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QOTD 25: The Blog Botter Pull List

Hola Blog Botters, after a brief hiatus I return with a question that allows you to embrace your inner geek.

Lets talk about pull lists. As a guy whose never been really 'into' comics enough to buy them regularly, I have always found the term 'pull list' sort of romantic, the idea that you pick up a series of titles every month because you care about them, and are willing to drop your cash until they piss you off to no end. So lets expand on that 'pull list' concept and extend it to all kinds of media.

What's your current 'media' pull list across TV, Music, Movies, Comics, and internet related things?

I'll break mine down into categories

Agents of Shield - The last episode was kind of hokey, but I'm going to keep watching until it gets cancelled or does something silly.

Modern Family - Consistently funny and heartwarming without being too saccharine, it's got some of the best writing and acting on TV. The key to comedy is making sure that none of the characters know they're in a comedy, and Modern Family nails it.

Shark Tank - This is my new "Pawn Stars" great stuff, my whole family likes to watch it, and if I had the chance I'd plow through this show in a weekend if were available on demand.

The Newsroom - While not a great show, it's certainly decent, and as a TV person I enjoy the little details and nuances of seeing super human versions of people I know doing TV-related things.

Bowling For Soup - Anything they put out, I pick up. Just nabbed their "Lunch. Drunk. Love." album and it's exactly what you'd expect from them.

Eminem - He fell off my pull list around the time I heard "FACK" for the first time, but got put back on after Recovery.

Barenaked Ladies - While a lot of their magic has kind of kaputted they still show flashes of brilliance, so I always check out anything they put out.

Graphic Novels

Ultimate Spider-man - I bought the SUPER BIG trade paperback that collected I think the first...24 issues of the series, and kept buying them until they didn't exist, and that's really the only way I can make Graphic novels work within my budget. But this series is a riot. Brian Michael Bendis seems to know his shit when he gets to take a character and work it within his own world and context, but I guess he has a habit for dropping the ball when taking over for other people?

Anything Jeph Loeb  - His Superman and Batman work are some of my favorite comic books of all time, especially his Long Halloween stuff. Hush was cool, too.

Internet related

The Blog of Doom - Barring excursions I probably spend more time checking out this blog than I'd care to admit, lets just not tell any pretty girls, kay?

Grantland - Anything Masked Writer / Bill Simmons I absolutely check out. The video game content is a little hit and miss, opting to focus on history instead of feel and what games communicate to a player, but no one's perfect.

Total Biscuit / Jesse Cox / Alzorath - Just general gaming channels I can stand on the internet.  TB and Cox have a fucking wondering series where they play Terraria and annoy each other to no end, and Cox in particular is one of these guys you can't help but feel happy for, as he seems like a genuinely happy guy who is pretty amazed that he gets to play games for a living. Alzorath is more a personal choice because he's the only person on the internet who plays Shadow Era and casts it, so I check that out too.

Zero Punctuation  - Probably one of the first 'web shows' I ever watched regularly, and boy is his stuff good, though he can occasionally miss the point of a given game in his quest to be hyper critical, which I do appreciate.


Blog Botter Award: Scott Keith (you may heard of him) for suggesting Doom Bots as the new title for the guys who frequent the blog. I took his advice, sorta, and we are all now Blog Botters. His award can be found below:

Yes, that's a robot throwing a concrete block.

1. GTA Online: Give "Meekin's Mobsters" a Google if you want in on the temporary crew while we set up an official one. Waiting for the kinks to get hammered out before I make a real logo and such.


  1. Botters? Yikes. You've gotta commit one way or the other, Meekin. :-)

  2. BOD, Cracked, Mental Floss, Gorillamask.. I look at all of these sites at least once daily. And the news.
    Zero TV or other media. I cut the cable today actually.

  3. Listen man, I made an entire Blog Otter Logo for the rockstar social club literally a minute before Scott Suggested Doom Bots. I will not give up the otter cause, even though I otter.

  4. I can't decide if I should upvote or downvote the pun at the end.

  5. All puns deserve downvotes.

  6. I had to google up "pull list" as I dont read comics. My understanding is its basically a subscription service with a middle man...

  7. BoD, WZ (only for Madden's editorials) 411mania wrestling (just for S&Gs)
    ESPN/Yahoo (fantasy football)
    Youtube(Promo of the Day)

    TV shows: American Dad, Bob's Burgers, Archer. Pretty much all things animated.

    Comics: anything X-Men related

  8. basically.. Just what you have the store owner set aside for you every Wednesday.

