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Promo of the Day: One-Eyed Dusty

Now that I have a Stone Cold Steve Austin podcast I need a Dusty Rhodes podcast to complete my life. He doesn't need to have guests on...just cut promos on random shit. Dusty can talk about why he hates shopping at Trader Joe's and I'd listen.


  1. I honestly doubt Dusty shops at Trader Joe's

  2. Watching this makes me angry that Dusty was such an obnoxious glory hound at the expense of other guys in the NWA and tarnished his rep, because he almost always cut absolutely stellar promos.

  3. C'mon he wore mink coats and rode in limousines daddy...Trader Joe's is the store for the common man that wear minks.

  4. Lithen here Tradah Joe, I was 'bout to git funky like a monkey on these 29 cent bananas and they're SOLD OUT?! Where am I supposed to get my poTATHium, daddy?

  5. An obnoxious glory hound? At the expense of what other guys?

  6. He's definitely a Piggly Wiggly man.

  7. I was thinking IGA...

  8. The way he booked himself to not look the least bit bad in a match even if the circumstances required it. Plus keeping the Dusty finish in the PPV era.
    Hindsight has been kinder to Dusty but that's because it's been so long since he held any significant booking power on a large scale.

  9. He got his ass kicked all the time. He had his leg broken for christ's sake. And his arm!

  10. Everyone talks of Dusty as "great talker, lousy worker" but in every interview I've seen, Flair goes out of his way to say how great in the ring Dusty was. "You really think I did 200 60-minute matches all by myself?"

  11. But that was always a 4 or 5 on 1 beatdown.

  12. He was the lead babyface!

  13. Flair and Dusty had great chemistry. Dusty was an OK worker with everyone else. He certainly never half-assed a match.

  14. I remember how surprised I was with his three-match series with Bobby Eaton on Worldwide in 1988. Real good stuff, great selling on both sides.

  15. Austin's podcast with Colt Cabana was great. I think Colt is kind of a shitty interviewer, but as a guest he was really good.

  16. I have listened to about half of it. It started slow, spent way too much time talking about John & Kate Plus 8 but it was getting better once they got into the wrestling chatter.

  17. You get many points for phonetically spelling Dusty speak well enough that I heard him in my head.


  18. I'm gonna say he shops wherever happens to be closest, and/or stocks his favorite vittles.

    Trader Joe's is kinda pricey...does/did he have a rep for being cheap on the road?

  19. Even if Dusty half-assed something that is still a big effort...

    See what I did there?

  20. Your_Favourite_LoserOctober 21, 2013 at 1:55 PM

    ryder's pose against the ropes is awesome

  21. Your_Favourite_LoserOctober 21, 2013 at 1:56 PM


  22. True. In his book on the 50 best wrestler, Larry Matysik points out that fans will rip a guy for blowing a spot but the fact is no one does a seamless match, it's meant to have some flaws and that just shows the greatness of it all.

  23. Well duh. The Horsemen were a heel stable. They beat up Dusty 4-on-1. They beat up the Road Warriors 4-on-2 as well. That was kind of the whole point of them. During their original run, the Horsemen almost never won a straight up match-up cleanly. If they won it was usually by screw-job.

  24. Ok, that is MUCH funnier than it has any right to be.

  25. And somehow, this just seems...appropriate.

  26. Your_Favourite_LoserOctober 21, 2013 at 2:34 PM

    ask mrs. runnels about "one-eyed dusty"

  27. Down here at least, it's highly populated by rednecks. Also it's a pretty shitty store. If my calculations are correct, I've been to the same Trader Joes as Princess and it's not a good place to shop.

  28. Your_Favourite_LoserOctober 21, 2013 at 2:35 PM

    i think part of it is the dumb look on his face, lookin' like slack-jawed yokel

  29. Your_Favourite_LoserOctober 21, 2013 at 2:36 PM

    "If my calculations are correct, I've watched Princess at this Trader Joes'


  30. Shhhh, the email alert I just got for this reply almost tipped her off that I'm in the bushes!

  31. Larry Zybysko: "You know who the greatest worker is? The guy who can get the crowd to react the most"

  32. Up here it's full of annoying soccer moms drowning two buck Chucks or whatever they call them. Our rednecks shop at Aldi or local shitbag establishment Save-A-Lot.

  33. This would be revolutionary if you weren't able to do this for the past two or seven games.

  34. My TJ experience has been more like Biscuit's.

  35. Colt's too nice a guy to be a great interviewer. A lot of stuff he's not going to go into for political reasons (shits on current product, maybe Punk gets blowback, plus he'd be burning his own bridge to ever get back). A lot of the personal stuff I think he just doesn't want to get into someone's horror show life (Sunny??).
    That leaves a lot of interviews that are just to plug things or super happy funtime ignoring what could be some great in depth talks.

    ...can't say I blame him, only so many shoot style "and then we roofied her and woke up 2 days later" stories one could hear.

  36. I never get the point of ripping blown spots. It's what they do next that deserves ripping. Think back to Orton trying to RKO Jericho who has a liontamer on someone on Raw, whiffs the first time, instead of improvising, he does the same spot. That's rippable, that's just stupid. Missing something or botching something then adjusting? That adds a lot more "realism" to me

  37. I'd heard he was a tremendous spendthrift.

  38. You could set up Steve Austin with Brodus' entrance dance? That's literally what I was referring to, not the concept of switching entrance dances.

  39. Jesus fucking Christ. Your ass still hurts about Ryder? The dude got a shot and he couldn't cut it. As much as you want to draw hearts around his photo and hang on to his helicopter as it flies away, he's bush league. He should be happy with what he actually got and so should you.

  40. The Steve Austin podcast is so good! Love that show.

  41. I propose that a "One Eyed Dusty" should be a new euphemism forva hand job, you can ask her to end it with a "Dusty Finish"

  42. Not quite as awesome as the "cold-blooded sausage maker" promo but it's still better than 99.9% of the promos that any current wrestlers can cut.
    And his current job booking NXT is just capping off his legacy as one of the best bookers of all time.

  43. Austin needs to get Dusty on his show like yesterday.


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