their last stand, they find an extra gear and become invincible.  Teasing an early countout probably wasn't the smartest of moves, but they ran with it.  Multiple heat segments also helped, as it's clear WWE knew this was a money feud even in the midcard.  All the facepaint having been sweated off of Dustin's face added to the feeling of a team putting forth a superhuman effort.  And if the dotcom is to be believed, the crowd was amped all match and came unglued when the brothers won.  Also, a wonderful touch in having the locker room congratulate the Rhodes family on getting their jobs back.  The real question is this: you've anointed the Usos the #1 contenders, and they've got the long build to the gold going on Raw, but the Rhodes brothers are hotter than ever.  Do you switch it off, and if so, would that hurt the Usos as potential future champions?

6] Bray Wyatt pinned Kofi Kingston.  As with others, this was not a difficult result to pick out.  This was, however, Wyatt's first test as a solo act on Pay-Per-View -- assuming you count the Ring of Fire as a dirty win -- and he passed in kayfabe.  Able to win without any help from Luke Harper and Eric Rowan establishes him as a threat in the singles division, and Kofi Kingston, despite being in the midcard-for-life mold, is no pushover.  Kingston, in fact, was given a very good amount of offense on Wyatt, as this match was far from a squash.  The post-match beating delivered to Kingston helped establish that the Wyatt disciples are threats on their own, and the heel trio definitely is being sent to big things.

7] CM Punk pinned Ryback.  As with AJ and Brie, the real story here is how the win was far from a decisive one.  Ryback got in more offense than should be expected, and indeed could have won on several occasions.  Heyman's interference using the house microphone played into the mind games he and Punk have had for a long time.  But perhaps the best bit was the finish: Heyman got too preoccupied with hurting CM Punk, and it was Punk who used the opportunity to cheat right in front of Heyman and win the match.  Certainly, the controversial finish all but guarantees a rematch inside the Cell -- hopefully, though, this time Brad Maddox won't be the referee.

8] The WWE Championship remains vacant as Daniel Bryan and Randy Orton went to a double KO.  Okay, that statement is a little misleading.  The real intrigue here -- and the match is just noise compared to the finish -- is how the double KO happened: by Big Show.  It's pretty clear Big Show has been under an infinite amount of stress, and everyone wants him to haul off and attack HHH, but they're making it less and less likely it's feasible to happen.  So that leaves Show with this outlet: to take out his frustration on whomever he can.  Now, the first question from Raw is: what does the Authority think of this?  There's three ways they can go here:  one, they can be furious Big Show ruined the main event and humiliate him further; two, they can make the rematch be inside Hell in a Cell in an attempt to keep Show out of it; or three, they could applaud Big Show and insert him into the Cell match.  Option 2 seems the most likely, although all three are on the table.  Raw brings us to interesting times once again.

So, that's the breakdown.  I think the booking, overall, was made with the knowledge that Hell in a Cell is coming up in three weeks, which is frustrating.  There's no definitive closure to Punk/Ryback, Brie/AJ, and especially not Orton/Bryan -- it would not surprise me if all three were rematches at Hell in a Cell, and certainly we know the last one will be (barring Show shenanigans).  The kayfabe MVP tonight has to be Cody Rhodes, who got his job back and got the fall that may allow for a future title match.  Whether they get it right away or not is part of the intrigue.

See you tomorrow night for Monday Night Raw in Pittsburgh, where everyone will be drunk from watching playoff baseball.  If any crowd is going to top the New Jersey crowd for sheer insanity, this is it.


  1. I liked this. As we discussed in the other thread, it was pretty obvious Orton would go over here. If youre booking towards HITC, have Orton cheat to win to set up the cell match. This gets him additional heel heat, keeps sympathy of Bryans side and logically progresses to the cell...OR do a double pin. A double pin establishes both guys as equals and they can build it as "we'll fight in the cell to finally see whos the best." Its so dumb to insert Show into this if its for the sole purpose of building to keeping him out of the cage

  2. Well, I said in a previous thread that so long as they were giving Big Show air time in this 'Authority' angle, they may as well make his role mean something instead of just pointlessly beating up randoms.