  9. Your Eminem preference is the absolute opposite of mine. Loved his first fee albums but he lost me on Relapse and Recovery.

  10. Just wanted to say, I like the name change and approve. Although you should take the gimmick further and act like so big of an asshole everybody here hates you.

  11. Except for the amazing pun in Re-Animator. Best pun ever!

  12. Big fan on mental floss here.

  13. I'll just go ahead and admit I prefer Lords of Pain for most of my wrestling news. I wish Scott would get Mr.Tito to do some columns for the BoD.

  14. I'm more likely to binge watch TV shows than watch them every week; I don't really have any "appointment viewing" shows. But regardless of when I watch them, my shows are Community, Parks and Rec, Big Bang Theory, HIMYM, Top Gear, and the jury's out on Agents of SHIELD and Brooklyn 9-9. I'll give Mom a try, because my wife's friends with Nate Corddry's sister, but my hopes aren't high.

    My daily Internet stops are the BoD, Grantland/ESPN, XKCD, Sinfest, and Sporcle. I catch up on Cracked and Order of the Stick every month or so.

  15. Your_Favourite_LoserOctober 5, 2013 at 11:54 AM

    tv: raw; agents of shield/the goldbergs; south park;, the michael j fox show/impact; sd; roh, animation domination/aqua tv show show/metalocalypse

    music: way too much to list, but i love prog rock, metal, prog metal, and zappa. my disposable income goes into collecting cds and going to concerts

  16. Amsterdam_Adam_CurryOctober 5, 2013 at 11:57 AM

    To me "pull list" is all the shit I have have to get out of the freezer so it's thawed out and ready to use the next day.

  17. Freezer pulls!

  18. Amsterdam_Adam_CurryOctober 5, 2013 at 12:02 PM

    TV: Top Gear (the real one, not the crappy U.S. knockoff), Highly Questionable, and ROH TV. That's pretty much it, and I'm way behind on ROH.

    Internet: Here (obviously), Deadspin, Cracked, Jalopnik, and the local police blotter, just so I can see if anyone I know got bagged the night before.

  19. TV: Boardwalk Empire, formally Dexter (sticking with that was a mistake), True Blood, Glee (fuck you, I like it), Shark Tank, Catfish, South Park, Family Guy, Wifred, Sunny, American Dad, Community, Parks and Rec.

    Interweb: Porn, BOD, That Guy with the Glasses, Cracked, 411, DinoDrac, Botchamania.

    Movies: Coen Brothers, Marvel, Tarintino, Spielberg, Kevin Smith, Affleck (director), Jonze.

  20. Yea, we need more then just "porn." Thats like saying "drama" for tv. Pornhubs, ghetto gagggers, naughty america, brazzers???

  21. Amsterdam_Adam_CurryOctober 5, 2013 at 12:08 PM

    Great thing is that our freezer is outside, so I can have a smoke, or just sit down and have a few minutes to myself. It's gonna suck once winter comes though.

  22. Amsterdam_Adam_CurryOctober 5, 2013 at 12:13 PM

    Pornhub and Redtube. Good videos, very little ads, and super fast streaming.

  23. It's funny, the cinder block robot ties into something I just did two hours earlier. I took my dog out for a walk in the backyard and while I'm messing around with my loquat tree I hear her barking by the back fence. I go over to get her to stop and I hear a very distinct rattle I've heard before. I call her over to me and put her inside the house then I went over to where she was barking and see a pretty big fucking rattlesnake. I go grab a shovel and a rake and start coming up with some kind of plan.

    The winner of my complex plan breakdown? I took a big cinder block I had, stood pretty far away from the snake and just threw the block on the snake. My aim was perfect, I hit that fucker and the block landed directly on top of the snake, hard. The snake didn't die though, the block fell off the snake and it started slithering and I ran away a bit but saw it slither through the hole it came in. I bashed the fence a bunch and scared it away as I saw it slither into the woods. I'm just hoping that was enough for it not to come back.

  24. Hub mostly, I don't use it a lot but when I need a good wank it's a good site. The reason I didn't put any official site is because I thought Scott didn't want us linking adult sites as it hurts his search engine thingy. I didn't know if that extended to just naming the site.

  25. Amsterdam_Adam_CurryOctober 5, 2013 at 12:19 PM

    What the hell is a loquat? Is that like a fruit or something?

    Also, I'm glad there's no poisonous snakes where I live. Hell, the most dangerous animal you'd find around here is a wasp or something.