    I figured he would screw over Bryan at the behest of HHH, thereby giving Bryan a new obstacle to contend with before he gets blowoff match with Orton... and I still think that would have made a ton more sense, both in terms of building drama and sympathy for Bryan and in terms of the storyline.

    If this feud becomes a three-way, or just Bryan/Orton with Show caught in the center, then I need an explanation. If Orton is HHH's hand-picked champ, how is he ok with what Show did or why would he offer Show the chance to win the title over his hand-picked face of WWE?

    ...but being a loose cannon and just annihilating everybody works for me too. At least it does for now... I want to see how they progress with it.

  3. i like the thread, but i hate your call of the main event.

    The booking is terrible.

    Randy Orton should have cheated to win the title because hold for hold he isn't better than Bryan.

    They have pulled the same fuck finish 3 consecutive PPVs in a row.

    Granted they are different fuck finishes, but they are fuck finishes.

    Plus, its building PPV to TV and not the other way around.

    Not a fan of that.

    You wonder why buyrates are down?

    Lack of roster depth (despite the roster being as bloated as ever)
    Too much free TV
    illegal streaming/downloading
    but the biggest culprit of them all is the fact that shit like this happens and has been happening for the last 2-3 months.

    Finish on PPV, shit is overturned on RAW.
    Why the hell would I pay 60 when the outcome is determined the next night?

    I will never be an advocate of PPV building to TV.

    Tonight was a clear example of TUNE INTO RAW TO FIND OUT!

  4. If they do turn Cesaro face, stick him in the main-event feud as one of Bryan's supporters so he can give Stephanie the giant swing. It's a relatively non-violent move (and a safe bump) that would pop the crowd huge when Steph finally gets her comeuppance ... if Steph finally gets her comeuppance. It's not like you can have Big Show knock her out or Bryan give her a running knee.

  5. Amsterdam_Adam_CurryOctober 6, 2013 at 11:08 PM

    What is "ball hockey"? Is that like street hockey or something?

  6. The downvoters paid for the PPVs.

  7. Plus no one would look away during it because with every revolution, the chances of something popping out increases.

  8. Or in a gym. Hockey on foot with a ball. good for light fun when you don't want the physical strain of Ice hockey on account of being a working professional.

  9. Amsterdam_Adam_CurryOctober 6, 2013 at 11:33 PM

    Is that a Canadian term? Here, any kind of hockey played on foot is called street hockey, regardless of whether you play it in a parking lot or gym or purpose-built rink.

  10. I have no idea. I just know I've always heard it called ball hockey in gym class and on TSN (canadian ESPN) when they talked about the canadian olympic team practicing with ball hockey because they weren't insured to skate

  11. It's not happening in today's WWE, that's why I hope they can meld in AJ to be part of the face team so SHE can give Stephanie her comeuppance when the time is right.

  12. Amsterdam_Adam_CurryOctober 6, 2013 at 11:57 PM

    We kind of have our own dialect down here (Buffalo, I mean, not the U.S. as a whole) too. For some reason people here call soda "pop". As in "Can I get a glass of pop?" "What kind?" "Coke, Pepsi, whatever..." "Ball Hockey" does sound Canadian as hell though. I also find it funny that while you use the metric system for everything else, weed is sold by the U.S. system, pounds, ounces, fractions of an oz. etc... in Canada.

  13. The real problem is there's no good reason to have 3 PPVs in 6 weeks, and it showed. Every match here could have either been saved for Hell in a Cell (and in a couple cases, may be repeated) or done on Raw. They could have done Bryan/Orton for the vacant title on Raw, popped a better rating, and had the exact same finish to build to Hell in a Cell, rather than annoying the people who paid $55 to see who would win. Rhodes/Golddust VS the Shield could have either been a hot Raw main event or saved for Hell in a Cell. Punk/Ryback could have been saved for HiaC. ADR/RVD could have been a Smackdown main event or a hyped Raw match (I assume RVD won't still be here at HiaC, but if so then they could have saved it for there I guess). Most everything else was random filler (Wyatt VS Kofi has been built for like, a week tops...Truth randomly got a title shot against Axel even though he's done virtually nothing for awhile now...they were building to Ziggler/Ambrose by all appearances before suddenly throwing Ziggler/Sandow onto the pre show).