  26. I always thought Jay Leno should produce and write his own "Top Gear" style show. I think he'd rock it.

  27. I used to use Tube but found Hub to have better quality videos. Btw, have you ever read the comments under the videos at Hub. Some are pretty sad and some are just way creepy. I don't think I've ever been inclined to sign up to a porn site so I could comment (and respond to others comments) on videos.

  28. I see, didnt know about the antiporn/search thing. Our apologies Scott.

  29. I think it's linking. I wonder if we're allowed to talk about it?

  30. Hahah. Ive never ever reas the comments. Might have to now.

    RTUBE is solud

  31. Amsterdam_Adam_CurryOctober 5, 2013 at 12:24 PM

    I think mentioning them is OK, linking is a definite no-no and would probably at the very least earn you a temporary ban.

  32. Amsterdam_Adam_CurryOctober 5, 2013 at 12:26 PM

    Dude, it's people commenting on porn videos. Were you expecting intelligent and insightful remarks?

  33. if you do a search on "most commented" on any porno site you end up with all the grossest videos typically. No thanks.

  34. Amsterdam_Adam_CurryOctober 5, 2013 at 12:28 PM

    He was on Top Gear once, talking about that Honda that runs on hydrogen. I hate his show with a passion, but I liked him TG. If he did a car show I'd at least give it a look.

  35. Haha. Ive never even noticed the comment section really, a whole new dimension to internet porn.

    A few years ago I let a buddy sublet a room in my house and he subscribed to videobox, I found out his password and would then always put gay/crazy fetish stuff in his "to watch list." This actually really flustered him, it was awesome

  36. Our porn conversation got me thinking of a discussion I used to always have. Could you be in a committed monogamous relationship with a porn star? If I could trust she was honest and loyal outside of work, I think id be in.

  37. I've run into this problem with netflix as one of my family members, I'm not sure who, has a habit of watching gay stuff too.

  38. Yeah, I mean I think the thing with Leno is that he's definitely smarter than he appears, so comes off kind of smarmy, when he does comedy. Give him a challenge and a fancy car and I think he'd off to the proverbial races of a career rebirth.

  39. Don't a lot of porn stars these days make most of their money 'escorting' since there's like, 6 bucks, total, in pro-porn thanks to things like xtube?

  40. Im not sure, I thought even the B level stars, like shyla stylez, kelly divine, etc. made really awesome money.

  41. Amsterdam_Adam_CurryOctober 5, 2013 at 12:40 PM

    Not a chance. I wouldn't want to be with a chick that's been with that many guys, and porn stars tend to not be the most stable people around. Plus I wouldn't be too cool with anyone I know being able to look up a video of my GF fucking another guy on the internet.

    Here's one thing I've always wondered: do porn stars fuck off-camera the same way they do on camera? I bet a lot of them don't get nearly as freaky in their private lives.

  42. A loquat is a small, little bigger than a grape fruit. They're a bit bitter but taste pretty good. My loquat trees are great though, they are smaller trees but can get pretty big. Best part is the loquat seeds grow very easily so now I have five trees and have given a bunch away to friends.

    Living in Florida near a wooded area has its drawbacks. This is my second time a rattlesnake has been in my yard. Even crazier, about five years ago there was a freaking baby alligator next to my mailbox. The idiot neighbors from up the street were letting their kids go near it.

  43. I'm not sure, and I'm not going to google it right now as I'm at work.

  44. Amsterdam_Adam_CurryOctober 5, 2013 at 12:47 PM

    If the American TG had Leno and Adam Corrola instead of those clowns Adam Ferrera and Tanner Faust I'd watch it.

  45. Hmm, ive never thought about it actually. I doubt it because I bet theyre over "theatrical" on camera but not sure

  46. Amsterdam_Adam_CurryOctober 5, 2013 at 12:48 PM

    Isn't finding gators in odd places pretty common down there?

  47. Honestly I think the problem is guerrilla film-making. TG seems to shoot seat-of-your-pants style, and then make the magic in the edit. TG:American seems to plan everything out in advance so the edit is easier, and it feels forced as a result.

  48. Where in Florida do you live? I live behind a golf course a little outside clearwater and see gators regularely in one of the lakes. Freaks me out since I have a dog and take it running by it.