    I didn't need definitive closure on everything with another PPV coming up (even if I don't think this PPV should have even happened), but a winner in the main event would have been nice, or a storyline development that actually advanced something more. What really happened there? Everyone's mad at Big Show since he screwed Bryan AND Orton out of the title? That's where we were last week. And the week before. And the week before. And the week before. If Bryan had gotten jumped by, say, The Shield, and Show saved him and punched out Orton, but the same no contest happened, at least I could say "Okay, they're paying off this part of the storyline by having Show definitively turn on the Corporation". But instead he punched out Bryan first, who was about to win the match. If I'm Bryan, I'm not coming out tomorrow and thanking the Big Show for standing up to Orton, I'm coming out wanting to kick his ass for being the reason I'm not champion. Yet it seemed like they wanted us to be on Show's side for punching Orton too. I don't know, it's the same thing we've been seeing.

  14. Kyle's basically got it: it's street hockey in a gym. In our case, in a full-sized gym (190 feet long). The periods are shorter and it's a running clock, but I got my shutout, so shut up.

  15. Amsterdam_Adam_CurryOctober 7, 2013 at 12:31 AM

    No reason to tell me to shut up, I love hockey and I respect your shutout. I was just wondering what the hell "ball hockey" is.

  16. That came out wrong. It wasn't meant at you, but as a "Yeah, I'm now making this feat seem less and less impressive by the minute and I don't care". Meh. Should've left it out.

  17. Amsterdam_Adam_CurryOctober 7, 2013 at 12:41 AM

    Naw, it's cool man. Like I said, I think it's great you got a shutout. I always sucked at playing goal, though at 6'1", 150 lbs (more like 115 lbs back then) I wasn't really built for that position. I have an insane wrist shot, though.

  18. Can't be alone in thinking that Rhodes match stole the night? That was really well executed and you could tell Cody and Dustin were into that match. Shield can do no wrong these days, they're made-guys and have had some incredible matches, but the stuff with the Rhodes guys tonight was among their best. One of the most enjoyable matches I've watched all year...

  19. Pop isn't just Buffulo--pop instead of soda is DIFENENTLY a Canadian thing

  20. Yeah, the Rhodes stole the show tonight

  21. I hope it means a continued program with them as a team, leading up to a Rhodes v Rhodes at Wrestlemania. Dusty having to pick a brother to "back" ...could be an amazing little feud. Those guys were the A-Show tonight. I'd watch them as a team all day... they don't need to go after the belts, really. Be helpful if they did I suppose, but I think there's better for them.

  22. Pop is a cleveland thing as well

  23. I really hope they do get to hold the tag belts. They're the only team that can conceivably beat The Shield (because they already have), and they're the type of team where you can actually elevate the status of the titles because you can see that holding them actually means something to the two. They also need to get the belts because it keeps Dusty on my TV.

  24. Shutout is cool, but aim for a no-hitter next time.

  25. I'm right with you on that. I am ready to call Dustin one of the greatest tag team wrestlers of all time now. He has had memorable tag matches/feuds with Steamboat, Windham, Booker T, and now Cody as his partners. All very different workers who he found remarkable chemistry with. I think the key is that he can play sympathetic and fire up with equal aplomb. He is a virtuoso at both taking and making hot tags, which we saw in this match. Cody is definitely being set-up as a star, but Dustin has been giving an amazing comeback performance to help get him there.

  26. Here's what an IMDB poster would say about the main-event finish: I actually liked that the match had an ambiguous ending. That way it's up do me to decide what really happened. Everyone these days wants to be spoon fed finishes and see their matches wrapped up in neat little packages with pretty little bows. I guess I'm just the kind of person who would rather fill in the blanks myself and use my imagination to figure out what the finish is supposed to mean.