  49. Not in my current lifestyle, if I was a musician or actor and lived in L.A then it might work.

  50. Amsterdam_Adam_CurryOctober 5, 2013 at 12:56 PM

    I wonder if banging just feels like work to them. I know it's not even close to the same thing, but I hate to cook anything while I'm not working, just because I do it all day at work. And I like to cook, that's why I do it for a living. And I bet a lot of porn chicks aren't really into a lot of the shit they do, but you gotta get that money... In other words, just because she does facials on camera doesn't mean she's cool with you skeeting on her face at home, you know?

  51. When I first saw that there were comments on porn videos I was surprised. Like, why would somebody watch the porn then feel the need to comment on it? Then reading the comments made me feel bad (or worse) that I was on that site.

  52. Yea, its a strange sure they never get excited about the weird shit they have to do but eventually get so desensitized to it they just become completely apathetic to it. I have so many questions for a porn chick

  53. Amsterdam_Adam_CurryOctober 5, 2013 at 1:01 PM

    I know a lot of them tour strip clubs. The local Canadian ballet used to always bring porn stars in and have some obscenely high cover charge to get in when they were there. They still might do it for all I know, now that it's such a pain in the ass to get over the border (or get back to the U.S., really) the titty bars up North have stopped advertising over here.

  54. Yea, hearing you say that ive read the same shit. That most porn stars like that nake tons on appearance fees for strip clubs, parties, etc.

  55. What have I started? Now the NPP guys are going to have more things to make fun of us for. Onto the question, no, I don't think I could be up for that. I'm not a super jelous guy but I just couldn't deal with the fact my girlfriend was getting pounded by multiple guys regularly. Also, having seen those videos I would always feel like I was coming up short so to say.

  56. Amsterdam_Adam_CurryOctober 5, 2013 at 1:11 PM

    It's best not to even look. Though if you like the girl you're watching and want to know her name so you can find more videos with her the comments can be pretty helpful.

  57. If I remember right, I think Katie Morgan got asked that question in one of her Q&A specials on HBO. She said she does like to fuck off the job and it's different since she doesn't have a camera crew around her and somebody telling her what to do.

  58. Ha yea. Fuck the npp thing. Dougie makes emoticons out of peoples BoD avatars so he cant ever criticize anyone for anything

  59. Amsterdam_Adam_CurryOctober 5, 2013 at 1:14 PM

    My head still hurts from the stupidity I saw in that thread.

  60. Yeah, I don't look at those comments anymore. I've found on Hub that if you click on More Info right below the video it normally has the names of the names of who's in the video and if you click on the name it gives you all the videos with her on the site. Although it can get confusing when watching a three way video.

  61. Ive never visited or will visit npp...that was the creepiest most serial killerish thing ever. Made me almost feel sorry for him. How much does your life have to suck to resort to doing that for kicks.

  62. Amsterdam_Adam_CurryOctober 5, 2013 at 1:16 PM

    Especially when it's 3 women.

  63. It was just a joke, I couldn't care less what they think. I go there every few days though just to see the back and forth between them and Fuj which is pretty funny.

  64. Amsterdam_Adam_CurryOctober 5, 2013 at 1:19 PM

    No shit. Go outside or read a book or something. Guy claims he's 35 or so and acts like he's 12.

  65. Oh ok. Do you know who the regulars here that use it? All I know is dougie and buckdiddy

  66. Since this has basically turned into The Porn Thread (you're welcome) lets over share a bit more and tie it into the original topic. What do you search for when at these sites? Your porn pull list (heh).

    I don't go into the freaky stuff so mines kinda tame: three way, stockings, office, secretary, armature and homemade.

  67. I think there's somebody else but I can't remember the name they use or they didn't say. But as far as I know that's it.

  68. I doubt anyone would actually admit the real freaky shit they look up.

  69. Love it! I follow specific actresses more then anything else...Lisa Ann, Shyla Stylez are two that come to mind

  70. Lisa Ann all day

  71. Amsterdam_Adam_CurryOctober 5, 2013 at 1:29 PM

    Kali Lane, Alexis Love, and Evelyn Lin.

  72. Amsterdam_Adam_CurryOctober 5, 2013 at 1:31 PM

    I like amateur/homemade stuff too. The VQ isn't usually as good, but it's mre realistic and it severely cuts down the chances of seeing a chick with a gross fucked up boob job.

  73. There was this dude named, Hardcore Ron or Max or some shit, who always wore a cowboy hate, on pornhub. He did some really raunchy shit. It made me feel really uncomfortable after watching it. Straight 1 on 1 dick in vagina is my preference, pretty simple and boring.