  27. Where's Dakota? Isn't she Diva aged by now?

  28. Bryan coould break out the old airplane spin from hell on Steph, but it will probably just be a weak bitch-slap from whatever Bella Bryan is with.

  29. Probably still receiving psychotherapy sessions after watching New Jack's last RF shoot interview!

  30. I said this after the NoC, they could have easily done a 6/8 man tag main event to give Bryan the hope spot win, instead of running Orton/Bryan for 3 ppvs on top.

    At the very least, Bryan pins Orton (albeit in a tag match) but it would show to the world on the big stage with the sides evened up, Bryan can win, then done the parallel stories afterwards.

    Bryan/Orton in a cage
    Rhodes bros/Shield in a cage

    Finally blow the roof of that mothersucka, but they went with Bryan/Orton at NoC, fuck finish #1

    Then run Bryan/Orton II last night, fuck finish #2

    Who the hell is gonna pay for Bryan/Orton III at HIAC?

  31. From what I am gathering, he is playing the character as a straight-laced face, but really heel.

    So he is just fucking over the faces on technicalities.

    He is showing that he is being fair and balanced, but putting the screws to them via subversion and through subtle manipulation.

  32. I think we all need that... that was the most disgusting shit i have ever heard.

  33. RE: your closing statement...

    As a lifelong Pittsburghers, I can say that we typically have terrible wrestling crowds.

  34. Angle winning the title from Austin after 9/11 got a pretty damned huge pop there.

  35. It's also a Southern thing, at least here.

  36. There are several posts of the country that say pop instead of soda. And others that just refer to it all as 'coke'

  37. Maybe they can bring in one of Brian Pillman's kids to pay off the love child angle...

  38. The Usos are actually really getting over nicely as faces. It is hard as hell to make faces the fans don't shit all over. Turning them would be stupid.

  39. What I loved about the Rhodes match was that it felt like something that would have happened on a modern day WCW PPV. The match really took me back, and you kjust know Cody would have been a huge player if WCW had survived.

  40. Here you go - a map of the 'soda' vs. 'pop' vs. 'coke' by region:

  41. You mean Bryan/Orton IV at HIAC.

  42. Maybe SHIELD will descend from the rafters onto the roof of the cage with a noose.

  43. I honestly never expected a logical answer.

  44. As long as this builds to another tournament at Survivor Series 15 years later, I am fine.

  45. They're getting some nice pops, plus there's the Divas show to consider. However...They have never given the Usos a single second of mic time. Which means they're not really heels or faces.

    I don't really know what their motivation is.

  46. That tag match was perfectly booked. Pace, emotion, heat; everything right. One of my favourite matches of the year.

    And you gotta love the way Cody's expanded his moveset.

  47. Why are people thinking there is going to be a tournament? The current roster doesn't have enough guys built up to make a believable tournament. Punk/Ryback are doing there own thing. Del Rio? Possibly. Big Show? Ok. Then Orton/Bryan. Then who? Its not like in 98 when you had Kane, Undertaker, Foley, HHH, Austin, Shamrock, and whoever else (Bossman?) in the tournament. There is no star power currently.

  48. Charismatic e-Negro Jef VinsonOctober 7, 2013 at 8:39 AM

    That spot was ruined for me when Lawler gave it to Cole. It's a "safe" spot, yes. but not one that I would want to give someone that made my life hell over the past few months.
    Steph took a DDT from Orton, so a bump is nothing to her.

  49. They wrestle like faces, get hot tags, smile, wear colorful gear, do chants for the crowds. Having watched wrestling since the 80's I'm going to go ahead and assume they are the faces.

  50. Charismatic e-Negro Jef VinsonOctober 7, 2013 at 8:39 AM

    Oh Steph IS going to eventually wrestle AJ. It's only a matter of time.

  51. I agree. There's not going to be a tournament.

    I could see some sort of 'final four' where they have two matches and the winners face off for the title, but even that seems thin especially with Punk off in his own universe feuding with Heyman.

  52. I smell what ur stepping in, but Im not really counting the cash-in cuz while it was highly expected, it wasnt an advertised matchup

  53. Charismatic e-Negro Jef VinsonOctober 7, 2013 at 8:57 AM

    He's not really doing it. He's being used as a puppet. I expect him to break free from the B.S. that HHH/Steph is putting him through.

  54. because there is a retarded johnny come lately that made some ridiculous bracket

  55. Amsterdam_Adam_CurryOctober 7, 2013 at 9:11 AM

    Either way, it's stupid.

  56. Hmmm, their motivation is to win the tag-titles. And how can you think they're anything other than faces? They wrestle like faces, wear bright colors, slap hands with the fans, save other faces when The Shield attacks, etc.

  57. My only regret is that I have but one upvote to give.

  58. You could probably add "Forcing person to pay for Battleground" to a Ricky Spanish montage.

    Ricky Spaniiisssshhh

  59. I still can't see giving Cody and Dustin a match at WM, when you could fill that time with a Flo Rida performance

  60. I don't know if you meam Canada or the USA...

    All I know is I asked for a pop in florida and the womwn looked at me like I was from mars

  61. Your_Favourite_LoserOctober 7, 2013 at 10:34 AM

    saturn wrestling raven for the flock's freedom comes to mind

  62. Your_Favourite_LoserOctober 7, 2013 at 10:34 AM

    it'll be nice tho to have a wave of 'let's go bucs' chants vs our usual 'here we go steelers'

  63. Your_Favourite_LoserOctober 7, 2013 at 10:36 AM

    if you ask me, the spinning of the belt did begin to slow down riiiiiiiiight at the end

  64. Your_Favourite_LoserOctober 7, 2013 at 10:37 AM

    i saw the show in a sports bar, and everyone (myself included) was way into the rhodes match. cheering with anticipation for every near fall, popping huge when the boys (incl dusty) got good moments in. we all were way hot for the finish, and the place erupted when the ref counted the 3. definitely a feel good moment

  65. Your_Favourite_LoserOctober 7, 2013 at 10:38 AM

    quit downvoting, random shield member

  66. Your_Favourite_LoserOctober 7, 2013 at 10:40 AM

    well, dont forget the rather decent match she had with trish at no way out 01.

    granted, trish carried it, but i quite enjoyed last night's divas match, so maybe aj has it in her

  67. They aren't saying 'abeyance'; they're saying 'obey ants'. The Colony are coming over from Chakira to assume the General Manager role.

  68. The '98 Tournament didn't have HHH (injury). That tournament also had "Gillberg", Al Snow, Jeff Jarrett, and Goldust, so it's not like it was all legit contenders either.

    I think they have plenty of guys to have a passable tournament if that was the plan: Bryan, Orton, Punk, Big Show, Ziggler, Ryback, RVD, Rhodes, the Shield guys. Maybe throw in Wyatt, Sandow, Kane, Henry. There's plenty of talent for a tournament, IMO.

  69. I wish she had it in her! My dick. I mean that I wish she had my dick in her. That's what I meant by "it".

  70. Good point. Rhodes probably would have had a big push in a modern day WCW.

  71. This is a great post

  72. Usos as Corporate Tag Champs could work

  73. I, for one, welcome our new insect overlords

  74. I think "pop" flys in most of Canada. I've never heard anyone call it soda in my life except on TV.
    We use your measurements for more than just weed too. Generally we measure a persons height in feet and inches, and weight in pounds. Construction measurements are usually in feet and inches as well and we generally talk about square feet for floor space. Officially everything is cm and m but in conversation we flip flop a bit.

  75. They're not doing a tournament, but on S.Keith's initial Battleground reaction post he brought up the '98 Taker/Kane situation, and someone then brought up how that led to the Survivor Series tournament. I'm all for tournaments and standings and rankings and things that make wrestling seem more like other sports where the title means everything, just as long as they're better planned than Bound for Glory.

  76. They can still bring Punk into the title situation and it wouldn't take away from his Heyman feud, though it'd be easy to predict that he'd get screwed out of the title by Heyman or one of Heyman's guys. Which would just add more fuel to the fire for Punk-Brock or whatever they're gonna do at WM 30.

  77. AJ is WAY better than Trish. Sorry.


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