  74. I'm very much the same way, I like the simple things. I'm not even a fan of watching anal. I watched a video a few months ago that was pretty funny. The guy had NO IDEA what he was doing, being really sloppy and you could tell the girl was getting pissed. You could see she was trying to help him but after a while of him not taking her cues you could see the frustration on her face.

  75. Some of his comments were gold.

  76. Yea I was a fan. Just seeing stuff in all caps makes it funnier

  77. Amsterdam_Adam_CurryOctober 5, 2013 at 1:41 PM

    I think that guy did time for obscenity charges.

  78. people would get so pissed, my favorite was when Bruno comes back and he mentions WWE having Bruno comment over Fully Loaded 98'. classic.

  79. I love Grantland. I read most of Simmons' stuff. And if you're an NBA fan, Zach Lowe is basically a must-read.

  80. Yup. I googled him right afterwards and he did time for some porn related stuff

  81. I read that most male porn guys do it for free for very little pay just to bang hot chicks. That dude was probably straight off the street

  82. Amsterdam_Adam_CurryOctober 5, 2013 at 1:45 PM

    I don't know what the fuck I'd do if I saw a gator. Probably film it.

  83. I love simmons but cant get that into grantland. Lowe and Barnwells articles just bore me.

  84. I'm not much on following specific pornstars or even remembering their names but there's one stand out. Madison Ivy is #1 for me.

  85. Oh yea, shes solid.

  86. Upvote for cutting the cable!

  87. He can use any number of people as a template. Gin Chan, Dougie, Caliber, himself etc...

  88. You are clearly talking about yourself

  89. Penny Flayme is a diagnosed nymphomaniac she was on some Dr. Drew show about it. This guy I know, we'll call him Parallsword8791 was watching one of her videos once and in it you can see that she kind of loses control of what she is doing and the guy she is with looks at the camera like "WTF is up with her"

  90. Amsterdam_Adam_CurryOctober 5, 2013 at 2:10 PM

    It doesn't help that a lot of segments are almost shot-for-shot remakes of their English equivalents.

  91. Yeah besides imagine the dinner conversation
    Porn Star: "Honey what did you do at work today?"
    Regular guy: "Nothing much got the 3rd quarter financials ready for Bob from accounting so he'll get off my back. You?"
    Porn Star: "I got double teamed by these two guys with bigger cocks than your. One creampied me while the other gave me a facial... you know pretty standard day."

  92. Amsterdam_Adam_CurryOctober 5, 2013 at 2:13 PM

    I might have to look her up...

  93. I'd link but can't for 2 reasons. 1. It is against the rules here. 2. I made it clear that it wasn't me that knows of such things, I have Mrs. Parallax1978 and that is all I could ever need! (She's home right now is what I'm saying)

  94. Real good blowjobs.

  95. TV: Person of Interest. Amazing show, closest thing ever to a realistic world Batman show.

    Music: Beck and Godspeed You! Black Emperor. Both utterly brilliant.

    Graphic Novels: Saga. If you've not read it, you're missing out.

    Web: and 411wrestling

    Books: anything by Pratchett or Gaiman, as well as the Song of Ice and Fire series.

    Gaming: GTA, ever since the first top-down one on the pc all those years ago.

  96. I'll just stick to comics: Animal Man, Batman, Saga, East of West, Satellite Sam, FF, Hawkeye, Trillium, The Wake, Sex Criminals, Daredevil, Ultimate Spider-Man, Superior Spider-Man, Superior Foes of Spider-Man, Invincible, Walking Dead and TMNT. I've also got Black Science preordered, so that'll be on the list soon too.

  97. Lowe and Barnwell are fantastic but I really cant stand Simmons anymore. Although I did love his live feed with Jalen Rose and Rembert Browne during the first round of the NCAA Tournament

  98. There's actually a few pretty good "gay" movies on Netflix Instant. I would recommend Party Monsters, a great movie about the club kids scene in 80s New York starring Macauly Caulkin, Seth Green and Wilma Valderamis.

    A really good documentary is Small Town Gay Bar. It even has an interview with that wack job leader of the Westboror Baptist Church. That interview (the film was made by Smiths friend) was the inspiration for Kevin Smith to make Red State (if you haven't seen that, do so now, it's on instant. Fantastic movie).

  99. We should ask how Caliber deals with this since he can get any women in the world. I'm sure he's taken a crack at a hot porn star or two. Oh wait, I forgot, he said he didn't let his girlfriends have male friends. Guessing he wouldn't be ok with his porn star girlfriend having male costars.

  100. Simmons can get a bit annoying, but he's still pretty good. I like listening to his podcast at work.


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